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  • - This Book Includes: Day Trading Strategies & Stock Market Investing for Beginners, Learn Principle Strategies for Forex Trading, Options Trading, Swing Trading, Penny Stocks, Bonds and Futures
    von Mark Graham
    21,00 €

    2 Books in 1 Day Trading Strategies Are you stuck in the rat race? Do you want to start Trading and live your best life? Then this book is for you! Thanks to the incredible strategies presented in this book, you will learn the best and most powerful trading strategies to create abundance in your life. You see, most people go through their day exchanging their time for money and having a miserable life which they cannot change.But you are different. The fact that you are looking for practical solutions to your financial problems means that you are on the right path to success and this book will make sure that you get real results very fast. Thousands of students have achieved their goals by mastering the must-see trading strategies and techniques presented in the book, which go into the little details that can make or break your trading while providing actionable steps.Here is what you will learn:·The right mindset to achieve and live the trader's lifestyle;·How to trade Forex, Cryptocurrency, Stocks, Commodities, and Future;·How to analyze charts with technical analysis and fundamental analysis;·How to take advantage of social trading;·How to manage your capital and risk;·The power of compound interest;·How to leverage your position with margin trading;·Much more! Every chapter goes into actionable steps that will allow you to set up your first trading account and be profitable from the start. Stock Market Investing for Beginners Reaching a point in your life where you are ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck and are finally able to start putting your money to work for you is a major accomplishment and one for which you should be applauded. Unfortunately, making the decision to invest your money and doing so successfully are two very different things which iswhy Stock Market Investing for Beginners is the book you have been waiting for. Inside you will find everything you need to know to ensure that you are able to invest wisely in your future. First,you will learn all about the reason investing in the stock market makes since, what you need to know to get started and the lingo you can expect to hear on a regular basis. Next, you will learn all about the mindset that successful investors have as well as how to cultivate it for yourself. From there, you will learn all about technical and fundamental analysis, the twin pillars of successfully investing in the stock market, what they are, how to use them and, most importantly, what you need to know to turn a profit. You will then find a wide variety of strategies suited for novice investors or all stripes. Finally, you will find numerous tips and tricks for success as well as common mistakes that many new investors make as well as, more importantly, how to avoid them in the first place. What's inside: Chapter 1: Investing Basics Chapter 2: Investing Mindset Chapter 3: Fundamental Analysis Chapter 4: Technical Analysis Chapter 5: 7 Starter Strategies Chapter 6: Tips for SuccessChapter 7: Mistakes to Avoid

  • - The Book of Spells and Rituals for Beginners to Learn Everything from A to Z. Witchcraft, Magic, Beliefs, History and Spells
    von Judith Guise
    19,00 €

    Wicca For Beginnersis your comprehensive guide towards understanding the real basics of what the Wiccan path is about. Full of historical knowledge and important figures like Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, and Aleister Crowley, Wicca For Beginners will take you onto an intellectual journey andeducate you on the true basics, laws, and honor code that is barely touched on. Sure you can buy someone's book about magic, but Wicca For Beginners is a true guide that will stay with you throughout the tests of time. It stays away from typical mainstays like how to cast spells and telling you what tools you need to have and instead focuses on your need to know the real basics behind spellcasting in general, how you can use tools that are specifically important to you, and how to communicate with the deities you are connected to.While reading this book you'll be able to understand:The dark history behind paganism.Understand basic definitions like Wicca, Coven, Pagan, and Neopagan.Understand there are different styles to perform rituals and ceremonies.Understand that each coven has a different aspect of worship.Know that it's okay if you want to be a solitary witch.Read on rumors that researchers like Margaret Murray or occultists like Eliphas Levi concluded and what occurred after.Separate the Aleister Crowley the occultist from the Aleister Crowley the fictional character.Give yourself the ability to compare and contrast past ardanes from the founding Gardnerian era to the more modern ardanes today.And five basic spells to help you in your everyday life.Reveal the ancient and cultural significance behind the Pentagram.Understand who the Goddess and God really are, what they represent, and how they can help you as a beginner starting their Wiccan path.

