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Bücher veröffentlicht von World Scientific Publishing Company

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  • von Kai Diethelm
    176,00 €

    The subject of fractional calculus and its applications (that is, convolution-type pseudo-differential operators including integrals and derivatives of any arbitrary real or complex order) has gained considerable popularity and importance during the past three decades or so, mainly due to its applications in diverse fields of science and engineering. These operators have been used to model problems with anomalous dynamics, however, they also are an effective tool as filters and controllers, and they can be applied to write complicated functions in terms of fractional integrals or derivatives of elementary functions, and so on. This book will give readers the possibility of finding very important mathematical tools for working with fractional models and solving fractional differential equations, such as a generalization of Stirling numbers in the framework of fractional calculus and a set of efficient numerical methods. Moreover, we will introduce some applied topics, in particular fractional variational methods which are used in physics, engineering or economics. We will also discuss the relationship between semi-Markov continuous-time random walks and the space-time fractional diffusion equation, which generalizes the usual theory relating random walks to the diffusion equation. These methods can be applied in finance, to model tick-by-tick (log)-price fluctuations, in insurance theory, to study ruin, as well as in macroeconomics as prototypical growth models. All these topics are complementary to what is dealt with in existing books on fractional calculus and its applications currently existing in the market. This book will be written with a trade-off in mind between full mathematical rigor and the needs of readers coming from different applied areas of science and engineering. In particular, the numerical methods listed in the book are presented in a readily accessible way that immediately allows the readers to implement them on a computer in a programming language of their choice.

  • von Joseph Pelzman
    71,00 €

    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a large, complex, and diverse region, which faces a wide range of economic issues. The MENA group includes Algeria, Bahrain, Cyprus, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. This book uses analytical tools drawn from the trade, labor, finance, and development literature to critically analyze and compare these countries' economic policies. The purpose of this book is not to provide a country-by-country study but rather to deal with general themes such as growth and structural change, labor market imperfections, technology gaps, endogenous growth, capital markets, savings and investment behaviors, and the economics of terror. This approach helps us raise general questions about the growth experience of the region as a whole, and at the same time, focus on key sector issues such as the relevance of Islamic banking to capital formation. The book serves as both a textbook and a summary of the very large literature on MENA. It examines the following economic realities of the region and compares them across the MENA economies: * Technology gap and comparative development * The value of education and human capital development * Water and food security * The economics and politics of oil * Population growth, role of gender, and labor mobility * The role of the state as economic actor * The economic value of democracy * The prospects for regional integration * Economic impact of terrorism

  • von Pei Wang
    114,00 €

    This book provides a systematic and comprehensive description of Non-Axiomatic Logic, which is the result of the author's research for about three decades. Non-Axiomatic Logic is designed to provide a uniform logical foundation for Artificial Intelligence, as well as an abstract description of the "laws of thought" followed by the human mind. Different from "mathematical" logic, where the focus is the regularity required when demonstrating mathematical conclusions, Non-Axiomatic Logic is an attempt to return to the original aim of logic, that is, to formulate the regularity in actual human thinking. To achieve this goal, the logic is designed under the assumption that the system has insufficient knowledge and resources with respect to the problems to be solved, so that the "logical conclusions" are only valid with respect to the available knowledge and resources. Reasoning processes according to this logic covers cognitive functions like learning, planning, decision making, problem solving, etc. This book is written for researchers and students in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, and can be used as a textbook for courses at graduate level, or upper-level undergraduate, on Non-Axiomatic Logic.

  • von Joseph Khoury
    81,00 €

    This volume provides a wide selection of problems (and solutions) to all those interested in mathematical problem solving and is accessible to readers from high school students to professionals. It is a resource for those interested in mathematical competitions ranging from high school level to the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition (for undergraduate students). The collection offers challenges for students, teachers, and recreational mathematicians.

  • von Ching-Fatt Yong
    73,00 €

    This is an in-depth study of a most important but somewhat controversial Hua-ch'iao (Overseas Chinese) of the history of twentieth-century China and South-East Asia Tan Kah-kee (1874 1961). For a Chinese immigrant in South-East Asia to make good is not unique, but what is unique in Tan Kah-kee's case is his enormous contribution to employment and economic development in Singapore and Malaya. He was the only Chinese in history to have single-handedly founded a private university in Amoy and financially maintained it for sixteen years. He was the only Hua-ch'iao of his generation to have led the Chinese in South-East Asia to help China to resist the Japanese invasion in a concerted and coordinated manner. Moreover, he was the only Hua-ch'iao leader to have played both Singapore and China politics and affairs in close quarters, rubbing shoulders with British governors, Chinese officials and commanders. Finally, it is important to point out that Tan Kah-kee was the only Hua-ch'iao in his times to have combined his Pang, community and political power and influences for the advancement of community, regional and national goals. This is an in-depth study of not just Tan Kah-kee per se but also the making of a legend through his deeds, self-sacrifices, fortitude and foresight. This revised edition sheds new light on his political agonies in Mao's China over campaigns against capitalists and intellectuals. Moreover, it analyses more comprehensively the varied legacies of Tan Kah-kee, including his successors, the style of his non-partisan political leadership, his educational strategy for nation-building, social change and "the Spirit of Tan Kah-kee," currently in vogue in his home province, Fukien.

