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  • von Fray Luis de León
    28,00 €

    "Exposición del Libro de Job" es una obra escrita por Fray Luis de León, un destacado teólogo, poeta y humanista español del siglo XVI. En este libro, Fray Luis de León ofrece una profunda y erudita interpretación del Libro de Job, un texto bíblico del Antiguo Testamento que trata sobre el sufrimiento humano y la justicia divina. En este libro, Fray Luis de León analiza meticulosamente cada aspecto del relato bíblico, explorando el significado simbólico y teológico de los personajes, los diálogos y las enseñanzas contenidas en el libro de Job.La obra de Fray Luis de León es reconocida por su erudición, su profundo conocimiento de las Escrituras y su habilidad para transmitir conceptos teológicos de manera clara y accesible.

  • von Fray Luis de León
    25,00 €

    "De los nombres de Cristo" es considerado una de las obras más importantes de Fray Luis de León, un poeta y teólogo español del siglo XVI. En este libro, Fray Luis de León explora y analiza diversos nombres y títulos dados a Jesucristo en la Biblia - "El Verbo", "El Hijo de Dios", "El Salvador", entre otros -, ofreciendo profundas reflexiones teológicas y espirituales sobre la naturaleza y el significado de la figura de Cristo.La obra ha tenido una influencia duradera en la literatura religiosa y teológica en español.

  • von Andrew Murray
    21,00 €

    In my observation of the lives of believers, and in my personal experience, I have been very deeply impressed with one thought. It is, that our prayer for the mighty working of the Holy Spirit through us and around us can only be powerfully answered as His indwelling in every believer is more clearly acknowledged and lived out. We have the Holy Spirit within us: only he who is faithful in the lesser will receive the greater. 'As we first yield ourselves to be led by the Spirit, to confess His presence in us; as believers rise to realize and accept His guidance in all their daily life; will our God be willing to entrust to us larger measures of His mighty workings. If we give ourselves entirely into His power, as our life, ruling within us, He will give Himself to us in taking a more complete possession, to work through us.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von William Wynn Westcott
    18,00 €

    The "Sepher Yetzirah," or "Book of Formation," is perhaps the oldest Rabbinical treatise of Kabalistic philosophy which is still extant. The "Sepher Yetzirah, although this name means "The Book of Formation," is not in any sense a narrative of Creation, or a substitute Genesis, but is an ancient and instructive philosophical treatise upon one aspect of the origin of the universe and mankind; an aspect at once archaic and essentially Hebrew.This new large print edition is followed by an Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah.

  • von Saint Augustine
    25,00 €

    "The Confessions", one of the most important and influential works in Western literature and Christian theology, is a series of books written in the form of a personal prayer to God. Saint Augustine of Hippo recounts his life and his spiritual journey, tracing his path from a wayward youth to a devout Christian. Augustine's thoughts on sin, grace, and the human condition have shaped Christian thinking for centuries, remaining a timeless work that provides insight into the inner workings of the human soul, the process of spiritual conversion, and the relationship between humanity and the divine. This new Easy to Read Layout edition includes as an added bonus "The Life of St. Austin, or Augustine, Doctor" from the Caxton translation of the Golden Legend.

  • von Joseph Smith Jr.
    19,00 €

    "The Lectures on Faith" is a collection of seven theological lectures delivered by Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, also known as Mormonism. These lectures were published as part of the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, a foundational text in the Latter Day Saint tradition. "The Lectures on Faith" are significant because they expound on the doctrine of the Godhead in early Mormon theology. They emphasize the nature of God, faith, and the role of faith in the lives of believers.This new large print edition includes as an added bonus "True Faith" by Orson Pratt, a leading Mormon theologian.

  • von George Hodges
    19,00 €

    Written by George Hodges, an American Episcopal priest, and first published in 1905, "Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages" has since become a classic work in the field of Christian literature and hagiography (the study of saints). In the book, Hodges provides biographical sketches and inspirational narratives of a wide range of Christian figures, including both well-known saints (Chrysostom, Augustine or Saint Bernard) and lesser-known individuals who have made significant impacts on the Christian tradition. The author explores their lives and stories, highlighting their virtues, sacrifices, and contributions to the faith.This new edition is illustrated with classic paintings and comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von Jospeh Hyrum Parry
    31,00 €

    The ever memorable events and transactions recorded in Scripture are with many others of the most interesting nature, comprehended in the Book of Jasher; and they are all arrayed in that style of simple, unadorned majesty and precision, which so peculiarly distinguishes the genius of the Hebrew language.The book of Jasher is a venerable monument of antiquity. It contains a treasure of information concerning those early times, upon which the histories of other nations are either silent, or cast not a single ray of real light; and the translator was more especially delighted to find that the evidence of the whole of its contents went to illustrate and confirm the great and inestimable truths which are recorded in divine history, down to a few years later than the death of Joshua, at which period the book closes.In this extraordinary book, the reader will meet with models of the most sublime virtue, devotion and magnanimity, that cannot fail to raise his admiration, and, at the same time, to excite a generous feeling of emulation to follow the glorious examples set before him.This new edition comes with a beautiful Easy-to-Read layout which makes reading comfortable.