  • - Stoicism & Photographic Memory book. Discover Accelerated Learning Techniques to Unlock your Full Potential. Gain Self Confidence and Gain Unlimited Memory. Emotional Inteligence
    von Luke Caldwell
    19,00 €

    Mind Hacking 2 in 1 Books StocismAre you looking for a way to improve your life? Do you feel that situations are often out of your control and you feel angry and frustrated that you can't seem to do anything about that? Are you constantly feeling bad for your actions when you get upset or angry, but you can't seem to control the emotions that take over you at times?If these all sound like things that happen to you, then Stoicism may be the right choice. Stoicism is a way to take more control over your life. It ensures that you are going to be the one who controls your emotions. You still feel emotions, but you learn how to take a step back from those emotions and evaluate them. Sometimes, those emotions are warranted and you can let them out. But many times, those emotions aren't worth the effortor aren't merited for that situation, and you let them pass. This guidebook is going to take some time to talk more about Stoicism, how it can benefit your life, and different ways that you can implement it. Some of the things that we will discuss in this guidebook include: What is Stoicism? The history of Stoicism and how it has changed throughout the years. How to become an unbiased thinker The importance of fortitude and self-control How to use Stoicism to become free from negative emotions like anger, greed, and jealousy. How to overcome some of the most destructive emotions that we feel. How to use Stoicism to take on the negativity that creeps into your life. How to recognize Stoicism in our modern world and in your own life. The reasons that you should implement Stoicism in your own life. Is it possible to become too stoic in your life? How to use Stoicism for the long term and how to plan your future as a Stoic to get the best results. Photographic MemoryThis informative book covers everything you need to know for boosting your brain health to optimize your powers of recall. From nutrition to sleep to meditation, you'll learn how to harness your brain's natural potential and impress yourself with your memory abilities. Did you know that tapping into your creative abilities can improve your ability to remember experiences? Or that a healthy awareness and acceptance of your emotions is critical to strengthening your memory? In this revolutionary age of health care, we can all benefit from learning how to keep our minds sharp as we age. Not only will you learn how to improve your memory to its maximum, but you'll also learn the best ways to guard against the memory loss that can sometimes come with growing older. You'll also learn tips and tricks of true memory champions. From techniques that will help you remember grocery lists with ease of learning how to memorize the first 100 digits of pi, this memorization book has it all. Inside you'll find How to eat for better brain health and memory. The optimal level of sleep for your memory powers. The secrets to meditation and mindfulness to improve your recall ability.¿ How to keep your mind active and memory sharp in retirement.¿ How to harness your creativity to improve your memory.¿ How to keep your emotions from mastering you and impeding your memory.¿ How to memorize an entire randomly shuffled deck of cards in under two minutes!

  • - Develop Unbeatable Mind as a Navy Seal, Willpower to Achieve Anything, Mind Hacking, Self Confidence and Influence People. Listen in Car
    von Tony Bennis
    26,00 €

    Mental Toughness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Anger Management: 3 books in 1!Mental Toughness:If all you want to do is read a summary and get the point, the phrase is "Mental Toughness." Focusing on figures such as Jocko Willink, David Goggins, and Musashi, learn what moves great warriors, athletes, coaches, and thinkers to make the tough decisions and apply it to your life. With informative lessons, actionable steps, and reflective chapters this book delivers:¿ Analysis of famous figures and their method¿ 30 Days of inspiration ¿ Guide to growth ¿ Quotes to guide you through your day¿ Actionable exercises that build your grit¿ Lessons on life and decision making Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:The power to change your life is within your own mind. This book will teach you how to observe your thoughts and change them. It will give you the tools you need to make real, meaningful change, right away. Regardless of what you struggle with, a better life is possible. All you need to do is take the first step toward helping yourself: buying this book. With this book, you can start a journey toward self-acceptance and self-love that can make you feel better each and every day. Learn the background of cognitive behavioral therapy and what makes it unique and special. Develop an understanding of the way your mind works. Learn the way that thoughts help determine your emotions and behaviors. Explore the "four factor model" of behavior, which is a tool that will help you change your life. Track the automatic thoughts that cause you pain and lead to behaviors that you regret. Learn to change your thoughts and make them more accurate and beneficial to the things you want to do in life. Track cognitive distortions and learn to stop them in your own life. Regulate your emotions and tolerate distress, even in the worst situations. Learn to get stuff done even if you don't feel like it. Develop organizational skills and the ability to plan your life. Solve problems and develop skills of resilience Learn mindfulness and how to be in the present Improve your relationships with other people. Conquer your fears through exposure therapy And more!Anger Management:This book will help you to understand anger, guide you to identify your triggers of anger, and learn how to manage it. Managing anger can be very complicated if one does not have the right guidelines. To that end, this book uses a simple language to explain the helpful and unhelpful forms of anger. It also describes the steps that you can use to manage it. Inside, you will find: The definition of anger; An expression of anger; Understanding anger and smart anger; The causes, signs, and symptoms of anger; What is unmanaged anger; The cost of anger; Anger and mental health; The choice to manage anger; Steps to managing anger effectively; Anger management and communication

