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Bücher veröffentlicht von Talking Cub

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  • von Nandita Da Cunha
    18,00 €

    Three best friends from the gullies of Mumbai have a falling out. Thena deadly cloudburst threatens their neighbourhood. Will they be able toovercome their religious differences and unite in the face of danger?When outsiders enter Moin's neighbourhood and complain about the smell,he is disheartened. But then a beautiful new smell enters his world. What is it?A girl dislikes the new 'outsider' school girl at her boarding school inLandour. Can music bring them together?A young apple seller in Kashmir is astonished at the brash city ways of touristsat his orchard. Will he have the last laugh?Each story in this collection celebrates differences and multiple perspectives.Our rainbow society comes to life in these pages-teeming with diversity-in which children stand up and make our world a kinder, richer place.Together, these stories of fellowship, filled with emotion and humour, holdout a beacon of hope and love.

  • von Dhan Gopal Mukherji
    18,00 €

    Somewhere in the forests of India, a tiger cub is born to Bagni the tigress.Fierce-Face is brave, intelligent, and like all tiger cubs, obedient to hismother.As Fierce-Face grows, he must learn to hold his own against oldermale tigers-even his father! He has to know how to evade the terrifyingelephants, and trick the crazed boar Horn-Tooth. He learns how to survivewhen drought strikes, and when wildfires rage. He stays close to his motheras they traverse so deep into the forests, they reach the realms of myth andlegend.Also included in this volume is Dhan Gopal Mukherji's celebrated story of acaptive elephant, Kari the Elephant. Kari and his friend and mahout, a youngboy, have adventures that take them into jungles and big cities. Kari is as loyalas he is strong-till the world of humans proves too much for him.Dhan Gopal Mukherji, widely read and celebrated in theWest for many years,wrote evocatively about the wildlife and forests of India. In this volume, twoof his finest animal creations, Fierce-Face and Kari, come together for the firsttime to mesmerise many new readers.

  • von Dhan Gopal Mukherji
    18,00 €

    Delightful, funny and thoughtful stories from India come back to life in thiscollection.There is the cat who is made king but then has to flee the forestbecause he becomes a bit too fat. Madhukara the bee gathers honey, but has tolearn when to stop.The bunny is given many boons by a sage-till he learnsthat he does not need to be big and fierce in order to be brave.The conceitedfly believes everyone is afraid of him and goes around annoying all the animalsbut meets his match in Hathi the elephant.Noted children's writer Dhan Gopal Mukherji gave his own unique twist totraditional Indian tales.Teeming with creatures big and small-from the flyto the mighty tiger-each one of these stories teaches gently and humorouslythe values of kindness, bravery, and shows that wisdom resides everywhere.Brought together in one volume for the first time, The Cat Who Became King is acollection to be savoured and treasured forever.

  • von Hemendra Kumar Roy
    21,00 €

    In a trunk containing his late grandfather's possessions, Kumar finds a humanskull. On looking carefully, he discovers that there are tiny carvings on it-acode to a treasure! With his friend Bimal, he deciphers the code and Bimaland Kumar decide to set off to find the treasure that is hidden in the beautifulKhasi Hills. But in hot pursuit of the skull and the key to the code is Karali,the conniving and traitorous friend, who wants the treasure at any cost.Accompanied by their attendant Ramhari, and their loyal dog Bagha, Bimaland Kumar are plunged into the adventure of a lifetime. In every corner therelies a villain waiting to waylay them. There are deep dark caves with wildanimals. Ghosts that beckon in the dark. And there is the yaksha guarding thetreasure. Can Bimal and Kumar elude all of them and succeed?Hemendra Kumar Roy's adventure, ghost and science fiction books in Bengalihave enthralled generations of young readers for nearly a century now. For thefirst time, this iconic story appears in English in this lucid translation that willentice a whole new generation of readers into Hemenbabu's world.

  • von Bulbul Sharma
    26,00 €

    Meet Paati, Thatha, Dida, Nani, Dadi, Dadu and so many more grandparentsof all kinds in this charming collection of stories by some of India's bestchildren's writers. What is a child to do if Nani decides to audition for a danceshow? Or if Paati suddenly appears as an apparition with magenta-colouredhair? What is it like when Thatha becomes a detective and goes crime busting,or when Dadu decides to deal with an unhappy ghost in the neighbourhood?Ruskin Bond gives a glimpse of his Granny as a young girl. Bulbul Sharmarecounts an exciting and unusual train journey with her beloved Dida. AshokBanker and Jerry Pinto write sensitively about dealing with the loss of agrandparent, while Bijal Vachharajani's grandma would know just what to dowith all those single-use plastic bags everywhere.A collection to be read alone or with a grandparent, Dance, Nani, Dance bringsto life the unique and beautiful bond children share with grandparents. Itwill make readers laugh, or wipe a tear, or inspire them to cuddle Nani somemore!

  • von Dhan Gopal Mukherji
    18,00 €

    Sirdar is a majestic young elephant who is the chief of his herd.The elephantsare free and fearless-their only enemy is man, who will hunt them for theirivory or just for the joy of killing. Sirdar saves his herd from many dangers-floods, fires, hunters' traps and more. He is as noble as he is brave, a trueleader who looks out for the weakest of creatures.Till one day, he has toface a great test of his leadership, when his family and his herd will be in thegravest of dangers.Will Sirdar be able to save all those who look up to him forguidance?Dhan Gopal Mukherji was one of the first Indian writers to make a markin theWest, and the only writer from India to be awarded the prestigiousNewbery Medal for writing for children. In this book, he weaves a magicalstory of animals, the enchantment of forests and the creatures who live freein them, and creates the unforgettable character of Sirdar-the mightiest andnoblest of all elephants. Retitled and reissued in a brand new edition, thisclassic will enthral a whole new generation of young readers.

