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Bücher von Julian May

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  • von Julian May
    48,00 €

    Following an immense cataclysm, Tanu civilization is in ruins. Now the humans who passed through the gate to prehistoric Earth can finally seek power. Aiken Drum names himself King, but faces great opposition. The Firvulag are hellbent on wiping out every group but their own. Felice Landry, possibly the most powerful psychic humanity will know, hasn't finished wreaking havoc. Then another faction emerges. A group of metapsychic human rebels have been in hiding on another continent. Until their leader, Marc Remillard, decides to take advantage of the new regime. But the group's children, who came of age far from the Galactic Milieu, just want to return to the 22nd Century. However, the Galactic government hasn't forgotten Marc or the billions of lives lost through his crimes - so he will stop at nothing to keep the time-gate closed. Praise for the series: 'Engrossing ... it stirs the mind and engages the feelings' Fritz Leiber, 'A many-coloured tapestry of exotic adventure' Roger Zelazny, 'Deservedly acclaimed ... a tremendously original premise'

  • von Julian May
    18,95 €

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Note: 1,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht daraus, das Risikomanagement mit seiner Systematik darzulegen und am Beispiel Daimler AG zu erläutern.Global tätige Unternehmen stellen das Risikomanagement angesichts einer immer komplexeren Umwelt, stets zunehmenden Wettbewerbsdrucks und der Unabschätzbarkeiten der Wirtschaftsprozesse ins Zentrum ihrer Bemühungen. Das Risikomanagement nimmt an Bedeutung zu; es konfrontiert Firmen mit einer schwieriger werdenden Aufgabe, da die Risiken sich der Planbarkeit zu entziehen scheinen und heutzutage zunehmend problematisch einzuschätzen sind.Jede Aktion von Seiten des Managements ist nunmehr mit einem Risiko behaftet. Das Gefahrenpotenzial kann nicht umgangen werden, stattdessen sollte eine Analyse der erkennbaren Risiken angestrengt und das Management zu deren Bewältigung aufgesetzt werden. Das scheint unabdingbar, um dem Unternehmen auf Dauer eine Chance zu erhalten am globalen Markt, der in ständigem Wandel befindlich ist, bestehen zu bleiben.

  • von Julian May
    18,95 €

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Note: 1,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Pensionsrückständen nach HFG und IFRS. Diese werden in den Grundzügen zu schildern und anhand eines Beispiels zu verdeutlichen sein. Jedoch beschränkt auf den Fall, die Auswirkungen einer Bilanzierung unmittelbare Pensionsverpflichtungen, die direkt aus dem Betriebsvermögen des Arbeitgebers zu leisten und über Pensionsrückstellungen vorzufinanzieren sind, nach HGB und IFRS aufzuzeigen und kritisch zu hinterfragen. Im Einzelnen werden zunächst in Kapitel 2 neben den Adressaten wesentliche Anforderungen an einen IFRS- und HGB-Abschluss aufgezeigt. Im Anschluss daran soll in Kapitel 3 und 4 dargestellt werden, wie Rückstellungen für künftige Pensionen nach HGB und IFRS bewertet und bilanziert werden. In Kapitel 5 wird anhand eines Beispiels verdeutlicht, wie unter Anwendung der Bilanzierungsvorschriften bei gleichem gegebenem Sachverhalt unterschiedliche Bilanzergebnisse resultieren können. Am Ende der Arbeit steht ein Fazit der Ergebnisse.Beabsichtigt ein Arbeitgeber, seinen Arbeitnehmern zukünftige Pensionsleistungen zu gewähren, so sind unter Einhaltung der arbeitsrechtlichen Bestimmungen des Gesetzes zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung, kurz BetrAVG, monetäre Rückstellungen zur Erfüllung der arbeitgeberseitigen Verpflichtung zu bilden und zu verrechnen. Diese Rückstellungen, die später dazu genutzt werden, um die zugesicherte Rente dem Arbeitnehmer zukommen zu lassen, haben demnach eine substanzielle Bedeutung sowie eine relativ große Auswirkung auf wesentliche Kennziffern der Bilanz. Daraus resultiert auch das zwangsläufige Interesse der Unternehmen, diese im Rahmen der bilanzpolitischen Ziele(beispielsweise die Verbesserung der mathematischen Darstellung der Eigenkapitalquote) strategisch zu bilanzieren. Den Unternehmen stehen zwei verschiedene Rechnungslegungssysteme (HGB und IFRS) zur Verfügung, die auf unterschiedliche Grundsätze und Detailvorschriften aufgebaut sind, und in der Anwendung ein gegebenes Bild eines ökonomischen Sachverhaltes unterschiedlich darstellen können.

