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Bücher von Elymar Pascual

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  • 15% sparen
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  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Questo libro è il seguito dei primi due volumi pubblicati allo scopo di dire al popolo la verità sulla Chiesa stabilita da Cristo: il primo era "Che cosa dobbiamo sapere sulla Chiesa di Cristo" e il secondo era "In che cosa crede la Chiesa di Cristo". I 25 articoli qui riportati stabiliscono ciò che la Chiesa proclama nella sua predicazione, sia che si tratti di culto congregazionale o di studio biblico privato o di evangelizzazione. I membri della Chiesa vedono in se stessi la responsabilità di condividere il Vangelo a tutte le nazioni, cominciando dal proprio cuore e poi dalla famiglia, dal vicino, dai colleghi e dagli amici vicini e lontani. Consideriamo ciò che proclamiamo come qualcosa di significativo, e quindi non dovremmo mai sbagliare con ciò che predichiamo e insegniamo, perché la differenza tra giusto e sbagliato è la differenza tra il paradiso e l'inferno. Non cerchiamo l'approvazione degli uomini, "perché non è approvato colui che si raccomanda, ma colui che si raccomanda al Signore". (2 Cor. 10:18) Leggete all'interno per saperne di più su ciò che la Chiesa di Cristo proclama.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    I materiali didattici hanno assunto la forma di semplice carta artistica, manipolativi, oggetti naturali presenti nell'ambiente circostante, materiali digitali come videoclip, power-point e fonti in rete. Gli insegnanti possono essere innovativi nella produzione e nell'uso dei materiali didattici. Esistono molti materiali già pronti, di cui il Dipartimento dell'Educazione delle Filippine non solo promuove l'uso, ma monitora anche la diffusione e l'utilizzo nei siti governativi come il portale LRM (Learning Resource Material). Molti hanno analizzato i benefici che si possono trarre dall'uso e dal riutilizzo di questi materiali, e persino dalla loro modifica da parte delle autorità. Questo libro si è concentrato sulla determinazione dell'efficacia dell'uso di opuscoli fatti dall'insegnante nelle materie Gen-Math e Stat-and-Prob per gli studenti del Grade 11 della Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Filippine. L'autrice ha sviluppato 100 opuscoli fatti dagli insegnanti e li ha utilizzati nelle classi. Leggete all'interno per scoprire come gli opuscoli realizzati dagli insegnanti hanno giovato agli studenti.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Le matériel pédagogique a pris la forme de simples papiers d'art, d'objets de manipulation, d'objets naturels dans l'environnement, de matériel numérique comme des clips vidéo, des power-point et des sources Internet. L'enseignant peut faire preuve d'innovation dans la production et l'utilisation du matériel pédagogique. Il existe de nombreux matériels prêts à l'emploi dont le ministère de l'éducation des Philippines ne se contente pas de promouvoir l'utilisation, mais surveille également la reprise et l'utilisation de ceux qui sont disponibles sur les sites gouvernementaux comme le portail LRM (Learning Resource Material). Nombreux sont ceux qui ont étudié les avantages que l'on peut tirer de l'utilisation et de la réutilisation de ces matériels, et même de leur modification par les autorités. Cet ouvrage s'attache à déterminer l'efficacité de l'utilisation de brochures conçues par les enseignants dans les matières Gen-Math et Stat-and-Prob des apprenants de 11e année de la Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Philippines. L'auteur a conçu 100 brochures destinées aux enseignants et les a utilisées en classe. Lisez ce qui suit pour découvrir comment les brochures créées par les enseignants ont bénéficié aux apprenants.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Ce livre est la suite des deux premiers volumes qui ont été publiés dans le but de dire aux gens la vérité sur l'Église établie par le Christ - le premier étant "Ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Église du Christ", et le second "Ce que l'Église du Christ croit". Les 25 articles présentés ici établissent ce que l'Église proclame dans sa prédication, qu'il s'agisse du culte de congrégation, de l'étude biblique privée ou de l'évangélisation. Les membres de l'Église voient en eux la responsabilité de partager l'Évangile à toutes les nations en commençant par leur c¿ur, puis à leur famille, leur voisin, leurs collègues de travail et leurs amis proches et lointains. Nous considérons ce que nous proclamons comme quelque chose de significatif, et par conséquent nous ne devrions jamais nous tromper dans ce que nous prêchons et enseignons, car la différence entre le bien et le mal est la différence entre le ciel et l'enfer. Nous ne cherchons pas l'approbation des hommes, "car ce n'est pas celui qui se recommande lui-même qui est approuvé, mais celui que le Seigneur recommande." (2 Cor. 10:18) Lisez ce qui suit pour en savoir plus sur ce que l'Église du Christ proclame.

