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Bücher veröffentlicht von Springer Netherlands

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  • von Dieter Baum & L. Breuer
    49,00 - 50,00 €

  • von Tõnu Kollo
    140,00 €

    The book presents important tools and techniques for treating problems in m- ern multivariate statistics in a systematic way. The ambition is to indicate new directions as well as to present the classical part of multivariate statistical analysis in this framework. The book has been written for graduate students and statis- cians who are not afraid of matrix formalism. The goal is to provide them with a powerful toolkit for their research and to give necessary background and deeper knowledge for further studies in di?erent areas of multivariate statistics. It can also be useful for researchers in applied mathematics and for people working on data analysis and data mining who can ?nd useful methods and ideas for solving their problems. Ithasbeendesignedasatextbookforatwosemestergraduatecourseonmultiva- ate statistics. Such a course has been held at the Swedish Agricultural University in 2001/02. On the other hand, it can be used as material for series of shorter courses. In fact, Chapters 1 and 2 have been used for a graduate course "e;Matrices in Statistics"e; at University of Tartu for the last few years, and Chapters 2 and 3 formed the material for the graduate course "e;Multivariate Asymptotic Statistics"e; in spring 2002. An advanced course "e;Multivariate Linear Models"e; may be based on Chapter 4. A lot of literature is available on multivariate statistical analysis written for di?- ent purposes and for people with di?erent interests, background and knowledge.

  • 11% sparen
    von Efstathios Vassiliou
    95,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Hubert Kiechle, Momme Johs Thomsen & Alexander Kreuzer
    95,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Gustavo E. Romero & K. S. Cheng
    140,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von W. Preil & A. K. Hvoslef-Eide
    186,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Paolo Renna, Giovanni Perrone & Manfredi Bruccoleri
    94,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Velio Bocci
    172,00 €

    Oxygen-ozone therapy is a complementary approach less known than homeopathy and acupuncture because it has come of age only three decades ago. This book clarifies that, in the often nebulous field of natural medicine, the biological bases of ozone therapy are totally in line with classic biochemical, physiological and pharmacological knowledge. Ozone is an oxidising molecule, a sort of superactive oxygen, which, by reacting with blood components, generates a number of chemical messengers responsible for activating crucial biological functions such as oxygen delivery, immune activation, release of hormones and induction of antioxidant enzymes, which is an exceptional property for correcting the chronic oxidative stress present in atherosclerosis, diabetes, infections and cancer. Moreover ozone therapy, by inducing nitric oxide synthase, may mobilize endogenous stem cells, which will promote regeneration of ischaemic tissues. The description of these phenomena offers the first comprehensive picture for understanding how ozone works and why, when properly used as a real drug within the therapeutic range, not only does not procure adverse effects but yields a feeling of wellness. Half of the book describes the value of ozone therapy in several diseases, particularly cutaneous infections and vascular diseases where ozone really behaves as a "e;wonder"e; drug. The book has been written for clinical researchers, physicians and ozonetherapists but also for the layman or the patient interested in this therapy.

  • von M. Yu. Kokurin & A. B. Bakushinsky
    49,00 - 71,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Paolo Budinich, Giovanni Boniolo & Majda Trobok
    94,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Wolfgang Wimmer
    94,00 €

    Stakeholders such as environmental directives and customer demands for reducing environmental impacts of a product require innovative and environmentally improved products. Therefore a systematic approach and effective methods and tools are needed in the early phase of product development.The basic elements for optimized process management in the design department are described in this book.The book provides twelve easy to follow steps for implementing ECODESIGN in a company. It gives clear advice how to integrate environmental considerations into product design and development, and combines ECODESIGN with Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Communication. Chapters on Product modeling, Life Cycle Assessment, ECODESIGN tasks, Product Improvement and Environmental Communication use the previously developed ECODESIGN PILOT ( and show its application to a real product example.The book comes with two web tools: one is the ECODESIGN PILOT, used to find measures to environmentally improve a product within a short time. The other is the ECODESIGN PILOT's Assistant ( an expert system, which helps to find the right improvement strategy for a product.Audience: This book will be of interest to environmental and sustainability managers, engineers in research and product development, to designers, environmental experts, and consultants, as well as to students working in this field.

