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Bücher veröffentlicht von William B Eerdmans Publishing Co

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  • - The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New
    von Leonhard Goppelt
    35,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. In 1938-39 Leonhard Goppelt finished his doctoral dissertation at Erlangen entitled "Typos: Die typologische Deutung des Alten Testaments im Neuen." The lasting value of his work was evidenced in 1969 when this dissertation was reprinted, with an appendix on "Apocalypticism and Typology in Paul." Goppelt's work has maintained its significance because it deals with biblical hermeneutics -- the study of the methodology of biblical interpretation -- a subject of renewed interest in the last few years. In his search for a normative hermeneutics, Goppelt appeals to the New Testament's interpretation of the Old Testament as a guide. He offers "a study of the interpretation of Scripture that is characteristic of the New Testament" in order to provide a standard guide for interpreting the Bible today. The focal question for Goppelt is how the Old Testament and Jesus Christ are related, and Goppelt's answer to this question is found in how the New Testament interprets the Old Testament -- typologically. Goppelt begins with a brief survey of the various definitions of typology to determine how it is distinguished from allegory, with which it is often confused. After this introductory chapter, Goppelt divides his work into three parts: Typology in Late Judaism, Typology in the New Testament, and Apocalypticism and Typology in Paul. In his survey of late Judaism, Goppelt examines both Palestinian and Hellenistic Judaism to determine the place of typology in their literatures. Turning to the New Testament, Goppelt looks first at the portrayal of Jesus Christ in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts. Elements of this portrayal are Jesus as the Prophet, as the Son of David and Lord, and as the Son of Man. Goppelt finds each of these characterizations typologically related to the Old Testament. Similarly, in his next chapter on the church as portrayed in the Synoptics and Acts, Goppelt finds a number of typological relationships between the people of God in the Old Testament and the church in the New Testament. Goppelt next examines the Pauline epistles for Paul's use of Scripture in general and for his view of Christ and the church. Goppelt here appends brief treatments on 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. In following chapters Goppelt deals with Hebrews, the Gospel of John, and finally apocalypticism and typology in Paul. Here he also examines traditional approaches to the relationship between the Old Testament and the New, the origin and legitimacy of the typological approach, and the relationship between typology and the historical-critical method.

  • von Leonhard Goppelt
    47,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. The work of a highly esteemed New Testament scholar, this commentary on I Peter has unparalleled breadth and depth and reflects a lifetime of devoted scholarship. Leonhard Goppelt presents here a rich exposition of I Peter that New Testament students and scholars will consult time and again with great profit. Goppelt's detailed section- by-section and phrase-by-phrase commentary is preceded by a complete, up-to-date bibliography and an extended introduction. Scattered throughout the commentary are special notes and excursuses on several themes and issues related to the text of the letter. The footnotes contain a wealth of bibliographical information, which has been updated by translator John Alsup, and an appendix by Alsup provides a brief appreciative survey of the life and works of Leonhard Goppelt. Besides its unusually thorough treatment of the biblical text and the history of interpretation, what distinguishes this commentary is Goppelt's balanced focus on I Peter as a document setting forth social-ethical guidelines for Christians not just in the first century but in today's world as well. A scholarly Christian classic, this monumental commentary on I Peter will find a welcome place in seminary courses (New Testament, social ethics), in theological libraries, and in pastors' studies.

  • von Leonhard Goppelt
    39,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. This volume, the first of a two-volume work by Leonhard Goppelt, represents the most mature and comprehensive thought of this German New Testament scholar. Among German-speaking scholars it is distinguished as rivaling, if not replacing, the monumental work on New Testament theology by Rudolf Bultmann. A study of the life and ministry of Jesus, this volume makes a thoroughgoing application of the most reliable tools and insights of contemporary New Testament scholarship. Goppelt makes a critical examination of the sources for knowledge of the historical Jesus and maintains an ongoing conversation with the views of other interpreters. Although he sees his study as a "qualified conversation between exegetical and systematic theology," his goal is always to come to terms with the intent of the New Testament authors without losing sight of Jesus' meaning for today. The major themes developed are the coming of the Kingdom of God, repentance and the ethical directives of Jesus, repentance as the gift of God's Kingdom, Jesus' ministry of healing and eschatological renewal, Jesus' self- understanding, and the cross and resurrection. An appendix provides a history and shows the range of problems in New Testament theology. Here Goppelt also examines and evaluates the historical-critical, historical-positive, and Heilsgeschichtliche approaches. Each chapter includes a detailed bibliography in English and German.

