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Bücher veröffentlicht von Triarchy Press

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  • - Being Advice to Aspiring Leaders in the Professions
    von Geoffrey Garrett & Graeme John Davies
    36,00 €

    Herding Professional Cats offers advice and insights to leaders in the professions about tackling the classic 'cats' dilemma: how to manage intelligent, opinionated, independent and frequently difficult people without losing the competitive edge a professionalised workforce can bring.

  • von Bob Chisholm
    30,00 €

    This book is about psychotherapy. Written as a collection of tales about encounters between a therapist and his clients, it reveals why many people would turn to therapy for help, what they might look for and what they might actually find.For Bob Chisholm, a therapist who draws on Buddhist psychology in dealing with his clients, helping someone find self-insight has less to do with understanding their life diagnostically than it does with appreciating their experience existentially - that is to say, in all its inherent mystery.The idea that uncovering mystery could be a way of freeing someone from their psychological misery may seem almost magical: like consulting a ouija board or gazing into tea leaves. But it is in the details and happenstance of a person's life - in the suspense of the everyday world - that the actual mystery of a person's life is sure to be found. Finding that mystery, and helping people come to terms with it, is what this book is all about.Written for anyone training or practising as a psychotherapist, or considering taking up therapy as a client, 'Uncovering Mystery in Everyday Life' is also for anyone interested in the existential wonder of being human.

  • von Christina Reading
    59,00 €

    Sooner or later, most of us get stuck. Feel stuck. Our creativity in crisis... lost, blocked, overwhelmed by work, family, illness. How to find or recover that creative edge? How to get unstuck?For the authors, it began with cancer and stretched into the pandemic. One primarily a writer and the other a painter, they decide to walk together, to talk, write, feed back, reflect and repeat, again and again. They explore trust, openness, motherhood, their willingness to take risks and be exposed, and the particular insights they bring as women. Along the way, they walk and map their way back to creative life.This is their story, but more than that - it's a map for anyone who is feeling stuck. Whether or not you have had a creative practice before (writing/painting/making/crafting), this book will help you find your way into creative expression. The authors offer creative tasks and suggestions in each chapter, and ideas and structures to get you going. But most important, they offer warmth, friendship and inspiration from their own shared vulnerability, struggle, setbacks and muddy walking.

  • - An Organic Language of Harmony for Human Survival
    von Robin Asby
    33,00 €

    An up-to-date introduction to Systems Thinking and review of its applications in business, government and Quantum Mechanics

    74,00 €

    20 contemporary approaches to the study and experience of embodied awareness.

  • - The way we create money, and how it damages the world
    von Ivo Mosley
    28,00 €

    Our money system is a toxic left-over from a time when theft on a grand scale - war and empire-building - was glorified. In 'Bank Robbery' Ivo Mosley offers a clear and comprehensive examination of a system that supports unaccountable and destructive power. He also describes the simple reforms that can create a fairer, more resilient society.

  • - a poetry pamphlet with one shoreline essay and one riverbank essay
    von Phil Smith & Helen Billinghurst
    25,00 €

    This book suggests the challenge for all of us in a climate emergency is to dissolve our artistic or habitual/life practice, to "sink into the dark forest beneath our feet", to embed ourselves in the grander patterns, systems and flows of our wet planet, to "feel our way, but also to allow what we feel to feel us, and direct us by its flows".

  • - A New Paradigm for Understanding and Intervening in Organizational Life
    von Barry Oshry
    27,00 €

    Barry Oshry shows that, despite many references to paradigms in the literature, there are no scientific paradigms (as defined by Thomas Kuhn) in management/organization theory and development. He then makes the case for the Organic System Framework as a legitimate candidate for paradigm status - from which further research naturally follows.

  • - A Walkable Novel
    von Phil Smith
    58,00 €

    Every place has its stories. Sometimes those stories get tarmacked and concreted over. This is nowhere more true than in Milton Keynes. Writer and walker Phil Smith has walked Milton Keynes to find its missing stories. Here he gives Milton Keynes a new myth of itself. Readers can take the book onto the streets and walk or cycle K's journey.

