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Bücher von Larisa Mironova

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  • von Larisa Mironova
    93,00 €

    The Pauli principle dictates how electrons can be located inside an atom along its orbitals. The fact that two electrons cannot simultaneously occupy the same quantum state prevents them from "piling up" on top of each other, thereby explaining why matter occupies exclusively its place and does not allow other material objects to pass through itself, but at the same time allows light and radiation to pass through itself. So, casually, and even hypothetically, two important things were confirmed: the presence of a higher mind (an uncountable component) in algorithms and the quantum nature of thinking. Plus thus receives a new augmented formulation: the presence of two equal types of mind in the universe is simultaneously prohibited categorically. It is pointless to look for fellow human beings in the universe - to avoid cognitive dissonance on a cosmic scale. We are alone here and therefore unique. And this requires responsible behavior in the vastness of space.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    93,00 €

    The monograph devoted to the most difficult problems of theoretical physics explains in clear language the principles that underlie all world scientific revolutions and clearly shows how radically incredible scientific discoveries have changed our world, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries, and what miracles of science the 21st century will present to the world, can only be predicted. Also, all those who are interested in questions that go beyond pure physics and mathematics will be able to find answers to questions concerning such fundamental problems as: what is life and death, what is the meaning of morality, what is our place in this universe, how the world works at the quantum, cosmic and human levels, and how values related to science. Fourteen billion years have passed since the Big Bang, the observed region of space is filled with several hundred billion galaxies, each galaxy contains an average of one hundred billion stars. Man is a tiny creature compared to all this gigantism ¿ compared to the universe, man is even smaller than an atom compared to the Earth. People are small - the universe is huge and infinite in time, and we have no instructions for its cognition.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    22,00 €

    The State Department recommends that failed mafiosi be represented as victims of the KGB, then the case is easily reduced to zero. But still, I managed to investigate serial murders among mafia leaders, and this is what turned out: the former Mafiosi are "discuss this matter privately" not because of the redistribution of markets and territories, but because the mafia big guy is now switching to big guy from finance. They are no longer interested in dirty little fuss. They are now interested in the direct deception of the governments of all non-ordinary countries. We need new leaders ¿ they are now called ¿ Oaf-Archs. It's money versus power, tycoon versus politician... a story as old as America itself. Cosa Nostra (who once traded drugs), now lives quietly on EU subsidies. Ask my colleague, the former director of French intelligence Lacoste, about this. All of them have perfectly adapted to various subsidized programs and subsidies, cordially substituting their hospitable pockets for millions of free greens. They, having already become businessmen, build roads and temples, maintain the police. After all, all they need now is to securely store their capital and drug stocks.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    24,00 €

    ¿The human mind is not a prophet, but a guesser, it sees the general course of things and can deduce from it deep assumptions, often justified by time, but it is impossible for it to foresee a case - a powerful, instant tool of providence ...¿ Human life can be compared to driving on the highway. If you turn into a forest plantation, it is difficult to drive there, but if you return in the right direction and taxi onto the highway, it becomes convenient and comfortable to drive. This metaphor is deeply symbolic: if a person follows the right path, then he does not need any hard life lessons. It is important to note here that there is no single ¿right path¿ for everyone - everyone has their own right path. Let's take sickness. Knowledge about what? About the fact that a person is moving in the wrong direction, somehow lives incorrectly, does not fulfill his duty, his calling, thereby violating the universal principles of the Universe.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    69,00 €

    Certains laboratoires de bio-ingénierie parviennent déjà à créer des organes tridimensionnels sur Terre - leurs prototypes étant fabriqués à partir de cellules vivantes. L'université américaine de Wake Forest a mis au point des biomatériaux capables de conserver leur volume, comme un modèle de rein humain. Mais même les scientifiques n'osent pas faire de prévisions pour un avenir lointain, même s'ils aiment rêver et n'excluent pas la possibilité qu'ils fassent de la bio-impression pour imprimer une personne entière (Frankenstein ?). Ce qui existe déjà, c'est la cranioplastie, c'est-à-dire la restauration des défauts osseux du crâne. Le centre de neurochirurgie Burdenko de Moscou a été l'un des premiers à le faire. Les médecins et les ingénieurs utilisent le frittage laser pour créer des plaques de titane pour la tête. La bio-impression permettra-t-elle de remédier à la pénurie d'organes de donneurs ? Ce n'est pas encore clair. Mais le fait que les premiers nez et oreilles imprimés aient déjà été transplantés et servent à leurs propriétaires est encourageant. Peut-être cette technologie ne sera-t-elle pas si révolutionnaire que cela, mais aura-t-elle une sorte d'application hybride ? Par exemple, MISIS a réussi à implanter un implant osseux individuel chez un chat domestique qui avait failli perdre une patte.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    69,00 €

