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Bücher veröffentlicht von Transnational Press London

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  • von Rawan Diab
    55,00 €

    Step into the heart of one of the most pressing issues of our time with Rawan Diab's book, "The Right to Asylum in International Law and Legal Philosophy - The Syrian Conflict and Refugee Crisis." Diab navigates the intricate web of migration, shedding light on the historical, political, and philosophical dimensions that have shaped our world with particular reference to the Syrian Conflict and refugee crisis.In a century marked by unprecedented global migration, Diab delves into the myriad challenges faced by individuals seeking refuge from extreme poverty, internal conflicts, and environmental disasters. Focusing on the Syrian conflict and the refugee crisis, this book provides a profound examination of the factors driving migration, the evolving landscape of international law, and the philosophical underpinnings of open borders.Diab's work confronts the stark realities faced by asylum seekers, particularly those from regions like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, and Azerbaijan. The author scrutinizes the complexities of migration policies, the reluctance of "modern States" to open their borders, and the poignant struggles of those who seek safety and security.With a meticulous analytical approach, the book addresses pivotal questions surrounding the right to leave, the right to stay, and the future of global migration policies. From the legal foundations outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the intricate workings of the principle of non-refoulement, Diab weaves a comprehensive narrative that engages scholars, policymakers, and concerned citizens alike."The Right to Asylum in International Law and Legal Philosophy" is not just a book; it's a journey into the heart of human rights, justice, and the very fabric of our interconnected world. Rawan Diab invites you to explore, learn, and be part of the discourse shaping the future of migration. Order your copy today and become a participant in this vital conversation.CONTENTS:IntroductionFirst Chapter: TerminologySecond Chapter: Is There a Right to Leave?Third Chapter: Is There a Right to Stay?Conclusion

  • von Neptune E. Kosi
    29,00 €

    Baz¿ zamanlar öyle dü¿sel anlar vard¿r ki, sizi büyülü bir hayal gücünün koluna girmi¿ bir ¿ekilde kar¿¿ kar¿¿ gezdirir ¿ehrin sokaklar¿nda. Kimi dü¿ler hayal gücünün çengeline tak¿l¿r, kal¿r orada as¿rlarca. Baz¿s¿ bekle¿ir ¿ehrin en kasvetli, en sisli sokä¿nda...Londra'da çöu insan¿n hayal bile edemeyece¿i bir dünya var; kuzgunlar¿n, perilerin, meleklerin, yar¿ kuzgun yar¿ insan yarat¿klar¿n ve di¿erlerinin ¿ehri...Portobello yolunda bälayan bir cumartesi sabah¿, Mila için yepyeni bir Londra'n¿n da bälang¿c¿ oldu. O uyand¿¿¿nda, Londra'n¿n yukar¿s¿nda ve ää¿s¿nda pek çok bilinmeyen uyan¿yordu. Londra art¿k eski Londra de¿ildi. ¿nsanlar ve Kuzgunlar da.Londra her zaman gridir, ama bu ¿imdiye kadar gördü¿ü en tehditkar griydi!Neptune E. Kosi, Fantastik Kurgu Yazar¿ & Hikâye ve Masal Anlat¿c¿s¿Hayat¿ ¿stanbul-Londra ekseninde geçen yazar¿n Türkçe yay¿mlanm¿¿ dört roman¿n¿n yan¿ s¿ra yurt d¿¿¿nda (¿ngiltere, Amerika, ¿rlanda, K¿br¿s, Türkiye) pek çok edebiyat dergisinde ve gazetelerde k¿sa öyküleri ve makaleleri yay¿nland¿. Yazar, 2016 y¿l¿ndan beri Londra men¿eili Eurovizyon gazetede makalelerini yay¿nlamaya devam ediyor. Davran¿¿ Bilimleri okuyan yazar ayn¿ zamanda ¿ngiltere ve Amerika'da Masal Terapi, Oyun Terapi, Bibliyoterapi, Hikaye ve Masal Anlat¿c¿l¿¿¿ vb. alanlarda çe¿itli e¿itimler ald¿.Yazar bäta ¿ngiltere olmak üzere son y¿llarda Hikaye ve Masal Anlat¿c¿l¿¿¿ üzerine çe¿itli seminerler vermektedir. Masallar¿n iyile¿tirici gücünü, mitolojiler ve efsaneler üzerinden aktar¿rken ayn¿ zamanda e¿itmenlik de yapmaktad¿r.Yazar, gri kanatlar¿yla sizi her zaman kucaklayan Londra'da, e¿i, kedileri ve yüzlerce e¿siz hikâyenin kendi aralar¿nda f¿s¿ldät¿¿¿ kütüphanesiyle birlikte yä¿yor.Yazar, her ¿ehrin alt¿nda ondan bir tane daha oldüuna inan¿r.Her ¿ehir, bir alt ¿ehre aç¿lan say¿s¿z kap¿ya ve anahtara sahiptir.Türkçe yay¿mlanm¿¿ kitaplar:Mavi Kuyruk (2013)Siyah Palto (2014)Aral¿k (2015)Londra Dü¿leri (2020)