  • - El plan de comidas de la dieta de base vegetal simple: Libro de cocina para principiantes para planificar sus comidas para cada semana
    von Chantel Stephens
    22,00 €

  • - Quemar grasa en menos de 30 dias con una seria perdida de peso permanente de una manera cientifica muy simple, saludable y facil, comer mas comida y perder mas peso
    von Mia Light
    18,00 €

    La práctica del ayuno intermitente ha existido durante innumerables siglos y se ha utilizado para casi tantos propósitos diferentes. Sin embargo, la razón por la que la mayoría de las personas han escuchado sobre la práctica en estos días es gracias a su capacidad comprobada para ayudar a quienes lo practican a perder peso y mantenerse a largo plazo, al mismo tiempo que se sienten más enérgicos que en años. ¿La mejor parte? El estilo de vida de ayuno intermitente no requiere que renuncie a los alimentos que le gustan o incluso que coma menos calorías por comida.De hecho, el tipo de ayuno intermitente más comúnmente utilizado hace posible que quienes lo practican se salten el desayuno antes de comer dos comidas más tarde en el día. Este tipo de cambio de estilo de vida es ideal para aquellos que tienen problemas para seguir un plan de dieta más estricto, ya que no se necesita mucho cambio para empezar a ver resultados serios, en lugar de verse obligados a cambiar todo de una vez. Si le gusta lo que ha escuchado hasta ahora, entonces Ayuno Intermitente para Mujeres: Quemar grasa en menos de 30 días con una seria pérdida de peso permanente de una manera científica muy simple, saludable y fácil, Comer más comida y perder más peso es el libro que ha estado esperando. En el interior encontrará la siguiente información: Preocupaciones de salud que las mujeres deben tener en cuenta para practicar con éxito el ayuno intermitente. ¿Por qué no debes perder más de 0,5 kg por semana? Guías para varios tipos de ayuno intermitente específicamente diseñadas para ayudar a las mujeres a encontrar el éxito. Consejos para añadir ejercicio a un plan de ayuno intermitente sin perderse por el hambre. Formas fáciles de hacer la transición a un estilo de vida de ayuno intermitente tan fácil como sea posible Y más...

  • - 170 Secret Simple Recipes to Boost Your Immune System and Drastically Reduce Inflammation!
    von July Anderson
    19,00 €

    What is an inflammation? The word inflammation refers to a swelling in a localized part of the body. The area that is inflamed is usually hot, reddened, and also painful. It can occur in any part of the body where there is an infection or injury.According to another study, it is possible to develop breast cancer with a high sucrose diet. Sucrose is another form of sugar. It is also suggested that eating sugary foods can prevent or block the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids.So, how do you know which foods you should keep and which ones should go?What you'll find inside? Chapter 1: Why You Might Need the Anti-Inflammatory Diet… Chapter 2: Foods That Cause Inflammation Chapter 3: Anti-Inflammatory Diet Shopping List Chapter 4: Mediterranean Diet Chapter 5: DASH Diet Chapter 6: Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Recipes Chapter 7: Anti-Inflammatory Lunch Recipes Chapter 8: Dinner Recipes Chapter 8: Snack Recipes Chapter 9: Seven-Day Meal Plan

  • - 222 Quick and Easy Recipes with 21 Day Meal Plan To Improve Immune System and Improve Digestion
    von July Anderson
    23,00 €

