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Bücher veröffentlicht von Ukiyoto Publishing

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  • von Swapna Dutta
    12,00 €

    As one who loves to travel, for me one thing has always been of prime importance. I cannot write about a place unless I am moved by it, either because of memories or interesting legends associated with the place or something I feel to be significant. In some cases hot tourist spots leave me cold while a neglected corner makes me feel that it is well worth writing about.To Sail beyond the Sunset consists of 12 write-ups about places I have visited and loved. It is in 2 parts. The first is about places outside India while part II speaks of places in India. They describe my personal impressions and feelings and do not claim to be an all-inclusive fact file. But I sincerely hope that if my stories interest my readers they will visit the places and find out whatever else I may have left out.

  • von Mitrajit Biswas
    17,00 €

    Buku ini ingin mengungkap perbincangan mengenai skenario-skenario baru dan munculnya tatanan dunia. Apakah peranan India di Asia, di dalam Asia dan di luar kawasan tersebut, ketika kita sudah berada di abad ke-21 dan melihat ke depan.

  • von Anna Katrina Velilla-Milan
    18,00 €

    This book was inspired by one of our pillow talk moments with my son, Sandro. Sandro at 5 years old, randomly sang this phrase out loud,"The sun and the moon like to stay togetherbut they can't stay together all the time.But they have a good time in the sunset."Watching sunsets as it unfolds each day can be symbolic. The reason for each hold its own purpose at some point in life. I find that sunsets enhances my lasting satisfaction of life. The colors, the hues and vibrance is one of the reasons why I see its beauty. Everyday is different but still beautiful in its own way.Lesson on the days of the week and the colors of the sky are introduced. Underneath it all is the essence of the story. It is about the Power of Positive Communication & Emotional Regulation. To choose to respond healthy vs to react violently to avoid causing harm to others especially to those you love.Hope this book inspires you to see the meaning of a sunset in your life, to live, to learn and to love.

  • von Allison Jane G. Villarete
    26,00 €

    They say that not everyone who sins deserves to suffer for entire life. Let it change for you especially if it is unvarnished truth. Another woman will face a situation that everyone avoids. Choosing the right settlement, or choosing your own decision? Chaos in life but not giving up is the answer and key to open a good future, especially if you assiduoused for it. Another woman will fight the obstacles that will try to destroy her harmonious life, but will continue to fight.

  • von Kuldeep Sharma
    11,00 €

    The human mind constantly fluctuates between the present, the past, and thefuture. In good times, it embarks on weaving happy dreams. In bad times, itgoes to the past and remembers happy times, while it jumps to the future andthinks worrisome thoughts. Either way, it distracts us from reality, and as aresult, we lose control of our thoughts and feelings, ultimately affecting ourdecision-making ability.The following poems describe different moods of a floating mind. When itis restless, its thoughts are dominated by anxiety and fear. In a calm state, it isconnected to the soul and generates thoughts of hope and courage.Through these poems, the poet conveys that love is an innate quality ofhumankind which, however, is not let overwhelm life by the mind. Since themind is fed with news of hunger, hatred, and conspiracies worldwide, it tendsto miss the bliss of love that is the cure for all evil.

  • von Tresa Nair
    14,00 €

    I wrote this book in love, in pain,In joy-remembering each name,Names of lovers lost,Names of voices deadTales of loving at a cost,Of romance, and of life in shredIt's my heart for you to read or leaveOr find solace when you grieve

  • von Benj Gabun Sumabat
    11,00 €

    This collection of prose and poetry is three years in the making. It is a book of sorrows, high hopes, good and bad days, and memories-either to be forgotten or remembered. This is a journey of life and its bittersweet misadventures-shards turned into art.Confessions that were whispered or held within the most bottomless abyss of one's heart and soul; it is a book that explores the corners of one's mind where darkness often finds its comfort. A life of solitude, disconnection, poetry, books, literature, and imaginary worlds created as haven-to temporarily escape this world and all that comes with it.When you read this book, I hope you will think that what you hold is a life-living, beating, moving, and having dreams. Hold it gently; thread it slowly and carefully. Sink into the words, thoughts, and experiences. And when sundown commences, you will realize that after all you have been through, life is still worth living.

