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Bücher veröffentlicht von VAMzzz Publishing

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  • - or Science of Aeronautics
    von Maharishi Bharadwaaja
    28,00 €

  • von Charubel
    31,00 €

    The Meaning of the 360 Zodiacal Degrees serves as a comprehensive compilation, bringing together the complete zodiac degree interpretations of Charubel, La Volasfera / Sepharial, and Isidore Kozminsky.The zodiacal degrees, often considered as the building blocks of astrological interpretation, have intrigued mystics, astrologers, and scholars throughout history. These degrees, each representing a specific point along the zodiacal circle, are believed to carry unique symbolic meanings that influence personality traits, life events, and spiritual growth. Over the centuries, various astrologers and writers have attempted to index and unravel the profound meanings embedded in these degrees. The quest to unravel the intricate meanings embedded in the 360 degrees of the zodiac has been an ongoing exploration since Ptolemy, who connected them to specific planetary influences. Renaissance astrologer Johannes Engel (Angelus) published about the meaning of the decans and the separate degrees. In the late 19th century the famous interpretations of the medium Charubel were published, followed by Sepharial's translation of the degree symbolism by La Volasfera. Isidore Kozminsky introduced his distinct interpretations in 1917.

  • von Benjamin Adamah
    34,00 €

    Magische rituelen werken vanuit onze binnenwereld in de buitenwereld. Maar hoe dan precies? Deze opvolger van MAGUS Leer & Ritueel richt zich expliciet op de kernprocessen van magie zelf en verwijdert allereerst een collectieve blinde vlek, waardoor je begrip van tijd, ruimte, bewustzijn, energie en bezieling radicaal verandert. Het continuüm van tijd-ruimte-energie-bewustzijn is de 'klei' waarmee de magiër vormgeeft.Je past magie straks veel effectiever toe. Ook herken je met welke magische dwangtechnieken, onze werkelijke realiteit al eeuwen gescheiden wordt van onze directe perceptie ervan, door wat in dit boek als 'het Systeem' wordt samengevat. Dit heeft er duidelijk geen belang bij dat we onze eigen magische vermogens uit de sluimerstand wekken.Al eeuwenlang worden om die reden informatiebronnen vernietigd en egregors ingezet - kunstmatige entiteiten, gevoed door de emoties van de massa, die mensen op virale wijze ertoe brengen hun eigen levens te steriliseren. Dit is de échte overschaduwing van het menselijk bestaan, steunend op de staatsreligies. Deze introduceerden 2600 jaar geleden het concept van de 'onvolmaakte wereld' als een selffulfilling prophecy. Je zult onder meer lezen waarom daarvoor de godin, die de bezielde Aarde belichaamde, moest worden afgeschaft en alleen een despote, virtuele god mocht aanblijven.MAGUS Vuur & Aarde, steelt als het ware het vuur van de valse goden. De CIA hield dit vuur (patterning) zelfs decennia geheim als classified information. Dezelfde beproefde methodieken, waarmee grote systemen de realiteit naar hun hand zetten leer je in het uitgebreide praktijkgedeelte van dit boek. Dit omvat onder andere het creëren van gedachtevormen en een unieke selectie methoden voor het scheppen van servitors en Elementalen (hulpgeesten).

  • von Pythagoras 38
    24,00 €

    The Grand Grimore, authored by Reuben Swinburne Clymer under the pseudonym "Pythagoras 38," is an eclectic occult training manual intended for lodge members. (It is crucial not to confuse this work with the medieval Grand Grimoire.) This unique occult volume, published in 1910, incorporates material from various classic grimoires, magical evocation rituals, and other occult practices, such as instructions on using the planchette, imagination magic, and breathing exercises.The Grand Grimore holds a special place in Americana literature, as it emerged during a significant period in American history when the occult movement experienced a surge, primarily influenced by the groundwork laid by Paschal Beverly Randolph. This movement found its foothold in Masonic and new Rosicrucian organizations, shaping a new occult movement in 20th-century America.This revised edition includes numerous magical sigils and rituals, along with a special Post Scriptum providing valuable information about the author Reuben Swinburne Clymer and the historical context surrounding the publication of The Grand Grimore.

