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Bücher veröffentlicht von Springtime Books

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  • von Andrea Anstiss
    26,00 €

    Leap into a transformational journey of discovery. Uncover your innate preciousness.Embrace your extraordinary Juicy Life. Transpersonal psychotherapist Andrea Anstiss invites you to explore 8 remarkable steps that will challenge and surprise you. 8 steps that have the power to transform your life. Unearth your emotional blueprint and your inherited 'Tricky Traits' - deep-rooted patterns of behaviour that can adversely affect your relationships, health, work and finances. Discover how your ancestral lineage has influenced your life. Face your Tricky Traits head-on through a series of Deep Dives, and with radical honesty, learn how to transform them. Confidently own the skills and strengths already within you, and feel the Joy of making fresh and empowered choices. Claim your prize: the delight, wonder and spaciousness of your True Self. The wisdom, insight and tools from more than 35 years of healing experience are within these pages.

  • von Christina Bachini
    53,00 €

    A step-by-step guide to facilitating lasting transformation, presented in a practical, clear and approachable way, The ChrisLin Method deserves a prominent place in any practitioner's toolkit.Since the beginning of time, people of the world have expressed themselves through art, music, dance, drama and storytelling. In their groundbreaking book, Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler offer practitioners - counsellors, coaches, art therapists and anyone engaged in delivering therapy or facilitating personal development - a practical guide to integrating creativity into their practice.Built on 50+ years of collective experience, The ChrisLin Method uses creativity to help clients look at the underlying, unconscious drivers that affect their unhelpful emotions. It is through creatively exploring these unhelpful emotions that clients can untangle their inner world.With easy to follow Steps, Core Questions, Frameworks and Case Studies, this comprehensive method will enable you to:Understand how creativity worksKnow when to offer creativity to your clientsBe confident in using The ChrisLin Method as an interventionLearn how to work with your client's

  • von Casteel
    14,00 €

    La vie est ponctuée de transitions. Elles se produisent parfois au même endroit : nous passons de l'enfance à l'âge adulte, du célibat au mariage, d'une bonne santé à une maladie chronique. Certaines transitions surviennent lorsque nous partons vivre ailleurs.¿ ¿Ce livre présente comment l'humanité a dû faire face à ces grands changements géographiques, depuis le départ forcé d'Adam et Ève du jardin d'Éden. Le croirez-vous ? Celles et ceux qui ont vécu de telles transitions ont beau avoir vécu dans l'Antiquité, leurs réactions ressemblent étonnamment aux nôtres. Ces récits nous aident à mieux comprendre les phases de la transition. Ils éclairent nos réactions à chaque étape et nous donnent des pistes sérieuses pour les traverser toutes avec force et espoir.

  • von Ibrahim Karim Sc
    37,00 €

    Basée sur une recherche de plus de 45 ans, les Signatures de BioGéométrie sont des diagrammes linéaires qui aident à équilibrer l'énergie subtile des organes du corps. Les schémas énergétiques de l'énergie subtile de l'organe sont accessibles par les Signatures de BioGéométrie placées extérieurement dans les champs énergétiques du corps afin de créer une connexion par la Résonance de la Forme. Ceci est un livre qui changera la vision que vous avez de votre corps et de votre santé. Il montre que vous n'êtes pas séparés des formes, angles et proportions qui nous entourent en permanence, et que ces formes créent des schémas énergétiques qui peuvent apporter équilibre et harmonie dans notre propre constitution biologique. Celle-ci est une science moderne d'équilibrage de l'énergie qui donne la clé de l'ancienne connaissance cachée des grandes civilisations. Avec la BioGéométrie, le Dr. Ibrahim Karim a démontré comment le grand pouvoir de formes simples peux changer le fonctionnement des mondes physiques, mentaux et spirituels. Ceci a été fréquemment démontré en architecture et dans les projets de design, de solutions d'équilibrage environnemental y compris la réduction des effets de pollution électrique et de stress géopathique dans de projets de bien être, et dans les efforts des individus vers leur développement spirituel. Dans ce livre sur les Signatures de BioGéométrie, vous verrez, encore une fois, comment quelques formes créées avec soin peuvent altérer la fonction physique des système organiques, en soutenant la guérison et en transformant les états physiques et mentaux. Travaillez avec, laissez qu'elles vous pénètrent et percevez comment elles peuvent vous assister dans votre propre recherche d'harmonie.Michael J Maley, Ph.D

