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Bücher veröffentlicht von Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH

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  • - Fur Entdecker, Gesundheitsbewusste und Geniesser
    von Georg (Clausthal University Schwedt
    32,90 €

    Chemie ist überall, man muss nur danach suchen! Mit erstaunlich einfachen Experimenten lassen sich viele faszinierende Beobachtungen über die chemische Zusammensetzung unserer Welt machen. Die Untersuchungsobjekte liegen buchstäblich auf der Straße. Von der Münze in der Hosentasche bis zur Blume am Wegesrand, vom Mineralwasser im Glas bis zum Duschgel im Badezimmer, von der Büroklammer in der Schublade bis zur eigenen Schuhsohle - alles kann und darf auf seine chemischen Bestandteile hin untersucht werden. Die beschriebenen Musterexperimente lassen dabei viel Raum für eigene Versuche und Entdeckungen. Ganz nebenbei erfährt der Leser auch noch allerlei Wissenswertes über die Herkunft und Herstellung zahlreicher Waren und Produkte, mit denen wir tagtäglich zu tun haben.Für die beschriebenen mehr als 150 Versuche und Versuchsreihen ist nur eine minimale Startausrüstung erforderlich, die in jedem mittelgroßen Chemiekasten enthalten ist. Die weiteren Reagenzien und Indikatoren werden nach den im Buch enthaltenen Vorschriften selbst hergestellt. Ein echtes Mitmach-Buch und eine Fundgrube für alle, die gerne experimentieren.

  • von Jens Freudenberger
    69,90 €

    Aktuelles Lehrbuch zur Materialkunde der Nichteisenmetalle - kompakt, übersichtlich, verständlichDie Werkstoffklasse der Nichteisenmetalle ist groß: man teilt sie ein in Leicht-, Bunt-, Alkali- und Erdalkalimetalle, hochschmelzende und Refraktärmetalle sowie Metalle der Platingruppe und Edelmetalle. Diese Vielfalt der (teilweise überlappenden) Klassifizierungen entspricht den unzähligen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Nichteisenmetalle, die im Blick auf die technische und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung den eisenbasierten Werkstoff en in nichts nachstehen. Daher spielen die Nichteisenmetalle auch in der Hochschullehre für Studierende der Material- und Werkstoffwissenschaften und des Maschinenbaus eine immer größere Rolle.Materialkunde der Nichteisenmetalle und -legierungen gibt eine Einführung in die Materialphysik der Nichteisenmetalle und ihrer Legierungen mit dem Fokus auf Darstellung, Konstitution, Gefüge, mechanische und physikalische Eigenschaften, die den Einsatz in der Anwendung bestimmen. Kompakt und klar strukturiert erlangen die Leserinnen und Leser einen Überblick über die Leistungsfähigkeit der Nichteisenmetalle und deren Grenzen und erwerben die Kompetenz, die Einsatzmöglichkeiten anhand der jeweiligen Eigenschaften zu bewerten.* Klar strukturiert: in einheitlich aufgebauten Kapiteln werden die wichtigsten Nichteisenmetalle und ihre Legierungen dargestellt, stets im Zusammenhang mit ihren Anwendungen * Top Team: die Autoren verfügen über langjährige Lehrerfahrung und gehören zu den bekanntesten Werkstoffwissenschaftlern DeutschlandsMaterialkunde der Nichteisenmetalle und -legierungen richtet sich an Bachelor- und Master-Studenten der Materialwissenschaften, Master-Studenten der Physik und Chemie, Ingenieurstudenten, sowie an Materialwissenschaftler und Metallurgen.

