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  • von Muslim Library Nagpur
    28,00 €

    The "Sadar Muslim Library" was established in Nagpur, Maharashtra, in 1922 by astute and informed individuals who were drawn to Urdu literature. Even now, the organization is still growing. Books on intellectual, literary, social, cultural, and other subjects are widely available and beneficial to readers of all castes and religions. The same organization also started a helpful series of introduction writings to honor the late poets of Kamti and Nagpur. Literary events were also arranged by them. As a result, the poems, writings, and lives of the Nagpur region's poets have been preserved. An introduction to a few chosen writers and their literary works can be found in this book.

  • von Vishwanath Taus
    23,00 €

    Vishwanath Taus's book contains essays that concisely outline significant periods in Indian film history. How did cinema journalism flourish, how did well-known authors and poets come to be associated with movies, how did intentional and distinctive films get made, how did movies handle subjects like communalism or religion, and how did art films forge their own identities? The same fascinating topics are covered in this book.

  • von Aijaz Ubaid
    23,00 €

    These days, people who yell slogans about women's freedom and equal rights and level numerous charges against Islam overlook the fact that Islam itself bestows this kind of devout understanding of women and the concept of rights associated with them. This book also covers a number of other women-related subjects in great detail.

  • von Tahseen Firaqi
    22,00 €

    Iqbal's words are a timeless masterpiece of Islamic literature, flowing from the liver and from the bottom of the heart. These lines gave rise to ideas and conversations about Islamic literature, which emerged on the Urdu literary scene some time after Pakistan was established and whose warmth endures eternally in the hearts and minds of those who pioneered devout writing. Iqbal's song, which embodies awareness, wisdom, timelessness, faith, and love, brightens minds and warms hearts.

  • von Ghulam Haider
    29,00 €

    Today, newspapers play a big role in our lives. It wouldn't be incorrect to argue that the newspaper paints the best picture of modern civilization. Newspapers provide a comprehensive record of all that we are leaving behind for future generations... daily occurrences, mishaps, adjustments, revolutions, advancements, and every facet of our existence worldwide. The author of this book has made an effort to clearly explain how the concept of the newspaper came to be, when and where it did so, how it evolved over time, and what the modern newspaper aims to achieve.

  • von Syed Hyderabadi
    30,00 €

    Everyone understands the value of personality. As a result, a lot of individuals draw attention to them right away. Every walk of life welcomes them. Building our personalities is entirely up to us in terms of thought, deed, and commitment. People that genuinely want to make a difference in the world are successful in doing so. It's crucial to put the knowledge into practice because simply knowing something is insufficient. Without action, knowledge is insufficient. It is important to remember this concept. We'll undoubtedly arrive at our destination if we are successful in this. This book offers a few strategies for readers' healthy personality development.

  • von Zarqa Mufti
    26,00 €

    Despite being a relatively new literary form, the Urdu short story, or "afsaana," is one of the most important literary subgenres in Urdu literature. It is a creation of the contemporary industrial and mechanized era, impacted by several literary movements and groups in addition to western influences. It has adapted to shifting themes and literary techniques in addition to the appearance of fresh ideas about what it means to exist in different eras. The book "Nau Rang Afsane: part-2" is a selection of short stories from contemporary Urdu fiction.

  • von Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
    26,00 €

    Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi was a versatile personality, poet, fiction writer, editor, journalist and educationist. This book contains ten of his thought-provoking essays on education, literature and art. In these articles, He has focused particularly on children's education and their literature.

  • von Kabulova Umida Sayidmaxamadovna
    36,00 €

    This book is intended for students of the bachelor's level of higher educational institutions of the general group. It is developed on the basis of the program of the subject "Use of the Uzbek language in the field". The materials of this study guide can be used in classroom lessons, assignments, and supervision. Each lesson of this guide was given as a practical exercise, and instructions specific to the field terms, documents, official-departmental work style were given. In the training manual, the scientificity of the expert's speech, the use of terms related to the field, and the terms specific to the formal style are mentioned in the development of students as representatives of the field.

  • von Zarqa Mufti
    24,00 €

    The promotion and publication of Urdu language and literature have been greatly aided by women. Women and men have worked together to produce every literary genre. Women have demonstrated the core of their craft in prose and poetry, particularly criticism. Some critical studies on women's poetry written by women themselves can be found in this book.

  • von Aijaz Ubaid
    23,00 €

    In contrast to other heavenly religions, which lack conversation and rational dispute in their sacred books, histories, and academics, Islam places a strong focus on these concepts. Since ancient times, there have been discussions amongst religions to try and discover some common ground. This conversation is viewed from an Islamic point of view in this book. The necessity of discourse in Islam has been explained by pointing to its meaning and historical background. Four requirements are listed along with the advantages of this argument, which the advocates of the debate must follow.

