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  • von Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    "Once can recover the lost image of God once he becomes a true child of God who has the heart of God. But it does not mean he can become like God Himself. God can exist as just light without any form, or He might put on a certain form." The messages on "Spirit, Soul, and Body" shed light on the deep part of our 'self' and they teach us about the origin of men. Once we learn and understand this message thoroughly, we will also be able to understand any kind of person. We will also learn the ways to defeat the forces of darkness, which have been affecting us, so that we can lead victorious Christian lives. Volume 2 of Spirit, Soul, and Body in particular will explain about the origin of the Creator God, the vast spiritual space, and the space of light where our spirit will dwell. There are some full-color pictures to help readers better understand the form of God and space. Once we understand the secrets of the spaces and become a person of whole spirit, we can go beyond the human limitations to use the space of God, and we can even see the form of God.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    Even if medical science has advanced and continues to make progress, it is almost impossible for people who have lost sight or hearing to be healed. The almighty God, however, manifested His power so that when I prayed only from the pulpit, the work of the power of creation could renew dead nerves and cells, and people came to see, hear, and speak. In addition, bent spines were straightened, and stiffened bones became loose so that people could throw away their crutches, canes, and wheelchairs, and get up, leap, and walk.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    God proved His love by sending His only begotten Son Jesus to this earth to save mankind who were sinners. But the legalists at the time of Jesus only focused on the formalities of the Law and they did not understand the true love of God. Eventually, they condemned the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, as a blasphemer who was abolishing the Law and they crucified Him. They did not understand the love of God embedded in the Law.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    When the Holy Spirit comes into our heart, He helps us understand the deep things of God and live by God's Word. For example, when there is somebody we cannot really forgive, He reminds us of the forgiveness and love of the Lord and helps us forgive that person. Then, we can quickly cast away evil from our heart and replace it with goodness and love. In this way, as we bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will not only enjoy freedom in the truth but also receive overflowing love and blessings of God.Through the fruit of the Spirit, we can check ourselves as to how sanctified we are and how close we can get to the throne of God, and as to how much we have cultivated the heart of the Lord who is our bridegroom. The more fruit of the Spirit we bear, the brighter and the more beautiful heavenly dwelling place we will enter. In order to get to New Jerusalem in Heaven, we must bear all the fruits fully and beautifully, and not just some of the fruits.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    19,00 €

    Det er i dag mange mennesker som går videre med livet deres og som ikke engang visste hva synd var, hva rettferdighet var, og hva døm er. Selv de som går i kirken har ikke forsikring om frelse, og de lever verdslige liv-akkurat som alle andre i verden. De lever heller ikke kristelige liv ifølge Guds rettferdighet, men er rettferdige ifølge hva de selv tror rettferdighet er.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    16,00 €

  • von Jaerock Lee
    16,00 €

  • von Jaerock Lee
    16,00 €

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

  • von Jaerock Lee
    14,00 €

    Kres¿anstvo je viera, v ktorej sa ¿udia stretávajú so ¿ivým Bohom a zäívajú jeho dielo skrze Je¿i¿a Krista.Pretöe Boh je v¿emohúci Boh, ktorý stvoril nebo a zem a riadi históriu vesmíru, rovnako ako ¿ivot, smr¿, prekliatie a pöehnanie ¿loveka, on odpovedá na modlitbu jeho detí a tú¿i po tom, aby viedli pöehnané ¿ivoty, ktoré sú správne pre Böie deti....

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Hri¿¿anstvo je vera u kojoj ljudi susre¿u ¿ivog Boga i döivljavaju Njegova dela kroz Isusa Hrista.Pöto je Bog svemogüi Bog koji je stvorio nebesa i zemlju i koji vlada istorijom univerzuma kao i ¿ivotom, smr¿u i blagoslovom ¿ovekovim, On odgovara na molitve Njegove dece i ¿eli im da vode blagosloven ¿ivot dostojan dece Böje....