  • von Essmat Sophie
    71,00 €

    "Dancing Amid Fire, Rising Among Ruins is a visceral but evocative debut novel. Sophie Essmat writes beautifully about all the ways the human spirit fights against trauma and persecution, while fully immersing the reader in Kurdish culture and tradition."Neema ShahAward-winning author of Kololo Hill- award-winning author"This novel follows the captivating journey of a woman's fight for freedom starting in Sanandaj, Iran, and continuing in Turkey and Europe. It offers a unique view on the history of resistance of a forgotten region and people. It is also a deeply psychological account of the complexity of Kurdish women's triple burden to escape political oppression, male domination, as well as living a life of displacement and marginalization. An impressive accomplishment, born out of love and rage, that shows how the personal is always political, especially for a Kurdish woman born in Iran."Dr. Wendelmoet HamelinkAuthor of The sung Home. Narrative, Morality and the Kurdish Nation."Essmat Sophie offers up a prescient and lyrically descriptive journey on Kurdishness in the diaspora, where Kurds carry with them the burden of an embodied history that leaves them bound with the trauma and hope for a Kurdistan that they left behind. Friendship, love, and betrayal are woven together and, at times, effectively portrayed through poems and songs in the context of war, gender and ethnic oppressions, activism, and resistance. Her intertwining narratives allow the reader to ponder how the scars from the past can both fuel and hinder the present-while connecting women's liberation and freedom in Iran to our current interpersonal and international eras."Dr. Thoreau RedcrowCo-Director of The Kurdish Center for Studies, Globald conflict analyst."The title of the novel summarizes the dramatic livelihood of millions of people.This novel connects past and present, homeland and exile by memories from the pre and past-revolutionary Iran and the Iranian Kurdish movement while the contemporary "woman, life,freedom" movement points towards the future. "Sherzad HassanAuthor of Hasar u Sagkani Bawkim (the yard and my father's dogs). One of the most famous Kurdish authors of the last two decades in Kurdistan

  • von Yunus Tuncel
    25,00 €

    Nietzsche and Transhumanism: A ReassessmentBrett Carollo67An eventevent-without -witness: a Nietzschean theory of the digital will topower as the will to temporalizeTalha ¿¿sevenler83Nietzsche and Emerson on HistoryLaura Langone95

  • von Selma Akay Ertürk
    62,00 €

    ED¿TÖRDEN: Göç ve Kent Özel Say¿s¿Selma Akay Ertürk, Erhan Kurtar¿r1-9ÖZEL SAYI MAKALELER¿Göçle ¿lgili Planlama ve Kapsay¿c¿ Politikalar¿n Üretilmesinde ¿stanbul'daki Yerel Yönetimlerin Rolü - ¿BB DeneyimiPapatya Bostanc¿, Ezgi Durmaz11-21Kent Yurttas¿l¿g¿¿ Temelinde Göç ve Kent Konseylerini Düs¿ünmekSavä Zafer ¿ahin23-39Kentsel Mültecilerin Kente Uyum Süreçlerinde Konuta Eris¿imleri: Hatay Örneg¿iZehra Güngördü, Buket Ay¿egül Özbak¿r41-78Gaziantep ve ¿zmir'deki Suriyelilerin Yäad¿klar¿ D¿¿lanma DeneyimleriSait Vesek79-106Suriyeli Mültecilere Kar¿¿ Kabullenici ve Reddedici Kültürle¿me Stratejilerinin Belirleyicileri: Hatay Örne¿iEsen Yang¿n Kiremit107-128Göç Yönetiminde Yerelle¿menin ¿zlerini Aramak: Ankara Mamak Belediyesi Örne¿iHac¿ Çevik129-154Bak¿m Hizmetlerinde Çal¿¿an Kad¿n Göçmenler: ¿zmir Kenti Örne¿iHatice Begüm Kam¿¿ Aykaç, Selver Özözen Kahraman155-181Türkiye'de ¿ller Aras¿ Göçün Mekansal EtkileriKübra Elmal¿183-204Koronavirüs Salg¿n¿ Sürecinde Sosyal I¿zolasyon ve MedyaHüseyin Çelik205-220

