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  • von Conor Shaw
    62,00 €

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt. Id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus. Vel facilisis volutpat est velit egestas. Posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi. Rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Nam at lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum. Amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet. Eu consequat ac felis donec et odio. Felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci. Tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus sit amet est. Non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci.

  • von Jonathan McKinney
    62,00 €

    This dissertation aims to contribute to, and expand upon, two emergent movements in philosophy and cognitive science. The first is the move in the Western world to study non-Western and non-canonical philosophical traditions in a comparative and cross-cultural context. The second is the shift in contemporary cognitive science toward phenomenological approaches in embodied cognition, including 4E (embodied, enacted, extended, & embedded) cognition, ecological psychology, distributed languaging, and enactivism. This intersection promises to be especially fruitful because it is relatively unexplored, there is resonance between the many perspectives of embodiment around the world and problems faced by each movement are complementary. Instead of looking to this work for a single path toward a genuine cross-cultural cognitive science without borders, it should be understood as an invitation to consider how each tradition fits within the same world and then to reconsider our places within it.

  • von Verity Morgan
    61,00 €

    This thesis is an exploration of the enactment 1 of a complex policy, a master by research 2 in a complex context, a university. It is positioned with those studies that are concerned with the idea of the university, and the conundrum in which the university finds itself at this time of tensions and contestations. Variations and contradictions within descriptions of the master by research as a policy suggest it is a contested phenomenon and one that is changing in response to the shifts occurring in research training more broadly. Through a descriptive case study of a new degree, a Master of Philosophy (MPhil), this project contributes to understanding both the master by research as a policy object and how we do policy at universities.

  • von Jonathan R. Peterson
    59,00 €

    Writing in the second century BCE, the eminent South Asian grammarian Patañjali conveys a famous story of Indra's victory over V¿tra due to V¿tra's mispronunciation of the incantation 'herayo herayä'. 3, 4 Commenting on the merits of grammatical study, Patañjali writes: The demons who were pronouncing 'helayo helaya' [instead of 'herayo herayä' (Oh enemies! Oh enemies!)]5 perished. Therefore, improper [words should not be uttered] by a priest. For a mispronounced [word] is an incorrect word. Grammar should be studied so that we will not [utter] mispronounced word [...] Due either to an incorrect accent or an incorrect phoneme, it is said that an incorrect word does not intimate [the intended] meaning. Just as the word 'indräatru¿' [uttered] with the incorrect accent harms the host of the sacrifice, [in the same way] those incorrect words, which are like thunderbolts, [harms the speaker]. [Therefore] grammar should be studied so that we do not pronounce [words with] incorrect accents.6 In the cases of both the demon V¿tra and the host of the sacrifice, their utterance of incorrect words roused great misfortune, a misfortune directly linked to the unbecoming use of language. The power of language, and specifically the efficacy for scriptural language to bear its fruit according to Patañjali, is cultivated through the instrument of grammar. While the power of language is the subject of a small number of early Vedic passages,7 it was not until the late centuries BCE into the early centuries CE that the subject of language and scriptural interpretation became the central concern of South Asian intellectuals.

  • von Nicholas Byle
    62,00 €

    The publication of Martin Heidegger's Being and Time was a generally agreed upon watershed event in the history of twentieth-century philosophy. As a consequence of its publication, Heidegger, who had been struggling to find a permanent academic position, received immediate fame, even filling Edmund Husserl's position at Freiburg. Of course with the publication of Being and Time, philosophy had to respond. Describing the general reactions to Heidegger in 1929, Heinrich Petzt recounts, "It seemed as if Heidegger dominated the intellectual scene of the university even where he was not actively involved-finding opposition as well as agreement. While some were enthusiastic about him, others resisted and mocked him."1 And Hans-Georg Gadamer, one of Heidegger's most notable students, remarks that "the brilliant scheme of Being and Time really meant a total transformation of the intellectual climate, a transformation that had lasting effects on almost all the sciences."2 It is well-known that Heidegger and his Being and Time had immediate and enduring effects on such notable philosophers as Hannah Arendt, Herbert Marcuse, and Jean-Paul Sartre. Being and Time is now a ranking member of the philosophical canon.