    Alguns laboratórios de bioengenharia já estão a conseguir criar órgãos tridimensionais na Terra - os seus protótipos a partir de células vivas. A universidade americana de Wake Forest desenvolveu biomateriais capazes de manter o volume, como um modelo de um rim humano. Mas até os cientistas têm medo de fazer previsões para um futuro distante, embora gostem de sonhar e não excluam a possibilidade de serem bioimpressos para imprimir uma pessoa inteira (Frankenstein?). O que já está disponível é a cranioplastia - restauração de defeitos ósseos do crânio. O Centro de Neurocirurgia Burdenko, em Moscovo, foi um dos primeiros a fazê-lo. Os médicos, juntamente com os engenheiros, utilizam a sinterização a laser para criar placas de titânio para a cabeça. A bioimpressão irá resolver a escassez de órgãos de dadores? Ainda não é claro. Mas o facto de os primeiros narizes e orelhas impressos já terem sido transplantados e estarem a servir os seus donos é encorajador. Talvez esta tecnologia não seja, à partida, tão revolucionária, mas tenha algum tipo de aplicação híbrida? Por exemplo, a MISIS implantou com sucesso um implante ósseo individual num gato de estimação que quase perdeu uma perna.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    69,00 €

    Some bioengineering laboratories have already succeeded in creating volumetric organs on Earth - their prototypes from living cells. The American Wake Forest University has developed biomaterials capable of preserving volume, such as a model of a human kidney. But the scientists themselves are afraid to make predictions for the distant future, although they like to dream and do not exclude the possibility that they will print a whole person (Frankenstein?) on a bioprinter. What is real now is cranioplasty - restoration of bone defects of the skull. The Burdenko Neurosurgery Center in Moscow was one of the first to do this. Doctors together with engineers use laser sintering to create titanium plates for the head. Will bioprinting solve the problem of the shortage of donor organs? It's not clear yet. But the fact that the first printed noses and earflaps have already been transplanted and are serving their owners is encouraging. Maybe this technology will not be so revolutionary in the first place, but will have some kind of hybrid application? For example, MISIS successfully implanted an individual bone implant in a domestic cat that almost lost its leg.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    69,00 €

    Algunos laboratorios de bioingeniería ya están consiguiendo crear órganos tridimensionales en la Tierra: sus prototipos a partir de células vivas. La Universidad estadounidense de Wake Forest ha desarrollado biomateriales capaces de mantener el volumen, como un modelo de riñón humano. Pero incluso los científicos temen hacer predicciones para un futuro lejano, aunque les gusta soñar y no excluyen la posibilidad de que se bioimpriman para imprimir una persona entera (¿Frankenstein?). Lo que ya existe es la craneoplastia: la restauración de defectos óseos del cráneo. El Centro de Neurocirugía Burdenko de Moscú fue uno de los primeros en hacerlo. Los médicos, junto con los ingenieros, utilizan la sinterización por láser para crear placas de titanio para la cabeza. ¿Resolverá la bioimpresión la escasez de órganos de donantes? Aún no está claro. Pero el hecho de que las primeras narices y orejas impresas ya hayan sido trasplantadas y estén al servicio de sus dueños es alentador. ¿Quizá esta tecnología no sea tan revolucionaria en un principio, sino que tenga algún tipo de aplicación híbrida? Por ejemplo, MISIS implantó con éxito un implante óseo individual en un gato doméstico que estuvo a punto de perder una pata.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    69,00 €

