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Bücher von Alexander Onyeme

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  • 16% sparen
    von Alexander Onyeme
    46,00 €

    Ensinar como outras profissões é um negócio sério. Os praticantes precisam de ser fundamentados nos rudimentos do ensino e da aprendizagem. O manual Ensinar Fácil fornece estes rudimentos que são necessários para um ensino eficaz. O livro aborda áreas vitais como o princípio do ensino e da aprendizagem, teorias de aprendizagem, gestão de salas de aula e capacidades de escrita para professores. O livro é dirigido a professores formandos, primeiros professores, bem como a profissionais da educação que queiram subestimar a complexidade do ensino.

  • 16% sparen
    von Alexander Onyeme
    46,00 €

    La enseñanza, como otras profesiones, es un asunto serio. Los profesionales deben conocer los rudimentos de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El manual Teaching Made Easy proporciona estos rudimentos, necesarios para una enseñanza eficaz. El libro aborda áreas vitales como los principios de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, las teorías del aprendizaje, la gestión del aula y las técnicas de redacción para profesores. El libro está dirigido a profesores en formación, profesores principiantes y profesionales de la educación que deseen comprender la complejidad de la enseñanza.

  • von Alexander Onyeme
    54,90 €

    Der Lehrerberuf ist wie andere Berufe auch eine ernste Angelegenheit. Die Praktiker müssen die Grundlagen des Lehrens und Lernens beherrschen. Das Handbuch Lehren leicht gemacht vermittelt diese Grundlagen, die für einen effektiven Unterricht notwendig sind. Das Buch berührt wichtige Bereiche wie die Grundsätze des Lehrens und Lernens, Lerntheorien, Klassenraummanagement und Schreibfähigkeiten für Lehrer. Das Buch richtet sich an Lehramtsstudenten, angehende Lehrer sowie an Bildungspraktiker, die die Komplexität des Lehrens verstehen wollen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Alexander Onyeme
    46,00 €

    L'enseignement, comme d'autres professions, est une affaire sérieuse. Les praticiens doivent connaître les rudiments de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage. Le manuel Teaching Made Easy fournit ces rudiments qui sont nécessaires pour un enseignement efficace. L'ouvrage aborde des domaines essentiels tels que les principes de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage, les théories de l'apprentissage, la gestion de la classe et les techniques d'écriture pour les enseignants. Il s'adresse aux enseignants en formation, aux enseignants débutants ainsi qu'aux praticiens de l'éducation qui souhaitent comprendre la complexité de l'enseignement.

  • 16% sparen
    von Alexander Onyeme
    46,00 €

    L'insegnamento, come altre professioni, è un'attività seria. I professionisti devono avere le basi dei rudimenti dell'insegnamento e dell'apprendimento. Il manuale Teaching Made Easy fornisce questi rudimenti necessari per un insegnamento efficace. Il libro tocca aree vitali come i principi dell'insegnamento e dell'apprendimento, le teorie dell'apprendimento, la gestione della classe e le abilità di scrittura per gli insegnanti. Il libro si rivolge a insegnanti in formazione, insegnanti agli inizi e professionisti dell'istruzione che desiderano comprendere la complessità dell'insegnamento.

  • 18% sparen
    von Alexander Onyeme
    59,00 €

    The book, Principles and Methods of Teaching (A Simplified Version for Student-Teachers) covers the basic principles of teaching which student-teachers should understand to become effective teachers. It also addresses the various methods of teaching. The book is written to cover some compulsory courses in the Nigeria Certificate in Education Minimum Standards. Teachers and other education practitioners nonetheless, will also find the content interesting in advancing their teaching career and providing meaningful and effective teaching for their students. The chapter on teachers¿ personal evaluation of teaching effectiveness, for instance, is an important component of this book which every serious teacher will find valuable in their personal evaluation for improved pedagogy. The book contains fifteen chapters, including the practice of micro-teaching, objectives and categories of objectives in teaching and learning, writing instructional objectives, principles underlying choice of teaching methods as well as various types of teaching methods. It is the hope of the author that this book will serve the need of those it is meant for and advance teaching and learning.

  • 16% sparen
    - a Handbook for Teacher-Trainees
    von Alexander Onyeme
    46,00 €

    Teaching like other professions is a serious business. Practitioners need to be grounded in the rudiments of teaching and learning. The handbook Teaching Made Easy provides these rudiments which are necesssry for effective teaching. The book touches on vital areas such as principle of teaching and learning,learning theories,classroom management and writing skills for teachers. The book is targeted at teacher-trainees, early teachers as well as education practitioners who want to understsnd the complexity of teaching.

  • - a Handbook for Early Teachers
    von Alexander Onyeme
    22,00 €

    Teaching is a serious profession. In order to assist teacher-trainees and early teachers to perform the onerous task of teaching, there becomes an obvious need for a resource material they can rely on. This book Teaching Made Easy: A Handbook for Early Teachers is targeted at student-teachers in our colleges and universities and new entrants into the teaching profession. The handbook addresses key teaching concepts, foundation of education, principles of teaching, teaching and learning styles, professionalization of teaching and a lot more. This handbook is a result of the author's years of experience teaching in the Continuing Education and Sandwich Programmes of Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze, Anambra State, Nigeria, as well as carrying out research studies on challenges of teaching and learning across educational levels. It is the hope of the author that teacher-trainees and early teachers will find the content a veritable asset for their professional engagement.

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