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  • von Bob Fagan
    24,00 €

    This is a book about TRANSFORMATION that involves QUESTIONS. It's actually a "Big Book." It is unlike most any self-help text you have likely ever seen. It is not a quick fix, easily readable text; it's more of a lifetime companion manual. While self-help books may often inspire, they seldom transform. Your full-bodied exploration and participation in this worthy process can only do that. The most brilliant coaches don't transform you, but they provide the means by which you can (and then they hold you accountable). You do the work! This book has provided the outline through the questions, and now it is your turn to become the author, director, and producer of your life's story. Provided you do the follow-up work of journaling as suggested, you have a magnificent avenue to transform yourself in any circumstance at any time.To see if "The Little Book of Questions That Matter" fits, quickly peruse the section entitled: "How Do I Leverage These Questions?"Then scan the first hundred or so questions and the final few dozen. Your life is like a treasure chest. Some of your valuables may appear to be hidden or locked away from you. These questions are the keys. A few keys may not fit, but many will unlock your treasures if you work with them. So, go treasure hunting and let your adventure begin!

  • von Maritza Lynn Higuera
    19,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Jr. Eddie L. Tillis
    71,00 €

  • von Herman J. Woodfork
    25,00 €

    A note from the author:The open ending of this book is intended to encourage discussion. To "Stop the Bullying"; young people, parents, and teachers have to get involved. Be Courageous, Be Bold, and Be Kind.Herman J. Woodfork is a true lover of the arts. He's a singer, songwriter and poet. A modern day Renaissance man. The proud father and grandfather has worked over thirty years in the service industry.

  • von Maggie Bellevue
    42,00 €

    Having already presented you with the three previous books in Maggie Bellevue's Apostle of Purpose Series, namely, "TREASURES OF THE SOUL - Unearthing God's Purpose For Your Life," "THE PURPOSE DEVOTIONAL - Biblical Illustrations of Those Who Lived In God's Purpose," and "GARDEN OF PURPOSE - A 90-Day Prayer And Affirmation Guidebook For Abundant Living," we present the fourth publication in the series. Daily Purpose 60 Day Journal is a neat, little journal. I urge you not to let its simplicity fool you. Despite its deceptively simple presentation and approach, it combines several principles that will weave gratitude and excellence into the fabric of your new life of purpose. There are five reasons why you will love this daily purpose journal:1. With a positive quote to start your day, and a clear structure to help you focus on what you are grateful for, the Daily Purpose Journal offers you a magnificent way to both start, and to end your day.2. It has been proven by psychologists that it is better to focus on positive behavioral traits, and this journal incorporates that truth into a practical method you can implement with ease, and then simply adopt as a lifetime daily routine.3. The Daily Purpose Journal is deliberately designed for people who don't write journals. I will explain. If you are the sort of person who always wanted to write a journal, but for whom a daily grind, social media intrusion, and an array of other such excuses are distractions, this journal was designed for you. This simple journal will help you eliminate all those excuses.4. The Daily Purpose Journal is an instant photo shoot of your positive experiences. Try to relive the nostalgic feeling you get when you look at an old photograph of yourself. Imagine if you could experience the same feeling just by flipping to a certain day in a journal. You simply zoom in on how you felt on that day. That is why The Daily Purpose Journal will simply be your own chronicle of memories and dreams.5. The Daily Purpose Journal will foolproof your commitment by compelling you to write frequently. The simple and effective actions will get you into the habit of journaling every day. The beginning, and the end of the day, are the only ideal times to think, evaluate and correct our course. Keep this journal, with a pen, on your bedside table. Allow the journal to be your first impulse when you wake up, and the final initiative before you sleep.

