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Bücher veröffentlicht von White Crow Books

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  • - The Anthology
    von Elsa Barker
    27,00 €

  • von Peter Russell & Alistair Shearer
    23,00 €

  • - Is There Life Before Birth? 750 Cases of Hypnosis
    von Helen Wambach
    23,00 €

  • - One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened?
    von Dr Melvyn J Willin
    23,00 €

    Do not buy this book if you want to read a biased account of the famous Enfield Poltergeist Case from 1977 through to 1978. There are many other choices you could make which will either try to convince you of the genuineness of the phenomena produced or its fraudulent origins according to the interpretation of the authors concerned. I do not mind whether you have a wide-open mind or a totally shut one, since I shall not be trying to convince you one way or the other.Do buy this book if you want to know what really happened! I have listened and transcribed all of the several hundred audio tapes that were made by Maurice Grosse and Guy Playfair during their investigation of the alleged poltergeist case that took place in Enfield some 40 years ago and I shall present, in chronological order, what occurred. It will then be your decision as to whether you believe the phenomena came from spirit entities; psychic forces; mistaken interpretations; hallucinations; naughty children or any other source you might wish to present. I shall strive very hard not to be influenced by what I have read, however intelligent it might be, and instead rely on my ears to describe what was happening via the tapes.I shall leave out the many hours of general conversation that took place between the parties concerned since I do not believe that the reader will be particularly interested in the weather; special offers in the local supermarket; or what happened in Coronation Street … except, of course, when any of these discussions may have been pertinent to the phenomena. I shall include some of the more humorous occurrences since the events occasionally demanded this. Perhaps some light relief from the sometimes all-pervading chaos. Because of their age some of the audio tapes were corrupted beyond recognition and at other times the sound quality was poor. I have therefore had to listen very carefully to unravel the indistinct voices especially when people were often talking at the same time or were not specifically identified by name. There is substantial screaming at times which was difficult to distinguish between the children concerned, so I may have attributed the wrong name to a 'screamer' at times…sorry, but I've tried to get it right! The language used is extremely crude, abusive and explicit at times, so the reader should be aware that parts of the book should be 'X' rated, as films used to be in bygone days.If all this hasn't put you off then read on and prepare to possibly find out what happened in Enfield from 31, August 1977 onwards.

  • - The Mediumship of the Bangs Sisters
    von N Riley Heagerty
    42,00 €

  • von Lord Dowding
    20,00 €

    In this book Lord Dowding, whose name will be remembered in connection with the Battle Of Britain, puts forward a strong case for life after death.The author presents the subject attractively in a vigorous and fluent style- there are no dreary chapters of analysis, full of meaningless phraseology-the book is written in a clear and concise manner, which can be comprehended and will convince all who read it.Dowding is no sentimentalist; he examines his facts soberly and critically from all angles; his plea for a better understanding of spiritualism will be greeted with enthusiasm by spiritualists all over the world and is bound to be regarded as a valuable asset to the spiritualistic cause. No one can question the deep sincerity with which this work has been carried out. Having in mind the many instances of survival after death on the battlefield recorded through various channels, Lord Dowding has satisfied himself that these records should be made known to the public as widely as possible, believing that they carry with them the hall-mark of truth.In the record of Lord Dowding's career lies the assurance that he is a practical man not likely to be led astray by specious theories, or to harbour delusions when confronted by hard facts.

  • von N Riley Heagerty
    22,00 €

    In his tenth work, researcher N. Riley Heagerty delves into the life of Etta Wriedt, one of the great American Direct Voice mediums of the "Heyday of Spiritualism" during the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. In Wriedt's presence, voices of deceased communicators manifested in the room that didn't emanate from her or the sitters. They communicated in numerous languages (sometimes at the same time), including Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindustani, and Italian, whereas Wriedt only spoke English, or what one investigator called "Yankee."Scientists and investigators such as Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Barrett, William T. Stead and Vice-Admiral Osborne Moore all witnessed the phenomena on multiple occasions, as did other luminaries of the day who went to great efforts to rule out trickery and sleight of hand before becoming convinced of her abilities. "The stories of life within this incalculably valuable book can only strengthen the realization that our loved ones are never very far away, but closer than we could ever imagine." ~ August, Goforth, author, The Risen: Dialogues of Love, Grief, & Survival Beyond Death."Once again N. Riley Heagerty has gifted the world with breath-taking research. The evidence contained in this book will remove any last lingering doubts you may have about the glorious reunions with our loved ones that await us." ~ Victor and Wendy Zammit, authors, A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife.

