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  • von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    "Abiding by God's commands is like holding a lamp in complete darkness. When we have a bright lamp, we don't have to worry about tripping over something in the dark." This book The Law of God is a compilation of the series of sermons based on His word, and the inspiration about 'The Ten Commandments' which author Dr. Jaerock Lee received while fasting and praying shortly after he began his ministry.In this book you will find the way of drawing yourself close to God, of receiving answers from God, of abiding with God, and the way to encounter God. If you come to know the spiritual significance of the Ten Commandments that are discussed in this book, and come to understand the deep love of God who gave us the Ten Commandments and decide to live in obedience to His Commandments, you will receive incredible blessings from the Lord.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    21,00 €

    "Because the church members are seeing the spiritual realm, I will be condemned as a heretic. There will be a great test. But because it's the will of God to see the spiritual realm, I have no other choice but to go the way we are going." My Life, My Faith II is composed of previously published memoirs that have been put together for this book. In this part II of his autobiography, Dr. Jaerock Lee discusses events that he has experienced as a minister. Through his prayers, he has seen miraculous healings. Dr. Lee has also had to experience the pain of being slandered and attacked. Praying for his accusers and suffering from the betrayal of some who were close to him, he managed to overcome the pain. His words and actions show that he is a man that is led by the Holy Spirit.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    19,00 €

    "Surprised, my wife looked my body over completely, and she also had to believe that God had healed me. She was so happy and hugged me, and began to weep loudly. We wept for a long time." Because Dr. Lee himself suffered from so many kinds of diseases, he understands the pain of those who are sick. Because he himself was despised and mocked, he understands the heart of those who are heartbroken. Because he experienced severe poverty, he understands the heart of those who are suffering from the heavy load of poverty. That is why thousands of his church members gather around him just to see him face to face.Dr. Lee's life is one of the most dramatic cases in which one's life can change so much before and after knowing God. His life shows us how a life of complete obedience to God and complete devotion can bear so much fruit spiritually and materially.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    "The process of the Exodus, the forty years in the wilderness, crossing the Jordan River and conquering the city of Jericho and then the Land of Canaan symbolize the life's journey of receiving salvation and marching towards the kingdom of heaven." God chose the people of Israel and made them a model of human cultivation. Especially, the records about the conquest of the Canaan Land written in the five books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua contain the endless love of God and His earnest desire for us to become holy and sanctified. This book The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey retraces the steps of Moses and Joshua, as they marched on with only faith and belief in the promise of God. Through the history of the Israelites who were marching toward the Blessed Land of Canaan, this book helps the reader realize deep in his heart how the trivial things that he is likely to neglect can change the courses of his life. The readers will believe all the promises of God, conquer the Canaan Land flowing with milk and honey, and by force take hold of the city of New Jerusalem, the best dwelling place of the heavenly kingdom.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    14,00 €

    "The wind blows where it wishes and it is invisible to our eyes. Yet, when we see the trees' leaves swaying in the wind, we can sense the reality of the wind. By the same token, though we are not able to actually see God with the naked eye, God is alive and really exists, and in accordance with our faith in Him, we can sense His presence and experience Him." This work is for those who eagerly wish to lead victorious lives by possessing true faith to glorify God, spreading the love of God and sharing the gospel of the Lord. For the last two decades author Dr. Jaerock Lee has preached so many messages entitled "Faith" and through choosing from among them and editing them in an orderly manner, this book was made possible to be printed.Faith: The Assurance of Things Hoped for will play the role of a lighthouse that acts as a guide to true faith for countless souls.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    "Most people think being rich is blessing. But, God says the poor in heart are blessed. People think just being always happy is blessing. But, God says those who mourn are blessed. God says those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness and who are meek are blessed." Jesus delivered the Words of "Beatitudes" to great multitudes at Mt. Beatitudes, overlooking the Galilee beach. You can see the scene and hear the voice of the Lord who wants everyone to have salvation and receive eternal blessings by realizing what true blessing is. He also taught them to become the light and salt of the world, to fulfill the Law with love, and to accomplish the Beatitudes. If we accomplish the words in the Beatitudes, we will not only enjoy all the blessings of this world such as wealth, health, fame, authority, and peace in the family, but we will also possess New Jerusalem among a few different heavenly kingdoms.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    12,00 €