  • von Ibrahim Karim Sc
    35,00 €

    LA SABIDURÍA DEL PASADO Y EL CIENCIA DEL FUTURO · Crear un puente entre la ciencia y la espiritualidad· Alquimia geométrica en Arquitectura y Diseño· Humanizar la tecnología moderna· Para armonizar la radiación electromagnética· Los secretos de energía sutil de la Gran Pirámide· Una clave de energía para decodificar las ciencias antiguas· La calidad física: todo tiene un lugar en la sinfonía universal "El Dr. Karim es un científico que tiene una innovadora tecnología de matriz necesaria para el siglo XXI. No creo que sea una coincidencia que tal persona es originaria de El Cairo, el sitio de las pirámides. Cuando se lee este libro, aprenderá antigua sabiduría del ser humano y usted será capaz de adquirir el nuevo gran sabiduría. por favor, lea este libro. lo recomiendo calurosamente para todos."Dr. Masaru Emoto, autor de "Los Mensajes del Agua" "Me gustaría expresar en nombre de todo el consejo de la ciudad el más sincero agradecimiento a usted, Dr. Karim, por el trabajo que ha hecho por nosotros."Walter Fischbacher, Presidente del Consejo Municipal de Hemberg, Suiza, durante un programa de televisión suiza en relación con el problema de la contaminación electromagnética éxito del proyecto a Hemberg "Este extraordinario libro es un tesoro, que incluye la riqueza de los grandes puntos de vista sobre las energías ocultas que dan forma a nuestras vidas. El Dr. Karim dio inicio a una nueva era de la ciencia holística práctica, la ciencia que ofrece una esperanza real a nuestra sufrir mundo."Dr. Robert J. Gilbert, el director del Instituto de la vejiga de la Ciencia Holística "Este libro es una joya para que los estudiantes Biogeometry y para cualquier persona interesada en la ciencia espiritual, las energías sutiles y equilibrio ambiental Este trabajo proporciona información detallada sobre las ciencias de energía antiguo Egipto;. Una comprensión del papel que los sitios sagrados juego de poder en nuestras vidas, desde la forma en que se construyen nuestras casas para la salud de nuestro cuerpo. es una gran lectura." Dr. Michael Maley y Tricia Mageli-Maley, fundadores creación de espacios saludables "De la tierra de las grandes pirámides viene un gran pensador y científico. Nunca puede ser el futuro de esta nueva ciencia de la calidad de la energía sutil? ¿Podría ser que el nuevo milenio pensamiento?"Helmut Ziehe, Fundador, Instituto Internacional de Bau-biología y ecología EE.UU. "El libro del Dr. Karim proporciona una visión extremadamente finos y raros en energía preciosa. Desarrolló la "Ciencia de la Salud" y el "Física de Calidad", que encuentran aplicación en la medicina, la arquitectura y muchos otros aspectos de nuestras vidas. Este es un libro único y valioso. Se lo recomiendo altamente."Dr. Claude Swanson, Ph.D.Physicist (MIT y Princeton). Autor de El Universo Sincronizado y Fuerza de la Vida: La base científica

  • von Frank Laporte-Adamski
    43,00 €

  • von Ibrahim Karim Sc
    35,00 €

  • von Alexander V. Mirtchev
    39,00 €

  • von Joyce Agee
    37,00 €

    The Newcomer's Dictionary is an A to Z of words that explore aspects of relocating. Whether you have moved or are considering a move, this dictionary will help to identify and describe the experience of being a newcomer. Filtered through Joyce Agee's memories and illustrated by her sister, Ellen Agee, this book identifies the often hidden and complex feelings that can be experienced by newcomers - whether first-time, seasoned or expatriate - as they relocate to a new suburb, city or country. Now an Australian citizen, in writing this book Joyce has brought together the experiences of a nomadic expat with those of a newcomer child. She reflects on how her life has been impacted by the family's frequent moves while she was growing up. Books, television programs and films were to become an emotional lifeline for the two sisters, giving them a sense of stability and continuity when everything else around them was constantly changing. The Newcomer's Dictionary also explores how language, which evolves over time and across cultures, influences our perception of newcomers. It describes the newcomer identity, experiences and emotions - above all the feelings of being an outsider and the need to belong.

  • von Wakanyi Hoffman
    27,00 €

  • von Amy Casteel & Ruth Van Reken
    15,00 €

  • - Addressing the Dual Career Dilemma with CARE
    von Yvonne Quahe
    28,00 €

  • von Wakanyi Hoffman
    26,00 €

  • - Expat life stripped bare
    20,00 €

  • - Words for when enough is enough
    von Toni Summers Hargis
    21,00 €

  • - How Millennials (and anyone else for that matter) can achieve True Financial Freedom in 10 years or less
    von Matthew Smith
    31,00 €