  • von Amber Poole
    24,00 €

    We are all connected in the tapestry of human compassion. Fifty-two days ago, we were complete strangers. Today, we live side by side. We eat together, sleep in the same building together, we cook in the kitchen together, we walk outside together, we grieve together.On February 24, 2022, war broke out in Ukraine when Russia invaded the country.It started with a barrage of bombing of major Ukrainian cities.Troops were mobilized on both sides and the shooting began.Refugees began to stream into Poland, mostly women and children. Ukrainian men of military age were forbidden to leave the country. Very soon our friends began to call usasking whether we could take in some families they knew about.We said, "Yes," and waited.Forty people arrived.What happened next would be life changing for all of us.This is our story.

  • von William James
    29,00 €

    "If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white." William James (1842-1910) was a leading figure in Western psychology, philosophy, and psychical research. While there is an inextricable relationship between the various strands of James's work, his psychical research has been unfairly neglected in favor of classics such as The Principles of Psychology and The Varieties of Religious Experience. Read in light of one another, however, James's "mainstream" writings can be seen as efforts to make philosophical, metaphysical, and psychological sense of his psychical research. Mind Dust and White Crows bridges the illusory divide, placing James's widely accepted works on mystical experience, theories of the soul, immortality, and metaphysics alongside his key writings on mediumship, telepathy, possession and other areas of psychical research. The result is a more integrated picture of James's spiritually-minded writings, transcending the disciplinary stigmas so often imposed on them. Interestingly, some of James's ideas seem to align with current interpretations of the soul and extended consciousness as derived from quantum physics. This volume includes many rare articles, including material that has not been previously published in book form. Andreas Sommer's introduction - written especially for this volume - highlights the importance of James's work to the history and development of psychical research.

  • von Stafford Betty
    23,00 €

    GUARDIANS OF THE AFTERWORLD tells the story of Numen and Sephia, two powerful spirits who accept the responsibility of managing Earth's afterworld, the "Astral," where the dead go. This is not a religious book. Their adventures grow out of a secular research background that points to survival of death as a natural and near certain fact. One's character, not beliefs, is the only yardstick determining one's destiny, a destiny not written in stone, but open to change as one navigates the new environment. Numen and Sephia, from different planets in the Milky Way galaxy, learn to overcome their mutual strangeness and work effectively to improve conditions for the Earth's 9 billion astral citizens, all with histories on the planet that range from the saintly to the demonic and the wealthy to the destitute. These histories impact the Astral environment in many ways. War breeds violent death and overwhelms the receiving stations. Exclusivist religions have to be abolished. Brutes and terrorists must be quarantined, then rehabilitated if possible. Orphaned children cut off by death need to be loved and educated. Suicides must be nursed back to health. Spirits roaming the Earth and sewing confusion everywhere must be stopped. Aliens threatening invasion must be reasoned with. Music and the arts must be regulated to some degree. The power of Gaia, the soul of the Earth, needs to be harnessed for good and away from destruction. Earth's wild animals, harvested for sex and fashion, must be preserved. Earth's terrible poverty, killing babies by the millions and overwhelming afterworld resources, can't be allowed to go unchecked. Individual grievances must be heard and adjudicated. These problems and a thousand others confront the Guardians. Their powers are limited, but they were hero and heroine on their planets, and they have now accepted a more challenging role as servants to a planet not their own. A final challenge was learning how to love each other, their personalities as different as ice from ember.

