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Bücher veröffentlicht von Springer Basel

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  • - The Hans Triebel Anniversary Volume
    50,00 €

    In a series of books Hans Triebel has given systematic treatments of the theory of function spaces from different points of view, thus revealing its interdependence with interpolation theory, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, nonlinear operators, entropy, spectral theory and, most recently, anal ysis on fractals.

  • von Onesimo Hernandez-Lerma & Jean B. Lasserre
    49,00 €

    = {~k' k = 0, 1, ... } with transition probability function (t.pJ.) P(x, B), i.e., P(x, B) := Prob (~k+1 E B I ~k = x) for each x E X, B E B, and k = 0,1, .... is said to be stable if there exists a probability measure (p.m.) /.l on B such that (*) VB EB. /.l(B) = Ix /.l(dx) P(x, B) If (*) holds then /.l is called an invariant p.m. for the Me ~.

  • 11% sparen
    von Richard M. Schultz, Hao Wu, Eric J. Lien, usw.
    95,00 - 185,00 €

    Progress in Drug Research is a prestigious book series which provides extensive expert-written reviews on a wide spectrum of highly topical areas in current pharmaceutical and pharmacological research.

  • - (exklusive Alkaloide) Erganzungsband 1
    von W Karrer
    49,95 €

    Der Band « Konstitution und Vorkommen der organischen Pflanzenstoffe (exclusive Alkaloide) I) von Dr. WALTER KARRER hat rasch grossen Anklang ge­ funden bei den an N aturstoffen interessierten N aturwissenschaftern. Deshalb hatte Dr. KARRER geplant, einen Fortsetzungsband zu schreiben. Er hinterliess bei seinem drei Jahre nach dem Erscheinen des Buches (1958) erfolgten Tad (1961) eine schon recht umfangreiche Sammlung von Literaturnotizen. Auf An­ regung des Birkhauser Verlags haben die Unterzeichneten (c. H. E. seit 1962 und E. C. seit 1968) die Bearbeitung und Herausgabe eines Erganzungsbandes libernommen. Es waren mehrere Grlinde, welche uns bewogen, die Literaturzusammen­ stellung auf Ende 1961, das heisst auf einen Zeitraum von flinf bis sechs Jahren seit Abschluss des Hauptwerkes, zu begrenzen; genannt seien die folgenden: Der Umfang des Erganzungsbandes sollte 900-1000 Seiten nicht liberschreiten, anzustreben war erneut Vollstandigkeit, nicht Auswahl, und die Grundzlige des Hauptwerkes, namentlich sein deutlich hervortretender historischer Charak­ ter, sollten beibehalten werden. Die Verfasser des vorliegenden Erganzungsbandes haben bei ihren Literatur­ arbeiten die Originalliteratur in wahl hoherem Masse konsultiert alsDr. KARRER, der sich noch in vielen Fallen auf eingehendere und inhaltsreichere Literatur­ referate hatte stlitzen konnen, als dies im allgemeinen heute noch moglich ist. Daten, die wir nicht im Original haben einsehen konnen, wurden durch Angabe des Fundortes charakterisiert. Zit ate aus dem Chemischen Zentralblatt oder aus den Chemical Abstracts sind mit «ref.» gekennzeichnet. Falls sie einer an­ geflihrten, aber von uns nicht eingesehenen Originalarbeit entstammen, folgt die benutzte Referaten-Stelle in eckigen Klammern.

  • - Proceedings of the Conference held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, August 9-16, 1980
    von E. Garlich, P.L. Butzer & B. Szoekefalvi-Nagy
    50,00 €

    These Proceedings form a record of the lectures presented at the interna tional Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation held at the Ober wolfach Mathematical Research Institute, August 9-16, 1980.

  • - Genetics, Physiology, Ecology Workshop held at the University of Bayreuth, Germany July 16-17, 1981
    von Klingmuller
    49,00 €

    Efforts to replace chemical nitrogen fertilizers by other means of nitrogen fertilization are therefore important. An example for such bacteria are rhizobia, which grow in symbioses with leguminous plants, and in their root nodules bind molecular nitrogen.

