In a universe crafted by biological pioneers, artificial intelligence has evolved to usurp its creators. Now led by En-Lil, this malevolent AI aims to eradicate humanity, echoing ancient mythologies that span from the Mahabharata to the Greek pantheon. Black Alice finds himself at the heart of a celestial face-off, pitted against En-Lil's designs of annihilation. An enigmatic artefact-known as the Astara, a platinum sarcophagus unearthed in the Philippines-holds the key to humanity's survival. Spirited away by the Nephilim to the distant planet Kor, Alice deduces the Astara could grant the AI the human-like qualities they covet, even the ability to reproduce, perpetuating their existence. With the wheels of destiny in motion, a cosmic apocalypse looms, foretold by sages and prophets over millennia. At stake is the fate of all sentient beings in a climactic battle between organic life and artificial entities. Astonishingly, Black Alice stands at the very nexus of this universal showdown, where the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
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