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Bücher veröffentlicht von Springer Verlag GmbH

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  • - Energy Management and Occupant Protection
    146,00 €

    145,00 €

    Preface.- Rolling Contact Phenomena - Linear Elasticity.- Finite Element Methods for Rolling Contact.- Plastic Deformation in Rolling Contact.- Non-Steady State Rolling Contact and Corrugations.- Modelling of Tyre Force and Moment Generation.- Rolling Noise.- Lubrication

    145,00 €

    The book covers the theories and physics of advanced new optical measuring methods and problems of experimental performance, recent achievements in the basic interferometric methods holography, speckle-interferometry, shearography as well as linear/non-linear photoelasticity and photoviscoelasticity, Moire- and grid-techniques.

  • - Probability, Fuzziness and Anti-Optimization
    98,00 €

    This book presents, as a single package, three semingly contradictory and often competitive approaches to deal with ever present uncertainty in science and engineering.

  • - Proceedings of CISM 30th Anniversary Conference Udine, May 29, 1999
    50,00 €

    The most significant of the events was the Conference on "Environmental Applications of Mechanics and Computer Science", where prominent scientists in the field present significant examples of the scientific approach to large scale phenomena involved in environmental problems.

    98,00 €

    The subject of the book is directly related to environmental noise and vibration phenomena (sound emission by vibrating structures, prediction and reduction, ...). It covers all aspects of the phenomena, from the mathematical modeling up to the applications to automotive industrial problems.

    98,00 €

    The book covers selected problems in free surface flows. The topics range from linear and nonlinear gravity and capillary waves, thin film dynamics, equilibrium shape, stability, and dynamics of capillary surfaces to thermal Marangoni effects in several geometries.

    99,00 €

    The book contains the discussion of some important aspects of localization and fracture phenomena in inelastic solids (single crystals, polycrystalline solids and geological materials). Numerical solutions based on finite element method of practicular evolution problems with localization of plastic deformation are considered.

    98,00 €

    The vulnerability of cultural artifacts necessitates the working out of a system which takes into account the problems of architecture, engineering and seismology among others. Written by architects and engineers, this book attempts to offer answers and give guidelines for both architects and engineers working in this field.

    51,00 €

    This book presents the contents of a CISM Course on waves and instabilities in plasmas. For beginners and for advanced scientists a review is given on the state of knowledge in the field. Customers can obtain a broad survey.

    98,00 €

    The treatment of chaotic dynamics in mathematics and physics during last two decades has led to a number of new concepts for the investigation of complex behavior in nonlinear dynamical processes.

  • - Aufsatze, Beitrage, Rezensionen 1926-1936
    von Moritz Schlick
    139,99 €

    Gegenuber dem lange vorherrschenden Zerrbild des Wiener Kreises als einheitlicher und philosophisch naiver Schule werden hier durch Erhellung des Kontextes der einzelnen Arbeiten und das Aufzeigen von internen wie externen Beziehungen sowohl die Eigentumlichkeit als auch die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung von Schlicks Denken deutlich.

    98,00 €

    The work deals with the thermomechanical mechanical behavior of microstructured materials, which has attracted considerable interest from both the academic and the industrial research communities.

    98,00 €

    An updated account of the state of the art in the subject, presenting recent progress in two active and related areas of continuum mechanics: fracture mechanics and structured deformations.

    98,00 €

    This book, intended for people in engineering and fundamental sciences, presents an integrated mathematical methodology for advanced dynamics and control of structures and machines, ranging from the derivation of models up to the control synthesis problem.

    97,00 €

    The book describes the results of research into the living world, which were conducted in such a way as to provide inspiration to engineering design of walking machines. The biological topics are presented in a form that is intelligible to engineers and can be applied in the design of mechanical devices.