  • von Priyanga Soundar
    11,00 €

    In the Orche seeks to find happiness with oneself. Without any worry or botheration about the looks or colour or shape.When there is a disturbance in the orche as to which fruit is best? and who deserves to be the King? Spark, the fairy interrupts!

  • von John Aloyzeus Reotutar
    14,00 €

    In Harbinger of Chaos, experience the thrilling story of one man's journey to uncover his true destiny and identity. Follow Carl Fernandez as he discovers his dormant unique ability and how this newfound power leads him to unravel a sinister plot that threatens the very existence of the human race across the multiverse.Through this story, explore a world filled with danger, hopelessness, and witness the power of courage and strength in the face of overwhelming odds. With vivid detail and captivating adventure, Harbinger of Chaos is a riveting tale that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

  • von Vincent Patalay Cepillo
    13,00 €

    It is a collection of the poems that the author has written over time. It encompasses his life, his hardships, the joys, the laughter and the love that he experienced. He intends to send the messages of this collection to those who may be experiencing the same experiences that he had, and that they may, likewise, find comfort in this piece.In our journey in this battlefield called life we face various and different foes like pain, farewell, tears and sadness.But, the universe always affords us with companions to accompany us in our quest, in the form of smiles, joy, happiness, and of them all, love.This collection of poems is an expression of the thoughts and fascination that the author has always wanted to convey to the cosmos from his very soul.The very narratives contained in these pieces are the maps that served as the lighting guide for a travelling man to reach this point.The stories crafted by the adventures of the writer, which are now exhibited in the face of this poetry, seek to lend some rays to the reading folk, whose endeavors may also now be challenged.One important note that may be shared before the outset of the perusal of this humble collation is to enjoy the voyage that waits ahead. To, likewise, conquer the forests of uncertainties through the remarks of the literature herein scribbled. And to immerse one's heart and thoughts in the messages of these STATEMENTS OF THE SOUL.

  • von Sandip Saha
    11,00 €

    Human life is full of distress. Whether in family, society, work place, neighbors, hooligans, terrorists and even with God life is a place where clashes are very common. Through poems in this book, I have assembled many such clashes that make our life hell. This is a single chapter book. Main conflict is between men and women. Due to modernization women are empowered financially. They no more offer respect to husbands as it was earlier. They are now equal in all respects so far husband and wife are concerned. Then there are sextual freedom and rather infidelity that has been allowed as legal by law have made the societal situation very unstable.Men traditionally ruled over women but now they cannot and this makes them frustrated and ferocious. Earlier there were class difference in society by intellect, virtues, education, spiritual status etc. But now everybody thinks equal to any other person in the society. No regards are left between each other. Lower classes uneducated rowdies now even attack higher class women to assault sextually. Usual sextual exploitation has increased inside family due to girls are now married at a much older age.God and human relations are also taken a toll. Earlier human was helpless and natural bigger forces used to kill them. Now with the help of science human has become powerful, as a result God has become relatively redundant. Atheists have increased by leaps and bounds. Clash is there also.My book gives a flavor of all these.

  • von Devajit Bhuyan
    12,00 €

    When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. Albert EinsteinLook deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Albert EinsteinTrying to understand the way nature works involves a most terrible test of human reasoning ability. It involves subtle trickery, beautiful tightropes of logic on which one has to walk in order not to make a mistake in predicting what will happen. The quantum mechanical and the relativity ideas are examples of this. Richard P. FeynmanThe theory of gravitation was discovered by Isaac Newton and relativity was discovered by Albert Einstein. So, people think that gravity came from the period of Newton and relativity from the period of Einstein. But fact is that gravity and relativity was there before human being came to this planet and will be there even after human species become extinct. The reality or fact is that Einstein put a natural phenomenon in mathematical terms, for clear understanding of human brain and utilize it for scientific purpose. This book is about how even a lay man who never heard about theory of relativity and Einstein, can easily understand relativity from his day-to-day life experiences.There is a famous story in Bagavat Purana as, "a king named Kakudmi went to Brahma-loka with his daughter Revati. As dance and music were going on, he waits for few minutes, and he greeted Lord Brahma and asked him to suggest a bridegroom from a particular family for his daughter. After hearing this Brahma laugh and told when you were waiting here 27 mahayug (43,20,000 X 27 = 11,66,40,000 human years) had passed on the Earth. There are three worlds referred very often in Vedas, they are: Deva-loka, Pitr¿-lok, and Bhu-lok(The Earth). But 14 worlds were mentioned in Puranas. Seven upper worlds and seven lower worlds. They are Satya, Tapa, Jana, Maha, Swarga, Bhuva, and Bhu(The Earth) are the seven upper worlds Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatal, Rasatala, Mahatala, and Patalaare the seven lower world. This time dilation was not only explained as a simple story but it was clearly described with its nine main variations, which is called as Navavida-k¿lam¿na. It is written by ancient Indian astronomer, Varahamihira in his text S¿ryasiddh¿ntä. B) Navavida-k¿lam¿na Names of nine types of time dilation mentioned in the text Surya-Siddhanta. they are: 1) Brahma,2) Pr¿j¿patya,3) Divya,4)Pitrya,5)Gaurava,6)Saura,7)S¿vana, 8) C¿ndraand 9)Nak¿atra