  • - und Ingenieurwissenschaften: mit Beispielen in R und SAS
    von Christhard (Stuttgart Schmid
    99,00 €

    Dieses Praktikerbuch ist zum einen eine anwendungsnahe Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik. Zum anderen erklärt es die statistische Versuchsplanung, die für die Planung und saubere Auswertung von Versuchsreihen von entscheidender Wichtigkeit ist. Herleitungen und Beweise werden dabei ausführlich erläutert, ohne sich in mathematischen Details zu verlieren. In mehr als 160 Beispielen illustriert das Buch die Umsetzung alltagssprachlich formulierter Probleme in wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische bzw. statistische Modelle - und deren Implementierung in R und SAS.

  • - Fundamentals, Equipment, and Strategies
    von Harald Anlauf
    116,00 €

    Guides readers through the entire process of liquid filtrations, from a basic understanding and lab scale testing to advanced process applications and up-scaling of processesWet Cake Filtration is a key method in solid-liquid separation and plays an important role in many industrial processes from the separation of solid products from a liquid, to removing contaminants in wastewater treatment. Furthermore, separation processes are rarely isolated and the integration as well as necessary pre-treatments in the process chain must be carefully considered and implemented. Supported by more than 40 years of research, development, and teaching, this book provides a comprehensive treatment of all relevant aspects in wet cake filtration as a key method in solid-liquid-separation. The first part of Wet Cake Filtration: Fundamentals, Equipment, Strategies discusses general principles and applications of wet cake filtration, determination of proper feed streams, and filter cake formation. The next chapters deal with variations of pre-treatment and process conditions, including necessary aspects of lab scale tests, up-scaling, and filter design. This is further strengthened with chapters examining particle purification, yield maximization, and cake deliquoring. Lastly, the filter media is discussed as the central piece of wet cake filtration. Beside the different possibilities of available filter media structures and process relevant aspects of filter media selection, the reliable characterization of pore sizes by porometry and innovative additional functionalities are introduced.-Provides information on wet cake filtration?the necessary pre-treatments and process considerations?to guide the reader to develop or improve their own processes-Offers the necessary tools that allow the engineer to transform a lab scale test into a scaled-up process-Presents cake filtration process-related topics like slurry characterization or slurry pretreatment, and special developments such as hyperbaric filtration or steam pressure filtration-Discusses promising new processes like gasless cake desaturation and shrinkage crack free cake desaturationWet Cake Filtration is a must-have resource for every engineer working with wet cake filtration, including water chemists, catalytic chemists, food chemists, chemical engineers, biotechnologists, and process engineers.

  • von Michael Felleisen
    19,99 €

  • von Hans-Jurgen Steffens
    27,99 €

    Ist der Mathematik-Schein auch für Sie die größte Hürde im Studium? Dabei brauchen Sie als Informatiker solide mathematische Grundkenntnisse, um Algorithmen zu verstehen und mit Anwendern aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik auf Augenhöhe zu kommunizieren. Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen auf verständliche Weise und immer mit Querbezügen zur Informatik die mathematischen Grundlagen, die alle Informatiker benötigen: Aussagenlogik, Rekursion, Induktion, Relationen, Analysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Statistik und lineare Algebra. Keine Sorge: Es werden lediglich Schulkenntnisse in Mathematik vorausgesetzt.

  • von Petra Winkler
    19,99 €

    Sie haben ein Unternehmen gegründet und möchten sich selbst vermarkten? Sie möchten nicht einfach nur ein Produkt anbieten, sondern Erlebnisse ermöglichen und Welten öffnen? Dann ist es Zeit für Storytelling. Sie haben nicht viel Zeit und nur ein kleines Budget zur Verfügung? Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit wenig Aufwand Ihre ganz persönliche Geschichte entwickeln und welches Format und welche Plattform für Sie richtig sind. Lassen Sie sich von den zahlreichen praxistauglichen Beispielen in diesem Buch inspirieren und bauen Sie einen ganzen Geschichten-Fundus auf. Für Ihre Bedürfnisse und die Ihrer Kunden.

