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Bücher veröffentlicht von Word Alive Press

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  • von Christa Mielke
    14,00 €

    The terror of the night rages. Arrows fly by day. Pestilence stalks in darkness. Destruction wastes at noonday (Psalm 91:7). It seems hopeless on so many fronts. Fear, loss, anxiety, depression, anger ... these and other emotions seem to be gripping the hearts of believers. Where can I go for refuge and deliverance? Is there a place of safety and hope, and if there is, how do I get there? This book is an invitation to walk through Psalm 91, encounter El Elyon, the Most High, and find the path to dwelling in His presence.

  • von Don Dodsworth
    17,00 €

    This book presents a collection of true stories from the life of a missionary in Central America. Through these experiences, God used Don Dodsworth to touch the hearts of a people who were extremely poor and plagued by malaria, tuberculosis, a variety of parasites, and a habitual life of drunkenness which led to an extremely low survival rate. It may appear that Don was chosen by God, like he chose the Jewish people in the Bible, to lift these people out of their destitute situation and put their feet on solid ground.

  • von Michael Scantlebury
    17,00 €

    From the onset, Apostle Scantlebury presents the tenets of his tome, by eloquently contrasting the two dimensions of Faith: (1) where we use our Faith to acquire and believe God for new things and victories in Him and (2) where we use that same Faith to resist and battle against all odds that is thrown at us.After defining the elements of faith, Apostle Michael empowers us with the tools to increase our faith: Our knowledge of God and the application of what we know. It's not enough to know what the Word of God says. What produces real faith is displayed when our actions match our belief.Apostle Scantlebury gives us an accurate understanding of the benefits of our trials. Contrary to our Westernized belief, Faith and trials are mutually inclusive. We are encouraged to keep trusting God despite the opposition. Trusting God then becomes the substratum of having a pleasant relationship with Him.

  • von Deacon Bob Hartman
    17,00 €

  • von Angie Goredema
    16,00 €

    Living in Two Homes presents the experiences of children from complex families. The main character, Natasha, shares some of the joyful and difficult moments she's had with her parents. The book highlights some creative ways in which separated, divorced, or single parents can create positive experiences for their children. The main emphasis is on encouraging these moments no matter which home the child is in. Discussion questions are provided to guide conversations, making it easier for parents to address their children's feelings. The process of exploring happy and sad feelings help children with their healing journey.A valuable addition to home, school, and church libraries, Living in Two Homes will help parents and other caregivers guide children through a difficult situation with love, hope, and faith.

  • von Debra L. Peters
    16,00 €

  • von Rev. Werner Trapp
    16,00 €

    The result of a lifetime of study, From the End Time to Heaven is written for anyone who is interested in how human history will end with the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ.This book can be your guidebook: From the End Time to Heaven. The future events spelled out in the Bible are explained with an abundance of scriptures and illustrations, including an easily understandable table outlining the events in Revelation.The book presents the end time eschatology through the eyes of the ancient prophets of the Bible, as much as possible, which brings us closer to the actual truth of the end time run. If you would like to discover the true name of the Antichrist, the country from which he will enter world politics, how Christians experiencing the Great Tribulation can know the exact date of Christ's return, and other unique discoveries shared with me by the Holy Spirit, then you must read this book.

  • von Ruth Teakle
    15,00 €

    Cultivating Gentleness and Self-Control is another delightful, powerful, and inspirational devotional in Ruth's fruit of the Spirit series. Experience the living power of God through selected Bible passages, prayers, and personal stories. These brief but compelling daily nuggets will encourage you to rely on God's grace as you choose the freedom of living a surrendered life. Suitable for personal, small group, and corporate use. Group study questions included.

  • von Ann E. Gillies
    26,00 €

    In a culture of sexual confusion, our children find themselves caught in the center of a raging debate. Join in the journey of discovery as best friends, Emily and Hanna, embrace their struggles of childhood.

  • von Denis Daviau
    13,00 €

    Being separated from my family at the age of five was far more devastating than the disability caused by the injuries at my birth. Most five-year-old children are just learning to read and tie their shoes. However, being deprived of nurturing stability, I became emotionally disconnected. This robbed me of my identity and purpose, and the broken parental bond profoundly affected my personality.If you feel estranged from your social roots because of choices others have made on your behalf, you are not alone. Like many other disabled children of my generation, an institution was the only answer. Others have had similar experiences, like the Indigenous children in Canada who were subjected to residential schools. My story is one of hope. I don't want to undo the injustice but offer hope for emotional wholeness. I have found that true connection is worth every ounce of effort and that social bonding brings true freedom.

