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Bücher veröffentlicht von Stephen Fleming

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  • - The Essential Joinery Guide with Tools, Techniques, Tips and Starter Projects
    von Stephen Fleming
    21,00 €

  • von Stephen Fleming
    31,00 €

    Through trial-and-error and observable outcomes, our ancestors narrowed the field of edible mushroom candidates to just a few with remarkable, health-supporting properties.- Paul StametsSince time immemorial, Mushrooms have been assisting humans for a better and healthy life.A testimony to a symbiotic relationship is the remains of "Otzi The Iceman."Mummified remains of a man who is believed to be frozen in ice around 3300 BCE were discovered around the Alps in 1991. This fully preserved specimen had two different species of mushrooms with him!This book is your concise guide to every first-hand information you need about Medicinal or Healing mushrooms before taking help from a professional practitioner.It shortens your learning curve and gives you all the essential information which would have taken a few months of research.The pandemic has given many perspectives to individuals, health professionals, and respective regulatory bodies, and it may accelerate the research in this fascinating field.It dives into:Historical instances of the use of Medicinal Mushrooms in various civilizationsMeet 18 different Healing MushroomsWhat are their respective healing powers, news about ongoing researchHow to Forage main Medicinal Mushrooms in the wildUsage and storage tipsHealthy RecipesFrequently Asked QuestionsGlossaryGet your copy today and meet these awesome Healing Mushrooms!

  • - The Step-by-Step Guide with Tools, Techniques, Tips and Starter Projects
    von Stephen Fleming
    21,00 €

  • - Beginner Friendly Guide to Leather Crafting Process, Tips and Techniques
    von Stephen Fleming
    22,00 €

  • von Stephen Fleming
    27,00 €

    "I can see no greater sign of God's glory than the trees around us in the Pacific Northwest. All you have to do is look outside to see God-there are trees everywhere."- Ned HayesThere is something nostalgic about experiencing the nature of PNW in full bloom. Mushrooms and wild plants form a significant part of this magic.This book is a concise photographic journey to the Mushrooms of PNW.This book is for you if you like consuming short, crisp, and engaging information with pictures within a few hours.This is a helpful handbook with:¿ Interior Colored Pages¿ 80+ high-quality images¿ 30+ PNW Mushrooms covered with recipesThe book covers:¿The Basics of Mycology¿5 Golden Steps towards Foraging¿Common Wild Mushrooms of PNW with Foraging Tips and Photographs(Also covers common poisonous ones to be avoided)¿How to Preserve & Store¿Delicious Wild Mushroom Recipes¿Seasonal Mushroom Calendar of PNW¿Appendix Bonus: Mushroom Logbook PagesSo if you are short on time and want a basic understanding of Mushrooms of PNW with images (to recall), here is your chance.

  • von Stephen Fleming
    52,00 €

  • von Stephen Fleming
    27,00 €

  • von Stephen Fleming
    29,00 €

  • von Stephen Fleming
    38,00 €

    Do you want to meet Wild Edible Plants and Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest in a single book?Here You Go!!There is something nostalgic about experiencing the nature of PNW in full bloom. Mushrooms and wild plants form a major part of this magic.This 2-in-1 book is a concise photographic journey to the Mushrooms & Wild Edible Plants of PNW.This book is for you if you like consuming short, crisp, and engaging information about Mushrooms and other Edible Plants within a few hours.This is a helpful handbook with:¿Interior Colored Pages with 150+ images¿50+ Wild Plants & Mushrooms¿18+ RecipesThe book covers:Part 1: Foraging Wild Edible PlantsThe exciting introduction & history of foragingWhy Foraging- The Benefits6 Steps of ForagingIdentifying, Double Checking & HarvestingPreparing, Preservation & Healthy RecipesPart 2: Mushrooms of PNWThe Basics of Mycology5 Golden Steps towards ForagingCommon Wild Mushrooms of PNW with Foraging Tips and Photographs(Also covers common poisonous ones to be avoided)How to Preserve & StoreDelicious Wild Mushroom RecipesSeasonal Mushroom Calendar of PNWAppendix: Mushroom Logbook PagesGet this book now and go through the wilderness of PNW with delicious recipes!!Read less