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Hri¿¿anstvo je vjera u kojoj ljudi susre¿u ¿ivog Boga i döivljavaju Njegova djela kroz Isusa Hrista.Pöto je Bog svemogu¿i Bog koji je stvorio nebesa i zemlju i koji vlada istorijom univerzuma kao i ¿ivotom, smr¿u i blagoslovom ¿ovjekovim, On odgovara na molitve Njegove djece i ¿eli im da vode blagosloven ¿ivot dostojan djece Böje....

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Kristiet¿ba - t¿ ir tic¿ba, kura dod ¿aud¿m iesp¿ju satikties ar Dz¿vo Dievu un iepaz¿t Vi¿a darbus caur J¿zu Kristu.Dievs ir Visuvarens Dievs, kas rad¿jis debesis un zemi un p¿rvalda Visumu, t¿pat, k¿ ar¿ cilv¿ka dz¿v¿bu un n¿vi, vi¿a sv¿t¿bas un l¿stus. Vi¿¿ atbild uz Savu b¿rnu l¿g¿an¿m un v¿las, lai m¿s dz¿votu sv¿t¿tu, Dieva b¿rnu cien¿gu dz¿vi.Katrs, kas ir patiess Dieva b¿rns, ir ar varu, kura pieder Dieva b¿rniem. Esot ar t¿du varu, cilv¿kam j¿dz¿vo dz¿ve, kur¿ viss ir iesp¿jams, nezinot nekur tr¿kuma un priec¿joties par säemtaj¿m sv¿t¿b¿m, nedusmojoties un neskaüot citus....

  • von Lee Jaerock
    19,00 €

    Dok sam se vräao unazad Gospdovim koracima za vrijememog hodo¿aš¿a u Svetu zemlju, došao sam do plavih vodaGalilejskog mora. Osje¿ao sam se kao da sam se vratio unazad2000 godina u vrijeme našeg Gospoda. Nisam mogao dapro¿em niti pored jednog kamen¿i¿a, niti pored jedne travkea da ne budem zadivljen njihovim znäajem....

  • - The Assurance of Things Hoped For
    von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Toto dílo je ur¿eno t¿m, kdo si dychtiv¿ p¿ejí vést vít¿zné ¿ivoty tak, ¿e získají opravdovou víru k tomu, aby oslavovali Boha, ší¿ili Böí lásku a sdíleli evangelium Pána Je¿íše Krista. Za posledních dvacet let jsem velmi ¿asto kázal slovo pod titulem „Víra" a díky tomu, ¿e jsem ze svých kázání ud¿lal výb¿r, ¿ádn¿ je uspöádal a sestavil k vydání, mohla být vytišt¿na tato kniha. Mým p¿áním je, aby toto dílo, V¿¿it Bohu znamená spolehnout se na to, v co doufáme, sehrálo roli majáku, který bude pro nespöetné duše p¿edstavovat pr¿vodce k opravdové ví¿e.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    Why did God establish Jacob, who was crafty, as the father of Israel?Why did Jesus come to this earth through the tribe of Judah?Jacob and his sons continued the orthodox genealogy of Abraham.And in their adventurous lives are embedded the heart of God who chose them with His love and trained and refined them to bless them.

  • - Heaven Ⅱ
    von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    Una invitación a la Santa Ciudad de la Nueva Jerusalén, cuyas doce puertas están construidas de perlas radiantes. Esta ciudad se encuentra en medio del vasto cielo brillante y resplandeciente semejantes a las joyas preciosas.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    19,00 €

