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Bücher veröffentlicht von W. W. Norton & Company

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  • von David Daokui Li
    25,00 €

    Recent rising tensions between China and the West largely stem from a basic misunderstanding of China's approach to governance, argues Dr David Daokui Li, who has served as an advisor to senior Chinese Communist Party leaders as well as major multinational corporations and international economic institutions. In this urgently needed and fascinating book, Li uses personal stories and firsthand accounts to help Western readers gain a better understanding of the Chinese perspective. Li shows how China's approach to internal governance-often confusing to outsiders-is built on a historical and sociocultural bedrock thousands of years in the making. In demystifying contemporary Chinese society, Li helps readers reconceptualise contemporary China and the implications of its growth. He asserts that China's rise will be beneficial for the global order, holding out the hope that with shared understanding and mutual learning the Chinese and western systems will eventually find a way to peacefully co-exist.

  • von Erik Homburger Erikson
    31,00 €

    Erik H. Erikson is recognized as one of the world's leading figures in the field of psychoanalysis and human development. His ideas about the stages of development, the sources of identity, and the interdependence of individual growth and historical change revolutionized our understanding of the nature and course of psychological growth. Erikson, whose work first described the now familiar concepts of "identity crisis" and "life cycle," provided an unprecedented framework for considering the individual psyche within society and culture. Unveiling a dynamic process of psychological development, he emphasized the tendency toward growth and the integration of multiple influences-the biological, social, psychological, cultural, and historical. With writings from Erikson's entire career, including major work from Childhood and Society, Insight and Responsibility, Young Man Luther, and Gandhi's Truth, this invaluable reader charts the influence of Erikson's thinking in the areas of child psychology, development through the lifespan, leadership, and moral growth.

  • von Joseph E Stiglitz
    21,00 €

    We are a nation born from the conviction that people must be free. But since the middle of the last century, that idea has been co-opted. Forces on the political Right have justified exploitation by cloaking it in the rhetoric of freedom, leading to pharmaceutical companies freely overcharging for medication, a Big Tech free from oversight, politicians free to incite rebellion, corporations free to pollute, and more. How did we get here? Whose freedom are we-and should we-be thinking about?In The Road to Freedom, Nobel prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz dissects America's current economic system and the political ideology that created it, laying bare their twinned failure. "Free" and unfettered markets have only succeeded in delivering a series of crises: the financial crisis, the opioid crisis, and the crisis of inequality. While a small portion of the population has amassed considerable wealth, wages for most people have stagnated. Free and unfettered markets have exploited consumers, workers, and the environment alike. Such failures have fed populist movements that believe being free means abandoning any obligations citizens have to one another. As they grow in strength, these movements now pose a real threat to true economic and political freedom.As an economic advisor to presidents and as chief economist at the World Bank, Stiglitz has witnessed these profound changes firsthand. As he argues, the failures follow from the elites' unshakeable dedication to "the neoliberal experiment." Explicitly taking on giants such as Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, Stiglitz exposes accepted ideas about our political and economic life for what they are: twisted visions that tear at the social fabric while they enrich the very few.The Road to Freedom breaks new ground, showing how economics-including recent advances in which Stiglitz has played such an important role-reframes how to think about freedom and the role of the state in a twenty-first century society. Drawing on the work of contemporary philosophers, Stiglitz explains a deeper, more humane way to assess freedoms-one that considers with care what to do when one person's freedom conflicts with another's. We must reimagine our existing economic and legal systems and embrace forms of collective action, including regulation and investment, if we are to create an innovative society in which everyone can flourish. The task could not be more urgent, and Stiglitz's latest book is essential reading for those committed to the American ideal of an economic and political system that delivers well-being, opportunity, and meaningful freedoms for all.

  • von Fareed Zakaria
    22,00 €

    Populist rage, ideological fracture, economic and technological shocks, war, and an international system studded with catastrophic risk-the early decades of the twenty-first century may be the most revolutionary period in modern history. But it is not the first. Humans have lived, and thrived, through more than one great realignment. What are these revolutions, and how can they help us to understand our fraught world?In this major work, Fareed Zakaria masterfully investigates the eras and movements that have shaken norms while shaping the modern world. Three such periods hold profound lessons for today. First, in the seventeenth-century Netherlands, a fascinating series of transformations made that tiny land the richest in the world-and created politics as we know it today. Next, the French Revolution, an explosive era that devoured its ideological children and left a bloody legacy that haunts us today. Finally, the mother of all revolutions, the Industrial Revolution, which catapulted Great Britain and the US to global dominance and created the modern world.Alongside these paradigm-shifting historical events, Zakaria probes four present-day revolutions: globalization, technology, identity, and geopolitics. For all their benefits, the globalization and technology revolutions have produced profound disruptions and pervasive anxiety and our identity. And increasingly, identity is the battlefield on which the twenty-first century's polarized politics are fought. All this is set against a geopolitical revolution as great as the one that catapulted the United States to world power in the late nineteenth century. Now we are entering a world in which the US is no longer the dominant power. As we find ourselves at the nexus of four seismic revolutions, we can easily imagine a dark future. But Zakaria proves that pessimism is premature. If we act wisely, the liberal international order can be revived and populism relegated to the ash heap of history.As few public intellectuals can, Zakaria combines intellectual range, deep historical insight, and uncanny prescience to once again reframe and illuminate our turbulent present. His bold, compelling arguments make this book essential reading in our age of revolutions.