  • von Phyllis V. Schlemmer
    33,00 €

    Since its spectacular launch in 1993, The Only Planet of Choice has been widely acknowledged as one of the most significant books in the genre for our time. Many of those thousands who have already read it have spoken of the profound effect it has had upon them. This book represents the outcome of twenty years of work by a distinguished international research group whose members have been communicating through psychic transceiver, Phyllis Schlemmer, with an enlightened circle of universal beings known as the Council of Nine. Its underlying theme is free will and the power of the inhabitants of Planet Earth to create a better, more harmonious world. Among the many themes covered in detail are the existence of ET civilisations and their interactions with Earth, the nature of the Source of the Universe, the ancient history of humanity, Jesus the Nazarene, environmental issues and humankind's as-yet-unrealised potential for self-awareness. But, above all, for those who are prepared to listen and heed its message, it offers a positive outcome for the future. New readers will welcome the opportunity to explore this riveting book for the first time: Existing readers will want to discover the wise new truths it contains.

  • von Andrija Puharich
    25,00 €

    Uri: A journal of the mystery of Uri Geller is a rollercoaster ride involving paranormal activity, extraterrestrials, the conflict between Israel and its neighbors, the nature of reality, and the future of our planet. The story begins in late 1970 when American physician and scientist Andrija Puharich, read a report written by an Israeli army officer about a young man in Israel named Uri Geller. The report described Geller's telepathic powers and his ability to make clock hands move without touching the clock. Puharich was already interested in PSI phenomena and had conducted experiments in Brazil with the "psychic surgeon" Arigo until his death in a car crash in 1971. This journal documents Puharich and Geller's alleged contact with non-earthly beings who claimed to be from a civilization named "Hoova." It wasn't Puharich's first contact with non-human entities. In the 1950s he had spent time at the home of medium Eileen Garrett, which was frequented by other like-minded people such as writer Aldous Huxley. There he met Dr Vinod, a trance medium who was channeling a group known as The Nine - this group claimed to be the very same entities that were now communicating through Uri. Puharich later took Uri to the Stanford Research Institute in the USA where his ESP abilities were tested by scientists with positive results. Those experiments were the advent of a psychic experimentation program funded by the CIA and other US defense agencies.

  • von Stuart Holroyd
    28,00 €

    The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space (originally titled Briefing For a Landing on Planet Earth) tells the story of a group of inter-dimensional beings called "The Nine" who are trying to save us from ourselves, and in turn save the planet from being destroyed. The protagonists are Andrija Puharich, a scientist, Phyllis Schlemmer, a medium, and Sir John Whitmore, who are the receivers of the Nine's wisdom and instruction. During the 1970s, other notable individuals including Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek and Lyle Watson, author of Supernature were involved with the group. The premise of the story is that Earth is on the brink of catastrophe, and before that happens, other civilizations may well come to help. However, despite the anticipation, no landing of extraterrestrial beings has occurred yet, which led to accusations that the story was a CIA plot or a hoax orchestrated by spirit entities, Colin Wilson, who wrote the foreword, described as "crooks and conmen of the Spirit World." Certainly, as with any drama there's an antagonist, which in this case are known as The Opposition, who are negative forces outside this dimension capable of influencing us all if we allow that to happen. The book explores the possibility of aliens landing on Earth and the idea that ancient aliens may have visited our planet in the past, inspiring legends. This spiritual, religious, and new age geopolitical tale includes seemingly outlandish accounts of extraterrestrial civilizations such as Hoova from which the "chosen" descendants of Abraham originate, while Israel we are told is a microcosm of our planet. Whether considered fact or science fiction, "The Nine" presents an intriguing narrative, challenging readers to ponder on whether selected human minds are being used to avert and cause disasters, and the role of extraterrestrial intelligences in our evolution.

