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Bücher von Kainat Abbas

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  • von Kainat Abbas
    21,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Kainat Abbas
    35,00 €

    O amla possui uma grande quantidade de vitamina C, antioxidantes e vários fitoquímicos, o que o torna um componente muito procurado em remédios à base de plantas e suplementos dietéticos. Tem a reputação de melhorar o sistema imunitário, facilitar a digestão, apoiar a saúde do cabelo e apresentar propriedades anti-envelhecimento. O amla é consumido de várias formas, incluindo fruta fresca, sumo, pó seco e como ingrediente em condimentos, pickles e misturas de ervas.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    35,00 €

    L'amla est riche en vitamine C, en antioxydants et en divers composés phytochimiques, ce qui en fait un composant recherché dans les remèdes à base de plantes et les compléments alimentaires. Il est réputé pour renforcer le système immunitaire, faciliter la digestion, favoriser la santé des cheveux et présenter des propriétés anti-âge. L'amla est consommé sous diverses formes : fruits frais, jus, poudre séchée, et comme ingrédient dans les condiments, les marinades et les concoctions à base de plantes.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    35,00 €

    L'amla è ricca di vitamina C, antiossidanti e varie sostanze fitochimiche, che la rendono un componente ricercato nei rimedi erboristici e negli integratori alimentari. È nota per rafforzare il sistema immunitario, facilitare la digestione, sostenere la salute dei capelli e mostrare proprietà anti-invecchiamento. L'amla viene consumata in varie forme, tra cui frutta fresca, succo, polvere essiccata e come ingrediente di condimenti, sottaceti e intrugli a base di erbe.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    35,00 €

    El amla es rico en vitamina C, antioxidantes y diversos fitoquímicos, lo que lo convierte en un componente muy apreciado en remedios herbales y suplementos dietéticos. Tiene fama de mejorar el sistema inmunitario, facilitar la digestión, favorecer la salud capilar y presentar propiedades antienvejecimiento. El amla se consume en diversas formas, como fruta fresca, zumo, polvo seco y como ingrediente de condimentos, encurtidos y brebajes herbales.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    43,90 €

    Amla ist reich an Vitamin C, Antioxidantien und verschiedenen sekundären Pflanzenstoffen, was sie zu einem begehrten Bestandteil von pflanzlichen Heilmitteln und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln macht. Es steht in dem Ruf, das Immunsystem zu stärken, die Verdauung zu fördern, die Gesundheit der Haare zu unterstützen und Anti-Aging-Eigenschaften zu besitzen. Amla wird in verschiedenen Formen konsumiert, z. B. als frische Frucht, Saft, getrocknetes Pulver und als Zutat in Gewürzen, Pickles und Kräutermischungen.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    35,00 €

    Milk is a white, nutrient-rich liquid that mammals, including humans, produce to feed their young offspring. It is a primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to digest solid food. In the context of human consumption, milk usually refers to cow's milk, although milk from other mammals such as goats, sheep, and buffalo is also consumed in various parts of the world. Milk is a complete food, containing a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for bone and teeth health. Milk also contains proteins like casein and whey, which are rich in essential amino acids, making it a good source of high-quality protein. Additionally, milk is fortified with vitamin D in many countries, which is crucial for calcium absorption in the body.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    35,00 €

    Amla boasts a wealth of vitamin C, antioxidants and various phytochemicals, rendering it a sought-after component in herbal remedies and dietary supplements. It is reputed to enhance the immune system, facilitate digestion, support hair health and exhibit anti-aging properties. Amla is consumed in various forms, including fresh fruit, juice, dried powder, and as an ingredient in condiments, pickles, and herbal concoctions.

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