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  • von William F Brown
    33,00 - 40,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    33,00 - 38,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    34,00 - 39,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    31,00 €

    La traición y el doble juego son la regla en este thriller de espías contra espías. ¡4.4 estrellas en 473 reseñas de US Amazon y Goodreads! Un agente del Mossad muerto, científicos de cohetes nazis, la Hermandad Musulmana, un embajador estadounidense corrupto y dos regimientos de tanques egipcios desaparecidos: alguien está intentando iniciar otra guerra árabe-israelí. Richard Thomson es un agente de la CIA agotado a quien la Agencia dejó en Egipto porque no se les ocurrió un lugar peor para enviarlo. Ya roído por Langley y engañado por la policía de El Cairo, su día no puede empeorar mucho, hasta que alguien deja un cadáver en las escaleras traseras de su hotel con la cabeza cortada como un melón maduro.El cuerpo pertenece a Mahmoud Yussuf, un ladrón gordo y aspirante a espía que vende fotografías de una base de la RAF abandonada hace mucho tiempo. Mientras el mundo se centra en los misiles rusos en Cuba, nadie se da cuenta de que los que se están lanzando en el desierto egipcio apuntan a Israel, nadie, excepto Thomson. Solo y huyendo, nadie cree su historia: ni la CIA, ni el embajador de Estados Unidos, ni mucho menos el capitán Hassan Saleh, jefe de la Oficina de Homicidios de la Policía de El Cairo, que quiere colgar a Thomson por asesinato. Al igual que La noche de los generales, se trata de un asesinato misterioso envuelto dentro de un thriller político internacional. Tick ¿¿Toc, Tick Toc, todo comenzará al mediodía del jueves, a menos que Thompson pueda detenerlos. Este thriller de espías de la Guerra Fría lo transportará a cuando John Kennedy estaba en la Casa Blanca, Nikita Khrushchev gobernaba el Kremlin y Abdel, Gamal Nasser se sentaba precariamente en El Cairo, amenazado por el sector islamista radical de la Hermandad Musulmana.Este trepidante thriller de acción y aventuras es del autor de La guerra de Burke, La apuesta de Burke, La venganza de Burke, El samovar de Burke, El mandarín de Burke, El rescate de Burke y, ahora, El machete de Burke, precedido por El enterrador, Entre mis enemigos, El jueves al mediodía, El ganador pierde todo y Apuntad bien, hermanos míos, así como la serie Nuestra guerra de Vietnam, volúmenes 1-4, con entrevistas y fotos de 240 veteranos estadounidenses y aliados. Juntos, estos libros tienen más de 1.200 Reseñas Kindle de 5 Estrellas. ¡Que los disfrutes!

  • von William F Brown
    31,00 - 36,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 38,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    31,00 - 37,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    31,00 - 37,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    33,00 - 39,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    35,00 - 39,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    37,00 €

    Proiettili, bombe e caos! Bob Burke è tornato per il numero 4! Questa volta si scontra con la mafia russa e con lo "Zar" in persona al Cremlino! 4,6 stelle su 625 recensioni US Amazon! Grande lettura!Quando la mafia russa di Brighton Beach ruba il contratto per il software dell'esercito della sua azienda, fa esplodere l'edificio dei suoi uffici a Chicago e attacca la foresta di Sherwood, è troppo!Dopo gli scontri con i terroristi dell'ISIS, le famiglie mafiose Genovese e Lucchese di New York in un casinò di Atlantic City e una sparatoria con la mafia DiGrigoria di Chicago in un bosco della Forest Preserve, tutto ciò che questo ex cecchino dell'esercito, Ranger e comandante della Delta Force desiderava era tornare alla sua fattoria in North Carolina, rilassarsi e godersi la vita. Ma questo può aspettare. È tempo di smantellare la loro operazione a Brooklyn, di prendere i loro "soldi per il pranzo", di spaccare qualche culo e di fare una visita a domicilio al loro capo nella sua Dacha a Mosca.Con l'aiuto dei Merry Men, di un colonnello dell'esercito russo, di Sasha il russo pazzo, di fucili da cecchino, naturalmente, e di un sacco di esplosivo al plastico, il gioco è iniziato! Come Burke's War, Burke's Gamble, Burke's Revenge, Burke's Samovar, il nuovo Burke's Mandarin e l'imminente Burke's Rescue, l'azione è senza sosta! È arrivato il momento di vendicarsi e di assaporare il gusto della vendetta. Sottodimensionato, sottovalutato e ora dirigente di una compagnia di telecomunicazioni, viene spesso liquidato semplicemente come il "ragazzo dei telefoni", ma come attesteranno i suoi ex sergenti Delta, sia che porti con sé un fucile di precisione Barrett calibro .50, un coltello tattico o semplicemente a mani nude, è una delle macchine per uccidere più letali che il governo degli Stati Uniti abbia mai prodotto. Se siete alla ricerca di un buon libro da spiaggia o di qualcosa con cui accoccolarvi davanti al fuoco, questo thriller cospirativo dal ritmo incalzante è stato scritto dall'autore di Burke's War, Burke's Gamble, Burke's Revenge, Burke's Samovar, Burke's Mandarin, Burke's Rescue e il nuovo Burke's Machete. Potrebbero piacervi anche The Undertaker, Amongst My Enemies, Thursday at Noon, Winner Lose All e Aim True, My Brother. Insieme, questi libri hanno oltre 2.00 recensioni a 5 stelle su US Kindle. Buon divertimento!

