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Bücher veröffentlicht von Springer Verlag

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  • - Un Primo Corso Attraverso Esempi, Modelli E Applicazioni
    von Francesco Caravenna, Paolo Dai Pra & Quentin Berger
    38,06 €

    Il presente volume intende fornire un¿introduzione alla probabilitä e alle sue applicazioni, senza fare ricorso alla teoria della misura. Il testo e¿ dedicato agli studenti dei corsi di laurea scientifici (in particolar modo di matematica, fisica e ingegneria).Viene dedicato ampio spazio alla probabilitä discreta, vale a dire su spazi finiti o numerabili. In questo contesto sono sufficienti pochi strumenti analitici per presentare la teoria in modo completo e rigoroso. L¿esposizione e¿ arricchita dall¿analisi dettagliata di diversi modelli, di facile formulazione e allo stesso tempo di grande rilevanza teorica e applicativa, alcuni tuttora oggetto di ricerca.Vengono poi trattate le variabili aleatorie assolutamente continue, reali e multivariate, e i teoremi limite classici della probabilitä, ossia la Legge dei Grandi Numeri e il Teorema Limite Centrale, dando rilievo tanto agli aspetti concettuali quanto a quelli applicativi. Tra le varie applicazioni presentate,un capitolo è dedicato alla stima dei parametri e ai modelli predittivi in Statistica Matematica. Numerosi esempi sono parte integrante dell¿esposizione. Ogni capitolo contiene una ricca selezione di esercizi, per i quali viene fornita la soluzione sul sito Springer dedicato al volume.Questa seconda edizione, interamente rivista e arricchita, contiene due nuovi capitoli dedicati alle catene di Markov e alla simulazione di variabili aleatorie al computer.

  • - 2-D and 3-D Anal, Vaginal and Transperineal Techniques
    von M. Pescatori, C.I. Bartram & A.P. Zbar
    78,00 - 97,00 €

    2-D and 3-D anal ultrasound are among the most recent and advanced tools available for both the diagnosis and the management of anorectal diseases. Anal US may provide the clinician with useful information for both classification, diagnosis and management of anorectal sepsis, anal incontinence and anorectal-perineal chronic pain.

  • - Variabili Aleatorie E Distribuzioni
    von Andrea Pascucci
    29,83 €

  • - Meccanica Classica, Meccanica Lagrangiana E Hamiltoniana E Teoria Della Stabilita
    von Valter Moretti
    32,92 €

  • von A. Raviele
    94,00 €

    The book comprises the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Cardiac arrhythmias, held in Venice, October 7-10,1997 and represents an update on the most recent advances in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

  • von Claudio Chiuderi & Marco Velli
    45,00 - 62,00 €

    Here is an introduction to contemporary plasma physics that discusses recent advances in the field and covers a careful choice of applications to various branches of astrophysics and space science. Includes chapter end exercises, suggestions and solutions.

  • - The Last 15 Weeks of Gestation
    von Alessandra Piontelli
    89,00 - 104,00 €

    This book discusses in detail the full range of behavioral phenomena observed during the final 15 weeks of gestation, with careful analysis of their mutual relationships. Features outstanding photographic material and instructive graphs.

  • - Text Atlas of Pathology and Clinical Correlates
    von Domenico Corrado, Cristina Basso & Gaetano Thiene
    132,00 €

    Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young and Athletes

  • von Carlo Cacciabue
    36,00 €

  • - Theory and Immediate Practice
    von Renato Di Lorenzo
    60,00 - 77,00 €

    This book applies systems theory to the world of finance and in doing so provides a whole new set of tools that will delight traders across the world.

  • von Mario Rietjens, Visnu Lohsiriwat & Mario Casales-Schorr
    127,00 - 129,00 €

    Intended for surgeons at every level, this atlas is an all-inclusive guide that documents surgical techniques step by step, offering some 400 color photos along with additional high-quality drawings and illustrations, and succinct accompanying text.

  • von Aristotelis P. Mitsos
    89,00 - 102,00 €

    Endovascular Neurosurgery Through Clinical Cases

  • - A Pattern-Based Approach
    von Lia Angela Moulopoulos & Vassilis Koutoulidis
    75,00 - 89,00 €

    This book covers MRI in bone marrow diseases, especially malignancies. Covers normal appearance, age-related and non-age-related changes, patterns of marrow involvement and differential diagnosis issues. Offers imaging algorithms based on pattern recognition.