  • von Johanna Janiszewski
    24,99 €

    Mit Unity können Sie Computerspiele entwickeln wie die Profis! Egal, ob Sie lieber Ihr Raumschiff an gefährlichen Asteroiden vorbeimanövrieren oder hüpfende Melonen einsammeln, Ihrer Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie ein Spiel aufbauen und gestalten, welche coolen Effekte Sie ganz ohne Programmiersprachenkenntnisse nutzen können und wo es Grafiken, Musik und Sounds gibt. Sie erhalten einen ersten Überblick über die Spieleprogrammierung mit Unity und sind anschließend in der Lage, mit einem eigenen Spiele-Projekt durchzustarten.

  • von Alexander Von Aphrodisias
    109,95 €

    This is a German translation of a treatise by Alexander of Aphrodisias, an important commentator on Aristotle. "On Fate and Responsibility" sums up the ancient discussion on this ethically crucial question and the modern commentary provides access to this philosophical text.

  • von Sebastian Franck
    149,95 €

  • von Michael Pauen
    109,95 €

    Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Einleitung -- I. METAPHYSIK UND GESCHICHTSPHILOSOPHIE -- Kosmologie -- Theodizee -- Geschichtsphilosophie -- II. PESSIMISMUS IM 1 9 . JAHRHUNDERT -- Pessimistische Tendenzen in der Literatur -- Metaphysischer Pessimismus -- Kulturpessimismus -- Pessimismusdebatte -- III. PESSIMISMUS NACH DER JAHRHUNDERTWENDE -- Pessimismus und Utopie -- Konservative Entwürfe -- Fazit: Die Perspektive des Pessimismus -- ANHANG -- Literatur -- Index -- Schlußbemerkung

  • von M. Hansen
    79,95 €

    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Athenische Demokratie im Zeitalter des Demosthenes" verfügbar.

  • - Quantum Metrology and Quantum Standards
    von Ernst O. Gobel
    127,00 €

    The International System of Units, the SI, provides the foundation for all measurements in science, engineering, economics, and society. The SI has been fundamentally revised in 2019. The new SI is a universal and highly stable unit system based on invariable constants of nature. Its implementation rests on quantum metrology and quantum standards, which base measurements on the manipulation and counting of single quantum objects, such as electrons, photons, ions, and flux quanta. This book explains and illustrates the new SI, its impact on measurements, and the quantum metrology and quantum technology behind it. The book is based on the book ?Quantum Metrology: Foundation of Units and Measurements? by the same authors. From the contents:-Measurement-The SI (Système International d?Unités)-Realization of the SI Second: Thermal Beam Cs Clock, Laser Cooling, and the Cs Fountain Clock -Flux Quanta, Josephson Effect, and the SI Volt -Quantum Hall Effect, the SI Ohm, and the SI Farad -Single-Charge Transfer Devices and the SI Ampere -The SI Kilogram, the Mole, and the Planck constant -The SI Kelvin and the Boltzmann Constant -Beyond the present SI: Optical Clocks and Quantum Radiometry -Outlook

  • - Methods for GC-MS and LC-MS
    von Hans-Joachim (Thermo Fisher Scientific Hubschmann
    139,00 €

    Provides the tools and background for implementation of instrumental sample preparation workflow concepts for GC-MS and LC-MS analyses in the laboratory. The analytical advantages of its implementation and operational aspects during sample handling are discussed.

  • - 2D Networks and 2D Structures
    von NR Champness
    129,00 €

    2D Supramolecular Chemistry on surfaces is a highly emerging topic. This handbook presents all aspects like hydrogen-bonded frameworks, nanographenes, multicomponent assemblies, 2D coordination networks and many more. A must-have and indispensable reference.

