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Bücher veröffentlicht von Slanted Publishers UG

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  • von Slanted Publishers
    20,00 €

    Experimental Type deals with experimental design strategies in typography and graphic design. The issue presents projects incorporating the accident into the design process, works based on mistakes and inaccuracy, fonts that derive from a concept or a system-in the end work that experiment or goes unconventional ways in design. The publication showcases cutting edge approaches as well as new experimental procedures, from processing to ai-generated typefaces or variable fonts. The different works offer glimpses into spaces that were explored by pushing conventions, limitations, and thoughts to the next level.The issue is based on Slanted Magazine #40-Experimental Type, which sold out shortly after publication. This issue 2.0 is extended by some works and appears completely in black and white print.

  • von Slanted Publishers
    22,00 €

    This issue of Slanted is not about war. It's about amazing people from the creative industry in and from Ukraine, trying to live a "normal" life, working super hard and giving their best, showing that culture and design cannot be separated. Slanted Magazine #43 is dedicated to the Ukrainian design scene. Despite the impossibility of visiting studios on location as in previous issues of Slanted Magazine, extensive contacts in the Ukrainian design scene helped to put together this diverse and complex magazine. This selection of works by Ukrainian designers, typographers and graphic designers was carefully chosen from 1,500 submissions - they exemplify the independence and resilience of Ukrainian design.

  • von Beste 100
    35,00 €

    X/100 - Expect Nothing - Appreciate EverythingThe motto of this year's 100 Best Posters is enticing and keeps its promise: Every year, the association 100 Beste Plakate e. V. honors the most outstanding and creative poster designs from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The accompanying yearbook has long since established itself as the standard reference for creators in the graphic and design scene. The 2023 yearbook presents the winning posters from the "100 Best Posters 23" competition in large-format illustrations, with information on the content aspects and the context in which they were created. It discusses current poster design and highlights trends.In addition, there is a contact register of all designers as well as directories of clients and printers.

  • von Eric Fritsch
    30,00 €

    Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences reflects on a diverse and vibrant tradition in the field of poster design. Starting in 1968 with Uwe Loesch's corrugated cardboard posters, through the subtle design concepts of Helfried Hagenberg, works by Fons Hickmann and Andreas Uebele, to contemporary works by talented students.Some of the posters featured in this book have become part of the collections of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) or the Museum of Design in Zurich. Due to their exemplary design, many of these posters have received numerous awards.In this book, the texts and posters are arranged like a galley proof on a continuous strip. The working title for the book's design was "Poster Novel," exploring narrative forms for an ongoing story that raises the question: Are posters still surfaces that catch the eye? The title "Das Plakat isst eine Fläche" is a German wordplay for "The poster eats/is a surface". This book contains posters from Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences since 1968, featuring works by artists such as Inga Albers, Heribert Birnbach, Dieter Fuder, Wolf Erlbruch, Hilde Gahlen, Tino Graß, Fons Hickmann, Holger Jacobs, Wilfried Korfmacher, Anika Kunst, Laurent Lacour, Uwe Loesch, Alexander Mainusch, Jens Müller, Stephanie Passul, Charlotte Rohde, Lilo Schäfer, Thomas Spallek, Philipp Teufel, Andreas Uebele, Piotr Zapasnik, and many others.

  • von Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
    12,00 €

    The term "Studio Practice" not only describes the place where art and design are created. It also refers to the complex process between thinking and creating in which creativity is made possible on a daily basis. Every artist and every designer works differently, follows different routines and is inspired by different things, places and encounters. New works are created and formed from ever new sources.We talk to artists and graphic designers about the routines and techniques they use to shape their daily work and surprise themselves time and again. A magazine full of inspiring examples that takes readers on a journey to and through very different studio practices.Some Magazine is a visual culture publication that offers a behind-the-scenes look at the "invention of images" and is aimed at artists and designers. It is written, designed and produced by design and art students under the direction of Prof. Sven Völker and is an integral part of the experimental graphic design seminar at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. Perhaps due to its dynamic nature as a student project, Some Magazine has successfully established itself in the indie magazine scene over the years.

  • von Slanted Publishers
    15,00 €

    In August 2023, Slanted Publishers is going on a trip to Tbilisi, Georgia and Yerevan, Armenia. The aim is to explore the impact of the war in Ukraine on the local culture and design scene. Numerous conversations and interviews provide deep insights into people's lives and work.The introduction is by Wojciech Górecki and Krzysztof Strachota, both respected experts in the region who work for the Center for East European Studies (OSW) and head the department for Turkey, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The photo series were contributed by students from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, who have maintained close links with Georgia for several years.