  • von Stephen Fleming
    42,00 €

    Mushrooms are an amazing gift of nature and the more we learn about them, we realize the magic of the unknown!While I was in Pacific Northwest for 5 years, my colleague from work got me hooked on Foraging and Growing mushrooms.I continued with this hobby for the last 7 years and wherever I go I make sure to discover the mushroom in the region and its medicinal utility in the local culture.This book is a 2-in-1 manuscript and covers in detail about¿ Growing Edible Mushrooms Indoor and on your lawn¿Medicinal/Healing Mushrooms - Types, Usage, Storage, Benefits & Recipes!!Plus:- Colored Interiors- Picture on each page - More than 175 instructional imagesTopics covered:Part 1· Mushrooming 101-The beginning of this journey· The science behind it: Nature's play!· Growing Mushrooms at home· Techniques - PF Tek, 5 Gallon Bucket, Monotub, Log Grow, Bottle/Jar, Outdoor, Straw Logs & much more· Which Mushroom to grow and how?· Common challenges you would face· Earning Profits: If you wish to sell!· Frequently Asked Questions: Questions I remember interacting with other fellow growers.· Few more tips like Mushroom growing process diagram (the simple one!), Mushroom Tree compatibility, Precautions for beginner'sPart 2· Historical instances of the use of Medicinal Mushrooms in various civilizations· Meet 18 different Healing Mushrooms· What are their respective healing powers, news about ongoing research· How to Forage main Medicinal Mushrooms in the wild· Usage and storage tips· Healthy Recipes· Frequently Asked Questions· GlossaryGet this 2-in-1 book now and learn to hunt, grow and use Mushroom !!

  • von Stephen Fleming
    34,00 €

    "Una cocina sin armario es como un cuerpo sin alma"Esto es lo que dijo un sabio ebanista cuando le pregunté qué significaba para él la ebanistería.He practicado todos los aspectos de la carpintería, como la ebanistería, el torneado de madera y la fabricación de muebles, además de la ebanistería, y debo decir que este arte ofrece la máxima posibilidad de influir en el aspecto general de la cocina o el baño y, finalmente, de la casa.Los armarios, para mí, son una extensión de su personalidad y una gran manera de expresarse.Cuando empecé a hacer trabajos en madera, busqué desesperadamente una guía sobre los procesos específicos y las herramientas exactas necesarias.El contenido que encontré en Internet era una sobrecarga total de información y no se presentaba de forma secuencial. Los libros se centraban en unos pocos procesos o daban por sentado que yo ya tenía la información necesaria. Además, muchos de los libros estaban muy anticuados.Hay dos formas de obtener información: aprender de expertos en la materia con años de experiencia, y la otra es adquirir conocimiento de personas que están sólo unos pasos por delante de ti en su viaje.Yo pertenezco a este último grupo. Llevo cinco años en esta afición y sigo aprendiendo de los expertos.Todavía recuerdo mis dudas iniciales y los primeros consejos que me ayudaron.Este libro es para aquellos que todavía están dando sus primeros pasos (0-3 años) en la artesanía de la madera y quieren hacerse una idea global de los procesos y herramientas necesarios.He incluido fotografías de proyectos realistas para principiantes, y explicaré los procesos y procedimientos operativos estándar asociados a ellos.A continuación, los temas que encontrarás en el interior:· Introducción a la ebanistería· Tipos de armarios, puertas y cajones· Herramientas utilizadas y mejores prácticas· Procesos y técnicas· 10 proyectos para principiantes· Recapitulación y consejos de seguridad· Conclusión y recursos gratuitos en línea En el último capítulo, he proporcionado un enlace a recursos gratuitos en línea para planificar tus próximos proyectos.Éxitos, ¡y empecemos el emocionante viaje!