  • von Pelin Kümbet & Sümeyra Buran
    60,00 €

  • von Oksana Koshulko
    45,00 €

    Women from North Move to South by Oksana Koshulko tells us about migration of women from the Former Soviet Union countries to Turkey. The book draws on a pioneering research in this area discussing the results from a field research carried out in Turkey. Koshulko interviewed women from the Former Soviet Union countries to understand their motives, difficulties and struggles they go through in their lives in Turkey. She explores their common problems in Turkey, their education, opportunities and restrictions with reference to broader economic and political circumstances.Dr Oksana Koshulko earned her PhD in Economic Sciences at the National University of Food Technologies in Kyiv. She is an Associate Professor and a member of the Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS), USA. She studies migration, women, human capital and gender issues.

  • von ¿Brahim Sirkeci
    34,00 €

    Freelonia'n¿n O'Halleri, BirGün Londra Yaz¿lar¿ 2008'den bu yana yay¿nlanm¿¿ haftal¿k yaz¿lardan bir seçki. Bu seçkide Türkiye'de demokrasi, siyaset, seçimler ve özellikle sol siyasi partiler üzerine kaleme al¿nm¿¿ yaz¿lar¿ bir araya getirmeyi amaçlad¿m. Yaz¿lar¿m¿ takip edenlerin çok yabanc¿l¿k çekmeyece¿i "çakma" ¿ngiliz hicvi dilime çok yerle¿ti¿i için bu derlemede de bolca kar¿¿n¿za ç¿kacak.Bu kitab¿ okuduktan sonra hayat¿n¿z de¿i¿meyecek. Öyle mutlulüun s¿rr¿, demokrasinin yolu, on günde kilo verme, be¿ täla zengin olma ve benzeri k¿sa yollar da sunmuyorum. Okurken yer yer yüzünüzde bir iki gülümsemeye ve içinizde hafif bir öfkeye yol açabilirsem benim için amaç has¿l olmü demektir.Neden hemen her yaz¿n¿n sonunu "iyi pazarlar ve bol ¿anslar" veya "iyi haftalar ve bol ¿anslar" diyerek bälad¿¿¿m¿ da aç¿klayay¿m. 2005 tarihli biyografik filmde ABD'li sunucu Edward Murrow haber program¿n¿ her ak¿am "iyi geceler ve iyi ¿anslar" diyerek kapat¿yordu. Filmi izlerken buna bay¿lm¿¿t¿m. Bu temenninin 1950'lerin bä¿ndaki MacCarthy'ci bask¿ döneminde çok önemli oldüunu dü¿ünüyorum. Bugün de farkl¿ bask¿lar kar¿¿s¿nda derdim hayatta istemedi¿imiz biçimde giden bunca çok ¿ey varken ¿ans¿n rolünü de hat¿rlamak. O yüzden ¿imdiden iyi okumalar ve bol ¿anslar.

