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Bücher veröffentlicht von Springer Netherlands

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  • 14% sparen
    von S. Mitton, J. Whelan & P. P. Eggleton
    185,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von H. A. Leniger & W. A. Beverloo
    185,00 €

    This book resulted from many years of teaching engineering aspects of food tech­ nology at the Agricultural University ofWageningen, The Netherlands. In the course of those years the subject matter of teaching has been written down and placed at the student's disposal. The Dutch text has been reconsidered and revised several times. Eventually the question arose whether it would be advisable to transform and translate the text in order to transfer available knowledge and experience to others interested in the relatively new branch of food science that food process engineering is. This question has been answered in the affirmative. Up to now only a few books deal with food process engineering; some are rather superficial and evidently meant as introductory, other ones have in our opinion too much emphasis on chemical engineering and too little on food process engineering. We believe - and this will be elucidated at some length in the Introduction - that food process engineering is in many respects a very specific branch of engineering, allied to but certainly different from chemical engineering. We have always endeav­ oured to show similarities between various branches, stressing at the same time how­ ever the differences and explaining the why and wherefore of them. The present book illustrates this approach. It considers engineering, process en­ gineering and food process engineering as ranking in this order of rising importance.

  • 14% sparen
    von L. Plaut & V. E. Sherwood
    276,00 - 277,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Remo Ruffini & H. Gursky
    185,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von A. Papapetrou
    94,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von A. J. Hansen
    185,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von R. Giacconi & H. Gursky
    185,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von J. A. Koningstein
    94,00 - 98,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Walter Noll
    276,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von P. D. Groenewegen
    94,00 €

    This book can be described as a development of my Masters thesis, 'The Economics of A. R. J. Turgot' written at the University of Sydney in 1961-62. It has therefore been a long time in the making and, needless to say, I in­ curred many an intellectual debt during this period which I would like to acknowledge here. My thanks go first to Professor J. R. Wilson, who super­ vised my Masters thesis and who read part of this manuscript in draft, to the late Professor Jacob Viner whose tremendous knowledge of the history of economics was put at my disposal on several occasions, and to Professor R. L. Meek with whom I discussed this work in conversation and cor­ respondence and who has given assistance in several other ways. I also owe a great debt of gratitude to a large number of librarians for their assistance in unearthing infrequently used material housed in the collections over which they preside. In particular, I wish to acknowledge thanks to the librarians of the Fisher Library at the University of Sydney, the Public Library of New South Wales, the Australian National Library, the British Library of Economics and Political Science, the British Museum, the Goldsmiths' Library at the University of London, the Kress Collection at the Baker Library at Harvard, the Seligman Collection at the Butler Library at Columbia University, and the Bibliotheque nationale.

  • von T. Seeger, H. Nowack, P. Neumann, usw.
    50,00 €

    Proceeds of the Third International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-plastic Behaviour of Materials, Berlin Congress Center, Berlin, Germany, 7-11 September 1992

  • von A. Teller, P. Mathy & J. N. R. Jeffers
    50,00 €

  • von P. Zannetti
    50,00 €

    This book presents the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference ENVIROSOFT 92. Since the beginning of this conference cycle in 1986, EN­ VIROSOFT has provided a forum for discussion and debate for scientists, engineers and decision makers involved in the development and application of computer techniques to environmental sciences. Our main goal is to pro­ vide an opportunity for cross-fertilization among the several groups involved in the study of the environment. A couple of years ago a reviewer of ENVIROSOFT 90 made a very in­ teresting and appropriate comment. He congratulated us for the effort of providing a forum for discussion among environmental scientists but criti­ cized us for maintaining, in the proceedings and in the conference schedule, a strict division between 'atmospheric' papers, 'water' papers, etc. I agree with the reviewer and, in this conference, I made an effort to separate the articles not on the basis of their physical medium (air, water, groundwa­ ter, etc.) but on the basis of the methods and approaches adopted by the authors. Again, I hope that this change will improve the dialogue among scientists and, in particular, the interactions between 'air' and 'water' re­ searchers.

  • von A. A. Collyer
    189,00 €

    The subject of liquid crystals and their use in electronic displays and in non-linear optical systems has become of tremendous importance during the last decade; and the incorporation of liquid crystal units into polymeric materials has led to a group of new materials with diverse properties. Some of these properties have been utilized in new products and some have yet to be used. Much published work has appeared that deals with specific materials or particular applications, and it was felt that a book was needed to examine and explain the underlying principles governing the diverse properties of these liquid crystal polymers, LCPs. The current work describes the diverse nature of LCPs, their synthesis, characterization, properties and finally their applications. It describes the manner in which liquid crystallinity or mesomorphism occurs in small molecules, monomer liquid crystals and polymer liquid crystals. Chapter 1 gives a classification of the various ways in which the meso­ gens may be connected to the polymer chains. Currently, the bulk of LCP material is based on main chain or longitudinal LCPs for use in engineering applications. The side chain or comb polymers are intended for use in electronics and opto-electronic systems and as surfactants. Many other variants and possibilities exist but their properties have not yet been fully studied or used. In this respect it is hoped that the current work will indicate future possibilities as well as discussing current opinion. v Preface vi Chapters 2 and 3 describe methods of characterizing the mesophases.