  • - The Holy Trinity and the Challenge of Feminism
    40,00 €

  • - The Gospel as Public Truth
    von Lesslie Newbigin
    20,00 €

  • - An Introduction to the Study of the Faith
    von Hendrikus Berkhof
    57,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. In today's secular world, the Christian faith is viewed as only one aspect of what could be called "religious life." Acknowledging this, Hendrikus Berkhof begins this thought-provoking study with a sketch of religion and faith in general before narrowing it down to a discussion of the specific place of Christian faith. Beginning with the whole of reality makes it possible to use "religion" as the basis from which to acquire an understanding of the relevance of the Christian faith for that total reality. Thus, a study of Christian faith can answer questions that deal with the place of humanity in the cosmos, the meaning of life and existence, the meaning of freedom and of death. Berkhof defines "religion" as the relation to the absolute. "Faith" is one step beyond religion, as it is the establishment of God's relationship to his people. Christian faith builds on Old Testament faith because the promises of the Old Testament are accepted as being fulfilled in the ministry, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Berkhof the study of Christian faith is a systematic examination of the content of the relationship which God in Christ has entered into with us. Because the study of the faith is systematic, there must be an order to it. This order varies from theologian to theologian; for Berkhof the starting point is revelation -- the sources and norms for our knowledge of God. This leads to a discussion of God, creation (of the world and of human beings), Israel, the person and work of Christ, the church, and finally, the renewal of the world and of humanity. Throughout the book Berkhof comments on (and often takes issue with) systematic theologians of the past. Written for both the layperson and the scholar, the text is interspersed with excurses (set off in smaller type than the main text) that cover specific subjects more thoroughly, citing sources, controversies, and the like, which will be of particular interest to theologians and students. This newly revised edition, a translation of the Dutch fifth edition, takes into account developments in dogmatics in the thirteen years since Berkhof prepared the first edition of Christian Faith. Berkhof's aim throughout is to present his understanding of the truth of God; but, as he writes in his preface, "the study of the faith is not something to learn so much as something to do and practice. A book can do no more than help us to get started and stimulate us to try to do it on our own." This book, like the earlier edition, admirably succeeds in meeting that goal.

  • - Summary of Christian Doctrine Based on Biblical Revelation
    von Dale Moody
    57,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Will belief in the authority and inspiration of the Scriptures be undermined if biblical theology is interpreted in the framework of modern science and biblical criticism? Many theologians believe it will, but Dale Moody skillfully demonstrates in this important work how the historical-critical study of the Scripture can relate the Scriptures to modern science and society. According to Moody, his study "represents a conscious effort to bring together the insights of several disciplines in a constructive harmony which is both biblical and systematic. Biblical theology, modern science, various types of biblical criticism (textual, source, form, redaction), historical theology, and the history of doctrine -- all these have a significant part of play in the development of a systematic theology. . . . Those who fear that using the findings of modern science and the critical-historical method of Bible study is inevitably uncongenial to a strong view of biblical authority will, I hope, find the explorations of this book a pleasant surprise." Ecumenical in its approach, this study will appeal to Christians of all traditions.

  • - A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1982-83
    von R. A Kearsley
    47,00 €

  • - Biblical and Scientific Perspectives on the World's Formation
    von Howard J. Van Till
    36,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Recognizing that many North Americans regard natural science and biblical teaching as at odds with each other, the authors (respected scientists who are also committed Christians) examine both the historical roots and the present manifestations of the science-versus- Bible tension, critique several of the misperceptions that encourage an adversarial approach, and offer reliable principles that the evangelical Christian community can use in determining what the Bible and science actually tell us about the physical universe and its formation.

  • - Collected Essays
    von Frederick Fyvie Bruce
    40,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Compiled by F. F. Bruce himself shortly before his death, this collection of eighteen of his essays (updated where necessary) represents those fields of study that particularly attracted Bruce's interest during the previous half century. Topics covered include the humanity of Jesus Christ, women in the church, the Pauline epistles, the Acts of the Apostles, and early Judaism.

  • - A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1979
    von Llewelyn
    46,00 €

  • - A Review of Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1977
    von Llewelyn
    45,00 €

  • von Edward R. Dayton & David Allen Fraser
    41,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Over three billion people in the world have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. The task of evangelizing these people seems monumental. In this major study of world evangelization, however, Edward Dayton and Donald Fraser view the world not as billions of individuals but as thousands of "people groups." The Dayton-Fraser strategy includes ten basic steps that analyze and define the goals in reaching these people groups and the obstacles standing in the way. Unlike other mission strategies, this approach incorporates the social sciences and basic management principles into the context of God's sovereignty and of the church's responsibility to evangelize the world. The book includes a comprehensive bibliography reflecting the authors' extensive research in theology, sociology, anthropology, and management.

  • von Edward J. Young
    44,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. A scholarly conservative study of the literary characteristics of the books of the Old Testament. Young argues for the inner harmony and underlying unity of the literary units that make up the Old Testament. Includes special bibliographies for each chapter, a general bibliography, and three indexes.