    Just days into his honeymoon, Matthew Smith found himself in a Las Vegas hospital ward battling for his life. A nut in the steakhouse's starter provoked a lethal allergic reaction that resulted in three touch-and-go weeks in a hospital bed and a £210,000 medical bill. Matthew is one of the smartest young thinkers in the personal finance world - his travel insurance footed the bill. But as Matt questioned existence in that Desert Springs Hospital bed, he made the decisions that would change his life forever: To achieve financial freedom as soon as possible...By only doing work that has meaning and is fulfilling...Without losing a lifestyle of travel and luxury along the way...It took Matt four years to re-pay £25,000 in debt, create a six-figure savings portfolio, build a multimillion-pound business and be well on his way to financial freedom. Now he wants you to get there faster.The Millennial Money Masterplan contains tried-and-tested budgeting and money management techniques to get you debt-free and on your way to a richer life. Real-life examples of passive income, side-hustles and online businesses help shatter the status quo that Millennials will never stop paying rent.Stop living pay cheque to pay cheque... give up soul destroying corporate jobs... find True Financial Freedom... AND have a great life in the process.So, what are you waiting for? Let the journey begin.

  • - The International Career Couple Handbook
    von Paul Vanderbroeck
    31,00 €

  • von Heidi Olsson
    23,00 €

  • von Heidi Olsson
    21,00 €

  • - Because it's about more than money
    von Parminder Bains
    25,00 €

    Getting to grips with your financial future doesn't have to be a painful process. Parminder Bains, a chartered financial planner with over 20 years' experience is passionate about nature. He has devised a way of looking after wealth that will allow you to safeguard your hard-earned money and be sure you and your descendants will be able to reap what you sowed. In this clear and comprehensive guide he explains the difference between the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter seasons of life and where and when the savvy investor should put their focus. This groundbreaking book goes beyond the realms of personal finance and investment. This book will inspire you to consider how your money can benefit your family and your life for generations to come. Further, it teaches you how you can make a significant difference in the world, leaving behind a rich, lasting legacy that benefits the greater good. Take a leaf out of nature's book and ensure your harvest is your legacy.All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Seasons of Wealth Foundation to help cure those living with needless blindness in the world.

  • - For Radical Financial Advisers Who Dare to Soar
    von David J Scarlett
    29,00 €

    Okay… so you and your team are already doing a really good job for clients. But are you creating a business - no matter how small - that could be described as 'Great', 'Exceptional', 'Industry-Changing'? Is your company a place of creativity and re-energising joy? Do you understand how your role can, literally, transform people's lives? And do you care?David has already proven himself a Master Storyteller in his book The Soul Millionaire. Now he has created a work which leaders in Financial Services are calling 'Unique', 'Transformative', 'Fascinating', 'Powerful' and even 'Beautiful'.Supported by robust research… coherently structured… beautifully-crafted… utterly, utterly different to anything created in the Financial Services sector… The Flight of The Soul Millionaire will take you on a journey which will shake you to the core. It will cause you to rethink the very purpose of your profession.Not only will it change the way you lead your business but when you apply these principles, you'll be in danger of soaring to heights you never thought possible!

  • - How a Mola Can Help Globally Mobile Families Create a Life by Design
    von Mariam N Ottimofiore
    29,00 €

    Do your family dinners happen in more than one language? Do you celebrate Christmas and Eid? Do you and your family feel at home in more than one country? If so, then you may be a MOLA Family and yes, this multicultural, multilingual, mobile life can get a little 'messy.'In South America, a mola is a shirt made from intricately stitched layers of patterns and cloth. Worn with pride, it represents who you are - inside and out. Mariam Ottimofiore presents a mola as the perfect metaphor for globally mobile families living between cultures, countries, languages, nationalities, identities and homes, who find their story hard to articulate. She has created the MOLA tool to help global families design and show their stories to the world. This is your 'life by design.'Pakistan-born Mariam is a writer, researcher and expatriate family specialist who grew up and lived in nine countries. Her husband is German/Italian and together they have raised their children in Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa.Raw, honest, inspiring and uplifting, This Messy Mobile Life comprises personal reflection, expert advice and survey research to help you take your global family from mess to mola.

  • - A southeast asian falls in love with fika
    von Alaine Handa
    55,00 €

    Chokladbollar are Swedish chocolate balls. Let Alaine introduce you to her favorite snack through a collection of 30 alternately naughty, healthy and exotic - but always delicious - recipes. Alaine's a global soul and chokladbollar, a constant in her nomadic lifestyle, reflect her culturally diverse upbringing. A recent convert to the Swedish art of fika, Alaine is keen to share the virtues of taking time out of our busy schedules to sit down with friends or on your own with a steaming cup of hot coffee and a chokladboll. Fika's about taking the time to reflect on our manic lives and to remember what's important to us. Chokladbollar are the perfect accompaniment to this and are an ideal gift for an old friend, a dinner party dessert or fun activity to create with the kids.Alaine's book is written in a fun and accessible manner, making it a great pick me up after a long day at the office or a tempting treat for all ages. She has fleshed out the recipes with an investigation of fika culture in contemporary Sweden, complete with city guides and a tour of some of the coolest new coffee bars in town. Scandinavian design's one of the hottest out there right now - this book distills some of that in the art of making these simple yet profound treats.