  • - Enzyklopeadien Im Vergleich
    26,00 €

    Eines der zentralen Anliegen des "Wiener Kreises" ist heute aktueller denn je. Es bestand darin sichtbar zu machen, wie ganz unterschiedliche, weit auseinanderliegende Bereiche wissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung miteinander in Zusammenhang gebracht werden können. Genannt sei hier Otto Neurath, als Motor der ganzen Sache.Die "Encyclopedia of United Science" sollte eine Vorstellung davon vermitteln, wie moderne Wissenschaften ihre Erkenntnisansprüche formulieren und überprüfen. Sie knüpfte ausdrücklich an die Enzyklopädisten der französischen Aufklärung an.Die in diesem Band zusammengefassten Beiträge durchleuchten das Aufklärungskonzept, das der Enzyklopädie der Logischen Empiristen zugrunde liegt.

    98,00 €

    Fundamental Non-Reactive Jets in Crossflow and Other Jet Systems;Background on Modeling, Dynamical Systems, and Control;Reactive Jets in Crossflow and Multiphase Jets;Controlled Jets in Crossflow and Control via Jet Systems;

    98,00 €

    This unique volume offers a review of state-of-the-art modelling methods of phase change problems, numerical and experimental methods used in the field. It combines the experience of theoreticians with those using numerical tools for modelling problems of solidification.

    67,00 €

    This volume presents and discusses recent advances in boundary element methods and their solid mechanics applications. It illustrates these methods in their latest forms, developed during the last five to ten years, and demonstrates their advantages in solving a wide range of solid mechanics problems.

  • von Gerhard Fasching
    54,99 €

    Der Sternbild-, Mond- und Planetenkalender wendet sich an jene Sternfreunde, die den Himmel gerne mit freiem Auge beobachten. Er gibt die am Himmel sichtbaren Sternbilder, die Stellung der hellen Planeten, des Mondes und auch der Sonne vor dem Fixsternhintergrund der Sternbilder an. In jeder Himmelskarte ist eine Kreislinie eingetragen, die die idealisierte Horizontlinie darstellt. Die Horizontlinie und die Himmelsrichtungen, die auf den Karten des Kalenders aufgezeichnet sind, erlauben dem Beobachter, die Himmelsobjekte leicht zu identifizieren. Alles, was innerhalb der Kreislinie eingezeichnet ist, ist auch am Himmel zu sehen. Im zweiten Teil des Kalenders zeigen zwölf Himmelskarten den Sternenhimmel, wie er bei besonders günstigem Wetter mit bloßem Auge zu sehen ist. Die Sterne wurden hier nicht mehr durch Verbindungslinien zu Sternbildern zusammengefaßt; man wird die Bildkonfigurationen durch Vergleich mit den vorherigen Karten aber nach kurzer Übung zu einem Großteil erkennen. Kleine Quadrate markieren besonders schöne Sternhaufen, Gasnebel und Galaxien, die mit einem Feldstecher und zum Teil sogar fürs bloße Auge sichtbar sind.

    105,00 €

    Theories of surface waves develop since the end of XIX century and many fundamental problems like existence, phase and group velocities, attenuation (quality factor), mode conversion, etc.

  • - Perspectives from Early Emerging Animals
    von Thomas C. G. Bosch & David J. Miller
    100,00 €

    Thisbook examines how the growing knowledge of the huge range of animal-bacterialinteractions, whether in shared ecosystems or intimate symbioses, isfundamentally altering our understanding of animal biology.

  • - Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
    79,00 €

    This volume starts off with three chapters that set the stage for the entire work by covering general aspects of EvoDevo research, including its relevance for animal phylogeny, homology issues in the age of developmental genomics, and embryological data in the fossil record.

  • - Ecdysozoa II: Crustacea
    64,00 €

    Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates is a must-have for any scientist, teacher or student interested in developmental and evolutionary biology as well as in general invertebrate zoology.This second volume on ecdysozoans covers all animals commonly known as crustaceans.

  • - Deuterostomia
    64,00 €

    The largely taxon-based chapters are supplemented by essays on topical aspects relevant to modern-day EvoDevo research such as regeneration, embryos in the fossil record, homology in the age of genomics and the role of EvoDevo in the context of reconstructing evolutionary and phylogenetic scenarios.

  • - Die Einspindel-Maschinen System Potter & Johnston Und Monforts, Die Mehrspindel-Maschine System Prentice
    von J Van Himbergen, A Bleckmann & A Wassmuth
    54,99 €

  • von NA Galewsky, NA Mayr & NA Stein
    54,99 €

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