  • von Jose Labastida
    94,00 - 95,00 €

    The emergence of topological quantum ?eld theory has been one of the most important breakthroughs which have occurred in the context of ma- ematical physics in the last century, a century characterizedbyindependent developments of the main ideas in both disciplines, physics and mathematics, which has concluded with two decades of strong interaction between them, where physics, as in previous centuries, has acted as a source of new mat- matics. Topological quantum ?eld theories constitute the core of these p- nomena, although the main drivingforce behind it has been the enormous e?ort made in theoretical particle physics to understand string theory as a theory able to unify the four fundamental interactions observed in nature. These theories set up a new realm where both disciplines pro?t from each other. Although the most striking results have appeared on the mathema- calside,theoreticalphysicshasclearlyalsobene?tted,sincethecorresponding developments have helped better to understand aspects of the fundamentals of ?eld and string theory.

  • 13% sparen
    von Rafael Palacios
    139,00 - 146,00 €

    Genomes and Genomics of Nitrogen-fixing Organisms This is Volume 3 of a seven-volume series on all aspects of Nitrogen Fixation. The series aims to be the definitive authority in the field and to act as a benchmark for some years to come. Rather than attempting to cram the whole field into a single volume, the subject matter is divided among seven volumes to allow authors the luxury of writing in depth with a comprehensive reference base. All authors are recognized practicing scientists in the area of their contribution, which ensures the high quality, relevance, and readability of the chapters. In establishing the rationale for, and the organization of, this book, we realized the need to divide it into two sections. The first section should be organism based and should review our current knowledge of the genomes of nitrogen-fixing organisms and what these nucleotide sequences tell us. The second section should then be technology based. It should review what technologies are available to mine the data inherent in the nucleotide sequences and how they are now being used to produce gene-function data from differential gene expression.

  • 12% sparen
    von Jed Z. Buchwald & A. Franklin
    94,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Andrzej Sluzalec
    94,00 - 100,00 €

    The main purpose of this book is to provide a unified and systematic continuum approach to engineers and applied physicists working on models of deformable welding material. The key concept is to consider the welding material as an thennodynamic system. Significant achievements include thermodynamics, plasticity, fluid flow and numerical methods. Having chosen point of view, this work does not intend to reunite all the information on the welding thermomechanics. The attention is focused on the deformation of welding material and its coupling with thermal effects. Welding is the process where the interrelation of temperature and deformation appears throughout the influence of thermal field on material properties and modification of the extent of plastic zones. Thermal effects can be studied with coupled or uncoupled theories of thermomechanical response. A majority of welding problems can be satisfactorily studied within an uncoupled theory. In such an approach the temperature enters the stress-strain relation through the thennal dilatation and influences the material constants. The heat conduction equation and the relations governing the stress field are considered separately. In welding a material is either in solid or in solid and liquid states. The flow of metal and solidification phenomena make the welding process very complex. The automobile, aircraft, nuclear and ship industries are experiencing a rapidly-growing need for tools to handle welding problems. The effective solutions of complex problems in welding became possible in the last two decades, because of the vigorous development of numerical methods for thermal and mechanical analysis.

  • 11% sparen
    von G. Panasenko
    95,00 €

    Rod structures are widely used in modern engineering. These are bars, beams, frames and trusses of structures, gridwork, network, framework and other constructions. Numerous applications of rod structures in civil engineering, aircraft and spacecraft confirm the importance of the topic. On the other hand the majority of books on structural mechanics use some simplifying hypotheses; these hypotheses do not allow to consider some important effects, for instance the boundary layer effects near the points of junction of rods. So the question concerning the limits of applicability of structural mechanics hypotheses and the possibilities of their refinement arise. In this connection the asymptotic analysis of equations of mathematical physics, the equations of elasticity in rod structures (without these hypotheses and simplifying assumptions being imposed) is undertaken in the present book. Moreover, a lot of modern structures are made of composite materials and therefore the material of the rods is not homogeneous. This inhomogeneity of the material can generate some unexpected effects. These effects are analysed in the present book. The methods of multi-scale modelling are presented in the book by the homogenization, multi-level asymptotic analysis and the domain decomposition. These methods give an access to a new class of hybrid models combining macroscopic description with "e;microscopic zooms"e;.Major features are:Rigorous mathematical analysis of structures without hypotheses of the Kirchhoff-Love, Kirchhoff-Clebsch typeTaking into consideration the inhomogeneity of the rods and platesNew numerical algorithms decomposing a structure in 3D and 1D parts with some interface conditions between them.

