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Bücher von Amit Gupta

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  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    A Laboratory Manual deals with basic and applied techniques involved as well as applied in immunology and Animal Biotechnology or Animal cell culture course. This manual is useful particularly for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of medical and life science (e.g. Biotechnology, Microbiology, Zoology and so on) disciplines. The major intention is to provide students with an organized, user-friendly tool to enable them to understand the laboratory aspects of this particular subject.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    31,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    42,00 €

    Turmeric is a spice derived from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa, which is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Turmeric is a base of most Indian curries, use as a spice & pigment, food preservative and for medicinal purposes for centuries. The bright yellow color of turmeric comes mainly from curcumin, a principle curcuminoid. It possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-protazoal, anti-cancer, neuroprotective, anti-depressant, antic-coagulant, cardio-protective, hypolipidmic, anti-ulcer, anti-spasmodic, anti-diabetic, anti-arthritic, anti-mutagenic, anti-fertility and anti-venom activity. It exhibits potential against allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer¿s disease and other chronic diseases. It has also been used internally for liver and digestive complaints, menstrual insufficiency and cramping. It is extensively used in various religious and social ceremonies from birth to death in different parts of India. This book will be found as a compendium of information including all the important aspects of turmeric in precise manner and would be useful for all Science peoples.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    39,00 €

    This Book is very useful for University students, Research Scholars and Industry. This book deals with the synthesis and structural study of terpolymers. The terpolymers were characterized by elemental analysis, molecular weight by non-aqueous conductometric method, UV-Visible spectra, IR spectra and 1H NMR spectra. Most probable structures of terpolymers were assigned with the help of elemental analysis, UV-Visible spectra, IR spectra and 1H NMR spectra.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    As per the literature, these medicinal plant products especially in the form of leaves, root, stem etc. which showed some potential in order to explore various immunopharmacological activities i.e. antioxidant, hepatoprotective etc. In other words, these medicinal plants reported various chemical constituents in the form of primary and secondary metabolites and ultimately used for various purposes i.e. prophylactic and therapeutic. In this book, we mentioned about various medicinal plant products along with medicinal properties as well. In addition, spectroscopy data was collected about various medicinal plants and mentioning about derivatives which are present. Recently, lot of studies were conducted on medicinal plants (in vitro and in vivo) as mentioned in the literature and it is used by various pharmaceutical companies especially for drug manufacturing related to human health care. Although, mechanism of action along with its efficacy of medicinal plant products is still needed in order to validate scientifically. Therefore, it is important to search other type of alternatives with respect to medicinal plants which is highly effective in the treatment of these infections.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Gli studenti devono conoscere il concetto di alimento in relazione alla sua biochimica, alla microbiologia e alla sua lavorazione. L'obiettivo principale di questo corso manuale relativo alla tecnologia alimentare è quello di formare gli studenti, compresi i ricercatori, alla scienza e alla tecnologia alimentare; comprendere il concetto di qualità del latte e conoscere la morfologia e la disposizione delle cellule batteriche presenti nei campioni di latte; formare gli studenti all'esame di vari campioni di cibo utilizzando test biochimici (ad esempio, proteine, grassi, vitamine [ A e D] e carboidrati); comprendere il concetto di durezza temporanea e permanente dell'acqua e comprendere il concetto di cibo per quanto riguarda i diversi aspetti legati alla sua manipolazione, alla lavorazione e al controllo di qualità.

  • von Amit Gupta
    19,00 €

    Rukowodstwo po laboratornym issledowaniqm poswqscheno osnownym i prikladnym metodam, primenqemym w immunologii i biotehnologii zhiwotnyh ili w kurse kul'tury kletok zhiwotnyh. Dannoe rukowodstwo osobenno polezno dlq studentow i aspirantow, izuchaüschih medicinskie discipliny i nauki o zhizni (naprimer, biotehnologiü, mikrobiologiü, zoologiü i t.d.). Osnownaq cel' - predostawit' studentam organizowannyj, udobnyj w ispol'zowanii instrument, kotoryj pozwolit im ponqt' laboratornye aspekty ätogo konkretnogo predmeta.