  • - Alexander Technique in the Actor's Life
    von Kate Kelly
    26,00 €

    'Before the Curtain Opens' distils a lifetime's lived experience of the Alexander Technique into an engaging and vivid introduction to what becomes a holistic philosophy of performance.

  • - Reflections on Socially Engaged Paths
    von Ernesto Pujol
    30,00 €

    This collection of intimate reflections by artist Ernesto Pujol brings together his experiences as a monk, performance artist, social choreographer and educator. They serve as a provocation, walkers' manifesto and teaching guide for walking as mindful cultural activism. An inspirational text for artists, art students and anyone who loves to walk.

  • - A Mythogeography of South Devon and How to Walk it
    von Phil Smith
    40,00 €

    Writing as Cecile Oak, mythogeographer Phil Smith offers a vivid portrait of South Devon, packed with startling detail, in the form of a series of walks. 'Anywhere' is an adventure AND the first mythogeographical survey of a place, its landscape, buildings, history and people. It's also a lesson in how to be/walk in your own city or countryside

  • von Phil Smith
    46,00 €

    A book about despair, climate change, zombie films, multiple apocalypses, the everyday, city-dwelling, zombies, walking and walk-performance, imperialism, sex, zombie literature, refugees, popular culture and zombies.

  • von Herman Wagter & Jean Russell
    25,00 €

    A guide to designing, building and running a 21st-century organization

  • von Russell Ackoff
    30,00 €

    This book brings together 57 definitions of important terms and concepts, many of which underpin Ackoff's contribution to organizational learning.

  • - Little Heresies in Public Policy
    29,00 €

    The 'Little Heresies' seminars - this is the second published collection of the talks given at them - provide an important public platform to debate the future of public services.Now more than ever it seems vital to challenge the 'received wisdom', 'zombie thinking' and old, tired and outdated habits and practices that continue to infest important aspects of our public services. For, as the authors demonstrate, what appear to be well-intentioned policies not only create perverse incentives but frequently cause lasting damage to the social fabric.Private sector management methods, underpinned by neoliberal thinking, were introduced into UK public services by Margaret Thatcher. Many other countries have adopted the same approach. And successive governments continue to be duped into believing, against plenty of evidence to the contrary, that New Public Management, as it is now called, works. It doesn't.In this second publication from the Little Heresies series, nine heretics, all leading thinkers and practitioners in their professional fields, explain the disastrous effects of wrong thinking and ineffective practice in areas like standardisation, professionalisation and measurement in public services, so-called evidence-based policy-making, money creation and, looking more widely, in the troubled waters of philanthropy and the third/charitable sector.

  • von Phil Smith
    43,00 €

    This is the definitive guide to Counter-Tourism, except that Counter-Tourism has a low opinion of definitive guides. So it's more like an equivocal misguide. It includes dozens of detailed Counter-Tourism 'tactics' plus the thinking behind Counter-Tourism, its academic and philosophical background, and its roots in film, music and literature.

  • - The Failure of the Reform Regime.... and a Manifesto for a Better Way
    von John Seddon
    39,00 €

    ..".an extraordinary insight into why, at the end of each month, millions of us are left wondering where on earth all the money taken from us in tax has gone. The argument compellingly made by John Seddon is that the Government has designed failure into almost everything it does on our behalf." Philip Johnston, Daily Telegraph

  • - Learning from the Future
    von Patricia Lustig
    32,00 €

    This is a practical guide for leaders, to aid their practice in strategy, decision making and change. Strategic Foresight is a set of skills and tools used to explore potential futures so organisations can plan for and take advantage of these possible futures. The book first explores how we think about the future, looking at ambiguity and uncertainty and how these play a role in our ability to think into the future. The next section covers models, tools and maps that people will find useful for developing their own Foresight. Then the book considers how to identify emerging trends; what impact they may have on the organisation; the strategic importance of early recognition; and how to apply the knowledge in the organisation.