    Alcuni laboratori di bioingegneria stanno già riuscendo a creare organi tridimensionali sulla Terra - i loro prototipi a partire da cellule viventi. L'Università americana di Wake Forest ha sviluppato biomateriali in grado di mantenere il volume, come un modello di rene umano. Ma anche gli scienziati hanno paura di fare previsioni per un futuro lontano, anche se a loro piace sognare e non escludono la possibilità che si stampi una persona intera (Frankenstein?). Ciò che è già disponibile è la cranioplastica, ovvero il ripristino dei difetti ossei del cranio. Il Centro di Neurochirurgia Burdenko di Mosca è stato uno dei primi a farlo. I medici, insieme agli ingegneri, utilizzano la sinterizzazione laser per creare placche di titanio per la testa. Il bioprinting risolverà la carenza di organi da donare? Non è ancora chiaro. Ma il fatto che i primi nasi e orecchie stampati siano già stati trapiantati e stiano servendo i loro proprietari è incoraggiante. Forse questa tecnologia non sarà così rivoluzionaria, ma avrà qualche tipo di applicazione ibrida? Ad esempio, MISIS ha impiantato con successo un impianto osseo individuale in un gatto domestico che aveva quasi perso una zampa.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    84,90 €

    Einigen Bio-Engineering-Labors gelingt es bereits, dreidimensionale Organe auf der Erde zu schaffen - ihre Prototypen aus lebenden Zellen. Die amerikanische Universität Wake Forest hat Biomaterialien entwickelt, die in der Lage sind, ihr Volumen beizubehalten, wie z. B. ein Modell einer menschlichen Niere. Aber selbst Wissenschaftler scheuen sich, Vorhersagen für die ferne Zukunft zu machen, obwohl sie gerne träumen und die Möglichkeit nicht ausschließen, dass sie mit Hilfe von Bioprints einen ganzen Menschen drucken (Frankenstein?). Was es bereits gibt, ist die Kranioplastik - die Wiederherstellung von Knochendefekten des Schädels. Das Burdenko-Zentrum für Neurochirurgie in Moskau war eines der ersten, das diese Methode anwandte. Dort stellen Ärzte zusammen mit Ingenieuren durch Lasersintern Titanplatten für den Kopf her. Wird das Bioprinting das Problem des Mangels an Spenderorganen lösen? Das ist noch nicht klar. Aber die Tatsache, dass die ersten gedruckten Nasen und Ohren bereits transplantiert wurden und ihren Besitzern dienen, ist ermutigend. Vielleicht wird diese Technologie gar nicht so revolutionär sein, sondern eine Art Hybridanwendung haben? So hat MISIS beispielsweise einer Hauskatze, die fast ein Bein verloren hätte, erfolgreich ein individuelles Knochenimplantat eingepflanzt.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    84,00 €

    O arcaeoepico de Rus pré-cristão é um novo tópico a ser activamente desenvolvido por historiadores, arqueólogos e linguistas. Os chamados bárbaros - os vikings não batizados, os antigos godos e celtas - já tinham runas. O antigo Egipto e Assíria, apreendidos anos antes de Cristo e Noé, tinham a sua própria consola. Porque não pode ser formada na Rússia pagã sem quaisquer gregos estrangeiros? Além disso, eram as runas, os sinais gravados em algo, que eram o alfabeto dos nossos vizinhos vikings. Em várias fontes encontra-se um eslavo em extinção.Bede, o Venerável (672-735) - autor do primeiro livro de história da Inglaterra, monge anglo-saxão, teólogo, estudioso, historiador, um dos mais altos estudiosos da Europa Média, santo, canonizado pela igreja romana em 1899. As obras de Bede tratam de praticamente todas as áreas do conhecimento cristão - comentários sobre os livros da Escritura, obras sobre história, cronologia, gramática, os fundamentos do verso, obras sobre a análise do mundo e a 'natureza das coisas'.Como é que estes dois temas estão ligados?

  • von Larisa Mironova
    84,00 €

    L'archéo-épopée de la Rus pré-chrétienne est un nouveau sujet activement développé par les historiens, les archéologues et les linguistes. Les soi-disant barbares - les Vikings non baptisés, les anciens Goths et Celtes - possédaient déjà des runes. L'Égypte ancienne et l'Assyrie, saisies des années avant le Christ et Noé, avaient leur propre console. Pourquoi ne pourrait-elle pas être formée dans la Russie païenne sans aucun Grec étranger ? D'ailleurs, ce sont les runes, les signes gravés sur un objet, qui constituaient l'alphabet de nos voisins vikings. Dans diverses sources, on trouve un Slave en voie de disparition...Bède le Vénérable (672-735) - auteur du premier livre d'histoire de l'Angleterre, moine anglo-saxon, théologien, érudit, historien, l'un des plus grands érudits de l'Europe moyenne, saint canonisé par l'Église romaine en 1899. Les ¿uvres de Bède abordent pratiquement tous les domaines de la connaissance chrétienne : commentaires des livres bibliques, ouvrages sur l'histoire, la chronologie, la grammaire, les fondements du vers, ouvrages sur l'analyse du monde et la "nature des choses".Quel est le lien entre ces deux thèmes ?