  • von Brenda Kunneman
    15,00 €

    Are you ready to get your healing back? Then let's dive into the Word of God, because the fact is that we stand onone incredible truth that precedes all others: it is God's will for us to be healed. War On Sickness will show you the messageGod has given for His people-for you-because He always wants to heal you! The war against sickness isn'tover; no, despite all the things the enemy has tried to do, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ. So if you arehungry for divine healing, get ready to shout, because God is empowering the Church to take the war on sickness tothe devil-and he'd better look out, because the gates of hell cannot stand before us!It is time for the Church to rise up, seize the promises God has given to us, and fight back with the Brenda Kunnemanspiritual weapons of our warfare against the tide of fear and disease under which the enemy desires to crush us.We, as a body, have gotten weak about divine healing, including the charismatic Church. You can tell by theway you hear people talking about and glorifying negative things-the conditions, the aches and pains, the diseases.The way we have been using our words has been diminishing our covenant right, a promise God has given Hispeople, to be healed.

  • von Maggie Bellevue
    20,00 €

    Maggie Bellevue welcomes you to the GARDEN OF PURPOSE, the third in her series of books on purpose. This 90-day Prayer And Affirmation Guidebook is divided into nine sections, each of ten-day renditions that offer daily meditations and devotions on the subjects ofconceive, confidence, concentrate, consistent, commitment, character, and celebrate, as they all relate to purpose, and in consistence with The 7 'C's of Living In Purpose. The last ten days are devoted to Legacy In Purpose. Each day's entry is presented in the following format: A short Introduction; A Prayer; A Declaration of Purpose; An Affirmation; and Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action is a provision for you, the reader, to express thoughts that reflect what definite action you intend to purposefully take in alignment with the day's teaching.It is with sincere hope that the unique format in which this 90-day Prayer And Affirmation Guidebook is presented will serve as a workable tool to consolidate on all you might have learnt from the two previous books on the subject of purpose. Ultimately, this book should serve youas an invaluable resource for sustainably planting the seeds of the quest for your own glorious life purpose. Welcome, once more, to the well water of your own purpose. Happy reading and journaling.

  • von Peter Biadasz
    14,00 €

    Are you delaying your vacation because you fear disaster will happen to your business, department orprofessional life when you are away? Or... do you take your "vacation" with phone, paperwork and ipad/laptopin hand, trying to do work and play simultaneously?Vacations are important as they allow you to reset, unwind and offer a new perspective on your business.It also lets your teams show their worth/competence, etc. Your time away also confirms that you are hiringthe types of employees who allow you to take vacations.Can My Business Survive My Vacation? presents practical things you can do before, during and after yourvacation to ensure a relaxing, refreshing time away from work while your business continues its day-todayoperations.You Need This Book If ...You want a vacation but are worried about what will happen to your business while you are on vacation.You need a vacation and don't care what happens to your business when you are on vacation.You take work with you on vacation and return more tired than when you started your vacation.You have not had a vacation in a while and want to feel good about what is happening in your business while you are on vacation.You are a manager and are afraid of what your employees will do when you are on vacation.You are a spouse or family member who is tired of not being able to have a TRUE vacation because the other person is tied up with work.You May Want To Gift This Book To ...Travel agentsPeople you know who love to travelDreamers who want to go on vacationWorkaholicsEntrepreneursBusiness ownersFranchiseesThe most successful businessmen and women in your life

  • von Linda Harkey
    21,00 €

    Turkeys around here call me Blake Jake Turkey. I live with my flock in Magnum, Oklahoma.One day when we were snoozing in the shade, I heard our warning alarm: "Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!"Three of my brothers shot straight up in the air, high into the calm, clear blue sky.But I froze in the grass near the pond. I gazed up at them. I knew I shouldn't have dozed duringour class on how to make an emergency take-off from the high grass. What scared them?Uh, no! I see it leaping towards me!This begins the heart-warming story about Blake Jake Turkey, his best friend Homer, a Hereford bull,and an annoying hunting dog named Rush.ENDORSEMENTS FOR LINDA'S BOOKSDesert Friends (Travels with the Pack) - RECOMMENDED by the US Review - Book Review byJoyce Jacobo - "Animal friends in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona are found in all sizes, shapes, and colors.""It is a fun, lighthearted read, which should work very well when shared by elementary school teacherswith their classes. However, it could also make a wonderful bedtime story for children who are especiallyinterested in animals."CINDY CARR, NBCT, DISTRICT INTERVENTION COORDINATOR, LETRS SITEFACILITATOR, M.ED. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, SAT/MLSS COORDINATOR,FORMER SECOND AND THIRD GRADE TEACHER-EAGLE NEST ELEMENTARYChatty the Hen Pheasant (Travels with the Pack) - "Linda Harkey and I have been working together forfive years. She brings an extra spark of knowledge, expertise, and fun to the process of writing storiesfor our young students in the classroom. Her perspective as an author inspires and motivates mystudents in a way that I have not achieved as a reading/writing teacher. I treasure our partnership."CHRISTY ESQUIVEL-THIRD GRADE TEACHER-EAGLE NEST ELEMENTARYChatty the Hen Pheasant (Travels with the Pack) - "The students enjoyed reading Chatty. They lovedChatty's character and Nassau's character... My students loved learning to write from Mrs. Harkey."

