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Bücher von Kakoma Luneta

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  • von Kakoma Luneta
    49,00 €

    This book offers a unique perspective on doctoral supervision in southern Africa, showcasing the potential of scholarly reflection. The aim is to share the benefits with a wider audience, catalyzing the use of scholarly literature in global doctoral supervision. By drawing on the field's literature, it fosters informed and systematic reflection to transform supervision. With a focus on deep development and affordability, this book presents a model that enhances the quality of doctoral graduates. It builds on collaborative work and analysis of supervision experiences, engaging with key literature and exploring facets of practice. Through personal exemplifications, authors highlight complexities and commonalities across cultural contexts, inspiring systematic improvement in supervision.A valuable resource for academics, researchers, and practitioners involved in doctoral supervision, this book provides evidence-based insights and creative approaches to pedagogy. It encourages the systematic enrichment of doctoral supervisors worldwide.

  • von Kakoma Luneta
    44,00 €

    Ksztäcenie nauczycieli cieszy si¿ du¿ym zainteresowaniem na cäym ¿wiecie i po¿udniowa Afryka nie jest wyj¿tkiem. G¿ównym problemem zwi¿zanym z tym problemem jest to, czego nale¿y uczy¿ przysz¿ych nauczycieli, w jaki sposób nale¿y to prowadzi¿ i jak d¿ugo trzeba si¿ szkoli¿. Wyzwaniem konsekwentnie by¿o to, jak najlepiej wyszkoli¿ nauczycieli, którzy b¿d¿ posiadali najnowocze¿niejsz¿ wiedz¿ merytoryczn¿ i byli w stanie pedagogowä t¿ wiedz¿, aby zainspirowä do g¿¿bokiej i znacz¿cej nauki. Ksi¿¿ka zale¿y od tego, w jaki sposób wspó¿pracuj¿cy / mentorzy nauczyciele, którzy zasadniczo s¿ nauczycielami szkolnymi odpowiedzialnymi za wspieranie i wprowadzanie uczniów / osób podopiecznych podczas praktyki nauczycielskiej, mog¿ zostä przeszkoleni, aby skutecznie wspierä i kierowä uczniów w ich d¿¿eniu do zostania skutecznymi nauczycielami . Zapewnia oparte na badaniach podej¿cia do identyfikacji potrzeb nauczycieli wspó¿pracuj¿cych / mentorów w zakresie nauczania i nadzoru. Z ustale¿ wynika, ¿e ¿¿przeszkoleni wspó¿pracuj¿cy nauczyciele / mentorzy s¿ zmotywowani i maj¿ ugruntowan¿ wiedz¿ na temat nauczania, wskazówek oraz tego, jak wprowadzi¿ uczniów / podopiecznych i nauczycieli-neofitów do sztuki nauczania.

  • von Kakoma Luneta
    59,90 €

  • von Kakoma Luneta
    61,00 €

    Teacher education has received a lot of attention worldwide and southern Africa is no exception. The major concern associated with it has been what must be taught to student teachers, how it must be conducted and the duration of the training. The challenge has consistently been how best to train teachers who will possess cutting-edge content knowledge and be able to pedagogise that knowledge in order to inspire deep and meaningful learning. The book hinges on how the cooperating/mentor teachers, who essentially are school teachers in charge of supporting and inducting student teachers/mentees during the teaching practicum, can be trained in order to efficiently support and guide the students in their quest to becoming effective teachers. It provides research-based approaches to identifying cooperating/mentor teachers'' instructional and supervisory needs. The findings are that trained cooperating teachers/mentors are motivated and have a grounded understanding of teaching, guidance and how to induct student teachers/mentees and neophyte teachers into the art of teaching.

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