  • von Larisa Mironova
    84,00 €

    The archaeoepic of pre-dynastic Rus is a new topic actively developed by historians, archaeologists and linguists. The so-called barbarians - the unbaptized Vikings, the ancient Goths and Celts - already had runes. Ancient Egypt and Assyria, seized years before Christ and Noah, had their own console. Why can not it be formed in pagan Russia without any foreign Greeks? Besides, it was the runes, the signs carved on something, that were the alphabet of our Viking neighbors. In various sources there is a disappearing Slav...Bede the Venerable (672-735) - author of the first book history of England, Anglo-Saxon monk, theologian, scholar, historian, one of the highest schools of middle Europe, a saint, canonized by the Roman church in 1899. Bede happens to have writings devoted to virtually all areas of Christian knowledge - commentaries on the books of Scripture, works on history, chronology, grammar, the foundations of verse, works on the analysis of the world and the "nature of things.How are these two topics related?

  • von Larisa Mironova
    84,00 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    84,00 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    103,90 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    37,00 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    42,00 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    36,00 €

    "Wszystkie banki wybuch¿y, teraz b¿dziemy mieli jedn¿ wymienialn¿ walut¿ - godziny pracy. Po przepracowaniu trzech obowi¿zkowych dla pästwa godzin pracy, obywatel w wieku u¿ytecznym spo¿ecznie mo¿e pój¿¿ do centrum fitness lub domu gier, albo mo¿e zostä d¿u¿ej do pracy, a tym samym zarobione w czasie, zamieni¿ godziny pracy na akcje. Postanowi¿em pój¿¿ t¿ drog¿. Dla m¿odych polityków s¿ ponadto preferencje - godzina na dwie. W ci¿gu dziesi¿ciu lat ci¿¿kiej pracy mog¿ kupi¿ mä¿ fabryk¿ i po¿lubi¿ córk¿ magnata naftowego. Tak, pan "Oczywi¿cie, s¿uchäem mi¿dzynarodowych wiadomo¿ci, nasze pästwo wreszcie otrzymäo status najwy¿szej kategorii, teraz jeste¿my Imperium Rzymskim". I wasz wk¿ad jest w to. Mo¿ecie by¿ s¿usznie dumni. Musisz jednak walczy¿, a to nie czyni ci¿ szcz¿¿liwym." Jaka b¿dzie nasza najbli¿sza przysz¿o¿¿? To pytanie jest dzi¿ szczególnie niepokoj¿ce.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    47,00 €

    Dlaczego wi¿c greccy bogowie, a nie rzymscy? Oczywi¿cie, bardziej zwyczajowe jest rozwäanie wcielenia w¿adzy, a konkretnie Jowisza, a nie Zeusa, uosobienia wojny na Marsie, a nie Aresa, pracy - Wulkanu, nie Hefajstosa. Jednak rzymscy bogowie s¿ tekturowi, tak nieliczni, dlaczego w ogóle potrzebowali w takiej tygodniowej formie? Chyba, ¿e w celu utrzymania porz¿dku spo¿ecznego wymy¿lonego z g¿owy, a wcale nie w celu stworzenia pot¿¿nej matrycy systemu przysz¿ej struktury cywilizacyjnej ludzko¿ci. Ta ksi¿¿ka, oczywi¿cie, o tym, jak staro¿ytni ludzie wyobräali sobie nasz Wszech¿wiat, jak widzieli w nim miejsce cz¿owieka, dlatego zwróci¿em si¿ do mitów Staro¿ytnych Piekie¿, które s¿ nam najbli¿sze od wszystkich rozwini¿tych teogonii ¿wiata, które stäy si¿ podstaw¿ i ¿ród¿em kulturowej my¿li zachodniej.

  • von Larisa Mironova
    80,00 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    98,90 €

  • von Larisa Mironova
    80,00 €

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