    "No amount or degree of man's effort based on his thoughts, methods, fame, and knowledge will ever bring him God's answers. Because God is a righteous Judge, hears our prayer, and answers it, He requires of us a befitting sum in exchange for His answers." This work My Father Will Give to You in My Name is a compilation of messages that were preached in the past for all believers, especially those who beyond doubt believe in the almighty God and desire to lead lives full of God's answers. This book will enable the reader to understand the law of the spiritual realm on receiving answers from God, who has promised to give us whatever we ask for in prayer, by testifying to His faithfulness.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    "Spiritually eating unleavened bread means to forsake the world and take the narrow way. After we accept Jesus Christ, we have to lower ourselves and go the narrow way to reach complete salvation with humble hearts." In this book are portrayed, in contrast, the life of Pharaoh, who disobeyed the word of God, and the life of Moses who led a life of obedience. It also contains the love of God who with His limitless compassion lets us know the way of salvation through the celebration of Passover, the law of circumcision, and the meaning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Pharaoh witnessed the power of God but still disobeyed Him, and he fell into an irreversible state. But the Israelites were safe from all disasters because they obeyed.The reason why God tells us about the Ten Plagues is to let us realize why tests and trials come upon us, so that we can solve all the problems of life and lead a life free of any disaster. Furthermore, by telling us about the blessings that will come upon us when we obey, He wants us to possess the heavenly kingdom as His children.

  • von Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    Lecture on the Book of Job "Because Job thinks that his horn is being trampled by God and his friends, that pain was greater than losing all his possessions and children and the pain of boils. In order for us to become perfect children of God, we have to break our horns." The Book of Job scrutinizes the heart of men very deeply and tells us about the evil and our true nature in the depths of our heart, thereby letting us realize ourselves. Ultimately, through this book Man of Flesh, Man of Spirit I, we can find out whether we are men of flesh or men of spirit, and it also gives us the methodology on how to change into men of spirit. 'Flesh' means something that changes, untruths, and darkness, and 'spirit' means the truth, unchanging and eternal things, and world of light.

  • - The Measure of Faith (Dutch Edition)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    19,00 €

    Wat voor soort verblijfplaats, kroon en beloningen zijn voor u voorbereid in de hemel?Dit boek voorziet van wijsheid en leiding voor u om uw geloof te meten en ontwikkelt de beste en meest volwassen geloof.

