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Bücher veröffentlicht von Wisdom Editions

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  • von James J. Bauer
    21,00 €

    In The Runaway Learning Machine, occupational therapist James Bauer tells us what it was like to grow up with undiagnosed dyslexia. You will experience the pain and embarrassment this shy little boy felt as teachers and parents ignored his learning disability and simply encouraged him to "try harder." The Runaway Learning Machine is a must-read for anyone who works with children in a learning environment.

  • von Stephen J. Vicchio
    27,00 €

    This book is about the religious views of the greatest statesman in the history of the United States-Benjamin Franklin. The text covers Franklin's views from the adoption of his parents Congregationalist and Presbyterian perspectives, followed by a period of religious doubt, his comments about religion as a diplomat in Britain and France, and ironically, a return at the end of his life to the monotheism of his mother and father. This study also examines the intellectual sources of his views on religion, including the Enlightenment, the movement known as Deism, and Franklin's readings of many seventeenth- and eighteenth-century philosophers and theologians of his day. And all of this with the background that Frankin only had two years of formal education.

  • von Ph. D. Steven E. Mayer
    24,00 €

    This book is for anyone who gets asked at least ten times a week to give money to a charitable organization-anything from your college or place of worship to your community's food shelf or animal shelter, or any of the national or international nonprofit organizations working to keep the world from falling apart and others working to create solutions that might hold the world together. Your charitable giving budget goes only so far, and you've probably wondered how to choose among all these options. This book gives you guidelines and tips on how to consider a nonprofit's strengths and weaknesses and helps you prioritize requests so you can separate the wheat from the chaff. It gives an inside look at how nonprofits work, their missions and intended beneficiaries, and their challenge to "make progress on their mission"-the bottom line of any nonprofit organization. Above all, it helps you choose a set of donations or investments that stand up to your own scrutiny so you can feel your choices are meaningful and consistent with your values.

  • von Israel Rosen
    24,00 €

    A young boy watched his Zayda (grandfather) writing in Yiddish and drawing pictures with his fountain pen in a book that was kept hidden and secret. After his Zayda's death in 1948, the book was put away and was taken by the boy's oldest uncle in 1960 when the boy's Bubba (grandmother) died, and no one wanted to talk about the book. In 1979, Uncle Max gave the book to his youngest brother, Dave (the boy's father), and the next day, Max died suddenly. The young boy, now a married man, took the book and made it his responsibility to get it translated. Now, after more than forty years, Elliot Rosen has been able to bring the amazing story of survival and life's journey of Yisroel Ayzik Rosen (Israel Rosen) to the public. It might be HIS STORY, but it is HISTORY. It might be one man's story, but it is every immigrant's story. It is tearful, painful and depressing and yet funny, uplifting and spiritual. I feel humbled and honored to bring his story to you.

  • von Massoud Kazemzadeh
    23,00 €

    The Soul of Humanity is a general appeal to abandon blind faith and apply rational thinking to all important matters of life, from science and relationships to politics and religion. The authors apply the ages-old knowledge of the world's great religions to explain how and why rationality can help civilization climb out of the abyss of superstition and prejudice and unleash humanity's innate powers of reason. The book presents a compelling argument that without rational thinking, the collective "soul of humanity" will remain frozen in a cycle of disunity and social upheaval that defies all efforts to find the holy grail of universal peace, then offers a set of principles and values that can undeniably illuminate the path forward.

  • von Mike Ferrell
    23,00 €

    Most business planning books focus on the traditional business plan: a static document that you might as well hang on the wall after you show it to your bankers and investors. This is a different kind of business planning book. In Ultimate Breakthrough Planning, you'll learn how to leverage Mike Ferrell's Business Funnel Approach to create and successfully execute a step-by-step business growth plan. In this book, you will: Analyze the Six Key Elements of your business Set priorities using the Business Funnel Approach Develop a relevant, actionable game plan for your business Create a focused framework for the next six months Learn how to get your employees in line with your visionJoin the thousands of business professionals who have attended Ferrell's workshops and seminars and take the guesswork out of growing your business. In the end, you'll know what parts of your business to focus on and why you're doing so.

  • von Vicki Pellar Price
    21,00 €

    Ramblings from the Trail: Wet Feet, Soiled Dress, and Defining Historical Truth brings to life the audacious spirit of those who explored the Midwest and how they were connected not only with nature but with each other in surprising, complex ways. At the heart of the work is Elizabeth Fries Ellet, for whom the Elizabeth Fries Ellet Interpretive Trail along the Minnesota River is named. Ellet was considered a significant writer and well-known for The Women of the Revolutionary War. But it is her writing about the natural world and her discoveries during her sojourn throughout the Minnesota River valley that set her within the ranks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and others. At the vanguard of what is now referred to as "the walking text," Ellet embraced the American landscape and its exploration. This book invites us to step out and see what she experienced.