  • von Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
    12,00 €

    For over one hundred years, we humans of the post-postmodern times have turned ourselves into outstanding visual athletes. We made visuality our superpower. Now we are about to change the rules of the game right in the middle of it. Will all this result in some new weird kind of blindness?This issue of Some Magazine is dedicated to the skill, the craft and the pure joy of looking!With contributions by Blatant Space, Catelijne van Middelkoop, David Horvitz, Eleonora Marton, Melody "LeMoon" Bossan and Rob Lowe.

  • von Sven von Reden
    18,00 €

    The world is made up of a thousand colors, and no sound is like another. It's noisy! We have finally accepted the dissonances because we are not all cut from the same cloth. Yet, we live under the same sun together. This year's key visual, created by Holger Risse, takes into account a complex spirit of the times: it poses the tricky question of what still connects us despite all our differences.There is a need for spaces for encounters. Only through encounters does the diverse "beauty of being human in our society" (Jovanovic) come to shine. Let's let it shine together with FFCGN-HE POWER OF IMAGES VOL. 3!Here you'll learn all about the power of images in film, pop culture, art and society-in this book, at FILM FESTIVAL COLOGNE from October 19th to 26th, 2023, and always on the net. Once more, this publication gathers and selects a diverse range of content from the realm of motion pictures. This book is a showcase. The editors engage in conversations with individuals who inspire them. It offers a glimpse into their work, both at FILM FESTIVAL COLOGNE and in broader contexts. It presents a selection of the top-notch content they endorse.

  • von Slanted Publishers
    21,00 €

    Slanted #42-BOOKS ist ein Magazin über Bücher. Ist die Zukunft des (gedruckten) Buches an seine sinnliche Qualität gebunden ist? Wie können schöne Bücher ihren Platz in den Medien und der Gesellschaft sichern? Wie sind Inhalt, Medium und Form miteinander verbunden? Ist Herstellungs- und Gestaltungsqualität neben ihrer Funktionalität nur noch als Marketingargument zu verstehen? Slanted stellt in dieser Ausgabe experimentelle Gestaltungsstrategien vor - Bücher, die im Gegensatz zu klassischen Büchern unkonventionelle Wege gehen. Gesucht werden Unfälle, Arbeiten, die auf Fehlern und Ungenauigkeiten beruhen, Cutting-Edge-Ansätze sowie neue experimentelle Verfahren, von der Verarbeitung bis zum KI-generierten Inhalt. Im Gegensatz dazu präsentiert Slanted Publishers zeitlose Buchgestaltungen, bei denen der Inhalt die Form bestimmt.

  • von Gianpaolo Tucci
    45,00 €

    This is not a book on typography, but the expression of a point of view, a practical guide, and an investigation on how the integration and ethical use of artificial intelligence will play a fundamental role in modeling this future.

  • von Erich Brechbühl
    28,00 €

    In the Swiss province, at the foot of picturesque mountains, on a quiet lake, a biotope of avant-garde design has formed. The self-proclaimed "Poster Town" Lucerne has managed to merge the boundaries between art and design, creating a contemporary design phenomenon in the process. We are talking about the posters for the Neubad Cultural Center, which have long since found their way out of the valley and all over the world. The posters, in minimalist black and white, not only set contemporary design trends, but playfully transcend the boundaries of our perceptual habits. Progressive illustration and experimental typography create subcultural codes on a highly cultural level that remain unpretentious despite their artistic daring. The Neubad Poster is an aesthetic phenomenon and an expression of a social change that has always been expressed in fashion, music, design-in other words, in the zeitgeist. The book as a collection of curated pieces that in itself formulated a new expression of this emerged aesthetic.

    29,00 €

    "It is a sign of wisdom to negotiate instead of fighting" spoke H¿ Chí Minh, Vietnamese revolutionary and politician. He died in 1969 during the Vietnam War and did not live to see the withdrawal of the American invaders and the reunification of his homeland. As prime minister and president until his death, he determined the destiny of his country, whose people affectionately called him Uncle H¿. Influenced by deep Marxist-Leninist convictions, he became a worldwide symbol of the striving for self-determination. Even today, gratitude for this is omnipresent in the Vietnamese population. The book is a collection of selected quotes from H¿ Chí Minh juxtaposed with Michael Herman's expressive photographs of modern Vietnam.

  • von Friedrich Friedl
    15,00 €

    Neu herausgegeben von Frank Philippin und Florian Walzel legt Slanted das Faksimile "Das gewöhnliche Design" wieder auf. Damit wird nicht nur ein Designklassiker zugänglich gemacht, sondern auch die Frage neu gestellt: Wie viel Design ist dem Gewöhnlichen geschuldet? In einer Zeit, die ihre kulturelle Aufmerksamkeit fast ausschließlich dem Neuen und Außergewöhnlichen widmet, ist der alltägliche Gebrauchsgegenstand der stiller Gegner von "Design".