  • - Awaken, Israel (Malay)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    Pada awal abad ke-20, satu siri peristiwa yang luar biasa berlaku di tanah tandus Palestin di mana tidak ada orang yang ingin hidup di sana pada masa itu. Orang Yahudi yang telah tersebar di seluruh Eropah Timur, Rusia, dan seluruh dunia mula tertarik kepada suatu bidang tanah yang dipenuhi rumput, kemiskinan, kebuluran, penyakit, dan azab.Walaupun dengan kadar kematian yang tinggi akibat malaria dan kebuluran, orang Yahudi tidak kehilangan tahap iman serta cita-cita mereka yang tinggi tetapi mula membina kibbutz (tempat kerja di Israel, sebagai contoh sebuah ladang atau kilang, di mana pekerja-pekerja tinggal bersama-sama dan berkongsi semua tugas dan pendapatan). Seperti pernah dinyatakan oleh Theodor Herzl, pengasas Zionisme moden, yang berbunyi, "Jika anda menghendakinya, maka ia bukan lagi impian," pemulihan Israel menjadi kenyataan.Tanggapan lazimnya, pemulihan Israel dianggap satu impian yang mustahil untuk dicapai dan tiada sesiapa yang sanggup mempercayainya. Walau bagaimanapun, orang Israel melaksanakan impian tersebut dengan lahirnya sebuah negara Israel yang secara ajaibnya mereka memperoleh kembali suatu bangsa mereka sendiri buat kali pertama setelah lebih kurang 1900 tahun.Walaupun orang Israel terpaksa berhadapan dengan penganiayaan dan azab berabad-abad lamanya sambil terserak di tanah asing, namun mereka terus berpegang teguh kepada kepercayaan, budaya dan bahasa mereka dan sentiasa berusaha memperbaikinya. Selepas penubuhan negara Israel moden, mereka mengusahakan tanah tandus dan memberikan penekanan yang lebih kepada pembangunan pelbagai industri yang membolehkan negara mereka untuk menyertai taraf negara-negara maju, dan merupakan orang luar biasa yang telah bertahan dan terus makmur walaupun berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran dan ancaman yang menggugat kelangsungan mereka sebagai sebuah bangsa.Selepas mengasaskan Gereja Pusat Manmin pada tahun 1982, Tuhan telah mendedahkan kepada saya melalui inspirasi Roh Kudus banyak maklumat tentang Israel kerana kemerdekaan Israel adalah salah satu tanda akhir zaman dan pencapaian nubuat di dalam Alkitab.

  • - Awaken Israel (Finnish)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    Miksi Jumala on pitänyt katseensa Israelissa aina aikojen alusta tähän päivään saakka? Minkälainen suunnitelma on laadittu Messiasta odottavan Israelin viimeisiä päiviä varten?

  • - Awaken Israel (Portuguese)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    16,00 €

    Por que Deus tem mantido Seus olhos sobre Israel desde o princípio do mundo até hoje? Que providência Sua tem sido preparada para Israel nos últimos dias, que espera pelo Messias?

  • - Awaken, Israel (Czech)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    Vzdávám všechny své díky a slávu Bohu za to, ¿e nás v posledních dnech vedl a pöehnal nám vydání knihy Probu¿ se, Izraeli!. Toto dílo se vydává v souladu s v¿lí Boha, který usiluje o probuzení a spasení Izraele a je sestaveno díky nezm¿rné lásce Boha, který si vroucn¿ p¿eje neztratit ani tu poslední duši.

  • - Awaken Israel (Indonesian)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    17,00 €

    Kasih dan Rahasia Allah yang Tersembunyi Untuk Hari-Hari TerakhirTujuh Tahun Kesusahan Besar Sudah di Depan KitaAlkitab mengatakan kepada kitatentang hari-hari kesusahan besar yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya!

  • - My Life, My Faith 2 (Italian)
    von Jaerock Lee
    21,00 €

    L'autobiografia del Dott. Jaerock Lee. Un aroma spirituale fragrante per il lettore, che, attraverso la vita del pastore Lee, testimonierà dell'amore di Dio che ha rotto il giogo della disperazione più profonda.

  • - My Life, My Faith 2 (Turkish)
    von Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    Karanl¿k dalgalar¿n, buz gibi esaretin ve enderin çaresizliklerin ortas¿nda Tanr¿ içine¿siz bir sevgiyle filizlenen yäamdan çekipç¿kar¿lan en güzel kokulu ruhani bir aroma.

  • - My Life, My Faith 2 (French)
    von Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    L'autobiographie du Dr. Jaerock Lee produit lesplus odorant arôme spirituel pour les lecteurs, autravers de sa vie extraite de l'amour de Dieu qui afleuri au milieu de vagues ténébreuses, d'un jougglacial et d'un profond désespoir.

  • - My Life, My Faith 2 (Estonian)
    von Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    Dr. Jaerock Lee autobiograafia laseb lugejail tunda kõige hõrgumat vaimset lõhna, mis tuleb tema elu kaudu Jumala armastusest, mis õilmitseb keset süngeid laineid, külma iket ja sügavaimat meeleheidet.