  • von William F Brown
    33,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 36,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    30,00 - 37,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 38,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 38,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    31,00 - 38,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    39,00 €

    BURKE'S MACHETE: Book # 7in the exciting Bob Burke action-adventure series.Bob Burke and his Merry Men take on the Mexican Fentanyl Drug Cartels in sunny Mexico, and it ain't for the Tacos and Cerveza!He blew up their headquarters and put their Hefe in jail. Now, they've snatched his wife and they want him. What's next? Pay Back! He's coming to get them. And he's not coming alone. Mild-mannered and slight of build, this telecommunications company executive is often dismissed as the "telephone guy," but that can be a big mistake. After four tours running 'special operations' missions in Iraq and the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, this Army Ranger and Delta Force commander, is one of the most lethal killers the US government has ever produced.

  • von William F Brown
    33,00 €

    BURKE'S MACHETE: Book # 7in the exciting Bob Burke action-adventure series.Bullets, bombs, and mayhem. Bob Burke and his Merry Men take on the Mexican Fentanyl Drug Cartels in sunny Mexico, and it ain't for the Tacos and Cerveza! He blew up their headquarters and put their Hefe in jail. Now, they've snatched his wife and they want him. What's next? Pay Back! He's coming to get them. And he's not coming alone. Mild-mannered and slight of build, this telecommunications company executive is often dismissed as the "telephone guy," but that can be a big mistake. After four tours running 'special operations' missions in Iraq and the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, this Army Ranger and Delta Force commander, is one of the most lethal killers the US government has ever produced.

  • von Wiliam F Brown
    32,00 - 39,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    33,00 - 39,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 34,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 35,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    36,00 €

    Radical Middle East terrorism explodes on American shores.Most of the hundreds of thousands of passengers who pass through Dulles Airport in DC are tourists, government officials, or harried businessmen. Ibrahim Al-Bari is none of those. He is a killer on a blood hunt, and his target is the President of the United States.With years of combat experience in the rocky deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, Mohammed Al-Bari has battled the best Special Ops troops America has to offer. But when his two brothers die in a bloody assault on a civilian bus in Israel, he takes his private war to the heart of America itself.Smart, skilled, and determined, he is a rogue lone-wolf ¿ the FBI and Secret Service's worst nightmare. When he strikes, he will unleash a firestorm that will decapitate the US government and kill dozens of international leaders on national television.The only thing that stands in his way is an ad hoc group of counter-terror specialists: Eddie Barnett, a maverick FBI agent who has never met a rule he can't break; Moustapha Khalidi, the dapper Chief of Security at the Egyptian Embassy; and Rachel Ullman, a hard-edged, Israeli Mossad agent who is fighting demons of her own.From the White House to Newark New Jersey, from Beirut to Tel-Aviv, and to the grassy fields of an old Colonial Battlefield in Virginia, can their dysfunctional alliance hold together long enough to stop Al-Bari before they kill each other.Knowing the 'who' Al-Bari is after is not enough. To stop him, they need to figure out the where, and most importantly, the how he will strike. The pace is fast, the action nonstop, and the clock is ticking.

  • von William F Brown
    35,00 €

    Nothing covers up a big secret faster than a fresh grave. Someone with a scalpel and embalming table is planting bodies under other people's names.Pete Talbott, a harried Boston computer wonk, is still grieving over the death of his wife, when he finds himself at the wrong end of Gino Parini's .45 reading his own obituary torn from the morning newspaper. Talbott figures it's all a big mistake, until Parini shows him his wife's obituary too; and that's a mystery that Pete Talbott can't leave well-enough alone.Sandy Kasmarek is a kick-ass art gallery attendant on Chicago's stylish North Michigan Avenue, and her late and un-lamented husband is also featured in another of the bogus obituaries.With a photographer's sharp eye and the quick feet of a black belt, she and Pete are soon embroiled in government corruption, organized crime, and an FBI undercover shell game.From a funeral home in Indiana, to car chases on the Dan Ryan Expressway, a bloody townhouse in Boston's Back Bay, snipers in New York's Washington Square, the cramped lower bunk on an AMTRAK train, they find themselves knee-deep in sleazy lawyers, corrupt County sheriffs, the FBI, and Mafia hit men. And if Pete and Sandy can't stop him, they know they will be next on the Undertaker's list.Looking for a good beach book or something to curl up with in front of the fire, this fast-moving conspiracy thriller is from the author of Burke's War, Burke's Gamble, Burke's Revenge, Burke's Samovar, Burke's Mandarin, Burke's Rescue, and the forthcoming Burke's Rescue, The Undertaker, Amongst My Enemies, Thursday at Noon, Winner Lose All, and Aim True, My Brothers, as well as the Our Vietnam War series, Volumes 1-4, with interviews and photos from 240 American and allied Veterans. Together, these books have over 1,00 Kindle 5-Star Reviews. Enjoy!

