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Bücher veröffentlicht von The Perseus Books Group

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  • von Donald A. Norman
    18,00 €

    Design of Everyday Things is a captivating book written by the renowned author, Donald A. Norman. Published in 2013, this masterpiece falls under the genre of cognitive science and human factors engineering, and it has since gained widespread recognition for its insightful content. The book provides a critical analysis of the design of everyday objects and the impact that these designs have on the thoughts and actions of users. Norman's unique perspective and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter make this book a must-read for anyone interested in design and how it influences our daily lives. The Perseus Books Group, the publisher of this book, has done a commendable job in making this enlightening piece of work accessible to the public. The book is written in English.

  • - Stories of Mobsters from Jersey to Vegas
    32,00 €

    Wise Guys takes readers into the heart of Sopranos territory, with a collection featuring the work of best-selling writers from E. L. Doctorow (with an account of mobster Dutch Schultz that includes one of the great execution scenes in the literature of the Mob) to Nicholas Pileggi (on Henry Hill's first prison term, overflowing with good pasta and booze). Other pieces include Jerry Capeci and Gene Mustain reconstruction of the vicious hit on "Big Paulie" Castellano outside of Spark's Steakhouse (which catapulted John Gotti to leadership of the Gambino family), Mario Puzo's riveting account of a don's ascent (a tale of deceit, murder and, above all, cunning), and Norman Lewis on where it all began: the Sicilian Mafia's battle against Mussolini and its return to greater strength than ever.

  • von Samuel Eliot Morison
    40,00 €

    Parkman (1823-1893), was not only a pioneering historian but an enduring one. This superbly edited reader comprises approximately one-seventh of Parkman's original work. Presented here in whole chapters or groups of chapters, these writings present an enthralling portrait of North American colonial history. Illustrations & maps.

  • von Bob Deits
    25,00 €

    Spanish translation of our immensely popular Life After Loss, a practical and effective grief-recovery guide.

    29,00 €

    The acclaimed annual collection of the best action and adventure writing of the year returns with a rich trove of thrilling accounts.

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