  • von Sp Singh
    40,00 €

    First Song of the Dawn is the powerful expression of love. In thegirl's heart; it's subtle, sublime and eternal. But in the boy's heart;it's earthy, insecure and restless. The anxiety brings the two younghearts close. In the clean and tranquil environs of Kausani, Vedantainadvertently meets Saranga under bizarre circumstances and bothfall in love with each other. But Alas! their happiness doesn't lastlong. On one fateful night of temptation, the storm that blows up notonly consumes his heart and soul, but also shreds that of Sarangainto pieces.On insistence of her grandma Saranga agrees to give a second chanceto a repentant Vedanta. But misgivings remain in her heart.Will Kausani rework the magic again between the estranged couple?

  • von Sp Singh
    38,00 €

    El Primer Canto del Amanecer es la poderosa expresión del amor. Enel corazón de la chica es sutil, sublime y eterno. Pero en el corazóndel chico es terrenal, inseguro e inquieto. La ansiedad acerca a losdos jóvenes corazones. En los limpios y tranquilos alrededoresde Kausani, Vedanta conoce accidentalmente a Saranga encircunstancias extrañas y ambos se enamoran. Pero ¡ay! su felicidadno dura mucho. En una noche fatal de tentación, la tormenta que sedesata no solo consume su corazón y alma, sino también destroza enpedazos el de Saranga.A petición de su abuela, Saranga accede a darle una segundaoportunidad a un arrepentido Vedanta. Pero las dudas persisten ensu corazón.¿Recreará Kausani la magia de nuevo entre la pareja separada?

  • von Rhodesia
    11,00 €

    Some people spent a lifetime to acquire a house they could call their own, whereas others had several grand houses they considered trophies for a fortune they built. For Rhodesia, houses were important for the events, memories and emotions they carry and symbolize. Somehow, the houses she had been through told the story of her life, her battles and glories, the loved ones she gained and lost, the wisdom she learned, and tangible evidence of endless blessings and support of an ever beneficent Creator.The house, after all, signifies one of the basic needs of man - shelter. It shelters a person and those he holds close to his heart, his family and his belongings. The house also is a fortress from the storm or scorching sun, a place where one can retreat in peace and privacy. It is also a source of comfort, a place of warmth and communions, of laughter and relaxation. One's own house is where he can be his most candid self, where he can cry his heart out, and express his own uniqueness, be it scandinavian or victorian, minimalistic or elaborate. The house thus connotes security, comfort, family, and identity.A biography is in itself a house. This book is the house of Rhodesia, be her guest and feel at home.

  • von Proserfina
    22,00 €

    Dahil sa pag-imbita kay Thiago na pumunta sa isang illegal na Auction kung saan nagbebenta ang isang sindikato ng mga babaeng berhen ay nakilala niya si Keyla. Ang unang babaeng bumihag sa kanyang pihikan na puso. Ang babaeng binili niya kapalit ng isang daang million. Isa kasi ito sa inihain sa Auction at nabihag agad siya sa ganda ng katawan at mala-dyosa nitong mukha. Ngunit hindi niya inaasahan na isa pala itong alagad ng isang secretong organization na tinatawag na Trial and justice secret organization or TAJSO. At layunin nitong iligpit at humuli ng mga taong may illegal na gawain. At ang pakay nito ay patayin ang isa sa mga bumibili ng babae sa Auction. Kitang-kita niya kung paano ito tumalon mula sa stage habang tangan ang baril mula sa security na inagawan niya. Kahit string bikini at kulay pulang lace na gown lamang ang suot nito. Ay walang kahirap-hirap nitong napatay ang kalaban. Sinubukan niya itong pigilan sa tangkang pag-alis ngunit nagdatingan ang mga pulis at maski siya ay hinuli. At hindi niya makakalimutan ang huling ginawa nito.Makita pa kaya niya ulit si Keyla? At maitatago kaya niya ang kanyang pagkatao bilang isang makapangyarihang MAFIA?