  • von John Rogers
    28,00 €

    Local money has been used for hundreds of years and throughout the world, yet very few of us understand what it's all about. Recently, Bristol and Brixton launched their own 'Pounds', but why? We all need money - to stay alive, to buy essential goods and services. But when jobs and money are in short supply it's largely because 97% of national money is controlled by the private banking industry. They trade, gamble and invest money where they can earn the biggest profit. And when the banks are in trouble so are ordinary people.By contrast, local currencies are owned by the community. They are designed to support local businesses, local jobs, local producers and services, local crafts and artists, community initiatives, charities, volunteers, etc. They create strong social networks and ensure that the community thrives even in a recession. By keeping the currency local, they protect it from speculators who will only invest if there is a profit to be had.This pamphlet explains the practical differences between national and local money - how local currencies work, what they can do that national money can't do, and why they are needed. If you are lucky enough to have a local currency, find out why you should join it. If you don't, you might be inspired to start one!Local money has been used for hundreds of years and throughout the world, yet very few of us understand what it's all about. Recently, Bristol and Brixton launched their own 'Pounds', but why? We all need money - to stay alive, to buy essential goods and services. But when jobs and money are in short supply it's largely because 97% of national money is controlled by the private banking industry. They trade, gamble and invest money where they can earn the biggest profit. And when the banks are in trouble so are ordinary people.By contrast, local currencies are owned by the community. They are designed to support local businesses, local jobs, local producers and services, local crafts and artists, community initiatives, charities, volunteers, etc. They create strong social networks and ensure that the community thrives even in a recession. By keeping the currency local, they protect it from speculators who will only invest if there is a profit to be had.This pamphlet explains the practical differences between national and local money - how local currencies work, what they can do that national money can't do, and why they are needed. If you are lucky enough to have a local currency, find out why you should join it. If you don't, you might be inspired to start one!Local money has been used for hundreds of years and throughout the world, yet very few of us understand what it's all about. Recently, Bristol and Brixton launched their own 'Pounds', but why? We all need money - to stay alive, to buy essential goods and services. But when jobs and money are in short supply it's largely because 97% of national money is controlled by the private banking industry. They trade, gamble and invest money where they can earn the biggest profit. And when the banks are in trouble so are ordinary people.By contrast, local currencies are owned by the community. They are designed to support local businesses, local jobs, local producers and services, local crafts and artists, community initiatives, charities, volunteers, etc. They create strong social networks and ensure that the community thrives even in a recession. By keeping the currency local, they protect it from speculators who will only invest if there is a profit to be had.This pamphlet explains the practical differences between national and local money - how local currencies work, what they can do that national money can't do, and why they are needed. If you are lucky enough to have a local currency, find out why you should join it. If you don't, you might be inspired to start one!

  • von Christian Arnsperger, Stefan Brunnhuber Bernard Lietaer & Sally Goerner
    41,00 €

    In 1972, the first Report for the Club of Rome - The Limits to Growth - famously spelled out the unsustainable consequences of an economic system that demands infinite growth in a finite world. Just as The Limits to Growth exposed the catastrophic flaws in our economic system, this new Report from the Club of Rome exposes the systemic flaws in our money system and the wrong thinking that underpins it. It describes the ongoing currency and banking crises we must expect if we continue with the current monopoly system - and the vicious impact of these crises on our communities, our society as a whole and our environment. Our money system is outdated, brittle and unfit for purpose. It is responsible for the endless cycle of boom and bust, it systematically widens the gap between rich and poor, it creates unemployment and multiplies other extremely adverse social effects of any financial/economic crisis, it undermines sustainability initiatives, it disables vitally-needed national and international action to limit multiple threats to the environment and the biosphere. It is the single structural cause common to all financial and monetary instability. Money and Sustainability: The Missing Link - Report from the Club of Rome proposes an alternative: a monetary 'ecosystem' with complementary currencies working alongside the conventional one. This is more flexible, resilient, fair and sustainable. Societies worked like this in the past. So can we. The book first explains these systemic problems in detail. It's written in a way that's clearly accessible to the general public (although it references at length a wide range of technical topics: economics theory, the history and institutions of banking, the physics of complex flow networks, the science of sustainability, and population trends and climate change). This gives a framework for understanding the present money system. The authors then describe their proposal for an alternative money ecosystem which systematically addresses and resolves the problems created by the present system. Finally, this practical proposal is illustrated by nine case studies of different complementary currencies which are either running now, in development or could be implemented at short notice in individual cities and regions around the world.

