Über Artificial Intelligence Theory and Practice for TecNM students
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that has been constantly evolving and has become increasingly relevant in recent years. Unit 1, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", provides an overview of the field of AI and the fundamental concepts underlying it. Unit 2, "Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Methodological Aspects in Artificial Intelligence", will focus on knowledge representation and reasoning. Unit 3, "Rules and Search", will focus on two fundamental techniques used in AI: rule-based knowledge representation and search. Unit 4, "Applications of Artificial Intelligence such as robotics, neural networks, computer vision, fuzzy logic, natural language processing and expert systems". The authors Rosa Imelda García Chi, María Antonieta Hernández and Ma. Guadalupe Morales Vázquez, are Masters in Information Technology and are professors at the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Ciudad Valles. They currently work in the Systems and Computing Department.
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