  • von Michael Haschke
    127,00 €

    Provides comprehensive coverage on using X-ray fluorescence for laboratory applicationsThis book focuses on the practical aspects of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy and discusses the requirements for a successful sample analysis, such as sample preparation, measurement techniques and calibration, as well as the quality of the analysis results.X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications begins with a short overview of the physical fundamentals of the generation of X-rays and their interaction with the sample material, followed by a presentation of the different methods of sample preparation in dependence on the quality of the source material and the objective of the measurement. After a short description of the different available equipment types and their respective performance, the book provides in-depth information on the choice of the optimal measurement conditions and the processing of the measurement results. It covers instrument types for XRF; acquisition and evaluation of X-Ray spectra; analytical errors; analysis of homogeneous materials, powders, and liquids; special applications of XRF; process control and automation.* An important resource for the analytical chemist, providing concrete guidelines and support for everyday analyses* Focuses on daily laboratory work with commercially available devices* Offers a unique compilation of knowledge and best practices from equipment manufacturers and users* Covers the entire work process: sample preparation, the actual measurement, data processing, assessment of uncertainty, and accuracy of the obtained resultsX-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications appeals to analytical chemists, analytical laboratories, materials scientists, environmental chemists, chemical engineers, biotechnologists, and pharma engineers.

  • - Concepts and Reactions
    von S Harder
    135,00 €

    An indispensable reference on early main group metals in catalysis for synthetic chemists in academia and industryEarly Main Group Metal Catalysis contains a comprehensive overview of catalytic reactions in the presence of group 1 and group 2 metals. The book?s chapters are organized according to the type of reaction to help easily navigate information. Every chapter contains basic information on the elements covered, and fundamental concepts are enhanced with illustrative examples that cover the main developments. . The text describes various reactions including: polymerization of alkenes, hydroamination and phosphination reactions, hydrosilylation, hydroboration and hydrogenation catalysis, and enantioselective and Lewis acid catalysis. This important book:-Provides a short introduction on polar organometallic chemistry and synthesis of early main group metal complexes Reviews the early main group metals, such as calcium and magnesium, that are useful catalysts for various organic transformations-Addresses catalytic chemists, chemists working with organometallics, organic chemists, natural products chemists, and chemists in industry and academicaWith contributions from leaders in the field , Early Main Group Metal Catalysis is a valuable guide on the most recent developments and new possibilities of early main group metals in catalysis.

  • - Methods and Reactions
    von S Ogoshi
    127,00 €

    A comprehensive reference to nickel chemistry for every scientist working with organometallic catalystsWritten by one of the world?s leading reseachers in the field, Nickel Catalysis in Organic Synthesis presents a comprehensive review of the high potential of modern nickel catalysis and its application in synthesis. Structured in a clear and assessible manner, the book offers a collection of various reaction types, such as cross-coupling reactions, reactions for the activation of unreactive bonds, carbon dioxide fixation, and many more. Nickel has been recognized as one of the most interesting transition metals for homogeneous catalysis. This book offers an overview to the recently developed new ligands, new reaction conditions, and new apparatus to control the reactivity of nickel catalysts, allowing scientists to apply nickel catalysts to a variety of bond-forming reactions. A must-read for anyone working with organometallic compounds and their application in organic synthesis, this important guide: -Reviews the numerous applications of nickel catalysis in synthesis -Explores the use of nickel as a relatively cheap and earth-abundant metal-Examines the versatility of nickel catalysis in reactions like cross-coupling reactions and CH activations-Offers a resource for academics and industry professionalsWritten for catalytic chemists, organic chemists, inorganic chemists, structural chemists, and chemists in industry, Nickel Catalysis in Organic Synthesis provides a much-needed overview of the most recent developments in modern nickel catalysis and its application in synthesis.