  • von Julian May
    24,00 €

    After a brief (but heroic) fling with all that is right and just, Asahel Frost has reverted to his true nature--undisciplined and feckless, according to the girlfriend who just dumped him. Now he is once again the legal nonentity known as Helmut Icicle, living the riverboat skipper life in a tiny galactic outpost with the rest of the ne'er-do-wells.That is until his sister Eve, herself genetically altered by the alien Haluk, begs Helmut to expose the Haluk's conspiracy, which threatens humans throughout the Spur worlds. Genetic alteration is tightly controlled, yet now it's running rampant. Helmut must find the culprits, but time is running out. Too many people have vanished into the secret empire where an evil genius reigns supreme. Worse yet, there's an unknown traitor in Helmut's own family who is quite willing to murder. Only one thing's clear: Helmut will emerge either triumphant . . . or dead.

  • von Julian May
    29,00 €

    The 21st century was drawing to a close, and metapsychic humankind was poised at last to achieve Unity -- to be admitted into the group mind of the already unified alien races of the Galactic Milieu. But a growing corps of rebels was plotting to keep the people of Earth forever separate in the name of human individuality. And the rebels had a secret supporter: Fury, the insane metapsychic creatrue that would stop at nothing to claim humanity for itself. Fury's greatest enemy was the mutant genius Jack the Bodiless, whose power it craved. But Jack would never be a tool for Fury . . . And so it turned to Dorothea Macdonald, a young woman who had spent a lifetime hiding her towering mindpowers from the best mind readers of the Milieu. But she could not hide them from Fury -- or from Jack. Time and again she rejected their advances, unwilling to be drawn into the maelstrom of galactic politics or megalomaniacal dreams. And in the end, no one -- not Jack, not Fury, not even the Galactic Milieu -- would be a match for the awesome powers of the girl who would come to be called Diamond Mask . . .

  • von Julian May
    48,00 €

    The Pliocene Epoch's exiled races are caught in a violent struggle for ascendancy. The humans who escaped to the Galactic Milieu are now beset on all sides, as they seek a foothold in this turbulent land. Aiken Drum, now King, has many enemies, but the Firvulag seem set to move first to initiate their long-prophesied Nightfall War. And although recent confrontations have weakened Aiken, any sign of frailty will bring down his kingdom. The powerful Elizabeth Orme supports King Aiken, and his enlightened despotism is preferable to Marc Remillard's cruel ambition. But these conflicts will be overshadowed if a time-gate is opened back to the 22nd century, something Marc can never permit. All will be decided at the Grand Tourney, where Tanu and humans will face the Firvulag in the last great contest of the exiled world. Praise for the series: 'Julian May has woven a many-coloured tapestry of exotic adventure' Roger Zelazny, 'An engaging storyteller' Locus, 'Fast-paced storytelling that defies predictability; and a sympathetic and well-rendered cast'

  • von Julian May
    43,00 €

    A small group journeyed through a time-gate into Europe's prehistoric past. Yet this supposedly unspoilt sanctuary holds two alien races locked in combat. In a world where the human-like Tanu have the upper hand, Elizabeth Orme soon encounters trouble. When they find she possesses rare mind powers, they want her for their own. She won't be used as a pawn in a Tanu versus Firvulag war, but Aiken Drum can't wait to get involved. Aiken discovers the Tanu's mind-enhancing torcs have given him his own powerful abilities. And it's not long before he devises a plan to challenge the Tanu's leader - for rule of the Many-Coloured Land itself. But another faction seeks the slaughter of all humans, and he stands in their path. Praise for the series: 'Enchanting and engrossing ... I was captivated' Fritz Leiber, 'Julian May has woven a many-coloured tapestry of exotic adventure' Roger Zelazny, 'An amazing journey from the distant future to the distant past ... high adventure'