  • von Cynthia Pettiward
    20,00 €

    Accepting, as I must, that not only do we survive bodily death, but that we cannot escape survival, I find plentiful evidence that the nature of the afterlife varies in quality as much as does earthly life. The saints of this world appear to find satisfaction and creative work on the next plane, and that almost immediately after death. Those who have led destructive lives have made a hell for themselves, and to that hell they are condemned. But outside the spectrum that ranges from the happy to the unhappy dead - there is another class - the earthbound. - Cynthia PettiwardIn The Case for Possession Cynthia Pettiward suggests that depressed and psychotic states, both of mind and body, could sometimes be induced by agencies outside the psychological personality-structure. She believes that there are grounds for assuming that this hypothesis is worth studying. Her belief arises not only from the case-histories she has investigated but from personal experience and observation. Pettiward leaves aside the question of demonic possession, although she does not reject it; instead, she summarises some of the evidence pointing to possession by discarnate human entities - the 'earthbound' dead. In order to posit this thesis it is inevitable that belief in survival of bodily death be accepted, and Pettiward is as much concerned to bring forward the evidence for survival as to study the case for possession.

  • von Robert A. Charman
    23,00 €

    Following Robert A. Charman's previous book Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and Precognition, The Psi Mind in Action explores the extraordinary powers of the human mind in interacting with the physical world in the form of hands-on and distant healing, psychokinesis, poltergeist activity, clairvoyant map dowsing and more. In replicated experiments on mice with normally fatal cancer tumours, the mice that were given healing fully recovered and lived a healthy life whereas those in the control groups died within the expected 14-27 days. Healing has also been shown to inhibit the growth of human cancer cells, accelerate tissue healing, and relieve pain and distress. Multiple EEG studies have found that the brainwaves of patients come into close synchrony with those of the healer during a healing session. Over 50 sociological studies have found that periods of group Transcendental Meditation (TM) have correlated with a reduction in local crime rates and increased feelings of well-being in the community, despite the community being unaware of the meditation activity. Acoustic analysis of wall-rapping sounds made by a 'poltergeist' linked to the mental activity of a young woman were found to have different waveforms from normal physical rapping on the same surface. In another case, the collective mental energy of a group of people trying to create their own ghost instead caused a heavy table to rap answers to questions, move, levitate and even climb stairs. This psychokinetic phenomenon was captured on film and shown on Toronto TV. Other phenomena discussed in this book includes reports of out-of-body observations 'seen' by people whilst unconscious and later independently verified; experiences of the disappearance and reappearance of small personal objects suggestive of a puzzling break in the mind/matter relationship; and a case of a stolen harp found by map dowsing from 1800 miles away. All of these phenomena indicate we need a new understanding of the nature of the mind and its interaction with the physical world. We are not passive observers of the outside world, but are capable of mentally influencing it and changing outcomes. As yet, we have no idea how.

  • von Anabela Cardoso
    27,00 €

    Friedel's Conversations with the Dead is the story of the Swedish painter and opera singer Friedrich Jürgenson, who pioneered the discovery of Electronic Voice Phenomena, in which deceased people appear to be able to make contact with the physical world utilising electronic devices such as radios, tape recorders, computers and televisions.Born in Odessa in 1903 during the first Russian revolution, Friedel, as he was affectionally known, witnessed the carnage and dead bodies piled up in the streets at a young age. When he was six years old his father took him to a slaughterhouse, and when he heard the screams of animals being killed, he said there and then, "It is not right for man to eat dead animals." That was a defining event in his life and he became a lifelong vegetarian. His childhood experiences were a stark vision of the fragility of human existence and the cruelty imposed on animals, and a reminder to him that death is never far away. Maybe it was a preparation for the day in 1959, when he heard his mother's voice on the tape recorder that he used for recording birdsong in the forest. That was unusual because the tape recorder and tape were new, whereas she had been dead for five years!This book documents his encounters with scientists such as Hans Bender, the renowned German psychologist, who after experimenting with the voices concluded, that they couldn't be explained by normal means and were "probably paranormal." TV personalities sought out Friedel, curious and in many cases sceptical about the voices and his claims, and he was the star of Sweden's version of the TV show "Here is Your Life", and the subject of a film and documentaries in Europe, and he produced and directed his own documentaries.He became a regular guest at the Vatican and directed excavations in Pompeii. He painted portraits of two pope's, Pius XII and Pope Paul VI, which still hang there today. Pope Paul VI later agreed that the voices, were not of earthly origin (or demonic) and were indeed the voices from the dead. Friedrich Jürgenson embodied the spirit of a renaissance man and his story is one of the more fascinating adventures of the twentieth century.