  • von Sümeyra Buran
    58,00 €

    Yirmi birinci yüzy¿l ile birlikte ivme kazanan NBIC (nanoteknoloji, biyoteknoloji, enformasyon teknolojileri ve bili¿im bilim) teknolojileri al¿¿¿lageldik kavramlar üzerinden yap¿lan geleneksel insan tan¿mlar¿n¿ ve insana yükledi¿imiz de¿erleri de¿i¿tirmektedir. ¿nsan¿n ve döan¿n 'döas¿n¿' de¿i¿tirmenin e¿i¿inde olan kök hücre arät¿rmalar¿, yeniden üreme biyoteknolojileri, sentetik biyoloji, insan genom ve gen-tasar¿m teknolojilerinden, klonlama teknolojileri, türler aras¿ organ nakil teknolojileri ve suni hayat ve yapay yäam ortamlar¿na kadar birçok biyomedikal, biyoteknolojik ve sibernetik bulü yeni bir dönüm noktas¿n¿ ya da insanl¿k tarihinde yeni bir k¿r¿lmay¿ i¿aret etmektedir. Söz konusu geli¿melere e¿lik eden dü¿ünsel de¿i¿imler ise insana ve döaya dair genel geçer ve asla de¿i¿mez diye adland¿rd¿¿¿m¿z temel kategorileri sorgulayarak dönü¿ümün gereklili¿ini vurgulamaktad¿r. Posthümanizm bu dönü¿ümlerin bir yans¿mas¿ olarak, geçmi¿, bugün ve gelecek aras¿ndaki bälar¿ irdeler; bu bälamda da insan, insan-ötesi/ üstü/sonras¿/d¿¿¿/ alternatif senaryolar üretir/sunar. Bütün bu geli¿meleri ve dönü¿ümleri ele almay¿ amaçlayan Posthümanizm Serisi'nin ilk kitab¿ olan Edebiyatta Posthümanizm, Bat¿ toplumlar¿n¿ ideolojisini ve zihniyetini yüzy¿llard¿r besleyen insan¿ evrenin merkezi kabul eden anlay¿¿ biçiminin vuku buldüu insan/döa, insan/insan-olmayan gibi ikili dü¿ünce sistemini kökten çökerten posthümanizm kuramlar bütününün edebi yaz¿nda nas¿l kavramsallät¿r¿ld¿¿¿n¿ sorgulamaktad¿r. Bu bälamda, bu kitap Posthümanizm ve Edebiyat ili¿kisini derinlemesine inceleyen farkl¿ cörafyalarda ve farkl¿ dönemlerde yaz¿lm¿¿ çe¿itli Osmanl¿-Türk ve Bat¿ edebiyatlar¿ndan örnekleri posthümanist kuramsal yaklä¿mlar çerçevesinde analiz ederek insan ötesi yäam türlerinin edebiyattaki yans¿malar¿n¿ tart¿¿¿r. Seçilen eserlerde posthümanizmin feminizm, ekoele¿tiri, biyopolitika ve transhümanizm gibi kuramlarla birbirlerine katk¿s¿ dörultusunda yak¿ndan ili¿kisi incelenmektedir."Temel bir yap¿t. Türk miras¿n¿n derin bilgeli¿i ve bilgisi ile posthüman söylemi aras¿nda - veya tam tersi - köprü kuran bir yap¿ tä¿. Ne oldüumuzun - bireyler olarak, türler olarak, gezegen olarak - daha fazla anlä¿lmas¿na yönelik yerel ve küreselin, dünün, bugünün ve yar¿n¿n bulütüu edebi bir geli¿im yolculüu."- Francesca Ferrando, New York Üniversitesi, ABD

  • von Özgür Heval Ç¿nar
    34,00 €

  • von Yasmin Ghazala Farooq
    60,00 €

  • von Özgür Heval Ç¿nar
    34,00 €

  • von Jeffrey H. Cohen
    55,00 €

    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every domain of life. Migration and human mobility in general are not exceptions. Since March 2020, researchers, policy makers and many others have channelled their efforts to understand this new coronavirus, its impact and prospects. Many scholars were thinking and writing on the pandemic from its onset and many blog essays quickly appeared. One of the earliest peer-reviewed research articles Sirkeci and Yucesahin (2020) is reproduced here. This article and its focus on mobility and travel data showed that it was possible to predict the spatial spread and concentration of COVID-19 cases. Not only was this finding crucial to developing appropriate policies and strategies to counter the spread of the virus, it reminded us that the pandemic is a social disease and not simply a biological threat. The contributions in this book should be considered in this regard tackling the social and policy aspects as we leave the biological and medical side to the experts. |"Covid-19 introduces new uncertainties for everyone. For agriculture, the longer term effects of the pandemic include faster mechanization, more guest workers, and rising imports. Responses are likely to vary by commodity and be shaped by government policies."- Philip L Martin, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis, USA"The COVID-19 pandemic reminds us of just how many people across the world rely on mobility for their livelihood: taxi drivers, delivery workers, street vendors, maintenance technicians of long-distance operation systems, all employees in the hospitality sector... not forgetting the most vulnerable at this time, the homeless, beggars and street kids, especially in the global South, who have to move from place to place to get food, to find a place to sleep through the night, and to run away from police."- Biao Xiang, Professor of Anthropology, University of Oxford, UKContents: CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - Ibrahim Sirkeci and Jeffrey H. Cohen | CHAPTER 2. COVID-19 AND INTERNATIONAL LABOUR MIGRATION IN AGRICULTURE - Philip L. Martin | CHAPTER 3. HOSTAGES OF MOBILITY: TRANSPORT, SECURITIZATION AND STRESS DURING PANDEMIC - Biao Xiang | CHAPTER 4. MODELING AND PREDICTION OF THE 2019 CORONAVIRUS DISEASE SPREADING IN CHINA INCORPORATING HUMAN MIGRATION DATA | ...

