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  • - Navigating the Sea of Possibility
    von Kristi Bridges
    16,00 €

    Your Creator is a genius who wants to work side by side with you to build a life you'd never imagine. InOption Ocean - Navigating the Sea of Possibility, you'll discover your gifts and how to enjoy using them.Maybe you think you've been given bad parts-painful experiences, weaknesses, or the wrong resources. Theauthors of Option Ocean have been there too, and they'll show you what's on the other side.

  • - Arise
    von John Morales
    16,00 €

    Into His Presence is a simple book on accessing the Presence of the Lord and to be constantly aware of His Presence.It will help you answer the age old question, "Why are we here?"

  • von Dr Annegret Benson
    12,00 €

    You are welcomed into the kingdom of God to glorifyJesus, since he is the glory of God. The church, whichrepresents the kingdom of God, teams up with the HolySpirit to glorify Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord oflords.Hence, we are invited to the kingdom of God to glorifyJesus.

  • von Dr Chrissy Whiting-Madison
    14,98 €

    Choosing Happiness will teach simple techniques to adjust your outlook to allow better control of your life's outcomes. In other words,it WILL make you happier!Few of us realize the truly pervasive nature of our negative thinking. Society is constantly inundating us with negativity and self-doubt.Many of us are enslaved to fear simply by exposing ourselves to a constantly terror-saturated media.Thankfully, a light exists within each of us to change our mindsets to positivity.Dr. Chrissy Whiting-Madison received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from SaintVincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, her Masters' degree in Rehabilitation Counselingfrom Langston University-Tulsa, and her Doctorate (PhD) in Rehabilitation from theUniversity of Arkansas.Chrissy currently serves as Assistant Professor of Psychology at Rogers State University in Claremore, Oklahoma and continues topractice as a therapist, specializing in Positive Psychology. She also enjoys spending time with all her loved ones; a husband,daughter, three bonus children, and 5 beloved cats.

  • von James R Willett
    11,99 €

    You don't have to defend the Truth, it defends itself. Love it, speak it and watch it work. It is Powerful, it is Freedom and it is Life. You can trust theTruth, because it is Spiritual and backed by Heaven. Our culture is filled with compromise and deception. We are terminally sick and diseased because ofbuying into years of lies and compromise. This book exposes and gives Hope for walking out of deception. This book will help you flush out theunfruitful and unprofitable work of darkness. Don't put the key to your freedom in someone else's pocket . Learn the power of Truth, Own it,Embrace it, Engage it and watch it work The Truth will bless you as well as generations to come.What is Truth? - "The truth will help, bless and reward you as well as generations to come"

  • - Barbara L. Lewis Select, Train, and Use Service and Therapy Dogs
    von Barbara L Lewis
    29,00 €

    The last twenty years have seen an explosion of uses for working dogs. Service dogs are nowasked to perform a variety of tasks for people with disabilities. And therapy dogs-once largely seen only atnursing homes-are now used for emotional support and motivation in schools, libraries, courts, universities,hospitals, churches and employee lounges. This book provides positive-motivation training techniques for basic manners and specific tasks expectedof working dogs. Beyond training these animals, the reader can learn to evaluate both the suitability ofa working dog and the suitability of the dog's client.A final goal of this book is to help working dog owners, clients, and trainers- and dog owners in general-to understand the capabilities, needs and limitationsof these dedicated animals.

  • von Benjamin Cox
    19,00 €

    A Bigger Stage is based on the personal experiences of Benjamin Cox during the 2006 - 2014 years. He joined Toastmasters in2006 and rose through the Will Rogers Toastmasters club to be president of the club and later the District 16 Governor. He ledthe club to President’s Distinguished status, a position the club has maintained through 2018.Benjamin Cox came up with the idea of ‘Toastmaster of the Day’. Every day, beginning November 29, 2013 and ending June 30,2014, he placed a motivational article and photo of one or more individuals on Facebook. Th e articles were obtained from hisresearch of district articles published on Facebook, the district website, and his observations made on visits to the vast majority ofthe clubs in District 16.

  • - Navigating a Successful Job Transition
    von Cheryl Gowdie
    27,00 €

    JOB SUCCESS IN 90 DAYS will provide you with insight, skills and confidence to navigate a successful job transition, ideally within the first 90 days. This book is divided into four parts, the first section provides insight into two scenarios; an unsuccessful and a successful transition. The second section looks at potential barriers and how to overcome them. The third section presents an in-depth discussion of the factors you should consider during your first 90 days. The final section looks at some of the assumptions which may influence your transition, and how to leverage them to facilitate a successful integration into your new job. As you move through the chapters you will observe the unfolding of our intentional transition strategy.The early weeks are critical in an employee's job transition. You could equate this scenario to a plant being uprooted from one location in which it was well established and replanted into another. If the conditions in which the plant is relocated are not similar to, or better than its previous environment, there is every chance it will not survive and even if it does it will not reach its full potential. The same can be said when an individual transitions from one job to the next.'Once I started reading Job Success in 90 Days, I could not put it down. If you are thinking about ways to improve your day-to-day job or move up the corporate ladder, this is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal. It addresses the very basic through to the advanced elements of any job assignment. Cheryl created steps that can be easily followed and embodies the kind of vision organisations look for in candidates. I believe this book is not only for individuals, but should be a staple in every organisation's training library'. A R Whittaker, Reviewer

  • von Ligea McCracken Adsit
    18,98 €

    A police officer balances his duty and honor along with thefriendships of his fellow officers, while protecting the woman heloves from someone who is determined to kill her.Ligea McCracken Adsit was born during a war, a blackout and asnow storm into a Scottish family from Oban, Argyll Scotland. Shehas a Scottish title as well. With a degree in Home Economics and aminor in Psychology she knows just enough to be dangerous.