  • von Jane Horan
    35,00 €

    Do you find yourself thinking that there must be much more to life, but not certain what it is you really want? Or do you know what you want, but not sure how to get there? The desire to find meaning and purpose has been pondered since time immemorial.Now It's Clear answers these questions by taking you on your own journey through the past to become acquainted with the present, in order to make decisions about your future. This book will set you on a path of discovery to find purpose, uncover strengths, be comfortable with doubt, navigate resistance, build a network of support and share your story at any stage in your career.Using a mix of insights from business, psychology, philosophy, poetry, and leadership research, Now It's Clear with show you, step-by-step, how to better understand yourself and your purpose. It's an insightful and uplifting guide, filled with creative exercises, reflective questions and practical tips to reveal the what, why and how of meaningful work and how to share your career story.Based on her work and research of over twenty-five years, Jane Horan has had the opportunity to listen to stories across cultures, industries and levels, from those transitioning into leadership to returning to work or in-between jobs. By connecting the dots from such stories, Horan shows us the visible patterns and themes in order to find purpose at work, every day.

  • von Judyth Gregory-Smith
    36,00 €

  • - Because a life overseas can be tough and, well, sometimes you just have to laugh
    von Catherine Brew
    40,00 €

    We've all experienced that surreal situation when you don't know whether to laugh or cry. Sometimes you do both! Living away from the place you once called 'home' can be exciting, stressful and disorientating-often all at once. Culture shock and homesickness can hit hard exacerbating feelings of displacement and leaving you feeling angry and resentful towards your new location. At times like this, laughter is often the best medicine. Australian Cath Brew has travelled abroad for most of her life and though now settled in the UK, she has learned to cope with her own challenging emotions by drawing. In this delightful book she shares 100 cartoons of her life and the lives of others, which have helped her to see the funny side of a weird and wonderful life on the move.

  • - A Guide to Life as an Expat Spouse
    von Lana Wimmer & Tanya Arler
    21,00 €

    As an expat spouse, how do you choose the right home for your family, transition your kids to a new country and school, adjust to a new culture, and build a whole new network of friends?Expat spouses face many questions, and this book is designed to offer straightforward answers. Written by two expats with over 15 international moves between them you'll find inspiration and wisdom to handle your expat dilemmas.Get reading to discover time tested advice that will transform your expat experience into a truly amazing adventure. It's all right here for you to enjoy, so start Unpacking!

  • von Barbara-Anne Puren
    28,00 €

    The era of the nuclear family, with a working dad and stay-at-home mom is fast disappearing. There is no longer any such thing as a Typical Family, but rather, a whole grab bag of family arrangements. Families are now more ethnically, racially, religiously and stylistically diverse than a decade ago.Postmodernists argue that the increase in diversity of family household structures reflects that we now live in a tolerant society. The family unit is thriving and continues to play a central role in shaping the health and wellbeing of family members.In A Family Just Like Mine, Gemma, an inquisitive, adopted child, travels the world looking for a family like her own. Her journey begins in London, from there she meets giants in Bolivia, rides an elephant in India, slides down dunes in Egypt and skis in Switzerland.Children will love jumping, high-fiving and stomping along with Gemma on her amazing adventure.

  • - Growing Through Transitions
    von Ruth Van Reken & Amy Casteel
    13,98 €

    Life is filled with transitions. Sometimes they happen in one geographical place. We move from childhood to adulthood, singleness to marriage, health to chronic illness. Other times they occur when we relocate from one place to another. In Life in Motion, we see how ever since Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden, humans have had to deal with the reality of making geographic transitions. Amazingly, we discover that people who made such transitions in ancient times responded in remarkably similar ways as we do today. Through their stories, we gain insight into the normal stages of transition, how we often respond during each stage, and how we can grow through all transitions with strength and hope.

  • - A story to help your child fall asleep quickly and gently
    von Olivia Allinne-Ward
    20,00 €

    Author and mother Olivia Allinne-Ward has written Benjamin's Bedtime Journey to help children and adults relax before going to sleep. This is why each chapter ends with the words: When you feel ready to move on, we continue our journey at the rhythm of your calm, slow breathing. This story is for everyone so the reader is encouraged to change the names of Benjamin and Michael to those of their child and his/her bear.

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