  • - My Life, My Faith 2 (Portuguese)
    von Jaerock Lee
    20,00 €

    Uma história comovente de como a fé verdadeirasupera todo tipo de tribulação e atrai as obras defogo do Espírito Santo na igreja.Um relato comovente da verdadeira fé superando todo tipo de tribulação e das obras de fogo do Espírito Santo acontecendo em uma igreja em verdadeira fé.

  • - My Life, My Faith 2 (Indonesian)
    von Jaerock Lee
    23,00 €

    Kisah-kisah ini telah diterbitkan dalam the Christian Press setiap minggu dan menyentuh hati banyak orang percaya dan para pendeta. Sekarang kisah ini semua sudah dituliskan dalam sebuah buku yang menunjukkan bukti akan iman yang hidup dan pekerjaan Roh Kudus yang adalah Allah yang hidup. Buku ini mengandung kisah hidupnya yang sesungguhnya yang sangat menyentuh nurani kita sebagai manusia. Buku ini juga bercerita tentang pelayanannya termasuk bagaimana ia mendirikan dan mengembangkan Gereja Manmin Pusat. Jadi, buku ini adalah sebuah buku panduan yang bagus yang mengajarkan bagaimana sesungguhnya pelayanan yang benar bagi orang awam yang percaya dan juga bagi para pendeta.Saya mendengar bahwa autobiografi ini telah menyentuh hati dan mempengaruhi banyak pendeta dan orang percaya. Para pendeta sangat tertarik akan pertumbuhan gereja dan kuasa Roh Kudus. Orang awam yang percaya tersentuh karena pelayanan penyembuhannya yang memperlihatkan pekerjaan-pekerjaan Roh Kudus.. Itu semua karena sekarang ini gereja-gereja di Korea telah kehilangan kuasa Roh Kudus. Banyak gereja yang tidak lagi merupakan gereja yang hidup karena mereka menyalahgunakan kuasa Roh Kudus dan menganggapnya sebagai kuasa mistik. Roh Kudus bukanlah sesuatu yang bersifat 'mistik.' Roh Kudus adalah nyata dan aktual.Saya dengan mantap mengatakan bahwa Pdt. Jaerock Lee adalah salah satu dari pelayan yang paling benar di Korea. Banyak yang sependapat bahwa sejumlah besar orang menjadi semakin dalam mencintai Tuhan Yesus, dan iman mereka dikuatkan melalui autobiografi ini "Hidupku, Imanku". Banyak pendeta yang juga semakin mampu mengerti apa sesungguhnya gereja yang benar dan dalam gereja yang bagaimana Roh Kudus akan bekerja. Selain itu, saya juga ingin menambahkan bahwa kebenaran dan kisah nyata tentang insiden penyiaran MBC juga diungkapkan di sini. Buku ini dengan jelas menceritakan kepada kita mengapa Pdt. Jaerock Lee harus melewati sekian banyak tuntutan dari gereja-gereja di Korea. Sekarang gereja-gereja Korea tersebut harus menghentikan kritikan dan tuntutan mereka terhadap dia. Lebih jauh lagi, saya meminta bahwa MBC mengajukan permohonan maaf kepada Gereja Manmin Pusat. Inilah harapan saya yang amat tulus setelah saya membaca autobiografi Pdt. Jaerock Lee; saya hanya berharap bahwa semua pendeta dan orang percaya akan membaca buku ini dan semoga buku ini membuka mata mereka kepada Roh Kudus. Pdt. Jongman Lee

  • - Ispunjenje Zakona: Love, the Fulfillment of the Law - Croatian
    von Jaerock Lee
    16,00 €