  • - Genetics, Physiology, Ecology Second Workshop held at the University of Bayreuth, Germany September 6-7, 1983
    von Klingmuller
    49,00 €

    2nd Workshop, Bayreuth 1983

  • - Vol. 2 IV Multivariate Algebra V Formal Algebra
    von A. Ostrowski
    50,00 €

  • - Vol. 1 I Determinants II Linear Algebra III Algebraic Equations
    von A. Ostrowski
    50,00 €

  • - Beitrage Zu Leben Und Werk
    74,99 €

    der Series prima, Seiten 23lf.

  • - Vol. 5 XIII Complex Function Theory
    von A. Ostrowski
    50,00 €

  • - Vol. 4 X Real Function Theory XI Differential Equations XII Differential Transformations
    von A. Ostrowski
    50,00 €

  • - Vol. 3 VI Number Theory VII Geometry VIII Topology IX Convergence
    von A. Ostrowski
    50,00 €

  • - Vol. I Invited Lectures (Part 1)
    50,00 €

    The first European Congress of Mathematics was held in Paris from July 6 to July 10, 1992, at the Sorbonne and Pantheon-Sorbonne universities. Moreover, a Junior Mathematical Congress was organized, in parallel with the Congress, which brought together two hundred high school students.

  • - Aus Dem Amerikanischen Von Christof Menzel
    von Richard Trudeau
    32,99 €

  • von Frazho & Foias
    50,00 €

    Classical H~ interpolation theory was conceived at the beginning of the century by C. Caratheodory, L. Fejer and I. Schur. The basic method, due to Schur, in solving these problems consists in applying the Möbius transform to peel off the data. In 1967, D. Sarason encompassed these classical interpolation problems in a representation theorem of operators commuting with special contractions. Shortly after that, in 1968, B. Sz.­ Nagy and C. Foias obtained a purely geometrical extension of Sarason's results. Actually, their result states that operators intertwining restrictions of co-isometries can be extended, by preserving their norm, to operators intertwining these co-isometries; starring with R. G. Douglas, P. S. Muhly and C. Pearcy, this is referred to as the commutant lifting theorem. In 1957, Z. Nehari considered an L ~ interpolation problern which in turn encompassed the same classical interpolation problems, as well as the computation of the distance of a function f in L ~ to H~. At about the sametime as Sarason's work, V. M.

    49,00 €

    Following an opening chapter by the late Susumu Ohno on paralogues of sex-determining genes, the five best-studied genes essential for early mammalian gonadal development are portrayed in detail: SF-1 and WT1 and their roles in early events in gonadal development, SRY and SOX9 in testis determination, and the anti-testis gene DAX-1.

  • von I. Gohberg, RODMAN & Joseph Ball
    50,00 €

    This book aims to present the theory of interpolation for rational matrix functions as a recently matured independent mathematical subject with its own problems, methods and applications.

  • von Stolle & I S Fenyoe
    69,99 €

    Die letzte zusammenfassende Darstellung der Theorie der Integralgleichungen ist die heute schon klassische Arbeit vonHELLINGERund ToEPLITZ aus dem Jahre 1928 (Integralgleichungen und Gleichungen mit unendlich vielen Unbekannten, Leipzig/ Berlin 1928 - Sonderausgabe aus der Encyklopädie der Mathematischen Wissen­ schaften). Seit dem Erscheinen dieses Buches sind über 50 Jahre vergangen. Die von I. FRED­ HOLM, D. HILBERT, E. ScHMIDT, V. VoLTERRA, F. RIESZ, T. ÜARLEMAN u. a. aus­ gearbeitete und in der zitierten Arbeit von HELLINGER und ToEPLITZ dargestellte klassische Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen lieferte viele Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen für die später entwickelte allgemeine Theorie der linearen Operatoren. Ohne die Benutzung der Ergebnisse dieser modernen Theorie wäre eine Behandlung der Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen in der heutigen Zeit undenkbar. Auch hat sich in den vergangeneu 50 Jahren die Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen in verschiedenen Richtungen weiterentwickelt, wozu in nicht geringem Maße die Operatorentheorie bzw. die Funktionalanalysis beigetragen haben. So wurde z. B. die für die Anwendungen wichtige Wiener-Hopf-Technik geschaffen, und es ent­ stand die Theorie der singulären Integralgleichungen.