  • von Edward M. Bounds
    21,00 €

    PRAYER, with its manifold and many-sided forces, helps the mouth to utter the truth in its fullness and freedom. The preacher is to be prayed for, the preacher is made by prayer. The preacher's mouth is to be prayed for; his mouth is to be opened and filled by prayer. A holy mouth is made by praying, by much praying; a brave mouth is made by praying, by much praying. The Church and the world, God and heaven, owe much to Paul's mouth; Paul's mouth owed its power to prayer."Power through prayer", first published in 1910, is here followed by "The essentials of prayer", a book written for the salvation of his readers.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von F. B. Meyer
    17,00 €

    There are certain practical directions which we must attend to in order that we may be led into the mind of the Lord.The Psalms are full of earnest pleadings for clear direction: "Show me Thy way, 0 Lord, lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies." It is the law of our Father's house that His children shall ask for what they want. "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not." In a time of change and crisis, we need to be much in prayer, not only on our knees, but in that sweet form of inward prayer, in which the spirit is constantly offering itself up to God, asking to be shown His will; soliciting that it may be impressed upon its surface, as the heavenly bodies photograph themselves on prepared paper. Wrapt in prayer like this the trustful believer may tread the deck of the ocean steamer night after night, sure that He who points the stars in their courses will not fail to direct the soul which has no other aim than to do His will.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von Surendranath Dasgupta
    19,00 €

    I have defined mysticism as a belief or a view, but in reality it means much more than that. In the life of the true mystics, beliefs exert a great formative influence. They are no mere intellectual registrations of opinions or temporary experiences, but represent the dynamic, the dominant tone of their personality as it develops and perfects itself. Mysticism is not an intellectual theory; it is fundamentally an active, formative, creative, elevating and ennobling principle of life.An acquaintance with Indian religious experience shows that there are types of religious and mystical experience other than that of an intimate communion with God. I have therefore made my definition of mysticism wider, so that it may include not only the Islamic, Christian, and the Bhakti forms of Indian mysticism but other types of Indian mysticism as well. I could not hope to give an exhaustive analysis or even a fairly comprehensive treatment of the chief features of the different types of Indian mysticism within the limits of these six lectures. I have therefore attempted only a brief general outline of some of the most important types, indicating their mutual relations, sometimes genetically and sometimes logically.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von John Owen
    19,00 €

    John Owen's book, "The Mortification of Sin," offers practical guidance and biblical wisdom to help believers conquer and suppress the influence of sin in their daily lives. The book has three primary objectives: firstly, to clarify the true nature of mortifying sin; secondly, to provide general principles that are essential for the spiritual mortification of any sin; and finally, to expound in great detail specific and precise instructions for this crucial spiritual discipline.John Owen, an eminent theologian and minister in 17th-century England, is renowned for his profound theological insights, rigorous intellectual approach, and a strong focus on the practical implications of his writings.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von Moses Maimonides
    40,00 €

    It is the object of this work "to afford a guide for the perplexed," i.e. "to thinkers whose studies have brought them into collision with religion" (p. 9), "who have studied philosophy and have acquired sound knowledge, and who, while firm in religious matters, are perplexed and bewildered on account of the ambiguous and figurative expressions employed in the holy writings" (p. 5). Joseph, the son of Jehudah Ibn Aknin, a disciple of Maimonides, is addressed by his teacher as an example of this kind of students. It was "for him and for those like him" that the treatise was composed, and to him this work is inscribed in the dedicatory letter with which the Introduction begins. Maimonides, having discovered that his disciple was sufficiently advanced for an exposition of the esoteric ideas in the books of the Prophets, commenced to give him such expositions "by way of hints." His disciple then begged him to give him further explanations, to treat of metaphysical themes, and to expound the system and the method of the Kal¿m, or Mohammedan Theology. In compliance with this request, Maimonides composed the Guide of the Perplexed. The reader has, therefore, to expect that the subjects mentioned in the disciple's request indicate the design and arrangement of the present work, and that the Guide consists of the following parts:-1. An exposition of the esoteric ideas (sodot) in the books of the Prophets. 2. A treatment of certain metaphysical problems. 3. An examination of the system and method of the Kal¿m.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von Henri Pirenne
    23,00 €

    l'Empire de Charlemagne est le point d'aboutissement de la rupture par l'Islam de l'équilibre européen Dans cet ouvrage, l'historien belge Henri Pirenne, défend la thèse selon laquelle les invasions germaniques n'ont pas mis fin à l'unité méditerranéenne ni à la culture antique, tandis que l'invasion de l'Islam, avec laquelle seule commence le Moyen Âge, a consommé le divorce entre l'Orient et l'Occident, repoussé l'axe de la vie occidentale vers le nord, suscité l'Empire carolingien, imprimé à l'Europe une physionomie nouvelle.L'ouvrage est divisé en deux parties : l'Europe occidentale avant l'Islam, l'Islam et les Carolingiens. La première est destinée à mettre en évidence que les invasions germaniques ont laissé intacte la Romania dont le sol a bu la vie barbare . Sur le plan institutionnel Ostrogoths, Wisigoths, Vandales, Burgondes gouvernent à la romaine; ... tout ce qui vit et fonctionne est romain . De même, le régime des personnes et des biens demeure ce qu'il était. Plus encore que l'état social, la vie économique reste inchangée. En revanche, avec l'invasion de l'Islam, tout s'effondre.Le format et la mise en page de cette édition assurent une lecture confortable.