  • von Shabnam Minwalla
    18,00 €

    DeScriPtionIt's a year since jumping spiders, bursting bean bags and jowar banana bitessent the students and teachers of Grade 6 at Vidya World School into a tizzy.Now, Mr Bakshi, the school principal, wants to 'repair the bonds' and send theclass to a camp on the outskirts of Mumbai. Here, they will play team-buildinggames and learn to be united. Or so Mr Bakshi hopes. Fondly. Instead,Nimmi's class is sure there is a serial killer on the loose. There are potentialvegetarian-hating cannibals on the prowl. And Nimmi's lumpy sleeping bag inits Amazon Fresh plastic bag will play an unprecedented starring role. Caughtup in rain, hunger pangs and a splendidly collapsing tent, will Nimmi comeback home in one piece to tell the tale?Filled with dramatic and tender moments, Nimmi's Crawful Camping Days is alaugh-out-loud treat and a spectabulous addition to the well-loved series aboutNimmi Daruwalla.

  • von Swati Sengupta
    18,00 €

    DeScriPtionWhen she was nine years old, Savitri was married to thirteen-year-oldJyotirao Phule. Savitri yearned to be able to go to school, to read books.Jyotiba wanted his wife to be educated as well, and so he taught her. Soon,she learnt not just to read and write, but also trained as a teacher. Together,Savitribai and Jyotirao Phule started schools where girls and boys, Dalitchildren, and those who had been shunned from schools till then could geteducated. They fought against caste atrocities. They made sure that womenlearnt of their rights to exist with dignity.Savitribai Phule became one of India's first woman teachers and femalereformers. She faced incredible opposition to her work when people attackedher not just with words but even with stones and dung. But nothing could stopher.This is the enduring story of a woman who looked at age-old injustices andprejudice in the eye, and overcame them with courage and the power oflearning.

  • von Swati Sengupta
    18,00 €

    DeScriPtionBirsa Munda lived in one of the villages that dotted the Chhotanagpurregion in today's Jharkhand. He was a dreamy boy with an uncanny abilityto mesmerize not only humans but birds and animals too with his words andmusic. As he grew up, he became more and more aware of the exploitationof the Adivasi people by rich landowners and the British government. Birsaspoke out one day, and from that moment on, he started a journey that sawhim become one of India's greatest tribal leaders and icons of resistance.Birsa Munda rallied his people, telling them to stand up for their traditionalrights to the forests and their land. He exhorted them to set aside oldsuperstitions. And he led them in armed confrontations with the mightyBritish police forces.The extraordinary life of this great leader comes alive for a new generation ofreaders in this biography that is as engaging as it is inspiring.

  • von Ruskin Bond
    22,00 €

  • von Prerna Singh Bindra
    17,00 €

  • von Ashok Rajagopalan
    18,00 €

  • von Ashok Rajagopalan
    18,00 €

  • von Ashok Rajagopalan
    18,00 €

  • von Shilpa Rao
    23,00 €

    DescriptionThatha may look old, but once the magic couch starts flying, he is the bestpartner to have. Sitting on the couch, the little boy and his grandfather haveall kinds of escapades that take them from the icy mountains of Ladakh to thesugarcane fields of Mandya, from a mission to explore Mars to diving deepinto the waters of the Bay of Bengal. Along the way they meet all kinds ofexciting creatures: leopards, clownfish, turtles, and so much more!A celebration of the precious bond that children share with grandparents,The Magic Couch is the perfect book to set curious young minds buzzing withinformation and ideas.

  • von Sruthi Vijayan
    30,00 €

  • von Sukumar Ray Translated Arunava Sinha
    15,00 €

  • von Bijal Vachharajani
    19,00 €

  • von Ketki Pandit
    33,00 €

  • von INTACH
    35,00 €

  • von Mamta Nainy & Arthy Singh
    29,00 €

    DescriptionThe maharaja''s golden brooch is missing, right from the City Palace itself!Who could have stolen it? And how? Come on-there is no time to waste!Kavya and Pia need your help to solve the mystery of the maharaja''s missingbrooch. Is it hidden in the Jantar Mantar? Or is it in Hawa Mahal or AmerFort? Could it still be in the City Palace itself, hidden from sight? Race alongwith the super sibling detective team as they piece together this mystery andtake you through the streets of the historic Pink City of Jaipur.

  • von Mamta Nainy & Arthy Singh
    29,00 €

    DescriptionJoin Viji as she gets to know her city better, before all her cousins come toChennai for her aunt''s wedding. Go along as she visits her favourite MarinaBeach, the Guindy National Park and the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust,enjoying her Appa''s yummy dosais and sambar along the way! From Mylaporeto Adyar, Dakshina Chitra to Cholamandal Artists'' Village, get to knowthe cultural highlights of this city, while Viji gets thrilled by an unexpectedspotting of her favourite movie star. Chennai comes alive in this book, withViji as your resident guide!

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