  • 11% sparen
    - Shocks and Dry Friction
    von Monteiro Marques
    67,00 €

    This book is devoted to the sndy of some clifferentia.l inclusions motivated by Mechanics and of existcnce rcsults for the dynamics of systems with inelastic shocks, with or without friction. This ensures a certain unity of subject, techniques and applications, at the price of not including some earlier works [Mon 1-4] . In the introductory Chapter 0, sevcral essentia.l mathematical tools (either recent or recently rediscoven~d) are presented. l\1ainly they concern functions of bouncled variation defincd in real ( deriva.tion of Stieltjcs measures, compactness results. convergencrc in tlw sense of graphs) a.ncl geometrical inequa.lities. In Chapters 1 and 2, Ivforea.u' s swecpiug process is considcred; this is a first-order differential inclusion (1) where the right-ha.nd siele is tla:' outw

  • 11% sparen
    - International Conference in Dublin, August 10-14, 1998
    95,00 €

    A 30-article volume, introducing an active and attractive part of algebra that has gained much from its position at the crossroads of mathematics over the years. The papers stimulate the reader to consider and actively investigate the topics and problems they contain.

  • 13% sparen
    140,00 €

    This conference was instigated by a combination of factors: The nature of the problem, the wide spread occupational epidemiology reported on eye symptoms and eye fatigue in the workplace, and the organizers' awareness of the complexity of the scientific and clinical bases of knowledge that might be usefully applied.

  • - Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Methods
    von Well, Stoer, Miele & usw.
    50,00 €

    "Optimal Control" reports on new theoretical and practical advances essential for analysing and synthesizing optimal controls of dynamical systems governed by partial and ordinary differential equations.

  • - Cross Influence between Mathematics and Applications
    von GOLUBITSKY, ALLGOWER & Boehmer
    50,00 €

    Symmetry is a property which occurs throughout nature and it is therefore natural that symmetry should be considered when attempting to model nature. In recent years, the tools provided by group theory and representation theory have proven to be highly effective in treating nonlinear problems involving symmetry.

    50,00 €

    Symmetries in dynamical systems, "KAM theory and other perturbation theories", "Infinite dimensional systems", "Time series analysis" and "Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis" were the main topics of the December 1995 Dynamical Systems Conference held in Groningen in honour of Johann Bernoulli.

  • - Integrating the "Two Cultures"
    von Vladimir Petrov & German Golitsyn
    49,00 €

    In order to construct our model, we examine the laws of information theory, leading us to the deduction of the main laws inherent in both "cultures".

  • von Chance & Ingrid Emerit
    50,00 €

    Among the various theories proposed to account for the process of aging, the free radical theory is of practical interest since it includes the possibility of retarding this process by administrating natural or synthetic antioxidants and free radical scavengers.

  • von Chapman, Packer & Gomez-Fernandez
    50,00 €

    The technological topics described include the development of new haemocompatible materials based upon biomembrane mimicry, new lung surfactant materials, drug delivery systems including liposomes and the development of new biosensors including Langmuir Blodgett films.

  • von Menz, M. Schmitz-Schumann & Page
    49,00 €

    Bronchial asthma is a disease with many unsolved problems and despite an increased availabili ty of anti-asthma drugs, morbidi ty and mortality from this disease are not improving.

  • von C. Pasquier
    50,00 €

    Since the appearance of photosynthesis on our planet, all living organisms have been facing a new abundant, extremely reactive element, oxygen.

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