  • von Gilbert J. Borsa
    14,00 €

    Saving Gaia dives into the insights developed over eighty-four years by Gilbert J. Borsa on a wide range of topics, from the creation of our universe, our planet and its species, democratic and non-democratic governments, the economy, taxation, education, war, and even married life. It gives advice to desperate young people on how to climb out of the depths of hell. It describes the existence of the human soul and the moral code embedded in the human brain which governs our actions and creates our sense of self-worth. It encourages organized religious institutions to enhance their moral codes to include behaviours we individually and collectively need to, as the title implies, save our planet, Gaia.

  • von Fern E. M. Buszowski
    18,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Gary R. Small
    14,00 €

    Each chapter of A Word from His Word focuses on a single word or phrase from a short biblical passage. By returning to a simple but effective approach to Bible reading, your daily times will be invigorated.1 and 2 Thessalonians were written by St. Paul, Silas, and Timothy while they were in Corinth on a missionary journey. Paul had briefly visited Thessalonica and was anxious to hear how the church had survived without his presence and teaching. Timothy had recently returned from Thessalonica with positive news: the church was alive, well, and thriving.However, the people's interest in spirituality had clouded the thinking of some and Paul was quick to refocus them on the truth they had originally been taught. Modern society, like that of ancient Thessalonica, is full of many beliefs and abstract spirituality. We can readily be deceived into adopting some of these abstractions into our lives and churches. Paul, Silas, and Timothy would encourage us to hold fast to the truth of the original gospel.We pray that as you read this edition of A Word from His Word, your own experience of Him will be recentred and renewed.

  • von Gary R. Small
    12,00 €

    Each chapter of A Word from His Word focuses on a single word or phrase from a short biblical passage. By returning to a simple but effective approach to Bible reading, your daily times will be invigorated.Colossians was written by St. Paul and Timothy during Paul's first imprisonment in Rome. Paul had been locked up with another evangelist called Epaphras, who had brought the gospel to the Colossians. Paul watched Epaphras pray for the young church in Colossae, and decided to write and encourage them.Just as Paul wrote to Colossae, a place where he had not visited nor evangelized, he might as well be writing to our own churches. Churches where modern Christianity is just as vulnerable as the ancient church, to being over sophisticated by religious rules and traditions.Paul's message of encouragement, focus and avoiding distractions remains applicable even through the passage of time. We pray that as you read this edition of A Word from His Word, your own experience of Him will be recentred and renewed.

  • von Ariena Vos
    17,00 €

    What do you do when you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? When the father you've never known suddenly reappears in your life? When the person you thought was your biggest supporter turns his back on you, and you're forced to choose between him and your dreams? These are the questions Cadence asks herself when big-time music producer Ben Holden comes to town and gives her the chance to pursue a career as a recording artist. Unsure what to do, she turns to the people in her life for guidance. On top of this, her relationship with Emerson suffers as he feels more and more left out of her life. When he forces her to make an impossible choice, she once again finds herself struggling with her faith, unable to figure out how the person who once saved her during the hardest period in her life could be so unsupportive when she needs him most. Following her dreams seems harder than ever when she uncovers a dark secret about her father, a man she hasn't seen since before she started forming memories. Journey with Cadence as she navigates through new challenges and tries to decide whether making her dreams come true will be worth all the trouble in her path.

  • von Demetre Balaktsis
    22,00 €

    Three couch potatoes sit on their couches and flip through the sports channels, wishing they could be athletes...One miraculous day, each is paid a very special visit from God. They each receive an astonishing gift and a promise: Wear these Holy Spirit Runners, and you can become an athlete. What will they do with this amazing gift from heaven? Which of them will use the runners wisely and make their dream come true?

