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  • von Ira Montgomery Gish & Harry Christman
    25,00 - 29,00 €

  • von F. C. Gilbert
    35,00 €

    Nearly 25 centuries ago, the angel Gabriel foretold the time Christ would transfer His ministry from the holy place to the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary in preparation for the time when divine intercession for man's salvation would be finished.Christ has revealed His plans about the reward of the righteous and the final disposition of evildoers inside the pages of the Bible. The Most High has assured us in His word that the root and branches of sin will be consumed into smoke and ashes - evil shall not rise the second time.The Sanctuary is mentioned in both the beginning and end of the Bible. Between these entries are some of the most fascinating and inspiriting themes that can occupy the human mind is revealed. The study of the sanctuary may properly engage the interest of the one who desires to understand the purposes of the Creator in the salvation of the rigorous and the final disposition of evil.

  • von Milian Lauritz Andreasen
    42,00 €

    The book of Hebrews appeared during a critical time in the history of the early church. The destruction of Jerusalem was impending and many of the believers believed the end of the world was near. However, Paul warned the church against entertaining a false hope, for he knew they were misguided with their beliefs. It was a critical time-the apostles were passing away, and soon the church would be left alone. It was in this hour of perplexity that the book of Hebrews appeared with needed light and comfort. The people needed a clear conception of the work Christ was doing for them in the courts above, and this book explained the delay in His return, and restored their wavering faith.The conditions and problems which the church then had to meet are not unlike those facing the church today. While the early church was living at the time of the fulfillment of the first part of Christ's prophecy-the destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the temple, we are living at the time of the fulfillment of the second part of the prophecy-the coming of the Lord Jesus in the clouds of heaven. As there was misconceptions of Christ's work in the sanctuary then, so there are those now who likewise err. There is as much need today of a thorough study of the Scriptures as there was then, and more so.The book of Hebrews was a great factor in stabilizing the apostolic church in the crisis hour before the fall of Jerusalem, and it is hoped that a discussion of the mighty themes of the book of Hebrews will be of some help to the church of God today. All need to have their eyes fastened on our great High Priest and the work He is doing in the sanctuary above. And may it be the blessed privilege of many with "boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh." (Heb. 10:19, 20.) This was the prayer and hope of the author of Hebrews, and this also is the hope of the author of this volume.

  • von Michael G. Coleman
    42,00 €

    Lest you think that Dr. Coleman has "quit preachin' and gone to meddlin'" in this sensitive topic of music, and especially church-appropriate music, please give this book a chance. Coleman draws from many sources, both Seventh-day Adventist and non-Adventist, to explain just how the type of music we use in church worship services affects our worship experience and our Christian experience.When addressing the current trend of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), he assures the reader that he is not against all CCM, but cautions against using a song just because it may be popular or may draw a certain crowd into the church. He shows how merely the use of contemporary music may attract people to attend church, but it doesn't necessarily lead to a true conversion or the intentional discipling of those people.Dr. Coleman states, "The seeker sensitive model involved a de-emphasis of traditional methods of evangelism and discipleship such as doctrinal preaching, calling for repentance from sin, and committing oneself to give Bible studies; rather, it focused on innovation and meeting the wants of people-often dubbed "felt needs" … The seeker sensitive model also caused people to view Christianity as something "cool" and made them feel comfortable in "dressing down" to attend church worship service, sometimes in jeans and a t-shirt. However, it resulted in producing spiritually weak Christians who were pastor-dependent and not committed to making disciples for Christ."Music ministry leaders and anyone who enjoys music in church will learn to be a little more discriminating in the choice of music after gaining the insights provided in this book.

  • von David L Stevenson
    22,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Ronald W. Busby
    38,00 €

    The Battle for Your Heart traces prophecy and history through the inspired writings available to God's people, this book shows a compassionate God outlining each event in order and detail. Instead of fear and uncertainty, we can have joyous hope and full confidence in God's love and power in the last days with full knowledge that He is in control.

  • von Perry F Louden
    36,00 - 44,00 €

  • von Scott Burgess
    40,00 €

    Scott Burgess has crafted a most intriguing commentary on Revelation's Old Testament counterpart. Readers will treasure The Stand: Jesus in the Book of Daniel for its educational and devotional value. It not only aids in deciphering mysteries and symbols but also encourages and promotes complete dedication to our Lord and Savior as it highlights the central theme of standing unsullied in the end-time judgment.The author upholds the traditional Adventist methodology of allowing Scripture to interpret itself, and looking to history to confirm fulfilled prophecy. With that said, he also introduces a number of fresh insights. He highlights fascinating linguistic and conceptual connections with other portions of Scripture that many of us have not identified before. Those who pore over this tome will find a number of areas they readily agree with, and other areas that will require prayerful reflection before forming a decision, but nearly all will acknowledge Burgess' skillful manner of provoking prayerful thought and contemplation.What makes any book like this truly worthwhile is the presence of Christ. Burgess stresses the ubiquity of His manifestation throughout the book-as the One who rules the universe, past, present, and future; and as the One who empowers His people to withstand the fiercest opposition for the sake of faithfulness to Him and His commandments. Jesus offers the same empowerment to us, especially as imminent events parallel what the four Hebrews experienced. This 2,500-plus-year-old document speaks to us today.