    27,00 €

    Taste of City: Food and Place Marketing Conference 2018, which is hosted by Akdeniz University Tourism Research, Development and Application Centre (TAGUM) on 4-5 October 2018. The TOC 2018 Antalya is an international peer-reviewed academic research conference with a focus on understanding the dynamics and role of food play in place marketing and branding. This unique event aims to bring together researchers, scholars and practitioners to explore the ways in which food and places are marketed in an interconnected fashion. Invited Speakers in this year's conference include Prof Zafer Yenal from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Prof Pieter Terhorst from the University of Amsterdam and Prof Ibrahim Sirkeci from Regent's University London.

    22,00 €

    Taste of City is an international conference on food and place marketing held at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. The conference focus on food and place marketing, place branding through food and encourage multidisciplinary approaches to place and food marketing and the role and impact of food in marketing and branding of places. Food and tastes are transferred and transported along the routes of mobility, tourism and connectedness in the era of fast communications and travel. Taste of City Conference 2016 is the first academic research conference with a focus on understanding the dynamics and role of food play in place branding and marketing. Understanding the role of food and taste in forming and reformulating the identity of places, influence of food on the image of cities and countries, changing geographies of food and taste are new avenues for research. Conference Chair is Prof Ibrahim Sirkeci and Conference Co-chair is Prof Goran Petkovic. Conference Manager is Dr Evinc Dogan

  • von Saniye Dedeoglu, Ibrahim Sirkeci, Fethiye Tilbe, usw.
    29,00 - 65,00 €

  • von Demet &#350 & enba&#350
    61,00 €

    45,00 €

    EditorialSümeyra Buran, Çädä DedeöluPosthuman Media StudiesJ.J. Sylvia IVSympoietic Art Practice in Co-expressive Re-worlding with Hegel's "Vegetal Subject"Lin Charlston, David CharlstonCollaging the Posthuman into the PostnaturalDennis SummersSurreal Femininity: Nature and "Woman" in the Art of Marguerite HumeauMargaryta GolovchenkoDOSSIER: PHILOSOPHICAL POSTHUMANISM SESSION AT THE 42ND ANNUAL KJSNA MEETINGThe Ethics of Human Enhancement and Ferrando's Philosophical PosthumanismKevin LaGrandeurCapitalism in Philosophical PosthumanismJessica Ludescher ImanakaThe Hidden Religious Dimension of Posthumanism. A Commentary on Francesca Ferrando's Philosophical PosthumanismMarkus WirtzTraditions of Yoga in Existential Posthuman PraxisDebashish BanerjiBeyond Posthuman Theory: Tackling Realities of Everyday LifeFrancesca FerrandoCOMMENTARIES & INTERVIEWSThe Posthumanist Dimension of the Novel Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga TokarczukA CommentaryMalgorzata KowalczeTranshumanism, Nietzsche and Politics: A Commentary on Their RelationshipAnna MarkopoulouARTISTIC WORKSRefocusing the Anthropocenic Gaze: A Photo EssayJasmine UlmerForms of Intelligence: Co-species Care in More-than-human WorldsKaajal MODIBOOK REVIEWSBook Review of Lucretius II: An Ethics of Motion (2020)Didem Yilmaz