  • von Fay Ferington
    22,00 €

    Off the Record is the unauthorized, unfolding, real-time account of an army nurse's year-long tour in Vietnam. She captured her reflections within a day, or even minutes of the conflicts and encounters, creating a sequentially unfolding and captivating account. Also a budding photographer, she shares her private photographs from that time. This personal journal reveals how combat conditions, weather, cultural differences, and social isolation impacted morale and individual performance. Her life and the lives of so many others-soldiers, civilians, POWs, and children-were forever lost or changed. This gripping and moving journal will transport the reader to a war-torn land in 1967. She grapples with types of injuries, pattern and frequency of casualties, and both patient and care provider responses to these traumas. War isn't just about blood and guts-it's about people suffering.

  • von Mike Ferrell
    23,00 €

    Sales people face an uphill battle today, with challenging economic times, high turnover rates and stress and mental health issues. The profession of selling is in trouble across all industries. Yet sales organizations and businesses continue to do the same thing they have done for decades. Mike Ferrell introduces a new, comprehensive way of selling based on principles from a document written by a monk 1,500 years ago, he takes a step-by-step approach to creating happy, healthy, and successful sales people and flourishing sales organizations and businesses.

  • von Bill Harley
    31,00 €

    Decisions, large and small, determine the course and quality of life-for an individual, a couple, a family, an organization, a community, a country, and the world. Today, we are experiencing a decision-making crisis. Increasing complexities in life are outpacing our decision-making resources. In this book, the authors, a life coach/consultant and a psychotherapist, introduce and explain a revolutionary, transformative decision-making process that: ¿Engages the whole human being-spiritually, intellectually, socially and emotionally;¿Improves relationships at all levels;¿Calls forth latent qualities & capacities in its practitioners;¿Fosters true interpenetration of diverse thoughts;¿Dramatically deepens understanding;¿Yields creative, robust decisions that rise above partisan & ideological bickering;¿And results in justice & unity.

  • von Paula Shaw
    23,00 €

    What do you say to someone who has just experienced a loss or other trauma? Most of us want to comfort and support them, but we may hesitate because we don't know what to say or do. Saying the Right Thing When You Don't Know What to Say offers effective, comforting words and behaviors that will be a gift for anyone you seek to help or support during a painful, hopeless time. The book provides a clear understanding of what is necessary to create a sympathetic, reassuring healing environment, so that the wounded person can express their pain, process their feelings and begin to heal the devastation, fear and confusion they are going through. Saying the Right Thing is a straightforward look at the do's and don'ts of compassionate behavior.

  • von Alan Scheffer
    27,00 €

    Just as people don't need another book on the health benefits of increasing exercise and eating more vegetables, leaders don't need another book on good management practices. What's missing is an exploration of the links between knowledge about leadership principles and the personal values and attitudes that underlie them.Hanging the Mirror: The Discipline of Reflective Leadership embarks on such an exploration. Viewing leadership growth as a profoundly transformative process, Hanging the Mirror challenges leaders to unfreeze their current thinking, reconsider their operating assumptions, and adopt new behaviors. Drawing on behavioral research as well as our twenty-five years of management consulting experience, Hanging the Mirror challenges leaders to take an honest look at their behavior and the way it shapes the human systems they head. It suggests that a searching reexamination of fundamental convictions and beliefs is key to bridging the divide between knowledge and action.Eschewing quick fix solutions, Hanging the Mirror demonstrates that the preeminent challenge facing leadership is improving daily choices through ongoing reflection and contemplation.Because lasting transformation is never achieved without effort, Hanging the Mirror does not aim to be an easy read. It seeks to challenge, stretch and even confront its readers. But herein lies its value. As one of our clients once told another, "This isn't for everyone. They push and push and then push some more. But if you're ready for it, it's like nothing you've seen before."

  • von Cathy Perme
    21,98 €

    While the world has changed significantly since Confucius lived over 2,500 years ago, his teaching still resonates, especially about what it means to be a good leader and how to be human-and humane-with one another. This collection of essays and stories weaves Confucius's philosophy into modern leadership ideas. They reflect lessons from the author's experience with clients and her own life as a modern American businesswoman. Practical, pithy, and profound, you will walk away with new insights on how you can strengthen and nurture the leader inside of you.