  • von Andrew Murray
    18,00 €

    "In these meditations, we shall see that just as Jesus found His glory in taking the form of a servant, so when He said to us, "Whosoever would be first among you, shall be your servant," He simply taught us the blessed truth that there is nothing so divine and heavenly as being the servant and helper of all. The faithful servant, who recognizes his position, finds a real pleasure in supplying the wants of the master or his guests. When we see that humility is something infinitely deeper than contrition, and accept it as our participation in the life of Jesus, we shall begin to learn that it is our true nobility, and that to prove it in being servants of all is the highest fulfillment of our destiny, as men created in the image of God" - A. MurrayThe text is followed in this edition by Absolute Surrender, a series of sermons where he teaches us how the condition for obtaining God's full blessing is absolute surrender to Him.This Premium Edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout making reading comfortable.

  • von San Juan de la Cruz
    19,00 €

  • von Saint Bonaventure
    15,00 €

  • von Andrew Lang
    25,00 €

  • von John Jewel
    19,00 €

  • von Alexander Maclaren
    19,00 €

  • von Josiah Blake Tidwell
    27,00 €

  • von Boris Sidis
    26,00 €

  • von Jacques Bainville
    17,00 €

    *** Cet ouvrage bénéficie d'une mise en page destinée à rendre agréable la lecture ***Voici le dernier ouvrage du regretté Jacques Bainville ; il l'a écrit un mois avant sa mort. Dans ces huit chapitres, de la Gaule romaine à la scission de 1830, Bainville éclaire notre passé et nous livre une oeuvre qui contient en quelques pages le suc d'une grande partie de notre histoire. Il est ainsi arrivé à débrouiller le fil conducteur à travers l'enchevêtrement des faits, des effets et des causes. Il a aussi pesé exactement les termes des débats qui ont divisé les hommes des temps passés, parce qu'il a fait l'effort nécessaire pour se mettre dans leur état d'esprit. Il s'agit donc sans nul doute du dernier ouvrage d'un historien de grand talent.Cette édition est suivie d'un article paru en 1914 intitulé "Comment s'est faite la Restauration de 1814".

  • von John Stuart Mill
    22,00 €

    The subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will, so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical Necessity; but Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. (...) The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.In this famous essay, John Stuart Mill questions liberty of thought, individualism and the limits to the authority of society over the individual. The text is here followed by "Utilitarianism", a treatise in which he defines the main lines of this moral and political theory based on the greatest happiness of the greatest number.This Large Print edition comes with a beautiful and Easy to Read Layout to make reading confortable.

  • von Saint Jean Chrysostome
    21,00 €

    "Si ta femme est venue à toi, si elle a quitté son père, sa mère, et toute sa famille, ce n'est pas pour que tu l'outrages, pour que tu lui substitues une vile courtisane, pour qu'elle soit en butte à une guerre perpétuelle : tu l'as prise pour qu'elle fût ta compagne, ton associée, pour qu'elle fût libre, et jouît des mêmes droits que toi-même"Devenue synonyme de sermon, et prenant toujours comme point de départ un extrait des Saintes Écritures, une homélie possède en toutes circonstances une dimension pédagogique. Elle est ainsi, en d'autres termes, un instrument de catéchèse visant à propager la foi chrétienne dans toutes les couches de la société. Les oeuvres de Saint Jean Chrysostome sont à ce titre exemplaires et constituent un modèle en la matière. Les homélies contenues dans cette édition spéciale abordent les thèmes conjoints de la famille, de l'amour, du mariage, de l'adultère et du divorce.Entièrement revues et corrigées, les oeuvres présentées dans cette édition bénéficient d'une mise en page esthétique dont la taille de police est conçue pour en faciliter la lecture.

  • von Herman J. Heuser
    19,00 €

    *** This premium edition comes with a beautiful Easy-to-Read layout which makes reading comfortable ***The Bible is not only a text-book which leads us to the acquisition of the highest of arts-that of fulfilling the true purpose of life-but it is itself, as has already been suggested, a work of fairest art inasmuch as it contains a perfect delineation of the divine Beauty drawn by the sovereign Artist Himself.The following pages are printed from notes used in a series of lectures before the "Catholic Summer School of America" at Pittsburgh. They are neither an exhaustive nor a scientific exposition, but are meant as a suggestive introduction, in popular form, to the intelligent reading of the Bible.Herman Joseph Heuser was a Catholic priest, author, and educator. He obtained the degree of Doctor of Divinity.

  • von Edward M. Bounds
    23,00 €

  • von John Haaren
    25,00 - 29,00 €

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