  • von David Hung-Ta Tsai
    62,00 €

    What is a franchise? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word franchise comes from the French word "franche." The first known use of the word franchise was during 14th -century medieval times. Historically, a franchise was a right granted by a sovereign authority (Blair and Lafontaine, 2005). A sovereign authority granted an individual or group of people significant market power over a particular activity in a designated location for a certain period of time (Blair and Lafontaine, 2005). A payment, the "royalty" to the sovereign authority, was required for this privilege, usually in the form of a share of the produced goods or earnings (Blair and Lafontaine, 2005). Today, the basic principles of franchising remain largely the same. Franchising is employed as a critical strategy for the growth of global commercial activity by many for-profit organizations; these organizations give rights or licenses to an individual or firm to market its goods or services to a particular territory or market. Franchise networks offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to join together in a spirit of collaboration, as well as providing hope for them in achieving their aspirations and financial goals. This particular strategy has led to considerable growth for the franchising industry and represents a wideranging spectrum of business concepts and market segments.

  • von Kalyan Alladi
    58,00 €

    Securing public confidence in the police is an important challenge for police administrators. The public's support is fundamental to the legitimacy of the police, and their effects to reduce crimes are very important. There is developing evidence that public support majorly relies upon the public perception that police treat people reasonably and proficiently. However the determinant of this public support is by no means fully understood. While numerous researchers have concentrated on the impact of citizen's personal contacts with police or on neighborhood, setting they have not efficiently investigated conceivable impacts on public opinion.Since the mid 1980s the possibility of community-oriented policing has caught the consideration of police administrators everywhere throughout the world. However the information on how far reaching community-oriented policing has become in India is scanty, however all police personnel selected by the internal security department of the state are full-time sworn workforce whose primary obligation is community policing activities. Police executives today extensively concur that public support for the police is essential for fruitful policing. In addition there is developing confirmation that public support relies upon the public's perception that how police treat individuals fairly and professionally.

  • von Muktikanta Acharya
    59,00 €

    Before illustrating environmental awareness, we should first of all explain, what is environment. "Environment" is that which affects the life & development of the organism in its natural habitat. It is the totality of everything that is around us; like biological, social, economical, physical or chemical. All the species influence and are influenced coming under it. Environmental concern is a global momentum in the present context. After completion of world war-II, industrial revolution took place in the European countries for healing of economic wounds caused by devastating war without caring for environmental degradation. So many scientific & technological developments took place to increase production by using natural resources, bypassing the environmental consequences. But when different critical situations arose, world thinkers expressed their concern; UNO arranged various conferences to create consciousness for the protection of the environment. All the environmental situations are arising due to excessive use of nature and natural resources. As a result; climatic change, pollutions, loss of wild habitat, health hazards are growing day by day. Therefore, earth summit in 1992 and Johannesburg convention in 2002 emphasized on sustainable development and finding out solution for controlling environmental degradation

  • von Nidhi Pandey
    69,00 €

    Adolescents are the future of the human society. To achieve positive progression and development of the society at large, all round development and mental stability of adults during their adolescence is a quintessential prerequisite and should thus receive utmost priority from the adults (parents, teachers and peers) who may be directly or indirectly related to adolescents parents, educators and members of our society unequivocally acknowledge that adolescence is a critical period for physical, emotional and mental development that will ultimately provide adult life contentment and a sense of achievement. Researchers across the world have reiterated that 13-19 years of age are the most fascinating years of growth when children experience not only physical transformation but also undergo hormonal changes. These changes lead adolescents to adopt both positive and negative outlook / decision making when they come at the crossroads in life. Parents, educators and psychologists around the world have been found to show keen interest in identifying various factors which might positively affect Adolescents' 'Academic Achievement' and 'Behaviour Adjustment'. This research aims to determine how and to what extent, Parental and Teacher's Involvement influences the achievements and 'Behaviour Adjustment' of teenagers. Comprehensive knowledge of this subject may not only help to recommend 'Parenting Practices' but also 'Policies, Practices and Activities of Educational Institutions', with both working in tandem towards the common goal. It may also facilitate teachers in devising a roadmap for their involvement, while aiming for improved Academic results and 'Behaviour Adjustment' in teenagers. The research may help in designing and developing a concrete plan for Parental and Teacher's Involvement, including constructs that eventually may get identified which have most positive and powerful impact in adolescents