  • von William F Brown
    32,00 - 38,00 €

  • von William F Brown
    39,00 €

    Bullets, Bombs, and Mayhem! Bob Burke is back for # 4! This time he's tusslin' with the Russian Mob and 'The Czar' himself in the Kremlin! With 4.7 Stars on 498 Amazon Reviews!When the Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach steals his company's Army software contract, blows up his office building in Chicago, and attacks Sherwood Forest, enough is enough! After dustups with ISIS terrorists, the New York Genovese and Lucchese Mafia families in an Atlantic City casino, and a shootout with the Chicago DiGrigoria mob in a Forest Preserve woods, all this former Army sniper, Ranger, and Delta Force commander wanted was to go back to his North Carolina farm, kick back, and enjoy life. But that can wait. Time to take break up their operation in Brooklyn, take their 'lunch money,' kick some butt, and make a house call on their boss in his Dacha back in Moscow.With the help of the Merry Men, a Russian Army Colonel, Sasha the Mad Russian, sniper rifles, of course, and plenty of plastic explosive, it is Game On! Like Burke's War, Burke's Gamble, Burke's Revenge, Burke's Samovar, the new Burke's Mandarin, and the upcoming Burke's Rescue, the action is nonstop! It's time for some serious payback and a taste of revenge. Undersized, underestimated, and now a telecommunications company executive, he is often dismissed as simply the "phone guy," but as his former Delta sergeants will attest, whether he's carrying a .50-caliber Barrett sniper rifle, a tactical knife, or just his bare hands, he is one of the most lethal killing machines the US Government ever produced.

  • von Om Wolf
    123,00 €

  • - as told by 100 veterans who served
    von William F Brown
    36,00 €

    Want to know what Vietnam was really like? Real stories told by real people, in their own words, 100 veterans, men and women, caught up in an all too real war. From the Delta to the DMZ, come walk in their boots. If you were there, you understand. If you weren't, grab a copy and you will, because they're like Doritos. Try a few and you won't be able to stop. 252 photographs and 4.7 Stars on over 300 customer reviews.The Vietnam War dominated my generation and affected so many lives in so many different ways. Some of us were drafted. Some enlisted. Some became war heroes, intentional or not, but most of us were just trying to survive. As we all knew, Vietnam was all about luck, good or bad. And there were hundreds of different wars depending on where you were, the year you were there, your service, branch, unit, rank, job, and race. Whether we were truck drivers, helicopter pilots, infantryman, clerk typists, medics, engineers, MPs, sailors out on Yankee station, artillerymen, or cooks, from 1956 to 1976 from the Delta to the DMZ, these stories tell who we were, the jobs we did, our memories of that time and place, how it changed us, and what we did after we came home.Some of us were drafted. Some enlisted. Some became war heroes, intentional or not, but most of us were just trying to survive. As we all knew, Vietnam was all about luck, good or bad. And there were hundreds of different wars depending on where you were, the year you were there, your service, branch, unit, rank, job, and race. Whether we were truck drivers, helicopter pilots, infantryman, clerk typists, medics, engineers, MPs, sailors out on Yankee station, artillerymen, or cooks, from 1956 to 1976 from the Delta to the DMZ, these stories tell who we were, the jobs we did, our memories of that time and place, how it changed us, and what we did after we came home.Unfortunately, what little our kids and grandkids know of the war comes from books that only focus on one soldier, one unit, and one year, or movies like Oliver Stone's Platoon and Hamburger Hill, leaving people to think that all we did was crawl through the jungle on the Cambodian border smoking dope. But that wasn't how most of us spent our year. Hopefully, these books will help correct that narrative.William F Brown is the author of nine action adventure and suspense novels on Kindle, including the highly successful Bob Burke series, and Our Vietnam Wars, Volumes 1 thru 4, personal stories of the veterans who served there. His ministry and suspense novels include 'The Undertaker,' 'Amongst My Enemies,' 'Thursday at Noon,' 'Aim True, My Brothers,' 'Winner Lose All,' and 'The Cold War Trilogy,' as well as Burke's War, Burke's Gamble, Burke's Samovar, Burke's Revenge, and Burke's Mandarin. You can them out on my web site and enjoy!

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