  • von Momodou Manneh
    27,00 €

    Vos, Ben and the Spear of Inspiration tells the Interesting, daring and Inspirational story of a young rat (Vos). Conquering fear and challenging norms, he journed through the forest to the city to rescue his father from the jaws of death. With the help of friends, trust of his favorite aunt (Zatty), and the transformative power of destiny, he journeyed with courage, faith and perseverance while battling danger and confronting falsehood.

  • von Elizabeth Malbas Rural
    16,00 €

    In this tale, a young girl is shown who has a gift for drawingand color. The narrative introduced the character's love ofdrawing beautiful settings that she envisions, such as thesea, forest, and mountains. The young girl learned aboutdynamite fishing and illegal logging as she accidentallyhears her father and others complaining, and she isconfused by these ideas. The book suggests that evenyoung kids may understand the story of our environmentif we make an effort to tell them and show them whatthese environments are experiencing in the hands ofpeople like us. It is also emphasized in the story that therole of educators is crucial to children's understanding,that's why the story includes class scenarios to depicthow the important education is in promoting care forenvironment. It is mentioned in the story that before theteacher brought up the difficulties in class, the young girlwas unable to comprehend what she had heard. This ideasemphasizes the importance of educating young minds asshe became aware, and it is thanks to what she had learntin class. The moral of the story focuses on the conceptsthat even though we, as a young children cannot changeall the problems we see in the environment, we could stillbring its color back by doing what is right --- it is to startcaring for the environment, promote the 'stop dynamitefishing' and 'abolish illegal logging' advocacies, planttrees, reuse plastic materials, reduce, and recycle!

  • von Triveni Prasad Dubey 'Manish'
    16,00 €

    ¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿' ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ '¿¿¿¿' ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿'¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿' ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ '¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿' ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ '¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿' ¿¿¿¿¿ '¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿' ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • von Jyotsna P Katayaprath
    11,00 €

    Scent of Books- An invaluable gift from a mother to daughter.This book is an outcome of a teenage girl's request to her mother, for the most beautiful, memorable, and precious gift on her wedding day. So, here is a mother recalling the most memorable events in their lives and intimate conversations they had had. The mother here outpours her emotions celebrating the special relationship between them. She captures the beads of wisdom and snapshots of common sense gathered from many lives' experiences.

  • von Francis Edwards
    21,00 €

    "Itsy-Bitsy Cloud'un gerçekle¿en bir rüyas¿ olan gizli bir dile¿i var. Bir bulutat¿rman¿p Di¿er Dünya'y¿ ziyaret etmek istiyor. Her bir arazi bir macerad¿r.Kitap, hileler, bulmacalar, sürprizler ve zorluklar¿n üstesinden gelme iledoludur. Bu kitab¿n okuyucular¿ perilerin yalan söyleyemeyece¿ini veyayalan yäayamayacä¿n¿ ö¿renecekler."