    Do you wonder why are prone to colds and flus, when you are a generally clean and health-conscious individual? Are you tired of chronically experiencing headaches, joint pain, and muscle pain, especially when that keeps you from doing your exercise routines? Are you done with having trouble sleeping and feeling tired most of the time, when you could be enjoying your life to the fullest? Eating the wrong foods - foods that form acids inside your body - can compromise your health in so many ways. When you do not pay attention to how your body reacts to the acids in what you consume, you end up treating your body like a dumping ground for wastes that cause it to actually harm itself. Thankfully, you have the Alkaline Diet to help you feed your body the right way so that you get to enjoy improved digestion and immunity as well as other health benefits. Alkaline Diet for Beginners 2020: 222 Quick and Easy Recipes with 21 Day Meal Plan To Improve Immune System and Improve Digestion is exactly the book you need to know: The simple science behind the Alkaline Diet The significance of keeping your body alkaline The role that food plays in either helping keep your body alkaline and healthy or acidic and unhealthy The numerous benefits of following the Alkaline Diet The alkaline recipes (and a 21-day meal plan) you can easily replicate at home The different tips and tricks to use to outsmart acidityYou might be having second thoughts about adopting the Alkaline Diet, but you can rest in the knowledge that the alkaline diet is far from being an elimination type of diet. It is best to think of it as a means of eating what you want but in the interest of promoting alkalinity and good health. If being healthy and happy is what you strive for, then get this book right now!

  • - 555 Amazing and Simple Recipes for 2020. Lose Weight Fast, Easy and in Healthy Way!
    von July Anderson
    25,00 €

  • - 30 Powerful Strategies to Become an Influencer for Billions of People on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Others. Great to Listen in a Car!
    von Mark Graham
    20,00 €

  • - Stoic Wisdom to Gain Confidence, Calmness and Control Your Emotions. Stop Anxiety and Depression in Modern World. Develop Unbelievable Self Discipline and Discover Stoicism Philosophy.
    von Tony Bennis
    20,00 €

  • - The Only Book You Will Ever Need to Build Strength for Your Life. Discover The 9 Personalities Types. Evolve Your Personality and Become Self Aware!
    von Ian Baron
    28,00 €

  • - Aprende a Generar Ingresos Pasivos Invirtiendo en el Mercado de Valores y Cotizando en la Bolsa. Aplicable para las Criptomonedas.
    von Mark Graham
    22,00 €

  • - Las 10 Mejores Estrategias para Principiantes. Inicia a Operar como un Profesional en Penny Stock, Bienes Raices, Trading de Opciones, Forex, Criptomonedas, Futures y Swing Trading
    von Graham Mark Graham
    23,00 €

    No trabajes para el dinero, deja que el dinero trabaje para tiDescubre los secretos ocultos de invertir en el mercado de valoresEs increíble cuánta riqueza se puede acumular invirtiendo en el mercado de valores. Sin embargo, es aún más fascinante ver que los inversores promedio pierden mucho dinero en un ciclo anual. ¿Por qué? Porque el mercado de valores es rentable solo si conoces las estrategias correctas. Este libro nació de la idea de crear un curso intensivo que podría ayudar a un principiante a evitar errores comunes y poner el pie en el mercado sin caerse. No es un secreto que los mejores inversores aplican técnicas diferentes con las que tienen dificultades. El objetivo del libro es difundir la información correcta y dar una visión general adecuada de lo que funciona y lo que no funciona al invertir en el mercado de valores. Durante el curso de este libro, aprenderás: Qué es el mercado de valores y por qué es una mina de oro para aquellos que saben qué hacer Un diccionario simplificado con los términos más importantes. 7 Normas que debe cumplir una acción para representar una buena oportunidad (muy importante) El poder del apalancamiento y cómo puede ayudar a los inversores con un capital pequeño La diferencia entre análisis fundamental y análisis técnico 10 errores comunes cometidos por principiantes y cómo evitarlos La forma correcta de diversificar una cartera y por qué es importante (no lo que piensas)Como puedes ver, hay mucho de qué hablar. No te preocupes, todo se explicará con términos simples y una estructura fácil de seguir.Es importante tener en cuenta que el libro no ofrece "hacerte rico con soluciones rápidas".El dinero fácil no existe, especialmente en las primeras etapas. Sin embargo, al estudiar el material proporcionado y aplicarlo diligentemente, es posible comenzar con éxito en cuestión de semanas.¿Estás listo para comenzar tu viaje en el mundo de las inversiones

  • - 30 Simple, Quick, and Easy Recipes to Help You Improve Your Health, Reduce Inflammation, Prevent Risk of a Disease, and Shield Your Gut from Lectin Damage
    von Layla Grant
    21,00 €