  • von Stephen Fleming
    68,00 €

    ¿QUIERES APRENDER A TRABAJAR LA MADERA DE ALGUIEN QUE VA UNOS PASOS POR DELANTE DE TI?Si crees de verdad en el concepto de que la mejor persona para enseñarte alguna nueva habilidad es la que acaba de pasar esa etapa de principiante y puede identificarte con tus retos, este libro es para ti.Soy un consultor tecnológico y he estado practicando la carpintería durante los últimos 5 años. En el proceso, he conocido a varios practicantes y principiantes y he visto sus desafíos y las soluciones más adecuadas.Este es un libro no tradicional que te ayuda a alcanzar tu objetivo de terminar tus primeros proyectos. Todos los capítulos contienen una gran variedad fotografías para tu comprensión.Este es un libro 3 en 1 que consta de tres partes y 25 proyectos de iniciación:¿ Parte 1: Trabajo en madera para principiantes¿ Parte 2: Ensamblaje de madera para principiantes¿ Parte 3: Torneado de madera para principiantesTodas estas partes constan de:¿ Introducción, definiciones básicas, una historia que te haga sentirte cómodo con el tema¿ Descripción de las herramientas e instrucciones de uso¿ Las pautas de seguridad y las mejores prácticas son el capítulo más importante en todos estos 3 temas, ¡esta debería ser la prioridad!¿ Proceso, técnicas y consejos para principiantes: Todas las técnicas básicas necesarias para completar los proyectos iniciales junto con consejos prácticos de los profesionales.¿ 25 (10 trabajos de madera, 5 de carpintería, 10 de torneado de madera) proyectos iniciales paso a paso: Puedes elegir cualquiera de ellos para comenzar tu viaje¿Glosario de términos de carpintería para una mejor comprensiónAsí que, en general, sentirás que un amigo que ha aprobado un examen la semana pasada te está ayudando a hacer lo mismo la semana que viene.Consigue hoy mismo tu libro de carpintería 3 en 1 y comienzatu viaje.

  • - A Beginner's Bible with Step-by-Step Instructions to Grow Any Magical Mushroom at Home
    von Stephen Fleming
    38,00 €

    "Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom." ~ Thomas CarlyleYou practice many hobbies across your lifetime, but few give you the thrill, enigma, and satisfaction of growing Mushrooms.Every cycle you cultivate the same Mushroom, you would notice the magic of nature.It is apt that Mushroom is closely related to humans than plants.This book is the gist of my years of interest in Mushrooms and subsequent practice in the last three years.I started with readymade grow bags and then tried Martha Chamber, a 5-gallon bucket, and outdoor logs.Each methodology is an experience in itself and the saying 'Enjoy the process" is best suited for this hobby.Finally, as I gained some expertise and produced a considerable amount of mushrooms from outdoor beds, I also used my digital marketing expertise to sell them in my neighborhood!All that experiences right from starting to mass-produce are being covered in the book.Going through the book, you can foresee your journey for the next 3-4 years if you start today.Topics covered:Mushrooming 101-The beginning of this journeyThe science behind it: Nature's play!Growing Mushrooms at homeTechniques - PF Tek, 5 Gallon Bucket, Monotub, Log Grow, Bottle/Jar, Outdoor, Straw Logs & much moreWhich Mushroom to grow and how?Common challenges you would faceEarning Profits: If you wish to sell!Frequently Asked Questions: Questions I remember interacting with other fellow growers.Few more tips like Mushroom growing process diagram (the simple one!), Mushroom Tree compatibility, Precautions for beginner'sSo, what are you waiting for?Start your Mushrooming journey and witness the magic of nature!

  • - Una guia paso a paso con herramientas, tecnicas, consejos y proyectos iniciales
    von Stephen Fleming
    41,00 €

  • - Una guiasencilla 3 en 1 para principiantes con procesos, consejos y tecnicassobremarroquineria y manualidadesenmadera
    von Stephen Fleming
    30,00 €

  • - Guia de iniciacion conproyectos faciles, instrucciones paso a paso y preguntas frecuentes
    von Stephen Fleming
    20,00 €

  • - A Beginner's Guide with 20 DIY Projects for Digital Detox and Family Bonding
    von Stephen Fleming
    22,00 €

  • - Beginner Guide with 31 Easy Projects for Digital Detox & Family Bonding
    von Stephen Fleming
    21,00 €

  • von Stephen Fleming
    21,00 €

  • - Beginner Friendly 3 in 1 Guide with Process, Tips Techniques and Starter Projects
    von Stephen Fleming
    30,00 €

  • - The Step-by-Step Guide with Tools, Techniques, Tips and Starter Projects
    von Stephen Fleming
    20,00 €

  • - Beginner Friendly 3 in 1 Guide with Process, Tips and Techniques in Leatherworking and Wood Crafting
    von Stephen Fleming
    28,00 €