  • von Gene Treat
    17,00 €

    THERE ARE "RED FLAGS" IN OUR LIVES....."THOU SHALL NOT KILL," THOU SHALL NOT STEAL," ETC. THERE ARE ALSO "AMBER FLAGS." THEY OFTEN COME IN THE FORM OF NEGATIVE BEHAVIORAL TRAITS.....SUCH AS "NARCISSISM," OR "PROCRASTINATION." WHEN LEFT UNATTENDED THEY CAN AND MOST LIKELY WILL COMPROMISE OUR WELL-INTENDED ENDEAVORS TO HAVE AN ABIDING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. THIS BOOK WILL TAKE YOU ON A SAILBOAT VOYAGE WITH GOD AND YOU WILL VISIT SEVERAL AMBER-FLAGGED PORTS WHERE PEOPLE, SPURRED ON BY SATAN, INVITE THESE NEGATIVE BEHAVIORAL TRAITS AND THEIR SUBSEQUENT CONSEQUENCES INTO THEIR LIVES. About the AuthorGene Treat resides in Tulsa, Ok with his wife of 57 years, Sherrie. He is the proud father of two children and the "Papa" of six amazing grandchildren, all of Tulsa. You might say he is a "late bloomer" as he was 69 years old when he received his bachelor's degree from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK and 75 years old when he endeavored to write this, his first book.

  • von Suzanne Campbell
    18,00 €

    Settled on the grounds of the idyllic Three Sisters Farm with her new colt, Nick, rescue pony Belle trains to pull a cart. Her trainer, Lizzie, first fits the miniature Belle carefully with a harness. Before the cart is introduced, Lizzie teaches Belle the various commands she must understand as a carriage horse. Gaining confidence as she learns the feel of pulling a cart, Belle takes to her training with spirit. Soon Belle looks comfortable while put through her paces hitched to a two-wheeled cart. Her training completed, he takes Lizzie on pleasant drives along the pleasant country roads. Clippety clop!

  • von Courtney Linsenmeyer - O'Brien
    20,00 €

    Working Towards a Brighter Reality: An Honest Approach to Understanding the Narcissist will provide an understanding of narcissism and allow you to see what it looks like in a relationship. It puts words and meaning to the reality of narcissistic abuse and healing. The content within and true stories of victims bring validation to the reality of narcissistic abuse. This book uncovers the reasons why narcissists control at the expense of others and exposes the insecurities masked by a narcissist's display of self-confidence. Moreimportantly, it will provide hope when there seems no way out and encourage you to embrace faith in your own way to change your life.Anyone who has a close or working relationship with the narcissist is vulnerable. It is critical to understand control is slowly taken from a person in what can feel to be an ideal and trusting relationship. This book provides important information to identify and deal with a narcissist's manipulation and shows the toxic reality of what a narcissist will do to gain control over another person in order to subduetheir independence, use them for and to gain attention, and triangulate relationships to create situations in which two people fight one another for the narcissist's attention.No one individual is immune from becoming affected by a narcissist's reality. Those most likely to become victims are children of narcissistic parents and anyone else who trusts their agenda(s). Along with triangulation, this is addressed throughout the book and specifically addressing the qualities in people whom the narcissist targets.Working Towards a Brighter Reality: An Honest Approach to Understanding the Narcissist is your guide to understanding and dealing with the narcissist in your life, or in the lives of those you care for most. Dr. Courtney Linsenmeyer - O'Brien, Ph.D., MHR., PLC is a mental health therapist who began her career with specialties in Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, and Sexuality. After 15 years in private practice, and compiling 1,000's of case files, shediscovered many of her patients who struggled with anxiety and depression had significant relationships with, or exposure to anarcissist. The themes of trauma, brokenness, low self-esteem, and self-loathing (among other crippling emotions) can and do oftencorrelate with being around or having an intimate relationship with a narcissist. She goes so far as to say victims who have lived with orhad a close emotional relationship with a narcissist often experience feelings of psychosis in that they feel as if they are going crazy.