  • von Shana Harshan
    62,00 €

    Jackfruit tree is a well-known tree in tropical home gardens and perhaps the most widespread and useful member of the genus, Artocarpus which was regarded as a heavenly fruit in ancient times. It belongs to the family Moraceae and the fruit is a favourite of the masses, which is mostly due to its characteristic flavour and taste. Jackfruit has been cultivated in India since 3,000-6,000 years ago. India is the prime producer of the jackfruit in the world. Jackfruit is widely grown as an important tree in Kerala's homesteads and is also seen as a shade crop in coffee plantations. Commercial cultivation of jackfruit remains at a primitive stage in India. The traditional varieties usually bear fruits once in a year, from February to August. Usually, the flowering starts from mid-November to mid-February, depending on the location, geographic conditions and the variety. Jackfruits usually reach 10-25 kg in weight, at maturity (Rahman et al., 1995) The Jackfruit produces huge quantity of fruits than any other tree species (Alagiapillai et al., 1996). Characteristically jack trees attain a height of 18-25 meters, and stem diameter of 30-80 cm (Reddy et al., 2016). The fruit is a compound or multiple fruit with a green to yellow-brown exterior rind. Mostly, the fruits are oblong-cylindrical in shape (Plate 1). Seeds are oval in shape with a membranous testa, having unequal and creamy white cotyledons (Elevitch and Manner, 2016; Warrier et al., 1994).

  • von Vaishali Marathe
    62,00 €

    This chapter attempts to describe in detail the various variables of the study. The conceptual framework gives a scientific structure to the presentation of the variables along with the related concepts, theories, beliefs and ideas. The chapter describes the variables of the study like gender, marital status, age and happiness. Apart from the conceptual framework, this chapter also presents the rationale and the objectives of the study

  • von Shajahan H. B
    63,00 €

    The concept of 'social justice' comes within the broader concept, 'justice', and can hardly be understood detached from the latter. It is accepted as an unchallengeable fact that a sense of justice is one of the very important attributes for the healthy functioning of both individuals as well as societies. Objects of justice occupy a very broad range and there is a wide umbrella above them. We often, make judgments on people and their deeds on the basis of our conception of justice or injustice. Therefore, to get at least a basic idea of what justice is, one has to look at the dichotomy, the binary oppositions of 'just' and 'unjust' or 'justice' and 'injustice.' In such situations it will be fruitful to examine the contexts that we generally characterise as 'unjust'. Robbery, criminal acts against fellow beings, discrimination in employment on the grounds of colour or sex, unequal distribution of profits among the individuals of a collective group, or an inequitable supply of food which ends up in the sumptuous eating by one group and the starvation of another group may be instances of injustice. Then, what can be taken as justice? Justice has a great deal

  • von Rejimon P K
    61,00 €

    The human concerns for art and beauty have been expressed at the very beginning of philosophy both in the East and West and it continues to the present. Art is a human activity with a variety of functions including creating objects of beauty. Art and philosophy is closely related and art like philosophy reflects reality in its relation to man and his interaction with the world. The artistic practice of music is one that presents the most philosophical issues. Philosophy of music is the study of fundamental question about the nature of music and our experience of it. Music is a practice fraught with meaning and value in the lives of many people and occupies an important place in our artistic culture. However, it raised philosophical questions perhaps more difficult than other artistic practices. The major philosophical issues involves in the questions have been focused of discussion are grouped into five major areas (i) definition of music (ii) music and emotion (iii) understanding of music (iv) value of music and (v) music and morality

  • von Sandhya C V
    61,00 €

    Science is an attempt to unravel the mysteries of tiie Universe. It is a cognitive empirical investigation of nature tiiat exhibits a unique sort of progress. Science began as a branch of philosophy and the earlier scientific theories are philosophical speculations about the fundamental nature of the universe. The intellectual scientific efforts had been directed towards the discovery of pattern, system and structure in nature with a special emphasis on order. Those who pursue answers are known as scientists. A scientist is supposed to solve problems with the aim of understanding the universe.

  • von Vijaya Kumar
    61,00 €

    Absurdity 'is a metaphysical term to distinguish thought from reality, meaning from things, word from the subject and consciousness from the world. Existential philosophy is the profound explicit manifestation of an existential attitude that begins with a sense of disorientation and confiision in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world. An important component of existentialist philosophy is the portrayal o f existence as being fundamentally irrational. Whereas most philosophers have attempted to build philosophical systems that produce a rational account of reality, existentialists have focused upon the subjective, irrational character of human existence. As a consequence of the diversity of these sources, existentialist doctrines focus on several aspects of existence. The absurdity of our lives comes from the idea that there is no meaning to be found in the world beyond what meaning we give to it. This meaninglessness also accounts for the 'unfairness' of the world. Humanity must live in a world that is and will forever be hostile or indifferent towards them. The universe will never truly care for humanity the way we seem to want it to. The Absurd refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek value and meaning in life and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean 'logically impossible,' but rather 'humanly impossible.' It means the discrepancy between the man's aspirations and his possibilities; the lack of any ultimate external justification of man and his projects^

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