  • von Melodie Bissell
    53,00 €

    Planificar para Proteger no se trata de lo que tenemos que hacer para llevar a cabo programas y actividades, ni de imponer dificultades a su personal y voluntarios. La prevención de abusos y la protección de niños y jóvenes no es algo que tengamos que hacer, sino algo que tenemos el privilegio de hacer. Es un privilegio crear un entorno seguro para que nuestras comunidades nos confíen a sus familiares. Al poner en práctica Plan para Proteger, sus esfuerzos son un ministerio en sí mismo para:proteger a los niñosproteger a los jóvenesdemostrar el cuidado que se tiene con el personal y los voluntariosdemostrar el cuidado que tiene con los padres y familiaresfortalecer y nutrir la curación de las víctimas y supervivientesdemostrar gracia, restauración y acogida al delincuente que llega a su iglesiademostrar responsabilidad e integridad ydar gloria a Dios

  • von S. C. Ducommun
    21,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Susan Maclellan
    12,98 €

    Eva Beckie is a promising young figure skater pursuing a competitive path when she's struck down by an injury that takes her off the ice. While in recovery, she is presented with a unique opportunity to spend time with her grandparents. As she meanders down memory lane together with Grandpa Mac and Grammie, Eva learns all about perseverance, courage, determination, and her faith.

  • von Todd C. Bymoen
    13,00 €

  • von Bill Dyck
    22,00 €

    Do you have a son, daughter, or loved one who is struggling with addictions or mental illness? If so, it is an unwanted journey where the struggles are massive and the questions penetratingYet there is hope-and it is found in God. This book is written as a devotional: to lend a spiritual perspective and tools for walking this journey with your loved one. Each entry is based on a specific passage of Scripture following topics that are crucial to the conversation.Join Bill and Donna Lea Dyck as they reflect on the lessons they learned while they walked this valley. They write with the purpose of bringing you hope and a way forward in your relationship with your loved one.

  • von Darla Milne
    33,00 €

    SOYEZ ENFLAMMÉ ! Prenez le parti de Dieu. Attendez-vous à un miracle. N'abandonnez jamais. Daniel Del Vecchio a accompli des miracles, des guérisons et des délivrances tout en exerçant son ministère à Cuba, au Mexique et en Espagne. Fortifié par le Saint-Esprit, il a atteint des jeunes routards qui passaient par Torremolinos dans les années 1970 et 1980, et a été à l'origine d'une communauté chrétienne internationale et d'églises évangéliques en Espagne. Ces communautés ont ouvert des centres de désintoxication et se sont occupées des pauvres et des marginalisés ainsi que de ceux qui souffraient de traumatismes et de maltraitance. La lumière triomphe toujours des ténèbres !Flamme de Dieu se lit comme un livre des Actes des temps modernes. Ce témoignage vous encouragera à obéir à la Parole de Dieu, à intervenir avec audace en tant qu'ambassadeur du Christ et à persévérer à travers les épreuves, les sacrifices et l'opposition. Votre foi sera enflammée ! Le feu du Saint-Esprit peut brûler dans des millions de c¿urs, si nous ne permettons pas à l'amour du monde de l'éteindre. (Dan Del Vecchio).La joie du Seigneur est contagieuse ! Nous ne sommes pas tous appelés à être des missionnaires pionniers, mais nous avons tous un rôle à jouer dans la stratégie de Dieu pour atteindre nos voisins et les nations !

  • von Stephanie Morales-Beaulieu
    24,00 €

    "Steph, is Mike home?"Nothing warned Stephanie about the fatal diagnosis that would follow her dad's question, but something did prepare her-an event that happened in 1986.Anything But Ordinary tells the story of the divine encounter that changed the trajectory of one man's life and the faith that profoundly influenced the too-short journey to his death.Jesse Morales was an ordinary Filipino immigrant and mechanic who found the better life he was looking for when he met Jesus. With refreshing vulnerability, this story shows what living by faith looks like. It spotlights the legacy of faith Jesse left, not only for his family, but scores of others, when he passed away from ALS.The books serves as a powerful reminder that there is hope. It will encourage you to see impossible struggles as the birthplace for inspiring faith. Read it and be reminded that when life isn't working, you can hold onto the God who always is.

  • von Darla Milne
    33,00 €

    ¡SE ARDIENTE!"Toma el lado de Dios. Espera un milagro. Nunca abandones."Daniel Del Vecchio se movió con milagros, sanidades y liberaciones mientras ministraba en Cuba, México y España. En los años 70 y 80, lleno del poder del Espíritu Santo, alcanzó a numerosos jóvenes mochileros que viajaban por Torremolinos. Emprendió una comunidad cristiana internacional y las Iglesias Cristianas Evangélicas en España. Estas comunidades abrieron centros de rehabilitación para drogadictos, recogiendo también a pobres y marginados, víctimas de traumas y abusos. ¡La luz vence siempre a la oscuridad!La llama de Dios se lee como un moderno Libro de los Hechos. Te animará a obedecer la Palabra de Dios, a salir con valentía como embajador de Cristo y a perseverar en las pruebas, el sacrificio y contra la oposición. ¡Tu fe arderá! "El fuego del Espíritu Santo puede arder en millones de corazones, si no dejamos que el amor del mundo lo apague" (Daniel Del Vecchio).El gozo del Señor es contagioso. No todos estamos llamados a ser misioneros pioneros, pero todos tenemos un papel importante que desempeñar en la estrategia de Dios para alcanzar a nuestros vecinos y a las naciones.