    18,00 €

    The Slanted team went to Amsterdam to check out the design scene and fell for the charm of the city's century-old "bruine kroegen" (brown cafes). Seeking refuge after bike rides to design studios, they were quickly won over by the cozy ambiance, dark wood, old-fashioned decor, and the aroma of fried croquettes. Color and form play an important role in Amsterdam's design, which is egalitarian and serves the masses. Design is ubiquitous in Amsterdam, from the bike path to the police cars and even the city crest. The maze of canals and the upcoming neighborhoods are characterized by muted tones, dominated by black cobblestones, and dark brick. Behind the facades it rattles. The Dutch have always let it rip. The orange is more intense, the red more luminous, the black more brutal. Design is radical, it crashes, it vibrates. There are few places where color and form play such an important role. Design is innovative, modern, functional, and spiced with a pinch of humor. Design is about egalitarianism, not reserved for the wealthy elite. Design serves the masses. And so it happens that everything is professionally designed. The bike path, the kebab stand, the tax return form, the police cars, the park benches and trash cans, the vegetables. In its 41st issue, Slanted gathers a selection of Amsterdam's most brilliant minds and provides deep insights into their work and values in the magazine and in the numerous video interviews. Illustrations, interviews, essays, and an extensive appendix with many useful tips and an overview with the best Dutch writings complete the issue thematically.

  • von Lars Harmsen
    38,00 €

    COLLISION by Lars Harmsen is the collision of intuition and the human experience. A visual journey of photographs, design, and ideas. With this publication, the author mercilessly settles accounts with the last 10 years of his creative work. Numerous pieces and creations, from Slanted, PosterRex and 100for10 to freelance works and other projects have been destroyed, cut up and reassembled. A maximum of carnage. With a minimum of diplomacy. Raban Ruddigkeit wrote about the work: "A year ago Lars bought a boat. He has actually been sailing all his life. He sails as a designer over the trends and hypes, over the egos and the shooters. In his work he connects drops to water and waves to a sea. Now and then he expresses himself in his own graphic language. Especially when, as today, the sea becomes rougher and more uncomfortable. Then Lars brings out his unwavering compass-a true sailor only proves himself in the storm."

  • von David Wiesner, Omid Fröhlich & Youijn Kim
    19,00 €

    How could visiting Seoul be described in a way that allows someone else to feel like they are right there? What to say? What perspectives to choose? »What Should I Say-About Seoul« takes the reader on a path less traveled: The work and daily-life of Korean designers; but not just as a spectator. Traveling invites the traveler to question one's own perspective. The reader is invited to also learn about Korean designers' views on Germany. The insights found through this process are inspiring as well as challenging.»What Should I Say-About Seoul« gives a glimpse into South Korean society that is not so common after all. The editors focused on the works and experiences of designers. Some of the insights into the Seoul work experience appear grim at places, colored by the ongoing pandemic that forced people to cut down on social interactions.Also included are the experiences of Korean-German designers in the book and through that is could be noticed that there is really no reason to think of Germany as a country that "has it figured out." The modern workplace can be a very mixed bag at times and bad working conditions plague the creative ­industry worldwide. Speaking about these experiences allows us to feel less isolated and work towards change-so it is not all doom and gloom.

  • von Slanted Publishers
    45,00 €

    The Yearbook of Type is a collection of the latest published typefaces. Each typeface and type family is presented on a double page spread. On the left page, the typeface is used as an example, inspired by this year's "Movie" theme. On the right, the typeface is described in detail, with all its features, as well as information about the designers and foundries. A complementary online microsite presents all the typefaces with direct links to the respective foundries and purchasing options.

  • von Slanted Publishers
    45,00 €

  • von Erik Schmitt
    29,00 €

    American Bauhaus creates a space for the history of Black Mountain College, which provided a new creative home for many World War II refugees in Europe from 1933 to 1957 and allowed the Bauhaus to live on in the United States. A unique place of freedom and creativity that became home to some of the most important artists of the 20th century!In 1992, todays Partner and Creative Director at studio1500 Erik Schmitt attended the reunion of Black Mountain College in San Francisco. The school is credited with shaping some of the greatest artists in American history: Willem de Kooning, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Buckminster Fuller, Franz Kline, and Robert Rauschenberg among them. Schmitt was invited because his two aunts and their family friend Ruth Asawa attended BMC. He took extensive notes that day and took photographs at the cocktail party after the event at Ruth Asawa's home. Those quotes and photographs are the foundation of the book American Bauhaus.

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