  • von Sad&#305 & k Yemni
    40,00 €

    "New York korkunçtu Sarp." Dedi Helga. "Çat¿¿malar, o çürümeyen cesetler ve ç¿plak ayakl¿ insan¿ms¿lar¿n neden oldüu bunalt¿. Çok ä¿r bir bask¿yd¿. Paris ve ¿stanbul'a bakarak bütün dünya da ayn¿ durumda denebilir. A¿r¿'da bizi neyin bekledi¿ini biliyor musun?"A¿r¿ dä¿ndan gelen bir sinyali arät¿rmak için oraya giden uluslaras¿ bilim insanlar¿n¿n içine s¿zm¿¿ fanatik bir grubun yapt¿¿¿ sabotaj dünyan¿n çivisini ç¿kart¿r. Kitlesel y¿k¿m¿ engellemenin tek yolu A¿r¿ dä¿nda aktif durumda bulunan kötücül reaktörü çok geç olmadan durdurmakt¿r. Yazar¿n Muska, Yat¿r ve Öte Yer romanlar¿ndan tan¿d¿¿¿n¿z Sarp Sapmaz New York, Paris ve ¿stanbul'dan gelen be¿ ki¿iyle birlikte tehlikenin göbe¿ine dalar. Küresel ihtiraslar, kadim kurgu ve yapay zekâlar aras¿ mücadele. Kara Külah serisinin ilk kitab¿

  • - The Story of a Move to Italy
    von Goekhan Kutluer
    32,00 €

    "What type of experience, do you think, would force an individual to leave the country one was born and brought up in, spoke its language, had friends and knew its every corner by heart?" 'Leaving One's Comfort Zone' tells the story of Gökhan Kutluer, who, with this question in his mind, opts to take the plunge rather than reverting to forever if only's, who drops everything and leaves, forever altering the course of his life with a tourist visa and a carry-on, who chases his own dreams until there is no place to go and immigrates to Italy. This striking account of the cities he stumbles across and the social specifics of his migration from his homeland can tempt anyone with eyes and curiosity; it is the story of achieving to leave, of not being able to persist, of not belonging, of statelessness, of struggle, self-exploration, of 'Leaving One's Comfort Zone' is a great guide to bring promise to young adults and provide them with insights as they embark on their new all, life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

  • von Fethiye Tilbe & Yusuf Topaloglu
    63,00 €

  • von Demet &#350 & enba&#351
    61,00 €

  • von Gábor Rekettye & Jonathan Liu
    58,00 €

    PRICING The New Frontier by Gábor REKETTYE and Jonathan LIU underlines the importance of pricing and price management is growing all over the world, primarily due to the turbulent economic situation, accelerating technological development, the saturation of markets and the globalization of competition. All these trends affect the achievement of company objectives, place prices, pricing and price management in a context that differs greatly from what has been known before. At a time when almost continuous change is disrupting nearly all industries and the internet is putting ever more power in the hands of the customer, a book that treats pricing with substance and foresight is a welcome addition to the market. - John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., O'Bleness Professor Emeritus, Ohio University, United States

  • von Liliana Lyra Jubilut
    45,00 €

    Refugees and their protection have started to be a part of daily conversation in recent years. New flows from Africa to Europe, new crisis in Asia and in the Americas, and record numbers since the Second World War, for instance, have paved the way for news reports in the media, political discourses on the topic and debates on how to actually protect these persons. In a world scenario of increasingly (i) closed borders, (ii) association of migration to security issues, (iii) lack of political will to ascertain human rights and (iv) disregard for migration as a right in se, the challenges on and for refugees' protection have been progressing; as have the need for international protection of persons fleeing well-founded fear of persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership to a social group, i.e. refugees. Regional approaches and national practices gain relevance, especially if they can be seen as good practices, even if not without flaws.

  • - Today and Tomorrow
    von Ibrahim Sirkeci, Kadir Onur Unutulmaz & Deniz Eroglu Utku
    57,00 €

  • - a transnational company for a transnational clientele
    von Anett Condick-Brough & Ibrahim Sirkeci
    23,00 €

    This case study looks at the development of a money transfer company in a dynamic and fast changing market. Transnational nature of the business as well as profiles of customers are emphasised. Ria Money Transfer is part of the Euronet, US based parent company. Aspiring to become the most progressive company in the sector, Ria deals with customers with backgrounds from all over the world. This is also reflected in the work force of the company. Operating in distinct environments, businesses are not only concerned with a multicultural body of customers, agents and clients but also multiple economic, political, technological environments with a large number of small and big competitors. This case study alludes to the questions about the key drivers of success for a transnational company with such complex web of markets, consumers, clients and competitors. Company information, direct quotes from representatives and media are used to illustrate aspects of the business and markets.

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