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Bücher veröffentlicht von The Stone Unicorn Press

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  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    "Únete a Marigold y sus Amigos del Bosque mientras celebran el Día de San Valentín. Marigold y sus Amigos del Bosque expresan su amor y amistad a través de tarjetas y regalos. ¡Es un día de amor, risas y aventuras en la Montaña de Marigold!"

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    25,00 €

    Join Marigold and her Forest Friends as they celebrate Valentine's Day. Marigold and her Forest Friends express their love and friendship through cards and gifts. It's a day of love, laughter, and adventure at Marigold Mountain!

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    Lily, una pequeña conejita marrón, descubre la alegría de las celebraciones de primavera y Pascuaen la Montaña de Marigold. Aprende acerca de Cristo y sus enseñanzas de amor y bondad. Y también sobre el Conejo de Pascua.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    En "ALGODONCILLO," los lectores siguen el viaje de Zinnia, una mariposa monarca que regresa al prado cerca de la Montaña de Marigold, el hogar ancestral de su familia. Zinnia y otras monarcas luchan por encontrar suficientes plantas de algodoncillo para poner sus huevos. Con la ayuda de Marigold, amigos del bosque y la comunidad cercana, se siembran semillas. Esta conmovedora historia ofrece esperanza y acción positiva. Destaca la importancia del algodoncillo y el impacto ambiental humano en las Monarcas.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    Únete a los animales del bosque de Marigold Montaña en una entrañable aventura navideña que enseña valiosas lecciones sobre la importancia de la amistad, el espíritu de la Navidad y la alegría de dar.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    One to Ten with Monarch Friends is a rhyming and counting picture book that takes young readers through the Monarch butterfly's unique lifecycle and migration to Mexico. Follow their journey as they grow, change, and meet new friends at Marigold Mountain.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    Los animales del bosque quieren darle un regalo del Día de la Madre a Marigold. ¿Podrán ponerse de acuerdo en un regalo en particular? Este libro trata sobre la amistad, el aprecio y la alegría de dar.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    29,00 €

    "EL Cuento de LA Mariposa Monarca" es el viaje de una oruga que sueña con volar en la gran migración de las monarcas a México. Pero se enfrenta a muchos desafíos cuando emerge de su crisálida con un ala imperfecta. Esta historia educa a los jóvenes lectores sobre el ciclo de vida de las mariposas monarca. Fomenta la apreciación de la belleza del mundo natural. La historia se basa en hechos reales y es perfecta para los niños que aman la naturaleza, las mariposas y la aventura.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    "A Monarch's Story" is a journey of a caterpillar who dreams of flying in the great monarch migration to Mexico. But she faces many challenges when she emerges from her chrysalis with an imperfect wing. This story educates young readers about the lifecycle of monarch butterflies. It encourages an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. The story is based on actual events and is perfect for children who love nature, butterflies, and adventure!

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    Marigold eagerly awaited the arrival of the Monarch butterflies, but they were nowhere to be seen. With the help of her Forest Friends, they embarked on a mission to find the lost Monarchs. Using their unique abilities, they searched the forest, spreading love and kindness. Despite their efforts, the Monarchs remained elusive. Then, Marigold remembered a magical flute and played a heartfelt melody. The Monarchs heard the melody and returned to Marigold Mountain, bringing hope and beauty back to the land. This story is about friendship, hope, and the power of listening to our hearts.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    Lily, a little brown bunny, discovers the joy of Spring and Easter celebrations in Marigold Mountain. She learns about the resurrection of Christ and his teachings of love and kindness. She also discovers the traditions of the Easter Bunny, decorated eggs, and treats. This season of new beginnings and growth brings excitement and wonder to Lily's life.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    "The Robin Family" is a heartwarming and educational tale set in Marigold Mountain. It showcases the lifecycle of the American Robin through the eyes of Little Tweet, a young Robin. Follow Little Tweet's journey from her parent's arrival in Spring to the construction of their nest and the start of their family. Experience the American Robin's unwavering commitment to family as you follow their fascinating life cycle story. This informative book takes readers from the early stages as an egg to Little Tweet's first ventures outside the nest and learning to fly. With beautiful real-life photographs, this book is perfect for young readers and nature enthusiasts, providing a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    In "MILKWEED," readers follow the journey of Zinnia, a Monarch butterfly who returns to the meadow near Marigold Mountain, her family's ancestral home. Zinnia and other monarchs struggle to find enough milkweed plants to lay their eggs. With the help of Marigold, forest friends, and the nearby community, seeds are planted. This heart-warming story offers hope and positive action. It highlights the importance of milkweed and human environmental impact on the Monarchs.

  • von Jessica Vendetti
    28,00 €

    Join the forest animals of Marigold Mountain on a heartwarming Christmas adventure! It teaches valuable lessons about the importance of friendship, the spirit of Christmas, and the joy of giving.

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