  • von Elymar Pascual
    39,90 €

    Die Unterrichtsmaterialien wurden in Form von einfachem Kunstdruckpapier, Manipulationsmaterial, natürlichen Gegenständen in der Umgebung, digitalen Materialien wie Videoclips, PowerPoint und Netzquellen verwendet. Die Lehrkraft kann bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Unterrichtsmaterialien innovativ sein. Es gibt viele fertige Materialien, deren Verwendung das philippinische Bildungsministerium nicht nur fördert, sondern auch überwacht, dass sie auf den Regierungsseiten wie dem LRM-Portal (Learning Resource Material) veröffentlicht und genutzt werden. Viele haben sich mit den Vorteilen beschäftigt, die sich aus der Verwendung und Wiederverwendung dieser Materialien ergeben, und sogar mit der Veränderung dieser Materialien durch die Behörden. Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Bestimmung der Effektivität des Einsatzes von von Lehrern erstellten Broschüren in den Fächern Gen-Mathe und Stat-and-Prob für Schüler der Klasse 11 in der Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Philippinen. Der Autor entwickelte 100 von Lehrern erstellte Broschüren und setzte sie im Unterricht ein. Lesen Sie hier, wie die von den Lehrern erstellten Broschüren den Lernenden zugute kamen.

  • von Elymar Pascual
    39,90 €

    Dieses Buch ist eine Fortsetzung der ersten beiden Bände, die zu dem Zweck herausgegeben wurden, den Menschen die Wahrheit über die von Christus gegründete Kirche zu sagen - der erste war "Was müssen wir über die Kirche Christi wissen", und der zweite war "Was die Kirche Christi glaubt". Die 25 Artikel legen fest, was die Kirche in ihren Predigten verkündigt, sei es im Gemeindegottesdienst, im privaten Bibelstudium oder bei der Evangelisation. Die Mitglieder der Kirche sehen in sich selbst die Verantwortung, das Evangelium allen Völkern zu verkünden, indem sie mit ihrem Herzen beginnen und es dann ihrer Familie, ihren Nachbarn, ihren Mitarbeitern und Freunden in nah und fern weitergeben. Wir sehen das, was wir verkünden, als etwas Bedeutendes an, und deshalb sollten wir mit dem, was wir predigen und lehren, niemals falsch liegen, denn der Unterschied zwischen richtig und falsch ist der Unterschied zwischen Himmel und Hölle. Wir suchen nicht die Anerkennung der Menschen, "denn nicht wer sich selbst lobt, wird anerkannt, sondern wen der Herr lobt." (2. Korinther 10:18) Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, was die Kirche Christi verkündet.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Este libro es una secuela de los dos primeros volúmenes que se han publicado con el propósito de decirle al pueblo la verdad sobre la Iglesia establecida por Cristo - el primero fue "Lo que debemos saber sobre la Iglesia de Cristo", y el segundo fue "Lo que la Iglesia de Cristo cree". Los 25 artículos aquí expuestos establecen lo que la Iglesia proclama en su predicación, ya sea en el culto congregacional o en el estudio bíblico privado o en la evangelización. Los miembros de la Iglesia ven en sí mismos la responsabilidad de compartir el evangelio a todas las naciones comenzando por sus corazones, y luego a su familia, vecinos, compañeros de trabajo y amigos cercanos y lejanos. Consideramos que lo que proclamamos es algo significativo y, por lo tanto, nunca debemos equivocarnos con lo que predicamos y enseñamos, ya que la diferencia entre el bien y el mal es la diferencia entre el cielo y el infierno. No buscamos la aprobación de los hombres, "porque no es aprobado el que se recomienda a sí mismo, sino el que recomienda el Señor". (2 Cor. 10:18) Lea el interior para saber más sobre lo que proclama la Iglesia de Cristo.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Los materiales didácticos adoptaron la forma de papel artístico sencillo, manipulativo, objetos naturales del entorno, materiales digitales como videoclips, power-point y fuentes de la red. El profesor puede ser innovador en la producción y el uso de materiales de instrucción. Hay muchos materiales ya preparados que el Departamento de Educación de Filipinas no sólo promueve el uso, sino que también supervisa la utilización de los que están disponibles en los sitios gubernamentales como el portal LRM (Learning Resource Material). Muchos han explorado el beneficio que puede obtenerse del uso y la reutilización de esos materiales, e incluso la modificación de los mismos por parte de las autoridades. Este libro se centra en determinar la eficacia del uso de folletos hechos por el profesor en las asignaturas de Gen-Math y Stat-and-Prob de los alumnos del 11º grado en la Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Filipinas. El autor elaboró 100 folletos hechos por el profesor y los utilizó en las clases. Lea el interior para descubrir cómo los folletos hechos por el profesor beneficiaron a los alumnos.