  • von Stephen J. Vicchio
    28,00 €

    When I became aware of the Corona virus in January of 2020, I thought I would continue to do what I have always done-to think and write about evil and suffering. Thus, I began planning a book on Biblical views on evil and suffering. This was an effort to do what I have always done. That is, to use my skills to show what the Bible has said about times of crisis and turmoil.In my academic career, I have been trained as both a philosopher and a Biblical scholar. I have learned the Biblical languages, as well as other tongues such as Classical Greek and Medieval Latin of the Church so that I could read and study texts in the original languages. What better way, then, to contribute to the worldwide pandemic than to employ my skills in making a contribution to the current crisis?And so, this book should be seen as a summary and some reflections on what the Bible has had to say about the issues of evil and suffering when human beings are in times of calamity. I might suggest that the reader of this study have a copy of the Bible at his or her side when going through the book. This would allow the reader more easily to follow the arguments and explication to be found in the book.

  • von John Torrey
    25,00 €

    More than the Game: Building Relationships for a Winning Culture is a fictionalized memoir in which Coach Warrington finds himself struggling. At the end of another long season, he's lost the locker room after several defeats. Worried about his team's record, he vents at his players, saying that they should "commit to getting bigger, stronger, and faster, or they might as well quit." When the Titans lose their final game, the school's athletic director suggests that Coach Warrington meet with a mentor to improve the program's culture. At first, Warrington is offended-he can't admit to needing help, but he also can't resist the opportunity to regain his edge, so he agrees to meet once a week with Mitchell McClellen, a retired teacher and ball coach. Mitchell shares his three-phase formula for winning: The Process of the 'Ship. Coach Warrington learns to view success as more about legacy than just winning. Can Coach Warrington heed his mentor's advice and change his program forever?

  • von Stephen J. Vicchio
    28,00 €

    This book analyzes the many views of the Mala'ika-or angels-in the Islamic faith, the nature and functions of angels, and how a belief in angels is among Islam's six principal Articles of Faith. The work deeply examines the most important angel, Jibril (Gabriel), who delivered the message of Al-Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad, and further examines the other archangels and their relationships to Allah. The role of angels in the earliest Islamic battles is studied, along with the central role of angels in Muslim art and the roles played by the Jinn in relation to humans.

  • von Morgan Ranstrom
    26,00 €

    There are entire sections of bookstores and libraries devoted to helping you achieve financial success, yet most individuals seem more overwhelmed and confused than ever when it comes to their money. More, their financial interactions and beliefs are compartmentalized from the rest of their lives, devoid of meaning and a broader sense purpose, as if one set of values applies to money and another to the pew, the mosque, the prayer rug, or the meditation mat. Morgan Ranstrom, an expert in personal finance who is fluent in matters of money and meaning, shows us that the roots of financial success lie beyond spreadsheets and budgeting calculators, but are often buried beneath a negative money mindset that keeps us firmly within the grasp of zombie economics. Money with Purpose helps us overcome our mental money barriers, achieve lasting financial well-being, and receive the dividends of an undivided financial life.

  • von Tressa Reisetter
    26,00 €

    Over the last ten to twenty years, a lot of progress has been made in understanding brain development. There is still a lot to be learned, but much of what has been discovered remains in scholarly journals inaccessible to many parents. This book provides basic, up-to-date information about brain development that is concise, easy to read and full of helpful advice to parents who want to raise positive, happy children.

  • von Stephen J. Vicchio
    29,00 €

    This work is the product of ten years of study. It is about the phenomenon of Muslim slaves in the Chesapeake Bay Region from 1634 until 1865. The book examines fifty-five Muslim slaves in Maryland and another fifty-one in Virginia. It also looks at slave forts and prisons in Africa, the Middle Passage-the route by which West African slaves came to America-slave auction and slave dealers in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia and many other issues related to American slavery in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries.

  • von Stephen J. Vicchio
    29,00 €

    Evil in World Religions is an authoritative examination of the similarities and differences in how many of the world's religions respond to the issues of evil and suffering in the world. After proposing definitions of "religion," "evil" and other useful religious concepts, this study begins with the world's oldest religions-Hinduism, Judaism and the dualistic faiths of Zoroastrianism, Mithraism and Manichaeism. The study continues on to an analysis of the beliefs of four Asian faiths-Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto. Finally, the book examines Christianity and Islam, which arose in the ancient Near East in Israel and the Arabian Peninsula, and then traditional African religions, particularly of the Yoruba and Igbo people. Evil in World Religions is an invaluable resource for scholars and students of comparative religion and theodicy.

  • von John Wingate
    25,00 €

  • von Edward Price
    29,00 - 30,00 €

  • von David Walter
    25,00 €

    Pollution, famine, pandemic diseases, record-setting weather events, social unrest and cultural inequalities-all are the result of the collective choices humans make. Our drive to survive, combined with our unique abilities, has turned us into the greatest threat to our future. Drawing from seminal research about the rise of the Anthropocene age, David Walter presents a clear, elegant view of how we got ourselves into this conundrum. Grounded in a deep understanding of science and cultural history, Walter masterfully tells the story of how Homo sapiens moved from one challenge to the next with the best of intentions while not comprehending the consequences. Encompassing our tribal origins to our current atomic age, from the impulse to shape stones for tools to the development of internal combustion, this sweeping narrative ultimately offers a rational route toward a sustainable, livable future, and the role each of us can play in that transformation.