  • 18% sparen
  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Les étudiants doivent être conscients du concept d'alimentation lié à la biochimie et à la microbiologie, et doivent également comprendre sa transformation. L'objectif principal de ce cours manuel lié à la technologie alimentaire est de former les étudiants, y compris les chercheurs en science et technologie alimentaires ; de comprendre le concept de qualité du lait et de connaître la morphologie et la disposition des cellules bactériennes présentes dans les échantillons de lait ; de former les étudiants à l'examen de divers échantillons alimentaires à l'aide de tests biochimiques (par exemple, protéines, graisses, vitamines [A et D] et glucides) ; de comprendre le concept de dureté temporaire et permanente de l'eau et de comprendre le concept d'aliment sous différents aspects liés à sa manipulation, son traitement et son contrôle qualité.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Los estudiantes deben conocer el concepto de los alimentos en relación con su bioquímica, microbiología y también entender su procesamiento. El objetivo principal de este curso manual relacionado con la tecnología de los alimentos es formar a los estudiantes, incluidos los investigadores, en la ciencia y la tecnología de los alimentos; comprender el concepto de calidad de la leche y conocer la morfología y la disposición de las células bacterianas presentes en las muestras de leche; formar a los estudiantes en el examen de diversas muestras de alimentos mediante pruebas bioquímicas (por ejemplo, proteínas, grasas, vitaminas [A y D] e hidratos de carbono); comprender el concepto de dureza temporal y permanente del agua y entender el concepto de los alimentos en lo que respecta a diferentes aspectos relacionados con su manipulación, procesamiento y control de calidad.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Os estudantes devem conhecer o conceito de alimentos relacionado com a sua bioquímica; microbiologia e também compreender o seu processamento. O principal objectivo deste curso manual relacionado com a tecnologia alimentar, ou seja, formar os alunos, incluindo investigadores em ciência e tecnologia alimentar; compreender o conceito relativo à qualidade do leite e também conhecer a morfologia e disposição das células bacterianas presentes nas amostras de leite; formar os alunos no exame de várias amostras de alimentos utilizando testes bioquímicos (por exemplo, proteínas, gordura, vitaminas [ A e D] e hidratos de carbono); compreender o conceito de dureza temporária e permanente da água e também compreender o conceito de alimentos relativamente a diferentes aspectos relacionados com o seu manuseamento, processamento e controlo de qualidade.

  • von Amit Gupta
    19,00 €

    Studenty dolzhny znat' o koncepcii produktow pitaniq, swqzannyh s ih biohimiej, mikrobiologiej, a takzhe ponimat' ih pererabotku. Osnownaq cel' dannogo kursa, swqzannogo s tehnologiej proizwodstwa produktow pitaniq, zaklüchaetsq w podgotowke studentow, wklüchaq issledowatelej w oblasti nauki i tehnologii proizwodstwa produktow pitaniq; ponimanie koncepcii kachestwa moloka, a takzhe znanie morfologii i raspolozheniq bakterial'nyh kletok, prisutstwuüschih w obrazcah moloka; obuchenie studentow issledowaniü razlichnyh obrazcow produktow pitaniq s pomosch'ü biohimicheskih testow (naprimer, belki, zhiry, witaminy [ A i D] i uglewody); ponimanie koncepcii wremennoj i postoqnnoj zhestkosti wody, a takzhe ponimanie koncepcii produktow pitaniq w otnoshenii razlichnyh aspektow, swqzannyh s ih obrabotkoj, pererabotkoj i kontrolem kachestwa.

  • von Amit Gupta
    39,90 €

    Die Studierenden sollten das Konzept von Lebensmitteln in Bezug auf ihre Biochemie und Mikrobiologie kennen und auch ihre Verarbeitung verstehen. Das Hauptziel dieses Kurses ist die Ausbildung von Studenten, einschließlich Forschern, in Lebensmittelwissenschaft und -technologie; das Verständnis des Konzepts der Milchqualität und die Kenntnis der Morphologie und Anordnung von Bakterienzellen in Milchproben; die Ausbildung von Studenten in Bezug auf die Untersuchung verschiedener Lebensmittelproben mit Hilfe biochemischer Tests (z.B. Proteine, Fett, Vitamine [A und D] und Kohlenhydrate); das Verständnis des Konzepts der temporären und permanenten Wasserhärte und das Verständnis des Konzepts von Lebensmitteln in Bezug auf verschiedene Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Handhabung, Verarbeitung und Qualitätskontrolle.