  • von David Goodstein
    29,00 €

  • von Julio A. Gonzalo
    44,00 - 85,00 €

  • von Michal Walicki
    54,00 - 86,00 €

  • von Richard Herrmann
    115,00 €

    Fractional calculus is undergoing rapidly and ongoing development. We can already recognize, that within its framework new concepts and strategies emerge, which lead to new challenging insights and surprising correlations between different branches of physics. This book is an invitation both to the interested student and the professional researcher. It presents a thorough introduction to the basics of fractional calculus and guides the reader directly to the current state-of-the-art physical interpretation. It is also devoted to the application of fractional calculus on physical problems, in the subjects of classical mechanics, friction, damping, oscillations, group theory, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, and hadron spectroscopy up to quantum field theory.

  • von Clive Reis
    87,00 €

    This book is appropriate for second to fourth year undergraduates. In addition to the material traditionally taught at this level, the book contains several applications: Polya Burnside Enumeration, Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares, Error-Correcting Codes and a classification of the finite groups of isometries of the plane and the finite rotation groups in Euclidean 3-space. It is hoped that these applications will help the reader achieve a better grasp of the rather abstract ideas presented and convince him/her that pure mathematics, in addition to having an austere beauty of its own, can be applied to solving practical problems. An entire chapter is devoted to studying the algebraic system of the integers mod n under the usual operations of addition and multiplication. The reader is thus introduced via congruence classes to the idea of cosets and factor groups. This enables the transition to cosets and factor objects in a more abstract setting to be relatively painless. The chapters dealing with applications help to reinforce the concepts and methods developed in the context of more down-to earth problems. Most introductory texts in abstract algebra either avoid cosets, factor objects and homomorphisms completely or introduce them towards the end of the book. In this book, these topics are dealt with early on so that the reader has at his/her disposal the tools required to give elegant proofs of the fundamental theorems. Moreover, homomorphisms play such a prominent role in algebra that they are used in this text wherever possible, even if there are alternative methods of proof.

  • von Nik Weaver
    102,00 €

    This book provides an introduction to measure theory and functional analysis suitable for a beginning graduate course, and is based on notes the author had developed over several years of teaching such a course. It is unique in placing special emphasis on the separable setting, which allows for a simultaneously more detailed and more elementary exposition, and for its rapid progression into advanced topics in the spectral theory of families of self-adjoint operators. The author's notion of measurable Hilbert bundles is used to give the spectral theorem a particularly elegant formulation not to be found in other textbooks on the subject.

  • von Minking Eie
    130,00 €

    This is the first book on the theory of multiple zeta values since its birth around 1994. Readers will find that the shuffle products of multiple zeta values are applied to complicated counting problems in combinatorics, producing numerous interesting identities that are ready to be used. This will provide a powerful tool to deal with problems in multiple zeta values, both in evaluations and shuffle relations. The volume will benefit graduate students doing research in number theory.

  • von Fayyazuddin
    106,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive account of basic concepts of quantum mechanics in a coherent manner. The book is self-contained and not only covers basic concepts in quantum mechanics but also provides a basis for applications in atomic and laser physics, nuclear and particle physics, and condensed matter physics. It also covers relativistic quantum mechanics, in particular the Dirac equation and its applications.

  • von Guilherme Carmona
    88,00 €

    The book aims at describing the recent developments in the existence and stability of Nash equilibrium. The two topics are central to game theory and economics and have been extensively researched. Recent results on existence and stability of Nash equilibrium are scattered and the relationship between them has not been explained clearly. The book will make these results easily accessible and understandable to researchers in the field.

  • von Sean Dineen
    115,00 €

    This book shows that it is possible to provide a fully rigorous treatment of calculus for those planning a career in an area that uses mathematics regularly (e.g., statistics, mathematics, economics, finance, engineering, etc.). It reveals to students on the ways to approach and understand mathematics. It covers efficiently and rigorously the differential and integral calculus, and its foundations in mathematical analysis. It also aims at a comprehensive, efficient, and rigorous treatment by introducing all the concepts succinctly. Experience has shown that this approach, which treats understanding on par with technical ability, has long term benefits for students.