    Chapter 1 "Are There Really Heaven and Hell?" portrays an overall structure of heaven and Hell. Through the parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus in Luke 16, the Upper Grave - where the saved souls from Old Testament times had been waiting - and Lower Grave - where unsaved souls are tormented until the Great Judgment- are explained.In chapter 2 "The Way of Salvation for Those Who Never Heard the Gospel" the judgment of conscience is discussed. Specific criteria of the judgment for many cases are also described: unborn fetuses from abortion or miscarriage, children from birth to five years of age, and children from the age of six to preteen years.Chapter 3 "Lower Grave and the Identity of the Messengers of Hell" elaborates on a waiting place in Lower Grave. People, after death, stay at the waiting place in Lower Grave for three days and then are sent to different places in Lower Grave according to the severity of their sins, and cruelly tormented there until the Judgment of the Great White Throne. The identity of evil spirits governing Lower Grave is also explained.Chapter 4 "Punishments in Lower Grave on Unsaved Children" testifies that even some immature children unable to tell right from wrong do not receive salvation. Various sorts of punishments inflicted upon children are categorized by the age group: punishments for fetuses and suckling, toddlers, children of the age of three to five, and children from six years of age to twelve.Chapter 5 "Punishments for People Who Die after Puberty Years," explains punishments inflicted on people older thanadolescents. Punishments for anyone over the age of roughly thirteen are divided into four levels in accordance with the severity of their sins. The more grave people's sins are the greater punishments they receive.Chapter 6 "Punishments for Blaspheming the Holy Spirit," reminds the readers that as written in the Bible, there are certain unforgivable sins of which you cannot repent. The chapter also describes various kinds of punishments through detailed examples...

  • von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    Allah kasih memperlihatkan Yerusalem Baru kepada rasulYohanes dan membolehkannya untuk menulis hal ini dalamAlkitab. Saat ini, di mana Kedatangan Yesus sudah sangat dekat,Allah sedang melimpahkan Roh Kudus pada begitu banyakorang dan membukakan surga dengan sangat detil. Hal inisupaya orang-orang yang tidak percaya di seluruh dunia akanmenjadi percaya bahwa pada kehidupan berikutnya terdapatsurga dan neraka, dan bahwa mereka yang mengaku percayadalam Kristus akan menjalani kehidupan gemilang dalam Allahdan berusaha keras untuk menyebarkan injil ke seluruh dunia.

  • - Heaven I (Polish)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    Czysty i pi¿kny jak krysztä… Miejsce czyste i pi¿kne niczym krysztä Gdzie znajduje si¿ Ogród Eden?Gdzie znajduje si¿ niebo czyste i pi¿kne niczym krysztä? Ksi¿¿ka pt. „Niebo I" opowiada o tym, jak b¿dzie wygl¿dä Böy dzie¿ s¿du oraz opisuje niebo, które sk¿ada si¿ z pi¿ciu poziomów niebiäskiego królestwa. Ksi¿ga Apokalipsy mówi nam, ¿e nowe niebo i nowa ziemia zast¿pi¿ pierwsze niebo i pierwsz¿ ziemi¿, które przemin¿ po okresie siedmioletniego wesela oraz na köcu okresu tysi¿clecia. Czy nie ciekawi ci¿, jakie czasy nastan¿ oraz jakie wydarzenia s¿ przed nami?

  • - My Father Will Give to You in My Name (Esonian)
    von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    „Ja sel päeval ei küsi te minult enam midagi. Tõesti, tõesti, ma ütlen teile, mida te iganes palute Isalt, seda Ta annab teile minu nimel. Tänini ei ole te midagi palunud minu nimel. Paluge, ja te saate, et teie rõõm oleks täielik!" (Johannese 16:23-24) Kas Jumal täidab ikka ustavalt Piiblis toodud arvukad tõotused? Käesolevasse raamatusse kirjapandud elust tulvil sõnum laseb lugejal mõista meile palves kõike küsitut saada lubavalt Jumalalt vastuste saamiseks vaimumaailma seadust ja tunnistab Tema ustavust

  • - A remelt dolgok biztositeka: The Assurance of Things Hoped For (Hungarian)
    von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    Az Isten ígérete, amely azt mondja, hogy semmi sem lehetetlen annak, aki hisz, vajon még ma is érvényes? Ennek a nemzedéknek a tagjai számára nagyon nehéz megtalálni az igaz hitet. Épp ezért, ennek a könyvnek az üzenete bemutatja az olvasónak a titkokat azzal kapcsolatban, hogy mi az igazi hit, és mit kell tenniük annak érdekében, hogy igaz hitük legyen, és megkapják az áldást, ami: „Az ÚR gondoskodik." „A hit pedig a reménylett dolgoknak valósága, és a nem látott dolgokról való meggy¿z¿dés."(Zsidókhoz 11,1)