  • von Rasheed Amjad
    27,00 €

    Faiz Ahmed Faiz has a revolutionary perspective on social transformation and is an enthusiastic humanitarian. He supports for the greatest amount of freedom for the average person to use their unique abilities and talents in order to advance human welfare. He is a responsible, forward-thinking academic who cares a great deal about basic human needs. Faiz is especially committed to advancing the goals of marginalized and oppressed social groups and communities. He spoke out against lowering wages, rejecting worker social benefits, and allowing capitalists to amass fortune at the expense of working people. This book goes into great detail about the opinions and analysis of Faiz's poetry.

  • von Qadeer Zaman
    27,00 €

    In this book, "Bazm e Hum NafsaaN," renowned Hyderabadi Urdu laureate Qadeer Zaman provides literary and social details on the lives and work of well-known literary giants. The book also includes his vivid portraits of those literary figures.

  • von Aijaz Ubaid
    24,00 €

    A travelogue is a type of writing that documents the observations and encounters of travel. It is the most widely read genre of Urdu writing. The writers of travelogues saw the conditions in many parts of the world and incorporated them into their writings. The form also developed as soon as travel comforts increased. Not only has Urdu travelogue advanced significantly in terms of quantity, but it has also become more accepted. This book contains four interesting travelogues written by significant writers.

    22,00 €

    Fostering children's natural curiosity is crucial to assisting them in developing into well-rounded adults later on. Children's books should be chosen with their attitude in mind, both in terms of style and content. The universe of a child's consciousness and semi-perception is completely different from the world of an adult. Thus, writing that satisfies a child's fascinations and interests while also catering to the psychological demands of their mind, inclinations, and understandings is truly worthy of its own genre. Writing for this readership considers the influence of perception. This is a collection of five short stories written in an easy, fluid, and simple style for young adults, written by Manazir Ashiq Harganvi and compiled by Farha Andaleeb.

  • von Ghulam Sarwar
    22,00 €

    To assist kids become well-rounded adults in the future, it is crucial to foster their natural curiosity. When choosing children's books, one should take their attitude toward style and content into account. Compared to an adult, a child's consciousness and semi-perception inhabit a completely different universe. Books that satisfy a child's fascinations and interests while also attending to the psychological demands of their mind, inclinations, and understandings are thus genuinely worthy of their own category. The power of perception is kept in mind when writing for this audience. Dr. Ghulam Sarwar has authored four short stories for young adults on jungles in an easy, flowing style.

  • von Aijaz Ubaid
    26,00 €

    Kamleshwar was a 20th-century Indian writer who wrote in Hindi. He became famous for his short stories, and some other works, which depicted the contemporary life in a vivid style of presentation. This book, "Kamleshwar ke 6 Afsane (Short Stories)" is a collection of his six short stories translated and edited by Aijaz Ubaid in Urdu.

    24,00 €

    Urdu literature is mainly consists of poetry than prose. The prose in Urdu languge is mainly related to ancient form of long stories called dastan. These long stories have complicated plots that deal with magical and supernatural creatures and ancidents. Dastan mainly focuses on folklore, myth and classical literary subjects.This was specifically common in Urdu literature. Typologically dastan is closer to eastern genres of literature such as Punjabi qissa, Persian Masnawi, Sindhi waqayati bait, etc.College of Fort William in Calcutta started a project translating Indian literature. Mr. John Borthwick Gilchrist, a famous scholar of literature, asked Mir Amman, an employee of the college, to translate the stories which were originally written in Persian by Amir Khusro into the Urdu language. Mir Amman translated it into everyday Urdu, under the title Baagh o Bahaar.

  • von Mohd Sharfuddin Sahil
    23,00 €

    Dr Mohd Sharfuddin Sahil has presented social and literary information related to the life of renowned literary personalities in this book 'Chaar Ahem Shakhsiaat' which also features his evocative illustrations of those literary figures.

  • von Hakeem Rahat Naseem Sohdravi
    26,00 €

    Life and health are among the greatest gifts that God has given to humanity. Since Islam is the religion of nature, it commands respect for the bounties associated with material requirements. For this reason, it commands the preservation of life and health. Today, preventive care and prevention are the main priorities of medical institutions worldwide. In every medical college, a department named "Community Medicine" is being established, with the goal of eliminating diseases first through avoidance and prevention. This book raises awareness of the importance of maintaining good health and outlines preventative measures that can be taken to do so.

  • von Muhammad Mansha Yaad
    26,00 €

    Writer and Playwright Muhammad Mansha Yaad was born in Punjab, Pakistan. His first collection of stories was published in 1975, while his first short story debuted in 1955. He wrote stories in Punjabi and Urdu for numerous literary publications. The stories of Mansha Yad also contain elements of simplicity and purity, as well as the fundamental inconsistencies and wants of the earthly human being. The reader connects with the town's characters as they read their stories. The reader is moved ahead in astonishment by each of his stories.