  • von Isidore Kozminsky
    36,00 €

    The Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones was first published in 1922. In this timeless masterpiece, Isodore Kozminsky, a renowned author in the field of Jewish occultism and esotericism, reveals the hidden secrets of gemstones, semi-precious stones, and ordinary stones. Kozminsky skillfully navigates the philosophy of sympathy and antipathy found throughout nature, unveiling the interconnectedness of stone to stone, and person to person. As a member of a family of jewelers and associated with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Kozminsky was perfectly positioned to synthesize scientific data, ancient folklore, and the occult and beneficial use of stones.Unlike more modern stone guides that limit themselves to the psychic and physical aspects of lithotherapy, this book provides a much more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the subject. Special emphasis is placed on the connection between the various gemstones and semi-precious stones discussed and the signs of the zodiac. The author offers a profound philosophy of lucky stones, planetary gems, and the mystical "stones of power," which form an integral part of talismanic magic. Unique to this book are the inclusion of magical sigils and invocation formulas, providing readers with the means to establish contact with the stone spirits, presented as an embedded grimoire.The Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones was previously available only as a rare antiquarian find. VAMzzz Publishing presents a new, carefully revised edition, complete with additional information about the author.

  • von Benjamin Adamah
    25,00 €

    Je sterrenbeeld (lees: je Zonneteken) wordt bepaald door de stand van de Zon op het moment van je geboorte. Wat veel mensen niet weten is dat het teken pal tegenover je Zonneteken je onbewuste ik vertegenwoordigt. Dit tegenoverliggende zodiakteken oefent een zeer belangrijke invloed uit op je leven. Het grote geheim is dat dit tegenovergestelde teken je ik compleet maakt. Het wil deel van je leven uitmaken en kan je daarbij enorm helpen. Het vult je Zonneteken aan en maakt zo je kern compleet en positief. Als je echter dit tegenoverliggende teken verwaarloost, gaat het je tegenwerken als een soort 'innerlijke saboteur'. Net zo lang totdat je het wel integreert.Door simpelweg inzicht te krijgen in je tegenoverliggende teken voorkom je dus veel problemen, vertragingen, aanvaringen met anderen en blokkades. Deze eenvoudige formule kan je leven veel stabieler, succesvoller en bevredigender maken en je persoonlijke ontwikkeling enorm versnellen. Probeer, in plaats van een ingewikkelde horoscooplezing, eerst de beproefde formule uit dit boekje. Ram kan Weegschaal integreren, Stier kan Schorpioen integreren, Tweelingen kan Boogschutter integreren, enzovoort. Geloof niet de auteur op zijn woord, maar probeer het uit en zie de resultaten!Benjamin Adamah (1964) is een internationaal erkend auteur van nieuwe astrologieboeken en is al meer dan drie decennia professioneel astroloog.

  • von Edward J. Wood
    34,00 €

    Discover the world of Giants and Dwarfs in this revised and first illustrated edition of the classic 1868 book by Edward J. Wood. This fascinating and rare collection of accounts brings to life both mythical and many historical figures, including the infamous Gogmagog and Polyphemus. Explore the chapter entitled "Bible Dwarfs" featuring the biblical hybrid giants known as the Nephilim, as well as forgotten legends and eyewitness accounts of famous dwarfs and giants.While the book may not fully reflect modern understanding of the medical and physical causes of dwarfism and gigantism, it offers a valuable archive of historical references, folklore, and accounts of the daily lives of these captivating figures. Many dwarfs and giants had dramatic life stories, solely due to their deviating size. They appeared in royal households, became attractions at traveling carnivals and exhibitions, or simply tried to create a normal life for themselves. From famous figures in lore to the more obscure, and even strange mummified bodies, this book offers a glimpse into an intriguing and often misunderstood world. Divided into 16 chapters, an appendix, and featuring 30 historical illustrations, this revised edition is both compelling and essential for anyone interested in exploring this unique chapter of human history.Revised & illustrated edition. Full table of contents on

  • von Benjamin Adamah
    20,00 €

    You may have read about your zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun at the time of your birth. However, what many people don't know is that there is another important aspect to consider. Your opposite zodiac sign represents your unconscious self and has a significant impact on your life. The big secret is: this opposite sign wants to be part of your game and can be of great help! If you neglect the qualities and forces, that typify this opposite zodiac sign, they will keep working against you - until you integrate them.So, by simply gaining insight into your opposite sign and integrating its qualities into your personality, decisions and actions, you avoid a lot problems, delays, opposition, and blockages. This formula can make your life much more stable, successful and fulfilling, and speed up your personal development. Instead of spending a lot of money on complex horoscope readings, try the proven formula presented in this booklet first. Aries should integrate Libra, Taurus integrate Scorpio, Gemini integrate Sagittarius, and so on. Don't just take the author's word for it, try it out and see the results for yourself!