    Tvrtka za oglašavanje iz UK objavila je javni kviz za najbr¿i put od Edinburgha u Škotskoj do Londona u Engleskoj. Dali bi veliku nagradu osobi koju bi izabrali. Odgovor koji je odabran bio je "putovati sa voljenom osobom". Razumijemo da ako putujemo u društvu voljene osobne onda ¿ak i dugäak put se ¿ini kräim. Na isti näin, ako volimo Boga, nije teško staviti Njegove Rije¿i u praksu (1. Ivanova poslanica 5:3). Bog nam nije dao Zakon i nije nam rekao da se dr¿imo Njegovih zapovjedi da bi na ote¿avao.Rije¿ "Zakon" dolazi od Hebrejske rije¿i "Torah", koja ima znäenje "statuti", i "lekcije". Tora se obi¿no odnosni na Petoknji¿je koje ukljüuje i Deset Zapovjedi. Ali, "Zakon" se isto odnosi i na 66 knjiga Biblije kao cjelinu, ili samo Böjim statutima koji nam govore što ¿initi, što ne, dr¿ati, ili odbaciti odre¿ene stvari. Ljudi bi mogli misliti da Zakon i ljubav nisu povezani me¿usobno, ali se oni ne mogu odvojiti. Ljubav pripada Bogu, i bez ljubljenja Boga mi se ne möemo u potpunosti dr¿ati Zakona. Zakon se möe ispuniti samo ako ga prakticiramo sa ljubavi.Postoji pri¿a koja nam pokazuje snagu ljubavi. Mladi ¿ovjek je pao kada je letio preko pustinje u malom zrakoplovu. Njegov je otac bio jako bogat ¿ovjek, i angäirao je tim za pronalazak i spašavanje da pronäu njegova sina, ali sve je bilo uzalud. On je raširio milijune letaka po pustinji. Ono što je napisao na letku bilo je "Sine, volim te". Sin, koji je lutao po pustinji, je našao jedan i dobio hrabrosti koja mu je omogüila da u konänici bude spašen. O¿eva prava ljubav je spasila sina. Baš kao što je otac širio letke preko pustinje, i mi imamo dünost širiti Böju ljubav do nebrojenih duša.Bog je dokazao svoju ljubav šaljüi Svog jedinog zäetog Sina Isusa na ovu zemlju da bi spasio ¿ovje¿anstvo koje je grešno. Ali zakonodavci u Isusovo vrijeme su se jedino fokusirali na formalnosti Zakona i nisu razumjeli pravu Böju ljubav. Naposljetku, oni su osudili jedinog zäetog Sina Böjeg, Isusa, kao hulitelja koji je poništavao Zakon i oni su Ga razapeli. Oni nisu razumjeli Böju ljubav koja je pröeta kroz Zakon.U 1. poslanici Korin¿anima poglavlje 13 jako je dobro opisan primjer "duhovne ljubavi". Govori nam o ljubavi Boga koji je poslao Svog jedinog zäetog Sina da nas spasi, koji smo osüeni umrijeti zbog naših grijeha, i ljubavi Gospoda koji nas voli do mjere odbacivanja sve Svoje nebeske slave i umiranja na kri¿u. Ako i mi ¿elimo dostaviti ljubav Boga do nebrojenih umirüih duša na svijetu, moramo shvatiti duhovnu ljubav i prakticirati je. "Novu zapovijed dajem vam: ljubite jedan drugoga! Kao što sam ja ljubio vas, tako i vi ljubite jedan drugoga. Po tom ¿e svi spoznati, da ste moji üenici, ako ljubite jedan drugoga" (Po Ivanu 13:34-35).