    Are you looking for hobbies that can be a favorite weekend pastime for young, old, and teens alike?Well, you can get 3 of them in a single book: Leather Crafting Wood Burning WhittlingWe all need a few hobbies to unwind, relax, and cut off from the routine chores and excessive technology (Digital Detox).Also, whether you are young, old, or teen, across all age groups, these activities are required for different reasons.So I started writing this book to provide a minimalistic approach to information required to start your first leather project. It covers:Leather Crafting History of Leather Basics Tools and their usage Making Patterns Cutting Patterns Gluing Beveling, Embossing, Stamping Stitching basics Coloring and Finishing Tips, Techniques for the beginner Appendix: List of online resources available for free patterns, tips, and techniquWood Burning/Pyrography Introduction to the art: The history and steps involved Tools: All about tools required: Detailed instructions on using Wood Burner including different tips Designing, Tracing, and Shading: I must say the shading part only comes by practicing! Coloring, Polishing, and Finishing Safety Instructions: Very important and highlighted all through the book Step by Step instructions on 10 starter projects with pictures Frequently Asked Questions (All the ones I could remember and not covered in other chapters) Sample Designs: Mandala, Tiger, Dragon, and more.Whittling Introduction: History of Whittling, how it started and became part of popular culture. Wood: All about the type of wood, grains, and tips for starting. Tools: All about pocket and carving knives Techniques: All type of cuts Safety: Gloves, Thumb pads, duct tape, and other innovative options. Starter projects with photos and step by step instructions Frequently asked questions: 22 beginner questions as answered by experts: Multiple solutions to a single problem List of online resources for patternsWell, if you ever wanted to start your Journey in these crafts, this would be the perfect enabler and a guide for you.Why?Because I genuinely believe in the saying, "The best person to guide you is the one few steps ahead of you."So, what are you waiting for? Get this updated book and start your Journey Today!

  • - Starter Guide with Easy Projects, Step by Step Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    von Stephen Fleming
    20,00 €

    "Whittling for me is more than just an art. It is like meditation and rather therapeutical. Every single time you create something, it brings you the delight and also the happiness that meets your mind and soul". This is the reply I got from an old practitioner when I asked him how do you interpret Whittling. Then I realized the core idea behind this craft. It comes with no deadline, no pre-written script, no rules, and just pure expression of your emotions through a knife and a piece of wood.In the present times, when all the self-help gurus are talking about Digital Detox, Whittling comes as a strong contender to pass on to the young and the old alike.My Journey in WhittlingMy wife introduced me to the world of Whittling 5 years ago. As I was already into Leathercraft and Pyrography, I got the basics quickly. But reaching the intermediate level in any art requires practice and patience. It has been an incredible journey for the last few years, working alongside her on various Whittling projects.About the BookThis book is like a friend sharing his experiences and taking you from point A to B in your Whittling journey. The examples and references are real and taken out of the conversations with various experienced Whittlers.The book covers:Introduction: History of Whittling, how it started and became part of popular culture.Wood: All about the type of wood, grains, and tips for starting.Tools: All about pocket and carving knivesTechniques: All type of cutsSafety: Gloves, Thumb pads, duct tape, and other innovative options.Starter projects with photos and step by step instructionsFrequently asked questions: 22 beginner questions as answered by experts: Multiple solutions to a single problemList of online resources for patternsI have included realistic photographs, discussions, tips, FAQs, which I have received along the way of my journey in Whittling over the years.  Still on the fence?Okay, let me explain to you the difference between Wood Carving and Whittling?Whittling is like an unplanned vacation (go with the flow), and Wood Craving is like planning a vacation through a tour operator!And lastly my favorite analogy:When I was struggling to understand the concept of wood grain initially, one old-time whittler told me, "Think of the grain-like petting a cat. When you pet it head to tail, the fur all lies down, and the cat purrs. If you try to go from tail to head, it spikes up, and the cat gets very angry. Keep the cat happy."So what are you waiting for, get the book now and start your Whittling Journey! 