  • 14% sparen
    von Trent McConaghy
    83,00 €

    This book targets custom IC designers who are encountering variation issues in their designs, especially for modern process nodes at 45nm and below, such as statistical process variations, environmental variations, and layout effects. It teaches them the state-of-the-art in Variation-Aware Design tools, which help the designer to analyze quickly the variation effects, identify the problems, and fix the problems. Furthermore, this book describes the algorithms and algorithm behavior/performance/limitations, which is of use to designers considering these tools, designers using these tools, CAD researchers, and CAD managers.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Um Manual de Laboratório trata de técnicas básicas e aplicadas envolvidas, bem como aplicadas em imunologia e Biotecnologia Animal ou curso de cultura de células animais. Este manual é particularmente útil para estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação em medicina e ciências da vida (por exemplo, Biotecnologia, Microbiologia, Zoologia e assim por diante) disciplinas. A intenção principal é fornecer aos estudantes uma ferramenta organizada e de fácil utilização para lhes permitir compreender os aspectos laboratoriais deste assunto em particular.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Un manuel de laboratoire traite des techniques de base et des techniques appliquées impliquées dans l'immunologie et la biotechnologie animale ou la culture de cellules animales. Ce manuel est particulièrement utile pour les étudiants de premier et de deuxième cycle des disciplines médicales et des sciences de la vie (par exemple, la biotechnologie, la microbiologie, la zoologie et ainsi de suite). L'objectif principal est de fournir aux étudiants un outil organisé et convivial leur permettant de comprendre les aspects de laboratoire de ce sujet particulier.

  • von Amit Gupta
    39,90 €

    Ein Laborhandbuch befasst sich mit grundlegenden und angewandten Techniken, die in den Kursen Immunologie und Tierbiotechnologie oder Tierzellkultur eingesetzt werden. Dieses Handbuch ist vor allem für Studenten der medizinischen und biowissenschaftlichen Fächer (z. B. Biotechnologie, Mikrobiologie, Zoologie usw.) nützlich, die ein Grundstudium oder ein Aufbaustudium absolvieren. Das Hauptziel ist es, den Studenten ein organisiertes, benutzerfreundliches Werkzeug an die Hand zu geben, das es ihnen ermöglicht, die Laboraspekte dieses speziellen Themas zu verstehen.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Un manuale di laboratorio che tratta le tecniche di base e applicate nel corso di immunologia e di biotecnologia animale o di coltura cellulare animale. Questo manuale è utile soprattutto per gli studenti universitari e post-universitari di medicina e scienze biologiche (ad esempio, biotecnologia, microbiologia, zoologia e così via). L'intento principale è quello di fornire agli studenti uno strumento organizzato e di facile utilizzo per consentire loro di comprendere gli aspetti di laboratorio di questa particolare materia.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Un manual de laboratorio trata de las técnicas básicas y aplicadas en el curso de inmunología y biotecnología animal o cultivo de células animales. Este manual es útil sobre todo para los estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado de las disciplinas de medicina y ciencias de la vida (por ejemplo, biotecnología, microbiología, zoología, etc.). La intención principal es proporcionar a los estudiantes una herramienta organizada y fácil de usar que les permita comprender los aspectos de laboratorio de esta materia en particular.

  • 14% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    31,00 €

  • 18% sparen
  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta & Bipin Kumar Sati
    34,00 €

    Students should aware about its concept related to basic biology and also understands its theoretical concepts of cell Biology. The main objective of this manual course related to cell biology as given below- ¿ To understanding general laboratory rules and practices including safety in cell culture lab. ¿ Examination of samples (e.g. plant sections/animal cell or tissue) on a microscopic level and is totally depended on optical systems (calibrated ones) ¿ Cell culture characteristics: cell counting and analysis. ¿ To identify its cell structure at different magnification and measure its cell length including breadth using micrometry. ¿ To isolate DNA from various biological samples and also distinguish different blood cells. ¿ To understand and identified its stages of mitosis and meiosis. ¿ To understand and estimate chlorophyll content in plant samples. ¿ To demonstrate the concept of dialysis and osmosis.

  • von Strategic Studies Institute & Amit Gupta
    22,00 €

  • von Amit Gupta & Savitra Sirohi
    62,00 €

  • 18% sparen

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