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ (Polish)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    Historia tajemniczych poszukiwä w¿asnego „ja" Jaki jest mój pocz¿tek?Kiedy cz¿owiek otrzymuje ducha?Czym jest ziarno ¿ycia, które stanowi ¿ród¿o ¿ycia?Ksi¿¿ka zawiera g¿¿bok¿ duchow¿ odpowied¿ na pytanie dotycz¿ce tego, kim tak naprawd¿ jest istota ludzka oraz wgl¿d w ¿wiat czterowymiarowy.Dlaczego ci, którzy otrzymali S¿owo Boga, nazwani s¿ bogami?Niniejsza ksi¿¿ka pomaga czytelnikowi zrozumie¿ duchowe znaczenie poj¿¿ biblijnych, jak na przyk¿ad „ciäo", „rzeczy cielesne", „dziäania cielesne", „dusza" i „duch".Wyjänia równie¿ wiele trudnych fragmentów Biblii, aby pomóc czytelnikowi zrozumie¿ pochodzenie cz¿owieka.

  • - God the Healer (Estonian)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Kogu Piiblist on näha, et isegi haigus alistub Jumala ülemvõimule ja Ta kaitseb haiguste eest neid, kes Teda austavad ning haigus tungib neisse, kes teevad pattu, sest Ta pöörab oma pale niisuguste inimeste pealt ära. Pöördeliseks tervenemiseks ja terve elu elamiseks peab igaüks meie seast aru saama, missugune on haiguse päritolu ja ja kuidas tervenemist vastu võtta. Evangeeliumil ja tõel on alati kaks külge: nende mitte vastu võtmine toob endaga needuse ja karistuse, aga vastuvõtmise korral ootab inimesi õnnistus ja elu. Jumala tahe on varjata tõde nende eest, kes peavad end variseride ja käsuõpetajate moel targaks ja intelligentseks; samuti on Jumala tahe ilmutada tõde neile, kes on nagu lapsed, kes soovivad tõde ja avavad oma südame (Luuka 10:21)

  • - God the Healer (Czech)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Prost¿ednictvím Bible se u¿íme, ¿e i nemoc je pod Bo¿í svrchovaností, ¿e B¿h chrání p¿ed nemocí ty, kte¿í ho mají v úct¿ a ¿e nemoc zachvátí ty, kdo h¿eší, proto¿e B¿h od takových lidí odvrátí svou tvá¿. Abychom byli uzdraveni a vedli své ¿ivoty ve zdraví, musí kädý z nás pochopit, odkud nemoc pochází a jak m¿¿eme dosáhnout uzdravení. Evangelium a pravda mají v¿dy dv¿ strany: pro lidi, kte¿í je nep¿ijímají, p¿edstavují prokletí a trest, zatímco na lidi, kte¿í je p¿ijímají, ¿eká po¿ehnání a ¿ivot. Je Bo¿í v¿le, aby byla pravda skryta t¿m, kte¿í podobni farize¿m a u¿itel¿m zákona poväují sami sebe za moudré a inteligentní; je rovn¿¿ Bo¿í v¿le, aby byla pravda zjevena t¿m, kte¿í podobni d¿tem po ní tou¿í a otevírají svá srdce (Lukáš 10:21).

  • - God the Healer (Tagalog)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    Sa pamamagitan ng Biblia, malalaman natin na nasa ilalim ng kapangyarihan ng Diyos kahit ang mga karamdaman, na pinoprotektahan Niya ang sinumang kumikilala sa Pangalan Niya sa anumang karamdaman, at ang mga karamdamang iyon ay darating sa mga makasalanan dahil tatalikuran Niya ang mga taong ito. Para gumaling at maging malusog, kinakailangan ng bawa't isa sa atin na maunawaan kung saan nagmumula ang mga karamdamang ito at kung papaano tayo gagaling. Ang ebanghelyo at ang katotohanan ay palaging may dalawang panig: sumpa at kaparusahan ang nakalaan sa mga taong hindi tatanggap nito, habang pagpapala at buhay ang naghihintay sa mga taong tatanggap dito. Kalooban ng Diyos na ang katotohanan ay maikubli sa mga taong tulad ng mga Fariseo at mga guro ng kautusan, na nagsasabing marurunong at matatalino sila; kalooban din ng Diyos na maihayag ang katotohanan sa mga tulad ng mga sanggol, nagnanais nito, at bukas ang puso para dito (Lucas 10:21).