  • von Basak Gunaydin
    16,00 €

    UNCOMPLICATED - A Guide to Thriving in the Corporate World is a well-thought out and helpful book for anyone who is:¿ Starting out in their Career¿ Wishing to get a better job¿ Wanting to be happier at a current job¿ Desiring to influence their mood and attitude, regardless of current employment¿ Interested in a different perspective and a philosophy which supports their wellbeingThis book is organized in progressing chapters addressing various situations and circumstances in the workplace.Should you choose to use it as a guidebook, there are "how to" guides that give quick instructions or if you wishto delve deeper, a theory behind these bullet points and real life scenarios supporting them are available for the reader.There are practices the reader can do which are both easy and effective to practice, in these different circumstances.

  • von Jacqueline L. Triplett
    19,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Alan Vanderburg
    14,00 €

  • von CPP PHR SHRM-CP Christina Hageny
    12,00 €

  • von Marty Hight
    26,00 €

  • von Ronald Faccenda
    16,00 €

  • von R. J. Marsh
    17,00 €

  • von Joseph McIntire
    14,00 €

  • von Molly Dahl
    25,00 €

  • von Karen Que
    19,00 €

    Survival to Self-Care: How to say NO to generational bad habits and YES to the real you is a story based self-help book which brings tolight generational cycles and presents a seven-step process to stop passing them on to future generations.Karen Que explores how life has a way of piling on unfulfilled expectations. These help to build up varying levels of emotional armor, requiring new skills for survival. At the height of her career, feeling buried in pain at her lowest moment, she dug her way out by discovering how to identify, unpack, and release cycles which were handed down through the generations. Each purchase of Survival to Self-Care comes with a special BONUS Companion E-Journal featuring 20 pages to help you accelerate your transformation with exercises and additional tools for better self-care.

  • von Maggie Bellevue
    30,00 €

    From the author:The presentation of the main body of this book is based ona format that I conceptualized for ease of application ofthe principles which I consider fundamental to living a fulfillinglife of purpose. I call that format The 7 'C's of Living InPurpose. In the order in which I present each of them as a chapteron its own, these are: Conceive, Confidence, Concentrate,Consistence, Commitment, Character and Celebration. Havingmade myself amenable to the divine assignment I was givento write a book that broadly discusses 'purpose' in as focuseda manner as I could possibly make it, I still found myself burdenedwith the task of conceiving of a learning methodologywhich would render the entire text not just one that would occupythe average reader's leisure reading hours, but also one thatwould lend itself to an effective tool for the application of theknowledge provided in the book.

  • von Maggie Bellevue
    35,00 €

    From the author:In preparing and writing this devotional, I have been motivated by an understandable desire to create a daily reference book that would not only be a logical follow up to my earlier work, 'Treasures of The Soul - Unearthing God's Purpose For Your Life,' but also one that would possess genuine utilityby using God's people in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible to illustrate how He deploys His divine Will to achieve His ultimate purpose in the life of each one of us. This devotional is presented in the format that uses the lives of God's people, from millennia ago, to explain the different forms, whether through seemingly good or seemingly ill, in which God expresses His purpose in an individual's life.As you proceed from one week to the next in this devotional, you will gradually clarify what the Bible says about your purpose. This book is both a devotional and a companion.

  • von Marcinko Monica Marcinko
    30,00 €

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