  • von Uday S Karmarkar
    115,00 €

    This is the third of a series of research volume of papers from the Business and Information Technologies global research network. The group includes 20 partners from 16 countries, who conduct studies on the impact of new information and communication technologies on business practice, industry structure, and economic change. The book presents a unique longitudinal and cross-sectional view of technology adoption and business practice across a diverse set of countries and economies. It appears that there are some commonalities with respect to patterns of technology adoption, but also significant differences across countries. Furthermore, innovative practices can arise in every country, and have the potential to be applied in other countries. The identical survey carried out in different countries enables benchmarking and accurate comparisons across those markets. It is also extremely broad in its coverage of business practice in terms of functions and performance.

  • von Ching-Hwang Yen
    219,00 €

    This unique volume provides a broad introduction to the ethnic Chinese business in Asia, with focus on the ethnic Chinese in East and Southeast Asia. The growing interest in ethnic Chinese business reflects its importance in these two regional economies, and its relations with China's economy the world's new economic powerhouse. It examines the nature and characteristics of the ethnic Chinese business, such as business networks, family business and conglomerates, concepts of xinyong and guanxi, and entrepreneurship and management. It also examines the input of history and culture in the formation and operation of ethnic Chinese business. The second half of the book is devoted to detailed regional studies, covering the Chinese in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This book provides an excellent introduction for tertiary students in business schools, and for prospective businessmen who wish to do business with the Chinese in East and Southeast Asia.

  • von Ram Upendra Das
    128,00 €

    The Asia-Pacific region has emerged as a dominant player in trade and will continue to be an influential component of world trade and economics. This book presents an informative outlook on the various regional and trade agreements (RTAs) and their beneficial effects on bilateral trade. In particular, the authors concentrate on India and China, the two major rising powers, and the impact of exchange of information and sharing of resources between these two countries in wide-ranging areas. It provides an incisive analysis and a roundup of all major RTAs and also presents an overview of all major agreements between the countries involved, which might propel their trade numbers and influence future economic engagements. The book also discusses possible obstacles that are encountered during the implementation of RTAs and circumvention routes that can be taken to ensure the successful execution of the agreements. International trade agreements, such as General Agreements on Trade and Tariffs, which have revolutionized the trade dynamics by opening up new areas of trade and formulating specific guidelines for the member countries to adhere to during trade negotiations, are discussed. The book also provides new insights into some of the issues under negotiation, such as sensitive lists, trade, investment cooperation, and trade in services. The existing economic cooperation arrangements in the region as well as those that are at various stages of study and negotiations, empirical insights and policy suggestions are elucidated in detail.

  • von Haruzo Hida
    193,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive account of the theory of moduli spaces of elliptic curves (over integer rings) and its application to modular forms. The construction of Galois representations, which play a fundamental role in Wiles' proof of the Shimura Taniyama conjecture, is given. In addition, the book presents an outline of the proof of diverse modularity results of two-dimensional Galois representations (including that of Wiles), as well as some of the author's new results in that direction. In this new second edition, a detailed description of Barsotti Tate groups (including formal Lie groups) is added to Chapter 1. As an application, a down-to-earth description of formal deformation theory of elliptic curves is incorporated at the end of Chapter 2 (in order to make the proof of regularity of the moduli of elliptic curve more conceptual), and in Chapter 4, though limited to ordinary cases, newly incorporated are Ribet's theorem of full image of modular p-adic Galois representation and its generalization to 'big' -adic Galois representations under mild assumptions (a new result of the author). Though some of the striking developments described above is out of the scope of this introductory book, the author gives a taste of present day research in the area of Number Theory at the very end of the book (giving a good account of modularity theory of abelian -varieties and -curves).

  • von Bob Xu
    182,00 €

    This is a concise handbook providing a quick clinical reference on Chinese medicinal treatments for many diseases, based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and practice. Organized by different clinical conditions and diseases, it provides clinicians and healthcare professionals with definitions and recommended treatment methods, especially herbal medicine formulae. In addition to being a comprehensive quick reference source, this handbook also conveys a generalized understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  • von Michael Benoliel
    72,00 €

    This book is primarily a textbook targeted to students taking negotiation courses. It is designed to introduce the students to the multiple dimensions of deal making.

  • von Hoi S. Kwok
    294,00 €

    The book consists of 2 volumes; each volume consists of about 12 chapters, to provide a summary of selected important areas in LC science, technology and applications, written by key researchers in those areas. It is at the graduate and researchers level in electronic engineering, computer engineering, physics, chemistry, and LCD engineers.

  • von Raymond Riezman
    173,00 €

    This book presents a comprehensive view of recent developments in the theory of international trade agreements and political economy, by focusing on research by Raymond Riezman. This pioneering work introduced terms of trade effects and strategic behavior to the theory of international trade agreements. This is complemented by a careful analysis of how politics affects international trade agreements. The book brings together work which focuses on the question of why international trade agreements occur and what forms they take.