  • von Carine Goyers-Martinez
    17,00 €

    Fishes' Kisses is a colorful book about a little girl'slove for her fish. The book uses the magic of rhymes toportray the story of Sophia and her daily routine with herfriend Lilly. Fishes' Kisses is a perfect book for newreaders and for storytimes with parents, grandparents, andteachers.

  • - Parable Of Abigail
    von Lewis Carter
    20,00 €

    The Impossible Vigilance - Parable of Abigail, tells the story of a woman whose tragic past lead her down a dark path tobecoming a top-ranking assassin in the underground blood money games. After discovering a chance at a life she hadpreviously thought was far gone, Abigail decides to liberate herself from her current life, and when she finds Christ duringthis fight, her life begins to change forever.

  • - Tails from the Oasis
    von Linda Goldner
    19,00 €

    Rosie is one unique red kangaroo who found her way into the home andhearts of Linda and Bill Goldner. Little did she know the life at the OasisBarn would be full of love, surprises and adventures. Amongst the barnyardanimals rumor has it Rosie doesn't even know she is not a human, but reallya kangaroo. Rosie doesn't care as long as she can carry out her mission tolove one another.

  • von Jr Eddie L Tillis
    55,00 €

    Blessed with a vision, I have spent my life working on ways to educate children and families worldwide on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical wellbeing. Born with an eye on the future, this curriculum strengthens the knowledge of every child and parent - capturing the imagination as Super Heroes battle for a healthy generation. With contributions from some of the country's best, Fit Command is my contribution.

  • - Trickery Afoot
    von Phyllis Popovich
    19,00 €

    BAMBOOZLED…Trickery Afoot is both history and current events. Since Satan deceived Eve in the gardenhe has been at work continually trying to deceive as many as he can by denying the work of Christ on theCross. The events of history have formed our nations, especially the United States. The timing is at hand forthe bringing in of the one world government, which will set the stage for the anti -christ to show himself,and ulti mately the return of Jesus Christ for His own. It is the authors intent to educate, so each of us hasthe knowledge and understanding to be watchful, prayerful, and prepared so as not to be deceived by theserpent of old, Satan; It is not meant to cause fear, but to enlighten. Scripture tells us we are to be children oflight not darkness. Through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives we have the foreknowledge of what is tocome so we are not caught unaware. Read this book with an open mind allowing the Holy Spiritto enlighten and prepare you for the days to come. 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5. Without for work of Christon the cross the Bible is just another history book.

  • - Taste Wine The Master's Way
    von Master Sommelier Randa Warren
    17,00 €

  • - 77 Observations Toward a Life Well Lived
    von Mark Bravo
    20,00 €

    How do we reinvigorate our days when nothing seems to be working? It can be anything, a job that doesn't inspire, lack of ambition, or even a relationship gone awry. Getting back on the right track is precarious, but the essential element in starting this process is Momentum.Mark Bravo's Momentum: 77 Observations Toward a Life Well Lived will help you stay focused and turn this key component for bettering life into a way of life. Through his experiences and those of others, Bravo offers practices to put to use today, like the mind-set to turn adversity into an asset, how to pursue a "kinder, gentler" treatment of yourself and others, and putting your "signature" on life, no matter the circumstances. In effect, ceasing to be the victim, and being in control of your own destiny. Bravo's courageous and poignant insights will inspire you to see the proverbial glass not half-empty, but "three-quarters full." It thus becomes your template to filling your years with that most pivotal of traits: Momentum!MARK BRAVO is a freelance writer, broadcaster and road race announcer nationally. Mark has had a long career in TV and radio, speaking and writing at running and sports-focused venues and on the topic of building MOMENTUM in one's overall life. Mark has coached individuals, starting fifteen years ago mentoring runners. A forty-year runner, Mark is a veteran of fifty marathons. Now, Mark consults runners and others with a strong lean toward his definition of overall wellness. His view of a true "athlete" carries far beyond the physical. Mark and his wife, Leslie, live in Edmond, Oklahoma."Mark's book is a great testament to the spirit...what tenacity, a positive outlook, and staying the course does for one's life. It's a must-read for one who's serious about being the best they can be."- BILL RODGERSFour-time Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon winner