  • von M. E. Elzain, A. M. Gismelseed, A. D. Al Rawas & usw.
    50,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Boris Piwinger, Thoralf Rasch & Benedikt Löwe
    185,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Sara Amancio & Ineke Stulen
    185,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Jack Vanderlinde
    140,00 €

    In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei, physicist and astronomer (1564-1642) This book is a second edition of "e;Classical Electromagnetic Theory"e; which derived from a set of lecture notes compiled over a number of years of teaching elect- magnetic theory to fourth year physics and electrical engineering students. These students had a previous exposure to electricity and magnetism, and the material from the ?rst four and a half chapters was presented as a review. I believe that the book makes a reasonable transition between the many excellent elementary books such as Gri?th's Introduction to Electrodynamics and the obviously graduate level books such as Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics or Landau and Lifshitz' Elect- dynamics of Continuous Media. If the students have had a previous exposure to Electromagnetictheory, allthematerialcanbereasonablycoveredintwosemesters. Neophytes should probable spend a semester on the ?rst four or ?ve chapters as well as, depending on their mathematical background, the Appendices B to F. For a shorter or more elementary course, the material on spherical waves, waveguides, and waves in anisotropic media may be omitted without loss of continuity.

  • von Augustin Banyaga
    68,00 - 77,00 €

    This book is based on the lecture notes from a course we taught at Penn State University during the fall of 2002. The main goal of the course was to give a complete and detailed proof of the Morse Homology Theorem (Theo- rem 7.4) at a level appropriate for second year graduate students. The course was designed for students who had a basic understanding of singular homol- ogy, CW-complexes, applications of the existence and uniqueness theorem for O.D.E.s to vector fields on smooth Riemannian manifolds, and Sard's Theo- rem. We would like to thank the following students for their participation in the course and their help proofreading early versions of this manuscript: James Barton, Shantanu Dave, Svetlana Krat, Viet-Trung Luu, and Chris Saunders. We would especially like to thank Chris Saunders for his dedication and en- thusiasm concerning this project and the many helpful suggestions he made throughout the development of this text. We would also like to thank Bob Wells for sharing with us his extensive knowledge of CW-complexes, Morse theory, and singular homology. Chapters 3 and 6, in particular, benefited significantly from the many insightful conver- sations we had with Bob Wells concerning a Morse function and its associated CW-complex.

  • 12% sparen
    von Sakhrat Khizroev & Dmitri Litvinov
    94,00 €

  • von Peter Spencer-Phillips
    146,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Joseph Seckbach & Eitan Rubin
    140,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Ligia Munteanu
    140,00 €

    This monograph is planned to provide the application of the soliton theory to solve certain practical problems selected from the fields of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and biomechanics. The work is based mainly on the authors' research carried out at their home institutes, and on some specified, significant results existing in the published literature. The methodology to study a given evolution equation is to seek the waves of permanent form, to test whether it possesses any symmetry properties, and whether it is stable and solitonic in nature. Students of physics, applied mathematics, and engineering are usually exposed to various branches of nonlinear mechanics, especially to the soliton theory. The soliton is regarded as an entity, a quasi-particle, which conserves its character and interacts with the surroundings and other solitons as a particle. It is related to a strange phenomenon, which consists in the propagation of certain waves without attenuation in dissipative media. This phenomenon has been known for about 200 years (it was described, for example, by the Joule Verne's novel Les histoires de Jean Marie Cabidoulin, Ed. Hetzel), but its detailed quantitative description became possible only in the last 30 years due to the exceptional development of computers. The discovery of the physical soliton is attributed to John Scott Russell. In 1834, Russell was observing a boat being drawn along a narrow channel by a pair of horses.

  • von Andrzej Fryszkowski
    49,00 - 75,00 €

  • von Lucian Beznea
    50,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Hannes Leitgeb
    140,00 €

    This monograph provides a new account of justified inference as a cognitive process. In contrast to the prevailing tradition in epistemology, the focus is on low-level inferences, i.e., those inferences that we are usually not consciously aware of and that we share with the cat nearby which infers that the bird which she sees picking grains from the dirt, is able to fly. Presumably, such inferences are not generated by explicit logical reasoning, but logical methods can be used to describe and analyze such inferences. Part 1 gives a purely system-theoretic explication of belief and inference. Part 2 adds a reliabilist theory of justification for inference, with a qualitative notion of reliability being employed. Part 3 recalls and extends various systems of deductive and nonmonotonic logic and thereby explains the semantics of absolute and high reliability. In Part 4 it is proven that qualitative neural networks are able to draw justified deductive and nonmonotonic inferences on the basis of distributed representations. This is derived from a soundness/completeness theorem with regard to cognitive semantics of nonmonotonic reasoning. The appendix extends the theory both logically and ontologically, and relates it to A. Goldman's reliability account of justified belief. This text will be of interest to epistemologists and logicians, to all computer scientists who work on nonmonotonic reasoning and neural networks, and to cognitive scientists.

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