  • von Ellet Jones Waggoner & E. J. Waggoner
    24,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Jim Hammer
    13,98 - 25,00 €

  • von Pushpa Jagnandan
    24,00 - 30,00 €

  • von James White
    29,00 €

    "A Word to the Little Flock" was published in 1847 by James White, a young minister of twenty-five at the time of its release. The book features articles and correspondence that address the events of October 22, 1844, and the unfulfilled prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. It provides a unique look into the experience and thinking of our Adventist pioneers in the years immediately following the Great Disappointment as they studied the Bible to understand what the future held for Christ's followers and the world.

  • von Arthur W. Spalding
    27,00 €

    The Men of the Mountains brings vividly before its readers conditions long past-and some even now still prevalent-in the highlands of the South. The story of the conquest of this vast section of our country by the early settlers, and of the valor, honor, and humor of their descendants is well worth careful study.In this book, A W Spalding tells of the great natural resources of both the individuals and their mountains; it shows the character of work being done in this mountain land by many devoted men and women-teachers, medical workers, and home builders, and in the telling, all is woven into one thrilling story. It reveals the mountain and hill country of the South, and most specifically Appalachia, as a training ground for Christian workers-home and foreign. The Men of the Mountains presents the hardy, fearless American Mountaineer, converted and consecrated, as a great and powerful factor in the finishing of God's work in the earth.

  • von Ellen G White
    30,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Ellen G. White
    27,00 €

    In today's world of sinfulness and godlessness, we are in desperate need of returning to traditional values and morals. "The greatest want of the world is the want of men-men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall." Education, 57Dare to Be a Daniel is a compilation of Ellen G. White's writings that expounds upon the life of this biblical hero, showing the lessons that can be learned from Daniel as he strove to honor and serve God every moment of every day. This collection of quotes is taken from a series on the life of Daniel in The Youth's Instructor, along with complimenting excerpts from The Review and Herald, The Signs of the Times, and Patriarchs and Prophets.

  • von M. L. Andreasen
    28,00 €

    "We need to go back to the instruction given in 1888, which we scorned. We need a reform in organization that will not permit a few to direct every move made anywhere in the world. We need a reform that will not permit a few to handle finances. We need a reform that will not permit the spending of millions on institutions not authorized by the vote of the constituency. We need a change in the emphasis that is given to promotion, finances, and statistics. We need to restore the Sabbath School to its rightful place in the work of God. We need to put a stop to the entertainments and suppers that are creeping in under the guise of raising money for good purposes. We need to put a stop to announcements in church that are merely disguised advertisements. However, while all these things are important, they are only minor things. We need reformation and revival most of all."-M. L. Andreasen, August 1959

  • von William J Rawson
    24,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Siegfried H. Horn
    33,00 €

    The problems connected with the dating of Artaxerxes I of Persia have long intrigued Biblical historians, because the 7th and 20th regnal years of that king are mentioned in the Bible in connection with important events in the history of Israel, yet these events have been given differing B.C. dates in different works.The discovery of the Brooklyn Museum Aramaic papyri (published by Draeling in 1953)--an additional group of double-dated fifth-century papyri from Elephantine--led to the writing of the present work.This book is now being republished in the hope that it will continue to clarify the subject and bring a solution of a somewhat difficult problem in Biblical chronology.

  • von Phyllis Gruesbeck
    38,00 €

    If you've ever wondered what day God wants us to worship on, or if He even really cares, by the time you finish this book, there will be no doubt in your mind that the seventh-day Sabbath is the Sabbath of the Lord. The author traces the Sabbath's history from creation through the last days of this earth's history and into heaven and the new earth. Jesus said, "If you love me, obey my commandments" (John 14:15, NLT). This book details this comment and shows that keeping the Sabbath is one way to show our love to God. When we love someone, we take pleasure in doing things they ask us to or know they like. So it is with God. When we love him, it is a pleasure to obey His commandments. Obedience is never a burden when love is the motive. Another facet of this book is giving Bible proof that the God we serve is a three-in-one God-three Persons, one God. God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Each with His own role to fulfill, yet one in purpose and one in ways humans can't begin to grasp.

  • von Dale Stivers
    30,00 €

  • von Gregory Cheadle
    23,00 €

  • von Dora Isaac Weithers
    20,00 €

  • von Jeffery Bishop
    30,00 €

  • von Ashton Vines
    22,00 €

  • von Maureen H Thomas
    54,00 €

  • von Jeffery Bishop
    43,00 €

  • von Grace Boucaud-Moore
    27,00 €

  • von Jere Franklin
    33,00 - 43,00 €

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