  • von Krisha Mae Mikko Briñosa Balucay
    12,00 €

    Minsan sa tula natin mahahanap ang paglilinaw sa mga bagay, mga kasagutan sa tanong kung paano tayo nagiging kabahagi nito habang binabasa. Ang tula ay nasa kahit saan, hinihintay lang niya ang makata na kumuha ng sangkap at magtimpla upang mabuo ito. Nabuo ang librong ito dahil sa karanasan at mga kuwentong pinaniniwalaan ng bayan na ayon sa kasaysayan ay tama.Natagalan man sa pagluto ngayon ay buong pusong inihain ang bahagi ng kaisipan na inilapat sa piraso ng papel na kung saan ay may layang nagsasaysay tungkol sa mga kuwento ng buhay maging kuwento ng mga walang buhay, naging boses sa mga gustong magsalita na hindi nabigyan nang pagkakataon, naglahad ng mga 'di pansing kuwento ng sistema, ideyolohiya sa akala mong walang halagang bagay na kung makata ang tatanungin ay nagiging makabuluhan ito. Oo , alam ko na hindi madaling salain ang mga konsepto na nag-uunahan upang mailimbag sa katunayan minsan sa pagtulog gusto ko na may mapanaginipan na tema ng paksa na siguradong tatangkilikin ng lahat.Nais ng mga tulang nakapaloob dito na tapikin ang mga nagtutulug-tulugan at patulugin ang mga matagal nang nagpupuyat sa sistema, naniniwala ako na napakaraming kuwento sa kasaysayan na kayang buhayin at bigyang linaw ng mga tula, alay ito sa kanila.Kung may ilang bagay man ako na masabi na hindi katanggap-tanggap para sa iyo, itulad mo na lang ang librong ito sa mansanas na may bahaging bulok: hiwain ang bulok na bahagi, itapon at tsaka pakinabangan ang natira, sa parehong dahilan pilasin at basahin ang mapapakinabangan.Hawak mo ngayon ang kalipunan ng aking mga tula gaya nang sinabi ko sa paalala ng may-akda "buhayin mo sila."

  • von Hermina Minasian
    13,00 €

    Birthplace, the place where one is born and takes form among their family, friends and relatives. Unfortunately, given various reasons such as war, injustice, and oppression...people are unable to continue their lives in their birthplace. In order to have a fresh start, they may embark on a journey to a new land far from their birthplace. This is a story about a middle aged woman and the princess of the Gayana Kingdom. The middle aged woman saves the princess who is the only heir of the Gayana Kingdom and goes on a journey towards a new land for starting a brand new life. The love that the middle aged woman has for the princess pushes away all the difficulties of the journey. On their journey to a new land, she meets with the occupants from the world of the living and dead. The middle aged woman finds joy with their happiness and heartache with their sorrow. Mother nature along with the magical powers of witches assist the middle aged woman and the princess with not only standing up against the powers of the wicked witch but also with getting to the new land.

  • von Juris Angela
    24,00 €

    Matapos ang biglaan pagpanaw ng mga magulang ni Hazel ilang araw bago ang kanyang highschool graduation, nagprisinta ang pinsan ng kanyang ama at asawa nito na kupkupin siya at pag-aralin ng kolehiyo sa Maynila. Hindi nagdalawang isip si Hazel na sumama sa mga ito sa pag-asa na matutupad ang pangarap ng mga magulang para sa kanya. Ngunit pagdating ng Maynila, impiyerno at nagmistulang bangungot ang lahat para kay Hazel matapos ibenta ng mag-asawa sa isang sindikato kung saan pinapa-auction ng mga ito ang babae at nagtatago sa likod ng isang pekeng art gallery. Mula noon ay napilitan siyang magtrabaho bilang isang escort service. Sa paglipas ng taon nagawang matiis ni Hazel, una para sa ikaliligtas ng kanyang buhay, pangalawa para sa katuparan ng pangako niya sa mga magulang na makakapagtapos ng pag-aaral.Nang mabigyan ng pagkakataon na makapag-aral, agad iyon sinunggaban ni Hazel. Sa kanyang huling taon sa kolehiyo nagtagpo ang landas nilang dalawa ni Lowell. Nakilala siya ng binata bilang isang ordinaryong dalaga na nag-aaral sa umaga at nagtatrabaho sa isang art gallery sa gabi. Hanggang sa naging malapit silang magkaibigan at kalaunan ay unti-unting nahulog ang loob nila sa isa't isa at tuluyan umamin sa tunay na nararadaman. Ngunit isang gabi, sa club kung saan siya nagtatrabaho, tumambad sa kanya ang katotohanan na matagal na palang alam ni Lowell ang lihim niyang pagkatao.

  • von Kalpana Sanyasi
    12,00 €

    ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ - ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • von Colin Anderson
    12,00 €

    If you're here for a story of valour and honour then your definitely in the wrong place. Your probably wondering how I can communicate so easily. Well... you see, We are no... ordinary tiger folk. My name was... White Gem. I am one of many females. I was a hunter with my former pack, they... are called the Ice Pack.