  • von Anthonie C. Oudemans
    34,00 €

    In this groundbreaking work Anthonie Cornelis Oudemans, explores the mysterious and elusive creature known as the great sea-serpent. Originally published in 1892, this book remains one of the most comprehensive and well-researched studies of sea serpents to date. Oudemans became immensely fascinated by this often enormous creature, and spent three years of intensive research before publishing his work.He argues for the existence of a sea-serpent that can grow up to 60 feet long, which, according to the many recorded sightings, often resembles a prehistoric Plesiosaur. Oudemans relied on nearly 200 eyewitness accounts and many publications, and named the creature Megophias Megophias in Latin, in accordance with scientific convention. However, Oudemans' colleagues did not approve of his work on sea monsters, as they believed such creatures could not exist. Despite this, his work gained recognition posthumously. In the 1950s, Belgian biologist Bernard Heuvelmans rediscovered Oudemans' work and found in his sea-serpent the missing link in cryptozoology.This new revised edition features a clear distinction between Oudemans' ongoing text and the many included eyewitness accounts, as well as all original images that have been cleaned up for clarity. Additionally, readers will find a Post Scriptum containing biographical information about the author and - as a bonus - the first English translation of Oudemans' original 1934 Dutch-language essay on the Loch Ness Monster.WITH 82 ILLUSTRATIONS

  • von Benjamin Adamah
    31,00 €

  • von Benjamin Adamah
    31,00 €

  • von Benjamin Adamah
    32,00 €

  • - A Study of Amatory Devices and Mores
    von Harry Wedeck
    30,00 €

  • von Elliot O'Donnell
    26,00 €

    The core view of paranormal investigator Elliott O'Donnell, regarding the wer(e)wolf, was that he assumed a serious occult phenomenon, rather than a folkloric fantasy, that could easily be dismissed by science. Within this scope Werwolves (1914) is as pioneering as the book is entertaining. It combines O'Donnell's - ahead of his time - linking of the werewolf to shamanism, the etheric double and astral projection with the traditional dark romantic aura that hangs around the subject. His conclusion, that the werewolf was most likely linked to psychic projection skills, was re-examined by Claude Lecouteux in 1992 in his Witches, Werewolves and Fairies. The word werwolf (werewolf) is derived from the Anglo-Saxon wer (man) and wulf (wolf). There is scarcely a country in the world in which belief in werewolves, or in some other form of were-animals, has not existed. However, attempts to unravel the real phenomena remain very scarce. In Werwolves a lot of historical werewolf-cases are described which took place in several parts of Europe (France, British Isles, Germany, Austria-Hungaria & Balkan, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, Russia and the Scandinavian countries). Whereas in some regions the werewolf is considered wholly physical, in others it is looked upon as partly, if not entirely, astral or etheric. There is also an overlap with the Ghoul and Vampire.

  • - An Account of the Trials of Human Leopards Before the Special Commission Court
    von K J Beatty
    28,00 €

    The early 20th century showed an increase number of occult murders by the Human Leopard Society of Sierra Leone. The main reason for the killings was to obtain human fat for anointing a terrible fetish called the Borfima, whose black magic depended on the frequency with which it was "fed". These killings got mixed with ritual cannibalism, of which the first reports for this area date back to 1609. Unlike other Leopards Societies an unexplainable social dissonant sticks to the Sierra Leone version: "The bush seemed to me pervaded with something supernatural, a spirit which was striving to bridge the animal and the human. Some of the weird spirit of their surroundings has, I think, entered into the people, and accounts for their weird customs. The people are by no means a low, savage race. I found many of them highly intelligent, shrewd, with more than the average sense of humor, and with the most marvelous faculty for keeping hidden what they did not wish to be known..." (W. Brandford Griffith, September 1915.)This revised and illustrated edition comes with a Post Scriptum about other Leopard fraternities like the Congolese Anyota, the Nigerian Ekpe and it's offspring the Cuban Abakuá.