  • - For Women in Business, Politics and Life
    von Rena Cook
    26,00 €

    Empower your Voice: For Women in Business, Politics and Life is written for the woman who wants to change the way she communicates with her voice and body. It is inspiring, inviting and informing as it lays out a process for real and lasting change in how a woman expresses her ideas and opinions. The complementary video, featuring the author and two clients modeling the exercises, offers a full vocal warm-up which can be done daily to bring your best voice, body and mind to each communication opportunity.Rena Cook is the founder of Vocal Authority, a training consultancy serving business and corporate clients who want to use the voice inmore dynamic and compelling ways. She is an acclaimed platform speaker spreading the good news that "we don't have to be stuckwith the voice we think we were born with." She has an M.A. in Voice Studies for London's Central School of Speech and Drama. She isa Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma and currently teaches at the University of Houston and Tulsa Community College.Rena is the author of Voice and the Young Actor and co-editor of Breath in Action: the Art of Breath in Vocal and Holistic Practice.For more information:

  • von William Seaton
    18,00 €

  • von Traci Bell
    23,00 €

  • - Fulfilling Your God-Ordained Destiny
    von Bill Harrison & Mary Harrison
    22,00 €

    Having enjoyed successful careers in three different industries (manufacturing, construction and commercial real estate) I havelearned my talents, skills, experience and God-given gifts can be applied in different ways in many diverse situations. All that wasrequired was a willingness to go wherever God led me and to do whatever he asked me to do. In the process of so doing I learned Godhad a plan for my life which was more challenging than my own plan, but also far more exciting and rewarding. My wife Mary’s experiencehas been similar to mine, as she was afforded opportunities to go places and do things which have gone far beyond what she expectedfor herself.Based on our life experiences as a married couple with dual professional careers, my wife and I developed the concept we callspiritual entrepreneurship. The challenges we faced in fulfilling the requirements of two separate careers without neglecting our familyobligations led us to the principles and practices of this concept.Feel free to visit our website at

  • - A Memoir
    von Valerie Staggs
    21,00 €

    Just a few days before Christmas 2009, Valerie Staggs received a call that would change her life forever. Her husband, Ken Staggs, had been found unconscious at the bottom of their pool. Four days later he would be declared dead leaving her a widow at 42 and her son, Ryan, fatherless at the age of seven. This Side of Heaven chronicles the lives of Valerie and Ryan as they struggle to survive the aftermath of Ken’s death in a world that neither they nor anyone around them really knows how to navigate.As they search for help from friends, family, school, church, grief groups, therapists and strangers, Valerie gives us a raw look into the unique experience of loss from the perspective of both woman and child and shares the fallacies that we all hold of the grieving process. From the initial shock of sudden death and the harsh realities of a grieving child, to the sticky nuances of being a widowed woman, to the surprisingly humorous side of death, "This Side of Heaven" chronicles exactly how life goes on after loss.

  • von James C Rodenmayer
    19,00 €

  • - A Coach's Guide to Teaching and Enjoying Youth Baseball
    von Allan Barker Ed D
    18,00 €

    SwingQuest is designed to help the parents of young ball players understand the basic principles of hitting, throwing, and other skillsneeded to make our National Pastime an enjoyable experience in the lives of their children. The ideas and concepts explored and exhibited inthis book are designed to help young players learn the basic skills needed to grow into a more competitive player. Everything in this book is afundamentally sound principle [skill] which will enable future coaches to enhance each of the skills the young player has developed."SwingQuest is about more than baseball lessons, it is about life lessons. Having had the personal experience of being coached by CoachBarker, I can vouch for the effectiveness of methods clearly described and taught throughout this book. Whether you are a player or a coach,SwingQuest is a must. In addition, I encourage parents to buy this book to teach their child the concept of fun with sound fundamentals. Well done Coach Barker!"- Mark Sherwood, Naturopathic Doctor,wellness expert, TV personality, and Multiplebest-selling author of Quest for Wellness and Fork Your Diet.

  • von Christine Maeda
    20,00 €

    Dogs are our best friends and companions. Dogs can be fun, and learning about them can encourage learning for children. Take a moment to researchwith your child the different types of dogs in this short story and go deeper into the pictures to examine the world around us through dogs.Adoptive Mom of two short nosed dogs. Wife, Mother, and creator of both pictures and stories. Award winning fine artist, published illustratorand author. My goal is to help children explore the different types of animals in the world around us and encourage learning through readingand research.Do you have a favorite dog breed? Like them all? In this colorful book, children have the opportunity to view different types of dog breeds,encouraging them to learn more. Through further research, you and your child can explore various types of dogs, such as hunting dogs or farm dogs!Read along and discover the wonderful world of these favorite family pets maybe even the one that's a part of your family now!Enjoy other books by Christine Maeda!

  • - A dog who recovers his pride and courage
    von Pat Becker
    18,00 €

  • - My Struggle for Legitimacy
    von Dana Clark-Jackson
    16,00 €

  • - How to Grow in Prophecy, Words of Knowledge, Healing, and Power Evangelism
    von Matthew Helland
    20,00 €

  • - Misfit to Best Fit in 30 Days
    von Camille Diaz
    16,00 €

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