  • - From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices
    von Bin Zhu, Rizwan Raza & Liangdong Fan
    153,00 €

    Presents innovative approaches towards affordable, highly efficient, and reliable sustainable energy systemsWritten by leading experts on the subject, this book provides not only a basic introduction and understanding of conventional fuel cell principle, but also an updated view of the most recent developments in this field. It focuses on the new energy conversion technologies based on both electrolyte and electrolyte-free fuel cells?from advanced novel ceria-based composite electrolyte low temperature solid oxide fuel cells to non-electrolyte fuel cells as advanced fuel-to-electricity conversion technology.Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices is divided into three parts. Part I covers the latest developments of anode, electrolyte, and cathode materials as well as the SOFC technologies. Part II discusses the non-electrolyte or semiconductor-based membrane fuel cells. Part III focuses on engineering efforts on materials, technology, devices and stack developments, and looks at various applications and new opportunities of SOFC using both the electrolyte and non-electrolyte principles, including integrated fuel cell systems with electrolysis, solar energy, and more.-Offers knowledge on how to realize highly efficient fuel cells with novel device structures-Shows the opportunity to transform the future fuel cell markets and the possibility to commercialize fuel cells in an extended range of applications-Presents a unique collection of contributions on the development of solid oxide fuel cells from electrolyte based to non-electrolyte-based technology-Provides a more comprehensive understanding of the advances in fuel cells and bridges the knowledge from traditional SOFC to the new concept-Allows readers to track the development from the conventional SOFC to the non-electrolyte or single-component fuel cell Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices will serve as an important reference work to students, scientists, engineers, researchers, and technology developers in the fuel cell field.

  • - Development, Manufacture and Marketing of Effective Skin Care Products
    von Wilfried (Dusseldorf Rahse
    144,00 €

    A guide to cosmetic creams that focuses on formulation, production, and safety concernsCosmetic Creams: Development, Manufacture and Marketing of Effective Skin Care Products puts the focus on the structure and formulation of a cosmetic cream, the production process, the effect of each ingredient, as well as safety considerations. Comprehensive in scope, the book contains a basic definition of cosmetics and describes the types of skin creams currently on the market, the major ingredients used, and example compositions. The author, Wilfried Rähse - a noted expert on the topic - offers guidelines for estimating manufacturing costs and includes procedures for an effective safety assessment.The book contains information on various aspects of skin penetration and production and covers issues like materials used and hygienic packaging. In addition, Rähse reviews legal regulations with an emphasis on the European market. He discusses GMP and EHEDG directives. This important book:-Offers a comprehensive resource that explores all aspects of cosmetic cream manufacturing and marketing-Provides valuable guidelines for practitioners in the field-Covers the underlying technologies of cosmetic creams-Includes a review of raw material and manufacturing costs, hygiene and safety, and legal regulations-Written by an author with more than 30 years? experience in the industryWritten for cosmetic chemists, chemists in industry, chemical engineers, dermatologists, Cosmetic Creams: Development, Manufacture and Marketing of Effective Skin Care Products, offers a unique industrial perspective of the topic that is comprehensive in scope.

  • von Rudolf (Technical University Holze
    39,90 €

    Mit Erfolg durchs Praktikum der Physikalischen Chemie! Das Buch bietet eine umfassende, nach einheitlichem Schema aufgebaute Sammlung von Versuchsbeschreibungen, die alle Teilgebiete der Physikalischen Chemie abdeckt.So verliert da physikalisch-chemische Praktikum seinen Schrecken!

  • - Types, Origin, Production, and Applications
    von Ernst J. Krendlinger
    153,00 €

    With over 20 years of experience as technology and R&D manager in the industry, Ernst Krendlinger collates here all the relevant information on basic wax properties and processing technologies otherwise scattered across the literature and company brochures.After a general introduction, he provides an overview of the chemistry of waxes including their composition, molecular structure and analysis. In addition, he discusses such physical properties as carbon chain length distribution, dropping point and acid number. Subsequent chapters deal with synthetic waxes from Fischer-Tropsch processes, paraffin and amide waxes as well as diverse wax blends and emulsions, summarizing how these waxes are produced and applied. The final chapter looks at natural waxes and their technical importance in industry, covering their production, properties and market situation.This only up-to-date reference on the topic is essential reading in terms of the physical data as well as parameters and correlations, combining all the information necessary for the analysis and application of synthetic and natural wax compounds.