    <h2>Γÿà Millions of people have lost weight and boosted their energy by switching to a lectin free diet&nbsp;Γÿà</h2><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>Γÿà Buy paperback version and get Kindle version for FREE Γÿà&nbsp;</h3><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Say goodbye to uncomfortable inflammation and problematic autoimmune symptoms!</strong></h4><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>With the diet revolution projected by Dr. Stephen Gundry&rsquo;s bestseller &ldquo;Plant Paradox,&rdquo; the lectin-free diet has taken off and proven to be to go for many people for various reasons. It&rsquo;s helped people change their bodies and live life without having to eat bland things.</h5><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>&nbsp;</h5><h5><em>LECTIN-FREE COOKBOOK: 30 Simple, Quick, and Easy Recipes to Help YouImprove Your Health, Reduce Inflammation, Prevent Risk of a Disease, and Shield Your Gut from Lectin Damage</em>collects 30 of the most exciting recipes around to prove that eating Lectin-free doesn&rsquo;t have to be taste bud death sentence!</h5><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>With these recipes in your arsenal, you&rsquo;re going to have no problem establishing and staying on the road to recovery with these lectin-free foods. Say goodbye to uncomfortable inflammation and problematic autoimmune symptoms. You&rsquo;ll take charge of your life and restore the years of damage.</h5><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>In this book, you&rsquo;ll find 30 recipes that are very different and very delicious. Either it&rsquo;s breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and desserts, we&rsquo;ve got you covered. The cooking and preparation time keep people like you in mind&mdash;people with busy lives. So either you&rsquo;re making dinner for your family or wanting to reach for a midnight snack, you&rsquo;ll find something you&rsquo;ll enjoy.</h5><h3><strong><em>Inside you'll find:&nbsp;</em></strong></h3><h5>Chapter 1-&nbsp;Welcome to Lectin-Free Cooking!</h5><h5>Chapter 2- &nbsp;&nbsp;Lectin-Free Breakfast Recipes</h5><h5>Chapter 3-&nbsp;Lectin-Free Lunch Recipes</h5><h5>Chapter 4-&nbsp;Lectin-Free Dinner Recipes</h5><h5>Chapter 5-&nbsp;Lectin-Free Dessert Recipes</h5><h5>Chapter 6-&nbsp;Lectin-Free Snack Recipes</h5><h5>&nbsp;</h5><h5>It&rsquo;s time to join many other people who have adopted the lectin-free diet and learn how to shield your gut from lectin damage. We&rsquo;ll break down the lectin diet for you as well, so you&rsquo;ll know all about this new diet that&rsquo;s turning into more than the next fad. Get your copy NOW!</h5><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>&nbsp;</h5>

  • - This book includes: Swing Trading, Swing Trading Strategies
    von Victor Lucas
    18,00 €

  • - This Book Inlcudes: Mediterranean Diet for Beginners & Meal Prep for Beginners. How to Lose Weight in Simple and Healthy Way. Weight loss, Meal Prep & Fat Burn
    von Mia Light & Andrea Gianakouli
    23,00 €

    Mediterranean Diet for BeginnersΓÇï   The Mediterranean diet has been studied by scientists for many years. All the findings show it is the HEALTHIEST DIET and best lifestyle anywhere in the world. This is because it focuses on eating natural produce, healthy oils, fish and other products that are actually great for you.It is easy to follow this diet if you view it as alifestyleand nota diet. All the meals included in this diet are not only healthy and great for you but also very tasty. This is because there are lots of spices and herbs that are used to add flavor and make the food delicious. Inside you'll find: - What is The Mediterranean Diet?- History of the Mediterranean Diet- Mediterranean Diet: Colors, Taste & Health- Popular Foods Of The Mediterranean Diet- Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet- Meal Plans For A Week   Combining the Mediterranean diet with regular exercise and family time is the best approach. You will start living your best life ever with lots of great food, delicious fish, an occasional glass of wine and so much more. You will be healthy with lower risks of illnesses as well as a better outlook on life.   Meal Prep for Beginners   Are you sick and tired of having to waste time every week cooking for yourself? What if I told you there was a way to eat delicious meals and save time, at the same time?? That’s right! In this book, Meal Prep for Beginners with 50+ Recipes, I provide all of the tips and tricks you need to begin Meal Prep. Whether you are looking to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain, there is a plan for you.             You may have heard of Meal Prepping from the professional bodybuilders, but believe it or not, it is something you can bring into your own home! Within the chapters of this book, you will learn all of the basics to get started with meal prepping. You will learn everything from the equipment you need, expert tips, and the pros and cons of meal prepping.              Also included within the chapters of this book are 50+ delicious recipes. We have something for everyone including:  Sweet and Spicy Sweet Potato Hash browns Detox Ginger and Peach Smoothie One Pan Cashew and Chicken Stir Fry Creamy Slow Cooked Pot Roast Baked Beef Lasagna Spicy Cilantro Shrimp Crab Cake Baked Balls Grilled Herbed Artichokes Roasted Butternut Squash Peanut Butter and Apple Cookies AND MORE! Really, what do you have to lose? Meal prepping can provide unbelievable benefits to your life, all you need is a little bit of time and some dedication. Isn’t it time you put your health first? Start today and introduce meal prepping into your life.