  • von Fouzia Choudhary
    24,00 €

    As the chairperson of the Urdu Academy Karnataka, Dr. Fouzia Choudhary was instrumental in bringing the academy to life with its many programs and awards, financial support for journalists, and scholarships for writers, poets, and journalists who receive less than favorable treatment. She consistently participated in the academy's many events and initiatives. She was a writer as well, and this book features literary portraits of a few Karnataka laureates, including Azeemuddin Azeem, Aijaz Timmapuri, and Najmus Saqib.

  • von Krishan Chander
    28,00 €

    Krishan Chander was an Indian novelist and short story writer who wrote in Hindi and Urdu. He was a cosmopolitan and humanist who, above all, never gave up opposing terror, violence in communities, fanaticism, and casteism. His literary masterpieces about the savagery and barbarism of the Indian partition period and the Bengal famine are among the best examples of contemporary Urdu writing. More than 100 books, including novels, anthologies of short stories, dramas, fantasies, satires, parodies, reportages, scripts for films, and children's books, have been attributed to him. A selection of some of his best short stories are included in this book.

    28,00 €

    Despite being a relatively new literary form, the Urdu short story, or "afsaana," is one of the most important literary subgenres in Urdu literature. It is a creation of the contemporary industrial and mechanized era, impacted by several literary movements and trends in addition to western influences. It has accepted the evolving ideas about what it is to live that have surfaced over time, as well as the shifting subjects and literary techniques. This book "Kuch Yaadgaar Afsane" collects a selection of short stories from Urdu fiction.

  • von Nawab Mustafa Khan Shefta
    23,00 €

    Nawab Mustafa Khan Shefta, a contemporary of Mirza Ghalib, was an Urdu poet and critic who lived from 1809 until 1869. He came from a well-known Bangash Hindustani Pathan landowning family. Shefta asked Momin for guidance, or islah, regarding his own Urdu poetry and Ghalib for counsel regarding Persian. He also wrote 'Gulshan-e-Be-khaar', or The Thornless Garden, an early collection of Urdu poetry. Beginning his Hajj journey in March 1839, Shefta wrote this travelogue once he returned.

    26,00 €

    The words of the humorous writers are colorfully decorated with various ideas, expressions, observations, idioms and humorous metaphors. This book, "Phuljhadi MuskurahatoN ki" is a collection of urdu humorous light essays written by different prominent Urdu writers.

  • von Sattorov Shaxzod
    32,00 €

    This book examines and analyzes the scientific works of foreign scientists, the regulatory requirements for the creation of the geoinformation basis of the state cadastre of cultural heritage objects, and the selection criteria used to identify suitable locations. Details are given on the cultural heritage items that are still in existence in the Bukhara region, along with their exact location. The province's current cultural heritage assets are sheltered inside their protection zones. The state cadastre of cultural heritage objects has improved its geodatabase formation process by considering programming rules; the insta 360 device route shooting method has been improved, and a virtual type has been developed; the process of using Sketch Up to create a three-dimensional model of cultural heritage objects has been improved; an online geoportal of the state cadastre of cultural heritage objects has been developed considering the method of attributive data formation based on the Java Script multi-paradigm programming language.

  • von Abdullayeva Ra'no Tajiboyevna
    25,00 €

    In order to get primary school pupils to read a scientific article, contemporary literature that is written with their age characteristics in mind must be chosen. Every work of art intended for children must be appropriate for their age and level, while also taking into consideration the distinctive qualities of each place, its artists, and their inventiveness. It must also awaken children's deepest thoughts and inspire them to pursue noble goals. "Commonwealth of Nations" is the title of a book of poetry and prose that Uzbek author Abdullayeva has put together. It is full of numerous passionate, upbeat, and heartfelt poems that examine human nature and love in all of its forms. It also features a ton of incredibly insightful prose penned by youthful, talented Uzbek writers.

  • von Doston Xamidov
    30,00 €

    This book "Technology of formation of social behavior culture through the use of information resources in the school education system" examines a number of topics, including electronic technology, social culture, foreign experiences, science news, school education systems, and the unique characteristics of communication processes. This book can be used in the special education preschool and school education system as well as in higher education institutions.

  • von Rajinder Singh Bedi
    24,00 €

    Rajinder Singh Bedi was an Indian Urdu writer of the progressive writers' movement and a playwright, who later worked in Hindi cinema as a film director, screenwriter and dialogue writer. Rajendra Singh Bedi is the name of modern Urdu fiction that Urdu fiction rightly admires. His short stories are amazing, unmatched, and unquestionably unique. Compared to the three other pillars of modern Urdu fiction, Saadat Hasan Manto, Ismat Chughtai and Krishan Chander, Bedi's fictional works are the most nuanced depictions of the human psyche. Man is seen in his actual form in his mirror, and Bedi presents him in a way that highlights not just the nuanced aspects of his character but also the intricate interplay between the person and society as well as the enigmatic nature of the human psyche. This book presents six famous stories of Bedi, named as Bud'Dha, Girhan, Bhola, Muqaddas Jhoot, Aik baap bikao hai and Jogiya.

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