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ (Swedish)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    19,00 €

    Teologer har debatterat kring människans element, mellan dikotomteorin och trikotomteorin. Dikotomteorin hävdar att människan består av två delar: själ och kropp, medan trikotomteorin hävdar att det finns tre delar: ande, själ och kropp. Denna bok är baserad på trikotomteorin. Anden, själen och kroppen tillhör ett område som vi inte bara kan förstå med mänsklig kunskap, vishet och kraft. Det är ett område som vi bara kan förstå genom Gud som förstår människans ursprung. Det är samma resonemang med att en datakonstruktör har den professionella kunskapen angående datorns struktur och principer och kan lösa alla problem som har med datorns funktion att göra. Denna bok är full av andlig kunskap om den fjärde dimensionen som ger oss tydliga svar på frågorna om ande, själ och kropp.

  • - God the Healer (Danish)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    For at opnå en grundlæggende helbredelse og føre sunde liv må vi hver især forstå, hvor sygdommene stammer fra, og hvordan vi kan blive helbredt. Der er altid to sider af budskabet og sandheden: De mennesker, som ikke tager imod disse to ting vil blive forbandet og straffet, mens de, som tager imod dem, vil få velsignelser og liv. Det er Guds vilje, at sandheden skal skjules fra dem, der ligesom farisæerne og de skriftkloge vurderer sig selv som vise og intelligente; det er også Guds vilje, at sandheden skal åbenbares for dem, som er ligesom børn, ønsker at høre den og åbner deres hjerter (Lukasevangeliet 10:21). Gud har lovet velsignelser til dem, som adlyder og lever efter hans befalinger, men han optegner også detaljeret hvilke forbandelser og sygdomme, som vil ramme de mennesker, der er ulydige overfor hans bud (Femte Mosebog 28:1-68). Med dette værk stræbes der efter at føre folk på den rette vej til frihed fra sygdom og lidelse ved at påminde ikke-troende eller endda troende, som overser det væsentlige, om Guds ord.

  • - God the Healer (Norwegian)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    15,00 €

    For å kunne motta den fundmentale helbredelsen og leve et sunt liv, må hver og en av oss forstå hvor sykdommen har kommet fra og hvordan vi kan motta helbredelse. Det er alltid to sider til sannheten og evangeliet reservert for mennesker som ikke aksepterer dem, hvor det kommer forbannelse og straff, mens for mennesker som akseptere dem vil få velsignelse, og et nytt liv vil vente på dem Det er Guds vilje for at sannheten skal bli gjemt for de som, akkurat som Fariseerne og lovens lærere, anser seg selv som kloke og kunnskapsrike; er det også Guds vilje at sannheten skal bli avslørt til de som er som barn, ønsker det, og åpner deres hjerter (Lukas' evangeliet 10:21). Gud har veldig enkelt lovet velsignelse til de som adlyder og lever etter Hans befalinger, mens Han også har skrevet ned detaljer om forbannelsen og alle slags sykdommer som blir påført de som ikke adlyder Hans befalinger (Femte Mosebok 28:1-68). Ved å minne de utroende, og til og med noen av de troende som overser det, på Guds Ord, vil et slikt arbeide føre slike mennesker den riktige veien til frihet fra sykdom og plage.

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ (Serbian)
    von Dr Jaerock Lee
    18,00 €

    Poruka u knjizi „Duh, Duša i Telo" baca svetlost na duboki deo našeg „bi¿a" i u¿i nas o ¿ovekovom zäetku. Jednom kada potpuno nau¿imo i razumemo ovu poruku, mi ¿emo tako¿e biti u mogu¿nosti da razumemo svaku vrstu osobe. Mi ¿emo tako nau¿iti puteve da pobedimo mräne sile, koje uti¿u na nas, tako da mi mo¿emo da vodimo pobedni¿ki Hriš¿anski ¿ivot.

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