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Os materiais de instrução tomaram a forma de papel de arte simples, manipuladores, objectos naturais no meio envolvente, materiais digitais como videoclips, power-point e fontes de rede. O professor pode ser inovador na produção e utilização de materiais instrucionais. Há muitos materiais prontos disponíveis que o Departamento de Educação das Filipinas não só promove a utilização como também monitoriza o canto e a utilização dos disponíveis nos sítios governamentais como o portal LRM (Learning Resource Material). Muitos têm explorado os benefícios que podem ser obtidos com a utilização e reutilização desses materiais, e mesmo a modificação dos que são feitos pelas autoridades. Este livro centrou-se na determinação da eficácia da utilização de brochuras feitas por professores em Gen-Math e Stat-and-Prob matérias dos alunos da 11ª classe em Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Filipinas. O autor desenvolveu 100 brochuras feitas por professores e utilizou-as nas aulas. Leia no interior para descobrir como as brochuras feitas pelos professores beneficiaram os alunos.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Este livro é uma continuação dos dois primeiros volumes que foram lançados com o propósito de dizer ao povo a verdade sobre a Igreja estabelecida por Cristo - sendo o primeiro "O que devemos saber sobre a Igreja de Cristo", e o segundo "No que a Igreja de Cristo Acredita". Os 25 artigos aqui publicados estabelecem o que a Igreja proclama na sua pregação, quer se trate de culto congregacional ou estudo bíblico privado ou evangelismo. Os membros da Igreja vêem em si mesmos a responsabilidade de partilhar o evangelho com todas as nações, começando pelos seus corações, e depois com a sua família, vizinhos, colegas de trabalho, e amigos próximos e distantes. Olhamos para o que proclamamos como algo significativo, e por isso nunca devemos errar com o que pregamos e ensinamos, pois a diferença entre o certo e o errado é a diferença entre o céu e o inferno. Não procuramos a aprovação dos homens, "porque não é aprovado aquele que se louva a si mesmo, mas sim aquele que o Senhor louva". (2 Cor 10,18) Leia no interior para saber mais sobre o que a Igreja de Cristo proclama.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    This book is a sequel to the first two volumes that have been released for the purpose of telling the people the truth about the Church established by Christ ¿ the first being ¿What Must We Know about the Church of Christ,¿ and the second was ¿What the Church of Christ Believes.¿ The 25 articles here lay down what the Church proclaims in their preaching, whether it is congregational worship or private Bible study or evangelism. Members of the Church see in themselves the responsibility to share the gospel to all nations by beginning with their hearts, and then to their family, neighbor, co-workers, and friends near and far. We look at what we proclaim as something that is significant, and therefore we should never go wrong with what we preach and teach, for the difference between right and wrong is the difference between heaven and hell. We do not seek the approval of men, ¿for not he that commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends.¿ (2 Cor. 10:18) Read inside to know more about what the Church of Christ proclaims.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    This book highlights an in-depth study on the view of teachers, learners and stakeholders on the need for home visitation. A study on the effect of teacher¿s home visitation to the academic performance of the learner is also a focus of this work. Encompassing three years of home visitation for the learners of Talangan Integrated National High School in the Philippines, the teacher-researcher was able to gather data on the academic performance of the learners during their first semester, particularly the General Academic Strand (GAS) and Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strands of Senior High School. It was revealed that home visitation significantly helps in increasing the academic performance of learners. Teachers, learners and stakeholders all agree that home visitation helps on the following key essentials of home visitation - establishing contract between teacher, learner and parents; precautionary measure, and not remedy to learner problems; aid in maintaining good academic performance; creating a home extension of learning and evaluation; and inculcating responsible citizenship for future leaders in community.