  • von Stephen J. Vicchio
    29,00 €

    This study examines the idea of the demonic as it appeared among the many cultures and in the diverse religions and scriptures of the world. The book explores many different periods of time including the medieval period, the early modern era, the reformation, early modern periods, and in the contemporary world. Special attention is also given to how the idea of the demonic has been used in painting, sculpture, music, and film. A glossary of foreign words and phrases is included.

  • von Juan Manuel Muñoz
    30,00 €

    Revolution, far from being an incendiary speech, is a fun and entertaining book exploring the dynamics of social power amid dilemmas that range from astrophysics to the ethics behind financial mischiefs. Through this dark path, we can discover a tangle of factors that move the domain of political and economic power in the strangest ways, distorting our perception of reality, commodifying the information we receive and entering the gloom of our emotions. The concept of revolution is deepened as a product of complex situations in which the scientific approach and critical thinking are necessary tools to achieve any successful revolution.

  • von Juan Manuel Muñoz
    30,00 €

    From Primates to Politicians is a fascinating exploration of politicians and their atavistic origins, traced back to the animal side of the human species. Based on our evolution, the book explains the reason for many human behaviors and the often-deadly scramble for the resources we perceive as necessary for survival. Juan Manuel Muñoz explores the bowels of politics-a profession understood and dominated by economic power elites and the expert manipulators of political marketing, who assemble the mercurial puzzle of infinite distortions to which we have become habituated. The content is divided into three parts; in the first, the author reviews the concepts of primatology, evolution, and the power relations between living beings; in the second, the evolution of human societies and the foundations of conservatism and liberalism, are unpacked, which leads him to propose his "evolutionary theory of politics". The book closes with the analysis of multiple current events and raises some predictions about the global political environment.

  • von Mga Elayne V. Lindberg
    31,00 €

    The theory behind graphotherapy is simple: change the handwriting stroke and you change the associated handwriting trait. Graphoanalysis has proven that each stroke in your handwriting means something about you and your personality.This book will give you the tools to build the positive and productive life that is your birthright. You will learn to retrain yourself, to lose negative habits and establish new, positive ones.The point is this: if you follow the suggested exercises for thirty days, you will see a change in your personality. New worlds will open up for you. This book cannot answer everyone's needs, however. It is, by necessity, a toolbox with a terrific set of instructions for building a new you.Graphotherapy will not give you a better body or turn you into the world's greatest lover by Saturday. One of the areas it will help you understand is the mental side of your sex life. I can help you work on traits that may be standing in the way of greater fulfillment.My definition of "success" in life is the happy result of pursuing your highest goals. This definition, of course, demands, that your success be measured on your own terms. Fortunately, one of the keys to success is in your hands.Elayne V. Lindberg, MGA

  • von Jon Kerr
    32,00 €

    Calvin: Baseball's Last Dinosaur is the story of Calvin Griffith, who was rescued from poverty and adopted by his uncle (Hall of Famer Clark Griffith) and went on to become owner of the Washington Senators and Minnesota Twins. Calvin's life included friendships with many greats of the game and figures in American history from the 1920s through the 1980s. The Griffith family operation would see many highs and lows, finally succumbing to the corporate-driven economic realities of modern sports. But Calvin, in his typically unvarnished fashion and with Jon Kerr's help, wouldn't go without giving his version of how baseball and the world changed.

  • von Heather Durenberger
    30,00 €

    Seeing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary: Lessons in Hope and Healing is a compilation of personal stories from everyday moments in which the Divine enters and brings complete strangers together to help one another experience something greater than their individual selves. Read this book and be inspired, be challenged, be open to what may spark within you as these stories help you see and experience God's love and light in the ordinary-when you make the time to notice. Learning to see the divine throughout your day is a transformative experience, and you will never be the same. Awaken to the possibilities that open up to you every day and help you live a deeper more meaningful life.

  • von Heather Durenberger
    31,00 €

    Do you feel overwhelmed, afraid and exhausted? Do you struggle to accept who you are? This book provides stories, scripture, exercises, and questions that can help you become reacquainted with yourself and the Holy Spirit. Learn to identify the misbeliefs that separate you from the Love of God. Let go of your misbeliefs so you can reach your potential and really live! Imagine having more energy and a healthier mind, body, and soul. Better relationships. More compassion. Imagine being more fiercely loved and loving more fiercely. Come and spend time with the One who created you and adores you.

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