  • von George MacDonald
    25,00 €

  • von Stephen V. Monsma
    33,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. This book provides a multi-disciplinary Christian analysis of the forces shaping the operation of modern technology, and offers an alternative framework of biblically rooted normative principles. It argues that technology is a value- laden activity and presents principles for basing it on God's will.

  • von Darrell L. Guder
    31,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. What is the church's mission in the world? What message does it proclaim, and who is to proclaim it? The mission, says Darrell Guder in this book, is to complete the work of salvation that God began in the incarnation of his son Jesus Christ. The message is the gospel -- the good news of the incarnate Christ. And the messengers are the Body of Christ -- the church -- who have been called to be his witnesses. Only as we understand Christ's incarnation and the church's role in proclaiming its meaning, according to Guder, can we understand our calling to be witnesses of God's salvation. Written out of Guder's wide-ranging experience as a minister and professor in the United States and Europe, and especially his work with the Fuller Seminary Institute of Youth Ministries and with Young Life, this book will challenge students and educated laypersons to grapple with serious theology about the church as it relates to what Christians are doing daily about their faith.

  • - Ecumerical Dialogue on John Paul II's "Ut Unum Sint"
    von Robert W. Jenson & Carl E. Braaten
    26,00 €

  • von Daniel J. Harrington
    29,00 €

  • - Story of Identity and Change in the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod
    von Mary Todd
    36,00 €

  • von Eldon J. Epp & Gordon D. Fee
    47,00 €

    The seventeen studies in this volume provide a comprehensive presentation and assessment of past and current methods applied to the New Testament text. Both acknowledged specialists in historical and methodological studies of textual criticism, coauthors Epp and Fee offer an introductory survey of the whole field of New Testament textual criticism, followed by sections of essays on these topics: definitions of key terms; critiques of current theory and method; methods of establishing textual relationships; studies of the papyri with respect to text-critical method; and guidelines for the use of patristic evidence. Volume 45 of the Studies and Documents series, founded by Kirsopp and Silva Lake and edited by Irving Alan Sparks, Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism represents a coherent and complementary collection of essays - most but not all of them previously published - whose abiding worth and considerable influence have been demonstrated through extensive citation by textual critics and exegetes. This compilation of studies will serve as a welcome resource for biblical scholars and students taking seminary or graduate courses in New Testament. From the more introductory studies to the constructive critiques of current theory to the more specialized analyses concerning New Testament textual criticism, this volume will provide information and challenge to beginners and experts alike.

  • - Paul and His Recent Interpreters
    von Stephen Westerholm
    30,00 €

    "Westerholm is admirably concerned to focus our attention on Paul's theology, specifically on the theological issues that arose for the Apostle in his valiant attempt to assess the role of the law after the advent of Christ. Beginning with an unusually mature account of the debate that is currently raging over Paul's understanding of the law, Westerholm has provided an analysis of his own that will certainly claim the attention of all student's of Paul the theologian." - J. Louis Martyn"This is the most clearly written and understandable treatment of the debate over the law in Pauline thought that I have seen." - Robert Jewett"Westerholm has produced an illuminating, engaging, and refreshing book. He sets forth the views of major interpreters of Paul with clarity and candor, engages them, and then makes proposals of his own, which are both well considered and instructive. The book is both interesting and informative, a reader's delight." - Arland J. Hultgren

  • - And Why We Don't Get it
    von Robert Farrar Capon
    26,00 €

  • - Resurrection Message of the New Testament
    40,00 €

  • - Death, Deliverance, and Discipleship in the Music of Bach
    von Calvin R. Stapert
    31,00 €

  • - Christians as Benefactors and Citizens
    von Bruce W. Winter
    33,00 €

  • - Theological and Philosophical Orientation
    von Mr Gerhard Sauter
    25,00 €

    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. In this penetrating study of the concept of meaning, Gerhard Sauter shows that -- contrary to popular belief -- the human quest for meaning is a relatively recent development, arising only after the deconstruction of metaphysics at the end of the nineteenth century. Since then, people have continually sought after the meaning of history, the meaning of their labors, their sufferings, their lives. In an attempt to construct new areas of orientation, meaning has become a dominant term in hermeneutics, in philosophy of language, in psychology, in sociology, in social theory, and in all domains influenced by them, including politics. In former times the term meaning related to statements that could be proven as either true or false, while the term sense marked the ability to perceive reality and to respond to it. In this careful and elaborate analysis of the history of the term meaning, Sauter reevaluates the differences and the connections between meaning and sense in the context of an age that has jettisoned its own metaphysical moorings. Sauter interprets biblical references to meaning -- in Job and Ecclesiastes, for example -- and compares them with modern concepts of the term. He probes beyond the quest for meaning to ask what the quest itself means, and questions whether the modern quest for meaning in fact weakens our perceptions of everyday reality. His conclusions lead to a new kind of quest: an intellectual and spiritual adventure to discover sense encountering contingent reality.

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