  • von I. R. Duce
    50,00 €

    NEUROTOX '91 was the fourth meeting in a series which started in 1979. The '91 meeting, like its predecessors, was held under the patronage of the Society of Chemical Industry, and despite the unfortunate proximity of hostilities in the Arabian Gulf attracted a truly international mix of industrial and academic pesticide scientists. This volume contains the text of invited papers read at the meeting and presents the dramatic developments which so excited those who attended. The potential of molecular neurobiology for gaining knowledge of target sites for neurotoxicants is now starting to be realised. These studies, in conjunction with developments in molecular imaging and modelling, provide new oppor­ tunities for chemists and biologists to gain insights into molecular interactions underlying intoxication. Molecular techniques have also enabled rapid ad­ vances on a second front, where the cloning of genes controlling pesticide resistance should have a profound impact on our understanding of this commercially important problem. The understanding of molecular events will undoubtedly be vital in future developments in chemical control of pests; however, the value of understand­ ing the way in which the nervous system controls behaviour and how behaviour can be modified by chemicals of bath synthetic and natural origins was highlighted. Natural products and their synthetic analogues have continued to provide new and interesting molecules which are already proving their worth as tools for the neuroscientist and may offer leads for commercial synthesis.

  • von M. K. Turner
    50,00 €

    The aim of the Technical Advisory Committee, in planning the c~:>Dtent of this meeting, was to illustrate the range of separation processes in which the use of membranes was practical and effective at an industrial scale. As Professor Strathmann reveals, the market for process equipment built around membranes is now worth about $5x1(f annually, and it seemed important to review this technology, and to point the direction of future technical advances. All but the most critical reader should find some items of interest. The Committee would admit to not fulftlling all of thier aims, although those delegates who attended the meeting in Edinburgh judged it a success. In the event it provided representative examples of processes from the food and beverage industry, from water treatment, and from the chemical industry, of which the removal of alcohol from fermented beverages, shipboard desalination and solvent recovery are three. The major uses of charged membranes and sterile processes are not covered, nor 9 is the largest market, $1.2x10 annually, for artificial kidney dialysis. However, it is interesting to see artificial kidney now finding an alternative use as a reactor for the production of monoclonal antibodies. We are also reminded by Professor Michel of the importance and efficiency of natural membranes in the kidney under conditions where fouling is crucial to their performance and enhances their selectivity.

  • von R. W. Davidge & M. H. van de Voorde
    50,00 €

    The last 30 years have seen a steady development in the range of ceramic materials with potential for high temperature engineering applications: in the 60s, self-bonded silicon carbide and reaction-bonded silicon nitride; in the 70s, improved aluminas, sintered silicon carbide and silicon nitrides (including sialons); in the 80s, various toughened Zr0 materials, ceramic matrix composites reinforced with silicon 2 carbide continuous fibres or whiskers. Design methodologies were evolved in the 70s, incorporating the principles of fracture mechanics and the statistical variation and time dependence of strength. These have been used successfully to predict the engineering behaviour of ceramics in the lower range of temperature. In spite of the above, and the underlying thermodynamic arguments for operations at higher temperatures, there has been a disappointing uptake of these materials in industry for high temperature usc. Most of the successful applications are for low to moderate temperatures such as seals and bearings, and metal cutting and shaping. The reasons have been very well documented and include: ¿ Poor predictability and reliability at high temperature. ¿ High costs relative to competing materials. ¿ Variable reproducibility of manufacturing processes. ¿ Lack of sufficiently sensitive non-destructive techniques. With this as background, a Europhysics Industrial Workshop sponsored by the European Physical Society (EPS) was organised by the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) and the Institute for Advanced Materials of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the EC, at Petten, North Holland, in April 1990 to consider the status of thermomechanical applications of engineering ceramics.