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Individual Education Plan (IEP) has been in the educational setting since 2001 and was popularized by United Kingdom and Canada. It began with the concept of bringing education to special children who have specific needs, and later was adopted by institutions as strategy of meeting different needs of learners. It¿s a strategy of bringing individual education to each learner through compilation of information and records of dealings between teacher, parents and learner. With the onset of the new Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers last 2018, the challenge of addressing learners¿ diversity and collaborating with parents to attain utmost learning experience from the students was laid down. This book was written to explore the benefit of using individual education planning to the performance of learners in school. Particularly, the author wanted to build on home visitation, learner¿s cardex of needs-progress-achievement, and homeroom guidance program as three ensuring ways of constructing profile to possibly address learners¿ diversity.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Instructional materials took the form of simple art paper, manipulative, natural objects in the surroundings, digital materials like video clips, power-point and net sources. Teacher can be innovative in the production and use of instructional materials. There are many available ready-made which the Department of Education in the Philippines not only promote the use but also monitors the singing-up and utilization of those available in the government sites like LRM (Learning Resource Material) portal. Many have explored on the benefit that can be gained from using and reusing those materials, and even the modification of those done by authorities. This book focused on determining the effectiveness of the use of teacher-made brochures in Gen-Math and Stat-and-Prob subjects of Grade 11 learners in Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Philippines. The author developed 100 teacher-made brochures and used them in classes. Read inside to discover how the teacher-made brochures benefited the learners.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    The world today would contend that what we believe is not anymore important, so long as we live in peace, love and harmony. We can survive, according to them, even if we do not insist our stand regarding certain issues. True as it may seem, but telling people what we know and what we live for is an indication of where we are going. How about you? What do you believe? The 50 treatises written in this book are focused on telling the reader what the Church of Christ believes. For those who have read the book "What Must We Know About the Church of Christ", this sequel aims for the same thing ¿ to glorify His word and His Name. Peter advises in his first letter to "sanctify the Lord God in [our] hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks [us] a reason for the hope that is in [us], with meekness and fear" (1 Peter 3:15). So with all humility, the facts are presented here with regards to what the Church of Christ believes ever since it was established almost 2,000 years ago. These primitive beliefs sprung from the Bible¿s claim that no man can lay again any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

  • 15% sparen
    von Elymar Pascual
    34,00 €

    Most people have a wrong notion about the Church of Christ. Some think that this group is a cult because their obedience to the word of God is up to the minute details. Some consider them as separatist because they don¿t get into religious fellowship with those of different form of congregational worship. Some do give them a tag as extremists because they believe that even a single deviation from the instruction of Jesus would lead to eternal destruction. And still some brand them as crazy or fanatics because they only believe in the Bible as the final authority for religious matters, nothing more, nothing less. To clear our thoughts, the 21 treatise in this book will give us a glimpse on what we must know about the Church of Christ.

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