  • von Ulrich Weiss
    108,00 €

    Starting from first principles, this book introduces the fundamental concepts and methods of dissipative quantum mechanics and explores related phenomena in condensed matter systems. Major experimental achievements in cooperation with theoretical advances have brightened the field and brought it to the attention of the general community in natural sciences. Nowadays, working knowledge of dissipative quantum mechanics is an essential tool for many physicists. This book originally published in 1990 and republished in 1999 and and 2008 as enlarged second and third editions delves significantly deeper than ever before into the fundamental concepts, methods and applications of quantum dissipative systems. This fourth edition provides a self-contained and updated account of the quantum mechanics of open systems and offers important new material including the most recent developments. The subject matter has been expanded by about fifteen percent. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to better cater to both the needs of newcomers to the field and the requests of the advanced readership. Two chapters have been added that account for recent progress in the field. This book should be accessible to all graduate students in physics. Researchers will find this a rich and stimulating source.

  • von Galina Hale
    106,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the effects that foreign direct investment into China has had on the productivity, exporting activity, and innovation of Chinese domestic firms, as well as on the nation's labor markets. The analysis relies on the most complete data available and state-of-the-art statistical analysis. The book also includes a critical overview of existing theoretical and empirical literature on these issues and is meant to provide guidance to researchers in the area of FDI effects in general, as well as those interested in studying the Chinese economy.

  • von Edgar Martinez Moro
    140,00 €

    Algebraic & geometry methods have constituted a basic background and tool for people working on classic block coding theory and cryptography. Nowadays, new paradigms on coding theory and cryptography have arisen such as: Network coding, S-Boxes, APN Functions, Steganography and decoding by linear programming. Again understanding the underlying procedure and symmetry of these topics needs a whole bunch of non trivial knowledge of algebra and geometry that will be used to both, evaluate those methods and search for new codes and cryptographic applications. This book shows those methods in a self-contained form.

  • von Irma Fiordalisi
    228,00 €

    This book is a clinical guide in the practice of pediatric critical care and can serve as a roadmap for an introductory journey through this broad and challenging subspecialty. Key topics intrinsic to the practice of pediatric critical care are addressed from an organ-system and disease-specific perspective, and tailored to the needs of new learners. Comprehensive, practical and up-to-date information is provided in a user-friendly format that facilitates both learning and care implications. Each topic is analyzed and discussed in a custom-built section to provide both an overview and the necessary detail to help the reader participate in and contribute to patient care. Definitions, etiologies, physical findings, laboratory and radiologic data, differential diagnoses, management, suggested consultations and prognosis are condensed using easy-to-find boxes, bulleted lists, decision trees, tables and illustrations.

  • von Ralf Hofmann
    197,00 €

    This book is the first on the newly emerging subject of quantum Yang Mills theory that may serve advanced students and researchers learning the thermodynamically-grounded analytic approach to nonperturbative gauge theory, and its applications to a variety of terrestrial and astrophysical systems.

  • von Francis Secheresse
    175,00 €

    The book highlights recent prominent results in the domain of the synthesis of new polyoxometalates with a specific attention to polyoxothioanions, and provides some novelties and perspectives in selected domains such as magnetism, luminescence and nanochemistry, and macroions self-assembly in solutions. The case of "one-pot" syntheses often used and reported in POMs synthesis is studied in terms of more complex solution speciation processes related to highly dynamical situation connected to factors such as pH, ionic strength, reaction time, temperature, counterion nature, concentration of starting materials, presence of electron donors and redox potentials. The behavior of macroions (2nm-6nm size range) in solution is shown to be quite different from the simple ionic solution or colloidal systems (Debye Huckel model). Their self-assembling into a single-layered, spherical, hollow vesicle structure, namely the "blackberry" structure, is clearly described. Examples of spin clusters with tunable interactions are given and single molecule magnets based on POMs are specifically tackled. Besides paramagnetic transition metal centres and lanthanoid ions encapsulated in archetypal lacunary polyoxoanions, magnetically functionalized Kleperates are described, their discovery tracing back nearly 15 years.

  • von Stephen D Ellis
    105,00 €

    By year 1911 radioactivity had been discovered for over a decade, but its origin remained a mystery. Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus and the subsequent discovery of the neutron by Chadwick started the field of subatomic physics a quest for understanding the fundamental constituents of matter. This book reviews the important achievements in subatomic physics in the past century. The chapters are divided into two parts: nuclear physics and particle physics. Written by renowned authors who have made major developments in the field, this book provides the academics and researchers an essential overview of the present state of knowledge in nuclear and particle physics.

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