  • von H. P. Rossmanith & Ares J. Rosakis
    50,00 €

    The rapid pace of current developments in the theoretical, analytical, numerical and experimental fields of dynamic failure of materials called for an international seminar of workshop style aimed at improving the finding and understanding of solutions to the basic physical processes involved in dynamic failure. The Vienna Seminar DFM-l was held at the Technical University Vienna in the historic administration building in the city center under the auspices of the university. More than 30 international experts from all over the world followed the invitation to participate at this seminar. High in the list of priorities was the common desire for ample time for discussions after each technical presenta­ tion, a fact and a chance frequently made overextensive use of during the seminar. Thus, opportunity was given to the seminar participants to present and expose ideas and results of their original research work, either terminated, ongoing, proposed or conceived and intended, to an international forum of experts for critical discussions, evaluation and appraisal. The technical program included dynamic failure of polymers and steel, numerical modelling of fracture processes, experimental techniques and analytical/numerical investigation of crack/wave interaction problems. The scope of the contributions stretched from implementation of advanced mathematical techniques in the theoretical developments to most direct applications in various fields of engineering practice. Papers published in this volume represent revised, updated and expanded versions of the seminar contributions.

  • von George Rzevski & R. A. Adey
    50,00 €

  • von T. Z. Blazynski
    50,00 €

    New composite materials and semi-fabricates, as disparate in their nature as solid multilaminates and powder compacts, have been steadily increasing in importance. Their application to a variety of industrial situations is being made easier by the considerable development of conventional manufacturing techniques which fulfil many of the requirements imposed on such materials. At the same time, however, the degree of their exploitation can be limited by, either the inadequate final product properties, or simply - as in the case of particulate matter - by the inability of these techniques to produce significant quantities of the composite. For these reasons, combined with the ever increasing demand for highly sophisticated composites, attention has been focused on the dynamic manufacturing methods. Not only do they extend the range of the available routes, but they also offer the possibility of achieving chemical and/or structural syntheses of new materials from either the elemental or complex constituents. What is more, these techniques often tend to ensure integral bonding of the elements of the structure and they thus enhance the mechanical properties of the composite.

  • 14% sparen
  • von N. V. Krylov
    149,00 €

    Approach your problems from the It isn't that they can't see the right end and begin with the solution. It is that they can't see answers. Then one day, perhaps the problem. you will find the final question. G.K. Chesterton. The Scandal of 'The Hermit Clad in Crane Father Brown 'The Point of a Pin'. Feathers' in R. van Gulik's The Chinese Maze Murders. Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of mono­ graphs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the "tree" of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non-trivially) in regional and theor.etical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces.

  • von J. Joseph
    49,00 €

    Anatomy to most people is a subject which suggests the cutting up of dead bodies (the word literally means cutting up). In addition it is generally known that Vesalius published a book in 1543 in which much of the human body was described in detail and more or less accurately. A subject which is dead and ancient fre- quently has little appeal especially if it appears to involve learning a large amount of factual information. For many years anatomy has had to struggle with these disadvantages and at times one has had the impression that there is almost a conspiracy on the part of everyone to suggest that anatomy is unnecessary. There is no doubt, however that a knowledge of the structures of the body, for that is what anatomy is, whether it is what can be seen with the naked eye or with different kinds of microscope, is an essential preliminary and corollary to the understanding of the functions of the body. It was no historical accident that Vesalius, the anatomist, preceded Harvey, the physiologist. No apology need be made for trying to present the basic facts of anatomy to anyone interested in the human body and to members of any profession which will have to cope with the physical and mental problems of children, men and women in health and in sickness. It is not intended that the reader should know every- thing contained in this book.

  • von D. F. Horrobin
    49,00 €

    to Human Physiology D. F. Horrobin Published by MTP Press Limited SI. Leonard's House, Lancaster, England Copyright © 1973, D. F. Horrobin ISBN-13: 978. . ()-85200-048-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-2349-8 001: 10. 1007/978-94-010-2349-8 First pUblished 1973 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publishers except for the quotation of brief passages for the purpose of review Reprinted 1975 and 1976 by the Blackburn Times Press, Northgate, Blackburn BBZ lAB Contents Introduction 2 The Maintenance of a Constant Internal Environment 7 21 3 Biochemistry The Nervous System 45 4 The Endocrine System 5 79 The Body Fluids and Blood 6 93 7 Circulation 105 8 The Respiratory System 119 9 The Kidneys and Urinary Tract 129 10 The Alimentary Tract 137 11 The Reproductive System 145 12 Responses of the Whole Body 159 An Introduction to Human Physiology Author's Preface In many fie1dliof study it is difficult to understand the sig­ nificance of the part before one understands the whole. Yet one cannot understand the whole without a prior understanding of the parts. The dilemma is one of the most difficult problems to be solved by the teacher and in no subject is it more important than in physiology. In physiology more than in most subjects the part serves the whole and the whole serves the parts in an extraordinarily intimately integrated manner.

  • von Veneeta Dayal
    49,00 €

  • 14% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von G. A. Leonov, A. I. Shepeljavyi & I. M. Burkin
    95,00 €

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