  • - For Women and Men: This Book Includes: Intermittent Fasting, Intermittent Fasting for Women, Lectin Free Cookbook
    von Mia Light & Layla Grant
    24,00 €

  • - How to Make Money Online with Proven and Powerful Strategies in Today's Market! Create Passive Income with Amazon FBA, Affiliate Marketing, eBay and E-Commerce!
    von Mark Graham
    23,00 €

  • - 18 Powerful Ways to Learn Anything Superfast! Improve Your Memory Efficiency. Think Bigger and Succeed Bigger! Great to Listen in a Car!
    von Tony Bennis
    21,00 €

  • - Not Just for Beginners. Part 2 - Continue of the First Very Successful Wicca for Beginners! A Book for Wiccans, Witches and Other Seekers for Magic! Great to Listen in a Car!
    von Judith Guise
    19,00 €

  • - 18 Effective Strategies to Discipline Your Infant or Toddler in a Positive Environment. Tame Tantrum and Overcome Challenges!
    von Janet Watson
    28,00 €

  • - Discover Spells for Healing, Wellbeing, Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Love and Relationships. A New and Improved Version of The First Book Wicca for Beginners.
    von Judith Guise
    19,00 €

  • - Create Passive Income with E-commerce and Shopify Step by Step by Proven Strategies! New and Improved Ways for Busy Times of 2019 and 2020! Great to Listen in a Car!
    von Mark Graham
    20,00 €

    Dropshipping is a current e-commerce trend gaining increasing popularity. Many individuals have attempted to start a dropshipping business, only to have it fail after a few months. Failing at running a dropshipping business is a result of improper planning and lack of awareness about current market trends. If it's your dream to run a successful dropshipping business, you need to read this book to avoid the common mistakes made by novices in the industry. You don't need to be a marketing genius or have 20 years experience as a business owner, you simply have to follow the guidelines laid out in this book and you will be well on your way to a thriving online business.For the purposes of this book, Shopify is focused on as the main dropshipping platform due to its popularity and easy to use features. If you don't have a Shopify account yet, or you've never even heard of it before, don't worry, you will be guided through how to use the platform. Inside this book, the following topics will be discussed: What it takes to be successful in e-commerce Current dropshipping market trends How to set up a Shopify account and start making sales Creating a consistent supply chain Having a market plan Differentiating your brand Beating the competition Scaling your business Marketing strategies Customer valueYou shouldn't be afraid of starting a dropshipping website because you don't know where to start or how to maintain a successful business. With this book, you will have everything you need to make it as a successful dropshipper. Find your true potential and discover your success by putting the guidelines found within this book to work today!

  • - 30 Days to Minimalism! Discover Amazing Benefits and Powerful Strategies of Minimalist Budgeting to Save Money, Pay Off Debt, Avoid Emotional Spending, Build Discipline, Declutter!
    von Tony Bennis
    20,00 €

  • - This book Includes: Stock Market Investing for Beginners, Swing Trading Strategies Volume 2, Options Trading
    von Victor Lucas
    22,00 €