  • von Henry Summerfield
    28,00 €

    This is the first full length, annotated and referenced biography of George William Russell, better known by his pen-name - A E. 'That myriad minded man' as Archbishop Gregg called him, was a mystic, visionary, poet, artist, pacifist and patriot - aspects balanced by (as with most true mystics) his practical views as an economist and journalist.He was an ardent supporter and organiser of Sir Horace Plunkett's Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, travelling through every county in Ireland talking to the farmers about the advantages of cooperatives. Russell was editor of The Irish Homestead, and its successor, The Irish Statesman. In 1932 as a result of his vast experience in the field, he was invited by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to come to America to advise them on cooperation, an invitation he accepted. For years he has been overshadowed by greater contemporaries particularly his friend and 'enemy', W. B. Yeats, with whom he agreed to differ on occult matters, for A.E., remained strongly influenced by Theosophical teachings, while Yeats did not. A.E., was the greatest visionary of his time and we are fortunate that as he was an artist, (whose pictures are becoming increasingly valued), `and we have the visual records of the wonderful beings that he 'saw'. Few in history have led such a many-sided life as he - a 'complete' man, a great man, who has been unjustly neglected since his death in 1935.

  • von George W Russell
    44,00 €

    Although George William Russell aka A.E., was a poet, painter newspaper editor and political writer, working for three decades in the Irish cooperative movement, he is probably most well known today as a mystic. His writings on the subject resulting from his Hindu and Theosophical studies and his own visionary abilities, are of major importance to all who are interested in the unseen world. This volume contains all A.E.'s known writings on the subject. Not only are the texts of The Candle of Vision, Song and Its Fountains, The Avatars, The Interpreters and Imaginations and Reveries reprinted here, but so also are all his contributions to The Irish Theosophist and other esoteric journals, his introductions and reviews of books, and the interview in Evans Wentz's The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries. Also included is "The Return," a hitherto unpublished short work that may well have been the start of a book he felt unable to complete, together with an introductory note by Monk Gibbon.This volume, a Collected Edition of A.E,'s works, has an extensive introduction and copious notes by Raghavan lyer and Nandini Iyer which greatly increases the value of this book to the enquiring reader.

  • von Zofia Weaver
    23,00 €

    During 1994-95, three men disappeared while on a business trip to Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) in Russia. After the authorities failed to locate the men, their families asked a Polish psychic for help. Using a photograph of one of the men the psychic sensed that the man was dead - as were his companions - their throats had been cut and they had been decapitated. He saw three headless bodies in a forest at a specific location. A few days later Russian police revealed that the bodies had been found as the psychic had described.Clairvoyance research has over decades produced a significant body of evidence of the mind's ability to gather information not accessible to the physical senses. In the materialist philosophical worldview, mind-to-mind communication is impossible, therefore these accounts don't happen because they can't happen - nevertheless they continue to occur time and time again all over the world. In the current creative scientific turmoil perhaps it is time to consider the possibility of a model in which clairvoyance, instead of being an anomaly, is a fundamental feature of the universe. Scientific "theories of everything" are now emerging that can accommodate anomalous phenomena such as clairvoyance. This is the central theme of The Mind at Large which presents a unique dossier documenting one clairvoyant's contribution to detective work in Poland. Compiled over more than 20 years by the Polish clairvoyant Krzysztof Jackowski, this dossier was verified by a young Polish police sergeant Krzysztof Janoszka, who wrote a diploma thesis on the use of psychics in police work in order to draw attention to the phenomena demonstrated by Jackowski. Janoszka is the co-author of this book. What makes this dossier particularly interesting is the clairvoyant's claim that it is the dead who provide him with the information about their fate. Such a claim does not sit easily within his own culture, but his evidence makes an important contribution to research into mediumship and the age-old question of survival that has been researched for more than a century in the English-speaking world.