  • von Seye Oke
    18,00 €

    A little tree can save the festival, but will he?When Sir Cedar of Lebanon, king of Treeland, dies, the leaders have the tough job of finding a new king. So they reach out to every tree they think is best for the job and ignore a little tree they believe has nothing to offer.Follow the story of this castaway tree, Thorny Bee, who teaches the mean trees a lesson about love and respect for everyone's uniqueness.This story presents an excellent opportunity for kids to learn about love and acceptance.

  • von Dennis Ostapyk
    23,00 €

    Molly loved her new friend, Mister Snowman, who happily kept her company in her backyard throughout the winter months.After several days of playing and sharing together, Molly suddenly stopped visiting the snowman. Mister Snowman became deeply saddened, and on Christmas Eve he decided to leave his spot in the yard to explore the world on his own.Follow the adventure and touching conclusion of The Kindhearted Snowman!

  • von Michael Scantlebury
    24,00 €

    As we embark on this study, there are certain things that we need to first establish. Here are five things that I believe the book of Revelation is about:1. Revelation is the most Biblical book in the Bible.2. Revelation has a system of symbolism.3. Revelation is a prophecy about imminent events - events that were about to break loose on the world of the First Century.4. Revelation is a worship service.5. Revelation is a book about dominion.Also, we have to study The Revelation as a part of the entirety of Scripture and not as a separate book on its own. It ties in beautifully with the rest of the Bible and Israel's journey. So, as we study the prophecy within this book, we will see how it ties in with Jesus' prophecy recorded in Matthew 24 and many of the words spoken directly to the tribes of Israel. It was a powerful and very relevant book for the First Century Church and gives us today a clear picture of God's way of dealing with His people. When approached from this point of view, fresh realms of understanding will herald some fresh and powerful truths for us today.Also, we need to bear in mind that the Bible is a record of Two Covenants; the Old Covenant which had a shelf life and was destined to come to an end. And then we have the New Covenant which is eternal and as such will never end. It has been eternally established by our King and Lord, Jesus the Christ. We need to add to this the understanding that the entire cannon of Scripture was written prior to AD 70.

  • von Luciano Lombardi
    22,00 €

    "Lombardi leads us into an interaction with the apostle's breathtaking vision. A New Humanity helps answer Paul's own prayer that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened, that we could know who we are in Jesus, in his Father, in the Holy Spirit, together. Beautiful."-C. Baxter Kruger, Author of Across All Worlds and the international bestseller The Shack Revisited"I welcome this valuable addition to the study of Ephesians and recommend it to individuals and groups who intend to live as 'masterpieces of His creation'."-David Wells, General Superintendent of the PAOC and Canadian Sports Chaplain Olympic, Pan Am, and Commonwealth Games"Luciano provides some wonderful pastoral insights as a reminder that the Bible is still relevant in addressing today's most pressing questions."-Domenic Ruso, PhD, Lead Pastor 180 Church Laval, Quebec and author of Making Sense of the Church: An IntroductionThis book is a call for everyone to live out the humanity that God has given us through Jesus. This book is a must-read for everyone looking for a sense of purpose and destiny in life.

  • von Iris Munchinsky
    19,98 - 41,00 €

  • von Gary R Small
    15,00 €

    Galatians was written by St. Paul in response to a concern that the church was becoming too legalistic. He implores them to rekindle the experiences of their conversion and not be ignorant of the lessons from scripture. He also encourages them to grasp the promises God has given them. In doing this, Paul seeks to realign the church to the gospel rather than a law-based religion.As we reflect on the traditions of our churches or our lives, we might perceive similar susceptibilities. Paul's wisdom to the Galatians thus has relevance today and we can benefit from his teaching in order to remain focused on a Christ-filled, Spirit-led ministry.

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