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Bücher veröffentlicht von Zuytdorp Press

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  • von Nigel Clayton
    17,00 €

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in Verse.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz needs no real introduction in itself, for it is a classic, and this version is no different, other than the fact that it is written in verse, as a poem.Dorothy, along with her dog Toto, are sucked into a cyclone, as L.Frank Baum expresses it, and is swept to a strange land called Oz. Here she ventures to find a way home, befriending several, unique friends along the way, including the Scarecrow, The Cowardly Lion, and the Tin Woodman.

  • von Nigel Clayton
    49,00 - 54,00 €

  • von Nigel Clayton
    17,00 €

  • von Clayton
    18,00 €

  • von Nigel Clayton
    32,00 €

    Henry is a pygmy possum who passes the day by helping the rainforest grow, by spreading the spores of mushrooms about the rainforest floor. One day he comes across some bad news; there is a cat on the loose and he is being a bully.With the help of some new friends, Henry saves the day by confronting the bullying cat and putting him in his place, serving him a good lesson about friendship and illuminating his poor behavior towards others.This all takes place in Tasmania, where Henry, Daisy the spider, Penelope the pademelon, Mr.White the owl, and Tassie the Tasmanian devil, all live in harmony and peace.In total there are 40 full-color pictures. The story is written in rhyme and told over 71 [four-line] verses.

  • von Nigel Clayton
    21,00 €

    Bernard de Beauvais is a Knights Templar, accused of many things, including cowardice. We follow Bernard during his trial; through the ages; the Battle of Tripoli, the Battle of Acre, and the Battle of Bannockburn. He's tortured and ransomed, fights like the devil and protects the innocent as though they are his own children; but one day his world comes crashing down around him, all because of King Philip, King of France. But France is his home and it comes to pass that the French Exchequer needs the help of Bernard, and together something heinous is plotted; but history will never know of Bernard's ultimate service to the people of his beloved country.

  • von Nigel Clayton
    33,00 €

  • von Nigel Clayton
    19,00 €

    This is the First World War through the eyes of DenisPatrick Kelly, soldier of the 2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers,from 22nd April, 1914, until the close of the war on 11thNovember, 1918.Denis Kelly went to war on the day his wife gave birthto a healthy boy, and through sheer luck and good fortunedid survive the war having experienced the horrors thatwere the Retreat from Mons, Ypres, The Somme,Langemarck, La Cateau, Loos, Messines, St Quentin andmuch, much more.This is a vivid account of what he went through duringfour years of heinous tragedy.

  • von Nigel Clayton
    32,00 €

    Written as an epic poem in verse, this is a story of a siege and love. Stephen and Clover find each other at the worst of times and hope to savour their newfound love in one another, in a future together, and in peace forever.This tale of epic proportion takes place during the final days of Constantinople, 1453, as 7,000 inhabitants defend against an army of over 100,000. The historical value of this book does well to inform the reader as to the way in which the siege came to be successful, and how the defenders held their position so heroically. The characters of fictional value provide great momentum and interest to the story, doing justice to history, never for an instant depriving it of substance.

  • von Nigel Clayton
    20,00 €

  • von Nigel Clayton
    17,00 €

    This book in a novel, whereby 'Song of the Templar' is the same, basic story but written in poetic verse - the covers are almost identical.Bernard de Beauvais is a Knights Templar, accused of many things, including cowardice. We follow Bernard during his trial; through the ages; the Battle of Tripoli, the Battle of Acre, and the Battle of Bannockburn. He's tortured and ransomed, fights like the devil and protects the innocent as though they are his own children; but one day his world comes crashing down around him, all because of King Philip, King of France. But France is his home and it comes to pass that the French Exchequer needs the help of Bernard, and together something heinous is plotted; but history will never know of Bernard's ultimate service to the people of his beloved country.

  • von Nigel B J Clayton
    17,00 €

  • von Nigel Clayton
    17,00 €

    This is the story of a man on walkabout, trekking the centre of Australia some 60,000 yearsago. The adventures open the door to myths and legends of Aboriginal society as never readbefore. The myths, legends and wonders of Aboriginal society are many and vast, passed onby word of mouth for tens of thousands of years.If we assume that the 'religion' of these people dates back so far then we have to assume thatcreatures such as the diprotodon, megalania, and thylacoleo, just to name a few, are foreverpresent in their myths and legend. But there are indicators to show that the religion does notdate back so far, or in the least, that religion was an on-going form of practice, for the dingo[which only dates back some 5,000 years] seems to be rather active in ritual and commonplace amongst some myths and legends.Whether these stories have changed over the years [as word mouth is hard to secure as asource of historical worth] or not, I have taken the liberty, whether justly or otherwise, to putit into story form, so that there appears to be a more rudiment meaning to the entiredevelopment of Aboriginal Dreamtime, which is an eternal way of life and carries with itmany sacred meanings.I can only hope that I have created no ill-will, for my intentions are to provide others with thejoy of understanding in a way which is more effortless then simply passing over one mythafter another in a big thick book.Kulinma! Ngulakujaku-kula!This book might contain names of people who have since departed this world

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