  • von Simon Parke
    23,00 €

  • von H. Dennis Bradley
    31,00 €

  • von D. Scott Rogo
    28,00 €

  • von D. Scott Rogo
    27,00 €

  • von Andrew Glazewski
    22,00 €

  • von Stafford Betty
    20,98 €

    Following his death Aiden Lovejoy finds himself in a strange but wonderful world-a vital, busy, challenging environment with great joy beckoning. There is much work to be done, however, and the progress that "the dead" are invited to make can stretch over eons. Aiden, a family therapist in earth life, picks up where he left off. Alongside the beauty that surrounds him are hellish zones where disfigured characters choose to live, and their suffering calls out to him. But he has troubles of his own, and souls from higher worlds inspire him to reach higher. For some readers this fast-paced, soul-searching novel will help make sense of the present crisis surrounding us.Professor Stafford Betty, author of The Afterlife Unveiled and other similar works, writes: "The laws of this world, its differences from the afterlife scenarios of the world's religions, and its rationality and 'amazingness' stand out. All that happens to the novel's characters is supported in a general way by evidence. The details are of course fanciful, but the world in which surviving souls are embedded owes far more to research than to unaided imagination. Something like this is the world I think we will all enter, whether Christian or Buddhist or atheist or whatever, when we die. As I see it, we are all pilgrims on an infinite march."

  • von Brian Inglis
    30,00 €

    Science and Parascience is a history of psychical research between1914 and 1939. It's a sequel to Natural and Supernatural: A History of the Paranormal from the Earliest Times to 1914. This book explores the phenomena of mediumship, spontaneous cases and experimental investigations during WWI and the post-war period, in the UK, USA and European continent.Along with eminent physicist Sir Oliver Lodge, who researched the subject extensively during the early twentieth century, Inglis concludes that the evidence is overwhelming stating: "I accept the evidence for the paranormal on precisely the same basis as I accept the evidence for, say, meteorites, or lightning, both of which were once in the supernatural category, but were taken out of it because the quantity of the evidence for them, and the quality of the sources, made continued scepticism impossible."The Postscript chapter deals with its lack of acceptance, and in summing up, Inglis writes: "Psychical research had taken a wrong turning, in seeking academic recognition, if it meant losing contact with the public; an understandable but disastrous error of strategy which vitiated much of the valuable research undertaken between the wars, and unfairly destroyed the reputations of some of the most dedicated researchers. If I have done nothing else, I hope I have done something to rehabilitate them, at least in the eyes of their successors".

  • von Gregory Shushan
    24,00 €

  • - Memories of Family Life with a Psychiatrist
    von Elizabeth Fenwick
    25,00 €

  • von Darren W Ritson
    25,00 €

  • - An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead
    von Konstantin Raudive
    29,00 €

    In 2021, the 50th anniversary of the first publication of Breakthrough, "What happens after physical death?" is still the big question concerning the nature of existence.In his groundbreaking work, psychologist Konstantin Raudive experimented using a communication method known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), whereby deceased communicators appear to send messages and images via computers, radios, televisions and other electronic devices.In 1959 Swedish artist and filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson was making a tape recording and during playback he discovered what sounded like a human voice on the tape. He put it down to faulty equipment but when he searched other tapes, he found more voices, which seemed to be messages from his dead mother. Jurgenson recounted the experience in a book titled Voices from Space. The book impressed Raudive and subsequently he and Jurgenson collaborated for a time and encountered more voices. Later, Raudive undertook his own research amassing a collection of thousands of voice recordings and in 1968 his work was published in German under the title, Unhörbares Wird Hörbar (The Inaudible Becomes Audible).In 1969 after being approached at the Frankfurt Book Fair, British publisher Colin Smythe asked his colleague Peter Bander to assess Raudive's book with a view to publishing it in English, and, unbeknown to Bander, did his own experiments with positive results.Since that time Jurgenson and Raudive's experiments have been replicated thousands of times by researchers and enthusiasts all over the world and Breakthrough remains a classic in the genre.The communicators overriding message? "We are not dead!"

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