  • von Martin Puchner
    21,00 €

    What good are the arts? Why should we care about the past? For millennia, humanity has sought to understand and transmit to future generations not just the "know-how" of life, but the "know-why"-the meaning and purpose of our existence, as expressed in art, architecture, religion, and philosophy. This crucial passing down of knowledge has required the radical integration of insights from the past and from other cultures. In Culture, acclaimed author, professor, and public intellectual Martin Puchner takes us on a breakneck tour through pivotal moments in world history, providing a global introduction to the arts and humanities in one engaging volume.From Nefertiti's lost city to the plays of Wole Soyinka; from the theaters of ancient Greece to Chinese travel journals to Arab and Aztec libraries; from a South Asian statuette found at Pompeii to a time capsule left behind on the Moon, Puchner tells the gripping story of human achievement through our collective losses and rediscoveries, power plays and heroic journeys, innovations, imitations, and appropriations. More than a work of history, Culture is an archive of humanity's most monumental junctures and a guidebook for the future of us humans as a creative species. Witty, erudite, and full of wonder, Puchner argues that the humanities are (and always have been) essential to the transmission of knowledge that drives the efforts of human civilization.

  • von William Shakespeare
    19,00 €

    This Norton Critical Edition includes:* The Second Quarto text, edited by Robert S. Miola and accompanied by his footnotes, headnotes, and introductory materials. Eighteen illustrations from 1604 to 2008, three of them new to the Second Edition. The Actors' Gallery, presenting actors-from Sarah Bernhardt and Ellen Terry to Kenneth Branagh and David Tennant, two of them new to the Second Edition-reflecting on their roles in major productions of Hamlet. Seventeen critical interpretations, representing a wide range of historical and scholarly commentary. Afterlives, featuring fifteen reflections on Hamlet-from David Garrick and Mark Twain to Margaret Atwood and Jawad al-Assadi. A Bibliography of print and online resources.About the SeriesRead by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format-annotated text, contexts, and criticism-helps students to better understand, analyze, and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.

  • von Rainer Maria Rilke
    22,00 €

    These letters from the poet and mystic Rainer Maria Rilke to a nineteen-year-old cadet and aspiring poet have inspired millions of readers since they were first published in English in 1934. The first and most popular translator of this work was Mary Dows Herter Norton-a polymath extraordinaire who played a crucial role in elevating Rilke's global reputation.The Norton Centenary Edition commemorates this extraordinary woman, known as "Polly" to friends and colleagues, and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the publishing company she co-founded. With a foreword by Damion Searls and an afterword by Norton's current president, Julia Reidhead, this handsome new edition brings Rilke's enduring wisdom about life, love and art to a new generation.

  • von Emily Monosson
    29,00 €

    Fungi are everywhere. Most are harmless, some are helpful. A few are killers. Collectively, infectious fungi are the most devastating agents of disease on Earth, and a fungus that can persist in the environment without its host is here for the long haul. In gripping, accessible prose, Emily Monosson documents how changing climate, trade and travel are making us all more vulnerable to invasion. Populations of bats, frogs and salamanders face extinction, and scientists don't have a cure. The American Northwest's beloved National Parks are covered with the spindly corpses of white bark pines. Food crops are under siege, threatening our coffee, bananas and wheat-and, more broadly, our global food security. In humans, Candida auris infects hospital patients and those with weakened immune systems. Monosson's critical reporting demonstrates that prevention is difficult but not impossible. Exposing the connection between pathogens and human action, Blight serves as a wake-up call, a reminder of the delicate interconnectedness of the natural world.

  • von Robert McCrum
    22,00 €

  • von Peg Kingman
    28,00 €

  • von Jon Jeter
    22,00 €

  • von George Selcamm
    23,00 €

  • von John Bayley
    39,00 €

  • von George P. Brockway
    29,00 €

  • von Bernard MacLaverty
    22,00 €

  • von William Fiennes
    21,00 €

  • von Craig Sherborne
    22,00 €

  • von Clive James
    21,00 €

  • von Alfred Margulies
    22,00 €

  • von Sebastian Matthews
    23,00 €

  • von Bill James
    21,00 €

  • von Richard Rapport
    22,00 €

  • von Christoph Wolff
    26,00 €

  • von Florence Howe & John Mack Maragher
    22,00 €

  • von Max Lerner
    22,00 €

  • von Jonathan Kwitny & Jonathan Kwinty
    29,00 €

  • von Michael Grant Jaffe
    22,00 €

  • von Jean Moorcroft Wilson
    23,00 €

  • von Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
    27,00 €

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