    3 BOOKS in 1  I cover everything in this book to help you learn Day Trading Strategies - Stock Trading? Options Trading? Swing Trading? Yes you'll find all this in 1 book!Here is what books you'll find inside this book:  1. Swing Trading Strategies: Learn How to Profit Fast —Volume 2 Chapter 1: Basic Swing Trading Strategies Chapter 2: Swing Trading Tools and Resources Chapter 3: Fundamental Analysis of Company Stock Chapter 4: Basics of Financial Statement Chapter 5: Screening for Undervalued Stocks Chapter 6: Technical Analysis to Determine Entry Points Chapter 7: Read Charts, Use Indicators & Watch Markets 2. Options Trading: How to Make Money in Less Than 7 Days What’s in the book? Chapter 1: Talks about the basics so that you will have a good foundation and understanding of what options trading is really all about.Chapter 2: Discusses the risks and benefits of options trading.Chapter 3: Teaches powerful and effective strategies that you can use to increase your chances of making the right trading decisions.Chapter 4: Reveals the important keys to success to help make you a better options trader.Chapter 5: Lays down the common mistakes that you should avoid.Chapter 6: Discusses the successful trader’s mindset. It is the right mindset if you want to make continuous profits with options trading. 3. Stock Market Investing for Beginners: The Best Book on Stock Investments To Help You Make Money In Less Than 1 Hour a Day You will learn all the basics of the stock market investmentand how to optimize your investmentsand realize the largest possible profits.An investor should not turn himself into a speculator, for a speculator acts on his instincts rather than his intellect when executing trades. The stock market is neither a mythical place beyond human understanding nor a place reserved for people with special genetics. The investors who have made a fortune out of stock market are average people like everyone else except they took their time to understand everything before trying to get in the game.There are many investments in the securities markets beyond stocks. You could invest in bonds and funds like mutual funds and index funds. Investing in IPOs gives you a chance to own a slice of a company and in return, you play your part in providing the company with much-needed resources. The best single thing an investor can do before taking up an investment deal is to conduct a fundamental analysis.  Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of a company’s financial health with the intention of either solidifying your interest in the venture or finding out any red flag.     The strategies for succeeding as an investor are timeless. They worked a lifetime ago in the days of Ben Graham (the father of value investing) and they still work today.

  • - This Books Includes: Empath & Enneagram
    von Judith Guise
    20,00 €

  • - The Best Book on Stock Investments To Help You Make Money In Less Than 1 Hour a Day
    von Victor Lucas
    18,00 €

    1. The stock market has its peculiarities. It's a world where a small matter has the potential of creating a massive impact. One thing added or one thing left out could be the difference between making a million dollars and losing it all. 2. There is no shortage of investors. The world has many of them. And you can be sure that some are extremely successful while others cry bitterly over their losses. 3. The reason why most investors fail is that theyapproach investing as though it were some lottery game. They are chance-takers. They have no plan. They stagger from one failed investment to another, taking stabs in the dark, and soon enough they lose all their money. 4. This book has been written to help you become an intelligent investor. An intelligent investor is not a chance-taker. An intelligent investor is a vainvestor who exploits market inconsistencies long before others have taken notice. 5. You will learn all the basics of the stock market investment and how to optimize your investments and realize the largest possible profits. 6. An investor should not turn himself into a speculator, for a speculator acts on his instincts rather than his intellect when executing trades. 7. The stock market is neither a mythical place beyond human understanding, nor a place reserved for people with special genetics. The investors who have made a fortune out of stock market are average people like everyone else except they took their time to understand everything before trying to get in the game. 8. There are many investments in the securities markets beyond stocks. You could invest in bonds and funds like mutual funds and index funds. 9. Investing in IPOs gives you a chance to own a slice of a company and in return,you play your part in providing the company with much-neededresources. 10. The best single thing an investor can do before taking up an investment deal is to conduct a fundamental analysis. 11. Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of a company's financial health with the intention of either solidifying your interest in the venture or finding out any red flag. "The strategies for succeeding as an investor are timeless. They worked a lifetime ago in the days of Ben Graham (the father of value investing) and they still work today."

  • - 9 Most Powerful Steps to Remember Anything in Your Life Forever! Reduce Memory Loss, Create Habits to Help You Improve Memory Efficiency, Focus and Clarity! Best to Listen in Car!
    von Tony Bennis
    20,00 €

    Study skills will be useful to help you get to where you want to be with your photographic memory. Training your mind each day to study for various things that you may be learning will enable you to remember things with more clarity than ever before. You will recall accurately and effectively all the things you study, because you have practiced these steps, which are important parts of being a great student. And you also don't have to be a student to benefit from these steps. Anyone can do these things. It is vital that we all consider ourselves to be lifelong learners and students, because we should never stop acquiring knowledge. Inside you'll find: Step 1: Training Your General MemoryStep 2: Use the Military MethodStep 3: Improving Your Photographic Memory DietStep 4: Sleeping for Memory's SakeStep 5: Use Mnemonic Devices to Remember Almost AnythingStep 6: Everyday Techniques: Use the SensesStep 7: Use Techniques that Increase Cognitive Activity and Add to Your MemoryStep 8: Take Steps to Increase Mental Alertness

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