  • von Gerard Fairtlough
    34,00 €

    As the former CEO of Shell Chemicals UK and Celltech, Gerard Fairtlough speaks about business with enormous authority and experience. In this ground-breaking book he draws on that experience to explain why hierarchy is not the only way to organize a business. He explains the alternatives to hierarchy (which he calls heterarchy and responsible autonomy) and shows how they can work in practice. This extensively revised and updated edition is vital reading for anyone who wants organizations to work better.

  • von Vincent Barabba
    35,00 €

    Decision-making has been one of the principal victims of 'modern' thinking. The 'analytical' approach has, of course, brought us vaccines, electricity and the internal combustion engine. But, in seeking to break things down into their component parts and improve the parts, governments and businesses continue to make some astonishingly bad decisions. What's more, many enterprises still pay close attention to 'decisions' and 'decision-making' whilst overlooking the bigger picture: the organizational system within which those decisions get made. This elegant book is a guide for any public, private, government or non-profit organization that needs a system for making better decisions. It sets out to change our 'analytical' habit and invites enterprises to consider the bigger picture. Author Vince Barabba presents an elegantly simple approach to making better decisions. He calls this approach 'The Decision Loom' and bases it on Systems Thinking, Design Thinking and Complexity Theory. He also describes the four core capabilities that any organization must put in place for this approach to work. What's more (because we're humans and prefer stories to instruction manuals) the tapestry of the book is embroidered with fascinating examples from the author's lifetime of experience at the head of American corporate and public decision-making.

  • von Rosalind Armson
    32,00 €

    This book is about dealing with messes. Sometimes known as 'wicked problems', messes (or messy situations) are fairly easy to spot:it's hard to know where to startwe can't define them everything seems to connect to everything else and depends on something else having been done first we get in a muddle thinking about them we often try to ignore some aspect/s of themwhen we finally do something about them, they usually get worse they're so entangled that our first mistake is usually to try and fix them as we would fix a simple problem.

  • - How Our Blindness to Context Cripples Even the Smartest Organizations
    von Barry Oshry
    27,00 €

    Barry Oshry explains the problem with organizational structures in this dialogue between two consultants about a change initiative. A guide to Systems Thinking for Organizations, it's as engaging and helpful as any business book you've ever read. Give it to team leaders, trainers, HR people, managers and chief execs and transform your organization.

  • von John Seddon
    37,00 €

    'The Whitehall Effect' chronicles how the Whitehall ideas machine has failed to deliver on a monumental scale - and what we can do about it. We have a breathtaking opportunity to create public services that truly serve. But only if Whitehall changes. --- Why don't public services work very well? One key reason is that they have been 'industrialised'. Part 1 explains why call centres, back offices, shared services, outsourcing and IT-led change almost always lead to service failure. It explains, in particular, why 'economies of scale' are a myth. Part 2 proposes a better (and tried-and-tested) alternative to the alienating and unresponsive experience of industrialised public services.

  • von Richard Davis
    35,00 €

    Richard Davis turns his attention to the important issue of 'responsibility' - on both the government's part and that of the users. While government wrestles with how to cut the cost of services, he shows that government can provide responsible and sustainable services significantly more cheaply by focusing on what is of 'value' ...

  • - A Conversation
    von Phil Smith & Alyson Hallett
    25,00 €

    An email conversation between a noted poet.walker and a noted performance.walker about being temporarily prevented from walking 'normally' by illness/surgery. Their reflections cover cultural perceptions and personal values associated with walking, personal anecdotes, philosophical reflection, practices for daily-life and an alphabet of falling.

  • - Real Walks to Nonreal Places
    von Roy Bayfield
    23,00 €

    Roy Bayfield, well-known for exploring the Googlemaps non-place Argleton, here writes about his three-year-long walk home from northwest England to his home town near Brighton. Using the book 'Mythogeography' as his guide, he describes a postmodern, post-psychogeography pilgrimage through wormholes, hospital, faultlines and Z-Worlds.

  • von Russell L. Ackoff
    36,00 €

    From analyzing birth rates in India, to a fireside chat with the Queen of Iran, to introducing theme parks to the US, this book collects stories that lay bare the workings of a number of well-known businesses and other organizations - and the people who run them.

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