  • - Learn to Burn Guide in Wood Burning with Starter Projects and Patterns
    von Stephen Fleming
    20,00 €

    There are very few crafts in the world which gives as much satisfaction as Pyrography- AnonymousWhether you are a Technology professional like me or Financial Consultant or a Teacher, we all need to unwind and splash our creative juices once in a while and appreciate the power of imagination. This book is targeted at people from diverse backgrounds, trying Pyrography as a beginner and looking for to the point, minimalistic, value-packed information to start off with their first project.Why Pyrography?Of all the crafts I have done, Pyrography is the most value for money. It gives me immense satisfaction and serves the purpose for which I practice the art on the weekends.The best part is this art has got something for everyone.If you are a beginner, get a scrap wood and use your existing soldering pen to start the artwork. Later, you can shift to a proper burner. If you like calligraphy, you can burn letters. A friend of mine is a space enthusiast, and he is making space ships!With experience, you master the art of shading, which gives depth to the artwork. Drawing hair, fur, or skin of an animal takes time, but it is worthwhile to put the effort.The best part of this skill is it makes one of the best presents for the loved ones. As the art ages with time, it leaves a memorable piece of history to the coming generation.The best person to guide you is the one few steps ahead of you!This is not a traditional book but an effort from your friend to present the experience and discussions while learning this art in the last few years. I am not an expert (there are many I know who are just fabulous) but just a learner improving with each project.This book provides a minimalistic approach to the information required to start your first Pyrography project. It covers:Introduction to the art: The history and steps involvedTools: All about tools involved: Detailed instructions on using Wood Burner including different tipsDesigning, Tracing, and Shading: I must say the shading part only comes by practicing!Coloring, Polishing, and FinishingSafety Instructions: Very important and highlighted all through the bookStep by Step instructions on 10 starter projects with picturesFrequently Asked Questions (All the ones I could remember and not covered in other chapters)Sample Designs: Mandala, Tiger, Dragon, and more.I still remember the initial doubts I had and the tips which helped me.This book is for people who are in their first lap of Pyrography journey and want to have a holistic idea of processes, tools and need help in their initial projects.I have included photographs of realistic projects of beginners explaining the process and standard operating procedure while starting.So, what are you waiting for? Get this updated book and start your Pyrography Journey Today! 

  • - Non-Programmer's Guide to AIOPS & MLOPS
    von Stephen Fleming
    18,00 €

    What comes to your mind after reading the below statements from a renowned industry research firm? It is predicted that a large enterprise exclusive use of AIOps and digital experience monitoring tools to monitor applications and infrastructure will rise from 5% in 2018 to 30% in 2023. Also, Only 47% of machine learning models are making it into production (Comes MLOPS!)Do you have similar thoughts? Is it just a new Buzzword or repackaging of the existing system? If it's for real, how is it going to impact the Business/Industry? How my business or job would get impacted? If it has just started, how can I leverage from wherever I am? Which are the major players/startups in this area?Depending on your role, it may be useful for you to know about AIOPS & MLOPS: If you are a Business Consultant trying to make the system more efficient and profitable, reaping the benefits of Automation in your application development process If you are a Technology Consultant and want to make your operation more Agile, Automated and easily deployable If you are a Technology Professional looking for a role in these upcoming areas to be an early adopter in your organization or just starting your career and want to understand the ecosystem If you are from HR or Training field and want to understand the job/Training requirements for these upcoming roles Beyond the apparent hustle and bustle of buzzwords and nomenclature every year, I genuinely believe that AI would drastically change the software development and deployment model in the next two years, and all these new startups would drive this change. It's astonishing how fast this cycle is moving. Especially for us who had seen the world before the internet came into our daily lives!! This book is my attempt to update you on the unfolding story of AIOPS and MLOPS as "story till now. " So here is to our Continuous Learning and Progress! Cheers.

  • - 7, 8 & 9 Year Old Edition: The LOL Interactive Joke and Riddle Book Contest Game for Boys and Girls Age 7 to 9
    von Natalie Fleming
    16,00 €

     What are you planning to gift to the little one this holiday season!  Here is a chance to gift a fun-filled book of Jokes, Riddles, Who Am I and Knock Knock Joke gamebook. It is a book that would engage the kids and the grownups (for assigning points!) and spreading lots of laughter and smiles all around.Yes, gift this book to the little one and play with the kids — more than the book, they would love to see you involved.So here is a call to:Mom and DadGrand Mom and Grand DadUncles and AuntsElder brother or sistersOr anyone who wants to bring a smile to the little one’s face!Relive your childhood with awesome Funny Jokes; Knock Knock jokes, Riddles and Who Am I questions.So, what are you waiting for?This holiday season, Gift this book and have a great time with kids!!

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