  • von Eliezer Gileadi
    91,00 €

    This textbook covers the field of physical electrochemistry by introducing the reader to its central topics, including electrode kinetics and reactions, electrocapillarity, electrosorption, electrocatalysis, as well as the most important electrochemical methods.

  • von EG Reynaud
    111,00 €

    Destined to set the standard, the first book dealing exclusively with this revolutionary and novel imaging technology serves as an easy-to- understand introduction while offering numerous tips and tricks.Adopting a practical approach, the authors who developed this actual technique provide a comprehensive, hands-on overview of the basics of light sheet fluorescence microscopy, instrumentation, applications, sample preparation, and data analysis. As a reflection of the uncompromisingly interdisciplinary nature of the topic, they merge their expertise in physics, biology, and computer science, giving valuable insider tips taken from their work at major manufacturers. The result is in-depth information on hardware and software solutions for a straightforward implementation of LSFM in the lab.

  • - Eine praxisbezogene Einfuhrung
    von Hans-Josef Endres
    129,00 €

    Von den Grundlagen über die Methoden bis hin zu relevanten Praxisbeispielen - Führende Experten vermitteln einen schnellen Einstieg in die moderne Faseranalytik.

  • - Anwendungen bei Verdampfung, Kristallisation, Rektifikation und Reaktion
    von Shichang Wang
    49,90 €

    Das Buch zeigt Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berechnung von Stoffdaten und Phasengleichgewichten mit Excel-VBA. Diese Größen sind Grundlage für die bedeutenden verfahrenstechnischen Operationen Kristallisation und Rektifikation. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele und Berechnungen auf Grundlage unterschiedlicher Methoden und Modelle ermöglichen dem Leser das schrittweise Mitverfolgen der einzelnen Rechenschritte - und sind gleichzeitig Grundlage für die Anwendung auf eigene verfahrenstechnische Probleme. Vergleiche mit Methoden der Prozesssimulation mit der Software CHEMCAD zeigen Vorteile, aber auch Grenzen von Excel-VBA auf und erhöhen den Praxiswert.

  • - Molecular Science and Characterization 2 Volumes
    von JA Ripmeester
    314,00 €

    Clathrate hydrates are crystalline water-based solids that look like ice and can carry other type of materials, either gas or liquid. Such molecules are trapped inside the cages of hydrogen bonded, frozen water molecules and keep the complexes stable. Typically, low molecular weight or natural gases can be found inside the complexes, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and short hydrocarbons, like methane.As hydrate science has advanced, studying the molecule level details of the hydrates for a large variety of guest molecules has been enabled. This level of molecular detail can lead to a revisiting of some accepted notions on the behavior and structure of hydrate materials. Bringing these new insights to the attention of the community of hydrate researchers will be beneficial to advancing further research.

  • von Andrea R. (University of California Tao
    70,00 €

    This textbook serves as an introduction to the fundamental chemistry principles that guide the synthesis and dictate the properties of nanomaterials. Key chemistry and engineering concepts are looked at through the lens of important and well-characterized nanomaterials, including quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and noble metal nanocrystals. The book provides a focused, detailed look into the chemical bonding and structure of the most important, selected nanomaterials. Special emphasis is placed on how a nanomaterial's properties are derived from chemical bonding at the atomic and molecular level. Thereby the textbook provides the reader with a clear understanding of how the chemical and physical properties of a material change within a continuum of length scales: from atoms and molecules to nanostructures, surfaces, and finally, bulk solids.

  • von Yuping (Nanjing Tech University Wu
    75,00 €

    Eines der ersten Lehrbücher zum Thema beschreibt die Grundlagen und gibt einen ausgezeichneten Überblick über praktische Anwendungen. Didaktisch gut aufbereitet, mit Fragen und Antworten zur Überprüfung des Gelernten.

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