  • - Two Volumes
    von Elphinstone Dayrell
    34,00 €

    In the early 20th century Elphinstone Dayrell, a district commissioner located in Ikom, Eastern Province, Nigeria, collected many folk tales from the Efik and Ibibio peoples of Southeastern Nigeria. The scope of these tales encompasses local mythology and stories suitable for children, to tales so cruel they will still shock a modern public. Dayrell authored two collections of folklore. The first was published as Folk stories from Southern Nigeria (1911), containing 40 stories. The second one he entitled Ikom Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, which was published by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland in 1913. For the first time these works are brought together in one carefully revised volume: Nigerian Folk Stories Collected From The Efik, Ibibio & People of Ikom. This edition comes with a Post Scriptum that offers extra information about the Efik and Obibio and themes that reoccur in the Southern Nigerian folklore as the city of Calabar, the secret fraternity Ekbo or Ekpo and Juju, a centuries old West African tradition that covers a shamanistic and animistic religion as well as medicine, magic, witchcraft, the aura of objects and beings, and finally a fetisj or other magical objects.

  • von Richard Folkard
    39,00 €

    Along with Fraser's Golden Bough and the studies of Wilhelm Mannhardt, W.R.S. Ralston and Charles Godfrey Leland, Richard Folkard's Plant Lore, Legends & Lyrics ranks among the most important European classics on folklore. First published in 1884 and personally presented by the author to Queen Victoria, it has not been matched since. VAMzzz Publishing presents this carefully revised, illustrated edition, complete with the three special indexes as present in the original version - which are usually missing from later publications, but offer an important extra to the reader. The scope of this detailed study is vast. It ranges from plant symbolism to the World Tree theme to the practical use of herbs in witchcraft for flying ointments and spells. Much of the book deals with the spirits of trees and plants, including various types of fairies, fauns, satyrs, dryads and hamadryads. Sacred plants and ceremonies are described, as well as the symbolism of plants in funeral customs and plants attributed to the Devil and the Black Arts. Tables are included and a special - nearly 200 pages - Plant Encyclopedia fills the second part of the book. This book is a must read whether you are a plant lover, folklorists, herbalist, wiccan or occultist. Preview on

  • von Carl a Wickland
    30,00 €

    When "psychiatric illnesses" turn out to be obsessing spirits of the dead...Carl Wickland (Wiklund) was a Swedish born, professional American psychiatrist who turned away from conventional medical psychology and became convinced that many psychiatric illnesses were the result of the influence of the obsessive spirits of the dead. With the help of his wife and medium Anna W. Anderson, Wickland communicated with the spirits. These 82 intriguing sessions make up the bulk of the book Thirty Years Among the Dead. His conversations with, in most cases, confused spirits, who don't even realize they are dead, are indexed in thematic chapters: Tormenting Spirits & Marriage Disturbances - Spirits and Crime - Spirits and Suicide - Materialism and Indifference - Selfishness - Orthodoxy - Spirits and Narcotics, Inebriety, Amnesia - Psychic Invalidism - Orphans - Christian Science - and Theosophy. Wickland's dedicated research, in combination with the excellent medium-ship of Anna, has resulted in one the most fascinating and taboo-breaking works on spiritualism and life after death-questions ever. Perhaps today the book is even more actual than it was in it's publication year 1924. The mystery of death touches all of us, while, due to the intermingling of the modern rat-race, consumerism and internet-addiction, the general climate for the development of spiritual intelligence is worsening to levels that should concern all of us deeply. Post Scriptum with biography of the author is included.

  • von William Walker Atkinson
    24,00 €

  • - Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft in England and Scotland
    von William H Davenport Adams
    32,00 €

  • von Dudley Wright
    23,00 €

  • - or Twenty-seven 'Divine' Revelations
    von Kersey Graves
    37,00 €

  • - or Christianity before Christ
    von Kersey Graves
    35,00 €

  • - or A Historical Exposition of the Devil and His Fiery Dominions
    von Kersey Graves
    25,00 €

  • von Q K Philander Doesticks
    27,00 €

  • - Rites and Mysteries of Wolf Worship
    von Alberta Mildred Franklin
    27,00 €

  • - Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues
    von William Wynn Westcott
    24,00 €

  • von Alfred Cort Haddon
    24,00 €

  • - A Dissertation
    von Thomas & MB Bs Ffarcsmdchm Mbchb Frcs(ed) Facs Facg (Cern Switzerland) Taylor
    28,00 €

  • - or The Physical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire
    von James Weir Jr
    25,00 €

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