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Bücher veröffentlicht von Tsur Tsina

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  • von Hannah Yakin
    21,00 €

    "Of Tortoises and other Jews" is the story of Hannah Yakin's childhood in Holland during the Second World War. Being the daughter of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father Hannah has to make sense of many unexpected and unexplained situations.Hannah and Abraham Yakin live in Jerusalem, Israel. They have eight children, many grandchildren and a growing number of great-grandchildren. Their colorful website,does not only represent their own art but also that of their talented offspring.

  • von Hannah Yakin
    18,00 €

    Hannah Yakin, dochter van Jan van Hulst en Paula Horowitz, werd in 1933 in Amsterdam geboren. Vanaf 1953 studeerde ze aan de toenmalige Avondacademie Artibus in Utrecht en aan de Ecole Paul Colin in Parijs. In 1956 vertrok Hannah naar Israël en trouwde een jaar later met de Jeruzalemse kunstenaar Abraham Yakin. Samen exposeerden zij in talloze musea en andere gelegenheden, hoofdzakelijk in Israël, Europa en de V.S.Hannah schreef meerdere boeken, o.a. Hier is je Bruidegom en Jardena,en illustreerde verschillende van haar eigen verhalen.Hannah en Abraham Yakin wonen in Jeruzalem in het huis dat in de negentiende eeuw door Abrahams grootvader daar is neergezet en waarin Abraham is geboren en opgegroeid. Het echtpaar heeft acht kinderen, vele kleinkinderen en een gestadig groeiend aantal achterkleinkinderen."Over schildpadden en andere Joden" is het verhaal over Hannah's jeugd in Amstelveen, Nederland. Als dochter van een Joodse moeder en niet-Joodse vader, beleeft Hannah heel wat hachelijke avonturen.

  • von Petra van der Zande
    19,00 €

  • von Irene (Shaloma) Levi
    17,00 €

    Irene Poe-Duce-Levi (1919) was called to Jerusalem, Israel, in 1948 and has lived there ever since. By using her extensive knowledge of the Semitic roots of God's Word, Irene continues to build bridges between Jews and Arabs.Related to the famous Edgar Allen Poe, Irene uses her God-given talent to bring glory to His name. While Irene has also written many Hebrew poems and songs, this book is a compilation of her English versions.

  • von Joanne Nihom
    21,00 €

  • von Petra van der Zande
    17,00 €

    La Palabra de Dios habla claramente: para ser bendecido, se tiene que bendecir primero."Bendiciendo Jerusalén todo el año" es un libro que tiene el propósito de bendecir la capital de Israel - Jerusalén, de una manera práctica y sencilla. No utilizando nuestras propias palabras más proclamando versículos de la Biblia tomados de diferentes versiones.Aún cuando usted no pueda subir a Jerusalén en persona, usted puede utilizar este libro para orar y bendecir la Ciudad del Gran Rey sin salir de casa.Cada año durante el Pesaj (Pascua), los judíos se dicen los unos a los otros: "LaShana haba'ah, beYerushalayim" - ¡El próximo año será en Jerusalén!¡Que el Señor le bendiga desde Sión! Y, ¿quién sabe? ¡El próximo año nos veremos en Jerusalén!

  • von Petra van der Zande
    17,00 €

    "Blessing Jerusalem all year round" is a book meant to bless the capital of Israel - Jerusalem, in a practical and concrete way. Not by using our own words, but by proclaiming Bible verses taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.And even if you're not able to come and visit Jerusalem, you can bless the City of the Great King without leaving home.

  • von Jay Rawlings
    18,00 €

    Israel, the Nations and the Future? is part three of a four part TV series produced by Israel Vision in Jerusalem. Released in English, German and Finnish these productions are based on startling current events in light of the Bible.In this inspirational message, Dr Rawlings explains who are the Sheep and Goat" nations based on the prophetic words of Jesus. These TV program are now in DVD format, along with valuable companion booklets that shed light on the current Middle East crisis clearly revealing the shocking aims of ISIS.You will grasp the purpose behind "Islam-ocracy." You will also understand the future of the world under "Theocracy" and how only the Kingdom of God on earth will bring "Peace" to all mankind.Last but not least you will discover how sincere believers can make a difference TODAY, among the Nations, in Israel and concerning the Future? This requires action. Find out how you can make a lasting change today...right where you are!

  • von Liesje Auerbach-Polak
    23,00 €

    "Broken Silence" tells the fascinating story of two Dutch Jewish sisters both of whom survived World War II. Betty, the elder sister, stayed in The Netherlands on false identities. Her husband joined the Resistance, was caught by the Germans and executed. Betty was imprisoned, but miraculously survived the war. Liesje (Elisheva) was sent to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp in Germany. July 1944 she was selected as one of the 220 Jewish prisoners exchanged for German Templars living in Palestine. It saved her life. The two sisters, now both in their nineties, are amongst the few survivors still able to share their stories, in several languages. Living history! The third generation especially needs to be made aware of what happened. Betty and Liesje continue sharing their stories. Their long silence is finally broken.

  • von Meridel Rawlings & Drs Jay
    28,98 €

  • von Petra van der Zande
    26,00 €

    Dit is een gids van de Joodse feesten, gedenkdagen en evenementen in Israël. Het geeft een uitleg waarom, wanneer en hoe deze gebeurtenissen hebben plaatsgevonden in Bijbelse tijden en hoe het vandaag in Israël gevierd wordt.Wat moet je wel of niet doen als je op rouwbezoek gaat?Waarom dragen veel Joden witte kleding op Jom Kipoer?Wat is de "vlaggenmars"?Waarom hebben kleine Orthodoxe jongetjes soms lang haar?Waarom zijn er zoveel verschillende kipot?Waarom draagt een getrouwde orthodoxe vrouw een pruik?Mag een vrouw een orthodoxe man een hand geven?Dit boek geeft antwoorden op deze en veel meer vragen. Israëlisch-Joodse gewoonten en gebruiken worden uitgelegd die in de reisgidsen meestal niet aan de orde komen.Niet alleen voor pelgrims en toeristen, maar ook voor vrijwilligers die voor langere tijd naar Israel komen, is dit boek een handige gids.

  • von Petra van der Zande
    17,00 €

    The Story of Rays of HOPE Ministries is the sequel to A FUTURE AND A HOPE. Many people call the Indian Pastor Manoj Magar the "modern day George Müller of Mumbai".Called from the slums into His service at the age of 12, Manoj first learned to serve God by serving others. As he grew older, he was instrumental in planting several churches. Manoj responded to the needs of orphaned children. Ashalaya - House of HOPE - became their home. Rays of HOPE Ministries is one of mercy to the miserable. The needs in Mumbai are tremendous and the daily challenges are enormous. But the workers know they serve a mighty God who will provide all their needs. In His time.This book is a testimony of God's continuous provision, faithfulness and miracles - in particular about the soon to be build: CITY OF HOPE!

  • von Al Nucciarone
    21,00 €

    The Middle East is in crisis. There is the threat of ISIS and other terrorist groups who have one objective: to dominate the world and get rid of Christians, Jews, and Muslims who do not believe exactly as they do. In the twentieth century, Communism was the biggest challenge for the church. Today, it is Islam. How do we deal with this challenge? How can we have real peace in the Middle East? There is only one solution: the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a revived church that demonstrates the love of Christ.This book explores the revival and reformation principles that are exemplified in the life and ministry of King Hezekiah and encouraged by the prophet Isaiah.Today, more than ever, we need men and woman who have a passion for God and communicate that passion to others. That is what revival is all about. And it starts at home.

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