  • von Mario Pescatori
    111,00 €

    Severe bleeding, dehiscence, perforation, anorectal stricture, fecal incontinence, and even caval vein thrombosis, fatal Fournier gangrene and pneumomediastinum may occur after anal surgery.

  • von Mauro Giacca
    106,00 €

    Gene Therapy presents a comprehensive overview of the field, ranging from vector development and therapeutic gene selection to the results of the most recent clinical trials. Written in a clear, didactic style, the volume makes gene therapy methods easily accessible to readers.

  • von Filippo Crea, Gaetano A. Lanza & Paolo G. Camici
    90,00 €

    This book provides comprehensive update on coronary physiology and a systematic assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases. Discussion includes pathogenic mechanisms, prognostic relevance, clinical management and more.

  • - An Ultrasound Atlas
    von Giovanni Malferrari, Marialuisa Zedde & Patrizio Prati
    104,00 €

    This atlas provides concise descriptions of the main normal and pathological ultrasound features of the cerebral venous circulation. It is designed as a practical tool that will assist neurosonologists and clinicians in their everyday practice.

  • - Biliary and Pancreatic Ducts
    von Riccardo Manfredi & Roberto Pozzi Mucelli
    104,00 €

    This book, based on the experience of a single large referral center, presents the characteristic findings obtained when using MR imaging and MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) to image the biliary tree and pancreatic ducts in a variety of disease settings.

  • von Alfio Quarteroni
    54,00 €

    This book introduces the basic concepts for the numerical modelling of partial differential equations. It details algorithmic and computer implementation aspects and provides a number of easy-to-use programs.

  • - Theory, Algorithms and Applications
    von Ana Alonso Rodriguez & Alberto Valli
    82,00 - 112,00 €

    This book deals with the mathematical analysis and the numerical approximation of eddy current problems in the time-harmonic case. It takes into account all the most used formulations, placing the problem in a rigorous functional framework.

  • - From Conventional to Multi-energy Imaging
    von Carlo Catalano, Giorgio Ascenti, Angelo Vanzulli & usw.
    77,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the continuously evolving field of dual-energy CT (DECT).

  • von Andrea Renda
    105,00 - 127,00 €

    Once a clinical curiosity, multiple malignant tumors (MMT) are becoming more common. This state-of-the-art overview of MMT offers a clear definition and classification and explores various aspects including genetic, iatrogenic and environmental factors.

  • - Prevention Through Understanding
    von Giuseppe Tridente
    174,00 €

    This book gathers definitions, classification, and major features of drugs related to AEs observed in pre- and post-licensing trials and studies. Covers drug efficacy, etiopathogenesis and immunogenicity, systemic acute syndromes and off-label treatments.

  • von Vittorio Ingegnoli
    96,00 - 130,00 €

    Building on a decade of theoretical and methodological progress in landscape bionomics, this book acknowledges that well-intentioned landscape interventions can cause serious damage, and explains the concept of ecologists as "physicians" of ecological systems.

  • von Bertrand Maury
    80,00 - 81,00 €

    This book introduces concepts and techniques for mathematical modeling of the respiratory system, using differential equations, resistive networks and other mathematical tools. Offers state-of-the-art modeling techniques, and several detailed exercises.

  • von Egidio Landi Degl'Innocenti
    46,00 - 62,00 €

    This book describes the basic physical principles of atomic spectroscopy and the absorption and emission of radiation in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas.

  • von Francesco Fulvio Faletra
    120,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive account of the role of echocardiography in patients with mitral valve disease. The normal echocardiographic anatomy of the mitral valve is first presented, and the applications of echocardiography in mitral valve disease are then covered in detail by experts from different subspecialties in cardiology.

  • - A Modern Approach
    von Renato Di Lorenzo
    60,00 - 77,00 €

    This book offers a more efficient technical analysis: one that is not satisfied with protocols that seem to be fine, but which requires that they indeed are fine, and verifying this through computer simulations, serious statistical counts, and so on.

  • - Structures and Processes
    von Letterio Guglielmo, G. Spezie & Francesco Faranda
    174,00 - 209,00 €

    This volume reflects the present state of the study of the Mediterranean as carried out by the Italian scientific community. The multidisciplinary character of the papers creates different "transversal" reading and clustering possibilities that the informed reader is free to design and undertake autonomously.

  • von Ivan Nourdin
    122,00 €

    This book explores several aspects of fractional Brownian motion, including the stochastic integration, the study of its supremum and its appearance as limit of partial sums involving stationary sequences.

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