  • von Julian May
    31,00 €

    In the 22nd Century, a group of misfits and mavericks are preparing to leave behind everything they have known. Advanced technology has created a one-way time portal to Earth's Pliocene Era - six million years ago. Those seeking a better life are drawn to the promise of a simple utopia, far from the civilised Galactic Mileu. But no one could have predicted the dangers on the other side. For the group will enter the battleground of two warring alien races, exiled from a distant planet. And these races not only have potent mind powers, but seek to exploit and enslave humans for their own needs. The travellers are about to discover that their unspoilt paradise is far from Eden. Winner of the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. 'Julian May has woven a many-coloured tapestry of exotic adventure' Roger Zelazny, 'I was captivated by its glamorous, sinister movement through the misty forests of Earth's true past' Fritz Leiber

  • von Julian May
    41,00 €

    Earth is finally part of the Galactic Milieu. But the next step is to achieve Unity with other galactic races. To attain this higher state, we must gather sufficient numbers of the metapsychically talented. However, a rebel group want to keep Earth forever separate. And their covert supporter is Fury, an unstable metapsychic entity with its own ruthless plans for humanity. Fury's greatest threat now is Jack the Bodiless, whose power it craves. But Jack won't be used. So the entity turns to Dorothea Macdonald, a young woman who's been hiding her great powers from the Milieu's best mind-readers. Yet she can't keep them from Fury - or Jack. She rejects their advances, suspicious of megalomaniacal dreams and galactic politics. But when Jack's brother Marc puts his schemes ahead of saving millions of lives, Jack needs her. Because ultimately no one - even the Galactic Milieu - can match the powers of the girl they'll call Diamond Mask. 'Rich in intrigue and vibrating with creative energy' Library Journal, 'May has largely earned her impressive following, which makes this book a virtually mandatory acquisition' Booklist

  • von Julian May
    48,00 €

    Earth stands on the brink of acceptance into the Galactic Milieu, a benevolent political and telepathic alliance of alien races. But some are wary, as their new supervisors have introduced stringent new laws. Leading humanity is the powerful Remillard family, but a ruthless entity known only as the Fury has its own agenda for the Galactic Milieu. It starts to murder those with metapsychic talents, triggering a chaos that could delay Earth's inclusion. At this delicate juncture, Teresa, wife of clan leader Paul Remillard, conceives a child who could represent humanity's future. But Jack's birth is illegal under Milieu law and she will need the formidable mental abilities of Uncle Rogi and Jack's older brother Marc to cover her tracks. Young Jack promises to be the most powerful mental talent ever seen. But he's destined to be destroyed by his own DNA, unless the Fury gets to him first. 'Galactic-scale intrigue ... engaging' Publishers Weekly, 'A compelling vision of humanity's future ... Highly recommended' Library Journal

  • von Julian May
    48,00 €

    Humanity is enjoying the Galactic Milieu. Colonies are thriving, Earth is peaceful, and as more metapsychics are born, the goal of mental Unity with the Milieu seems close. But a rebel group want Earth to remain separate, led by a man obsessed with human superiority. This is Marc Remillard, unknowingly influenced by Fury who is now unveiled and on the run. Marc's goal is nothing less than the elevation of human metapsychics above all others, through artificial enhancement of mental faculties. His methods are unpalatable; his goal horrific. So Marc and his co-conspirators continue their work in secret. Only the very Unity he fears can derail Marc's plans. And only his brother Jack the Bodiless, and the young woman known as Diamond Mask can attempt the impossible: destroy Marc, Unify humanity and allow the golden age of the Galactic Milieu to begin. 'Fascinating . . . May has cemented her position as one of this generation's foremost storytellers' Library Journal, 'A certain crowd-pleaser' Kirkus Reviews

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