  • - My Father Will Give to You in My Name (Danish)
    von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    "Sandelig, sandelig siger jeg jer: Beder I Faderen om noget i mit navn, skal han give jer det. Indtil nu har I ikke bedt om noget i mit navn. Bed, og I skal få, så jeres glæde kan være fuldkommen." (Johannesevangeliet 16:23-24) Er Gud stadig trofast overfor de utallige løfter, han har givet i Bibelen? Det budskab, der er nedfældet i denne bog, er fuldt af liv, og vil sætte læseren i stand til at forstå loven i det spirituelle rige vedrørende svar fra Gud, som har lovet at give os hvad som helst, vi beder om. Derved vi kan bære vidnesbyrd om hans trofasthed.

  • - Heaven I (Croatian)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    Nebo je mjesto u kojemu djeca Bo¿ja u¿ivaju u vje¿nom ¿ivotu, a za njih su pripravljene nezamislive, prekrasne i ¿udesne stvari. Dakle, spoznat ¿ete ga u detalje tek kad to Bog dopusti i pokäe vam. Najmanje jedanput u ¿ivotu upitamo se: „Kamo idem po završetku ¿ivota na ovome svijetu?" ili „Postoje li zaista raj i pakao?"Brojni ¿ak i umru, a da nisu pronašli odgovore na ta pitanja ili, ¿ak i ako vjeruju u zagrobni ¿ivot, ne¿e svatko prisvojiti nebo jer nema svatko ispravno znanje. Raj i pakao nisu plod mašte, nego stvarnost u duhovnom kraljevstvu.

  • - Heaven I (Turkish)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    Gökler, Tanr¿'n¿n çocuklar¿n¿n sonsuz yäam¿n tad¿na vard¿klar¿ bir yerdir ve onlar için tasavvur edilemez, güzel ve oläanüstü ¿eyler haz¿rlanm¿¿t¿r. Bu sebeple ancak Tanr¿ size müsaade etti¿i ve gösterdi¿i zaman detayl¿ca bilebilirsiniz. Hayatlar¿n¿n en az bir döneminde, "Dünyada ki bu yäamdan sonra nereye gidece¿im?" ya da "Göksel egemenlik ve cehennem gerçekten var m¿?" gibi sorular insanlar¿n ak¿llar¿ndan geçer. Pek çok insan, bu sorular¿n yan¿tlar¿n¿ bulamadan önce ölür ve hatta ölümden sonra ki yäama inansalar dahi göklere giremezler çünkü herkesin bu konuda düzgün bir bilgisi yoktur. Gökler ve cehennem bir fantezi de¿ildir ama ruhani hükümranl¿kta her ikisi de gerçektir.

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ (Norwegian)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    19,00 €

    Teologer har diskutert om de menneskelige faktorene, mellom dikotomi teorien og tredelings teori. Dikotomi teorien sier at menneskene kommer opprinnelig fra to deler: ånd og kropp, mens tredelingsteorien sier at det finnes tre deler: ånd, sjel og kropp. Denne boken er basert på tredelingsteorien. Ånden, sjelen og kroppen tilhører et område som vi ikke kan forstå med bare menneskelig kunnskap, visdom og makt. Det er et område som vi bare kan finne ut av gjennom Gud som forstår menneskenes opprinnelse. Det er den samme tankegangen som for den som bygget datamaskinen som har en profesjonell kunnskap om datamaskinens sammensetning og prinsipper, og det er konstruktøren som kan løse alle problemene som har med datamaskinen å gjøre. Denne boken er full av åndelig kunnskap angående den fjerde dimensjonen som gir oss et klart svar på spørsmålene angående ånden, sjelen og kroppen.

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