  • von Ryan R. Reanzares
    11,00 €

    Panganay sa anim na magkakapatid si Beatrice, Magulo at salot sa lipunan kungituring ang kanilang pamilya sa baryong kanilang napuntahan.Isa sa kinahaharap na pagsubok nito ang kahirapan. Dulot ng kahirapan ay angkanilang buhay ay magulo at maingay.Pero kahit na ganyan ang kanyang buhay ay nananatili parin syang matatag atlumalaban dahil alam niya na matatapos ang lahat at pag subok lamang ito. Dahillahat ng pag subok ay may dahilan.

  • von Udita Mukherjee
    14,00 €

  • von Hazel Ann Lo (Hanse_Pen)
    18,00 €

    Siya si Lexie Mazelle Tiangco, isang simpleng gurong babae na ang nais lang ay tahimik na buhay at magturo sa mga bata. Hindi niya aakalaing dahil lang sa isang gabing pakakamali ay may mabubuo sa kaniyang sinapupunan. Nagkayayaan lang naman sila ng kaniyang mga kaibiganna uminom sa isang bar at pagkagising niya kinaumagahan ay may katabi na siya na isang guwapong lalaki. Ang lalaking magpapabago ng kaniyang buhay.Siya si Vhiel Adriel Ferrer, isang negosyanteng lalaki. Seryoso lang ito sa buhay at malamig sa ibang tao. Wala sa bukabolaryo niya ang salitang saya at ngiti.Hindi nagtagal ay nagpakasal silang dalawa upang mabigyan ng kompletong pamilya ang kanilang magiging anak. Matapos ang ilang buwan ay pareho silang nahulog sa isa't isa. Naging masaya silang dalawa nang nagmamahalan ngunit hindi rin ito nagtagal sapagkat may babaeng sumira sa kanilang dalawa. Siya si Cheisca, isang babaeng baliw ma baliw kay Vhiel. Ipinagtapat ni Cheisca kay Lexie kung ano ang nangyari, sinabi nitong nirape siya ni Vhiel upang punan ang pangangailangan nito noong gabing may nangyari sa kanila. Sinabi rin nito na plinano ni Vhiel na buntisin siya. Doon tuluyang nasira ang samahan sa pagitan ng mag-asawa, hiniwalayan ni Lexie si Vhiel nang hindi pinapakinggan ang panig ng lalaki.Lumipas ang limang na taon at malalaki na ang mga anak ni Lexie at Vhiel. Ito ay sina Thunder Razelle at Storm Jazelle. Nagdesisyon si Lexie na bumalik ng Pilipinas upang tapusin ang namamagitan sa kanila ni Vhiel, kasal pa rin kasi siya sa lalaki at gusto niya nang makipaghiwalay dito. Hindi naging madali kay Lexie na pilitin si Vhiel sa kaniyang nais lalo na nang makilala ni Vhiel ang kambal. Pursigido na ayusin ni Vhiel ang nasira nilang pamilya ngunit ayaw na talaga ni Lexie. Dumagdag pa rito ang katotohanang may boyfriend na si Lexie at kaya ito nakikipaghiwalay sa lalaki ay upang mapakasalan nito ang kaniyang bagong kasintahan.Ngunit hindi sumuko si Vhiel, ginawa niya ang lahat upang mabalik sa kaniya ang minamahal niya at hindi naman nabigo. Muling bumalik sa piling niya si Lexie Mazelle.

  • von Edrian Diaz
    11,00 €

    LOVE fuels our souls to stay alive. It is a powerful force vested on Earth that inhabits humankind in its existence. At times, this love that should navigate us towards living a harmonious and fulfilled life flung us into the dimmest place we don't envision we can visit.As humans, we are powerless to manipulate our fate. There are areas in life that we have no control over. As we sincerely desire to fetch something, the higher the chance it will flee. Rather than governing things around us, we should appreciate the process and reflect on what will be, will, and what is not, will not.Clever is an achiever learner who is part of the third-gender community. He is a proud gay and aspires to be entirely adored by a man aside from his family and friends. Lance is the man who will let Clever feel all kinds of affection: open, eager, thrilled, fulfilled, and scared. Their paths collide, and Clever's life is entirely altered.

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