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Bücher von Mark Twain

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  • von Mark Twain
    10,00 - 18,00 €

    Huckleberry Finn had a tough life with his drunk father until an adventure with Tom Sawyer changed everything. But when Huck's dad returns and kidnaps him, he must escpe down the Mississippi river with runaway slave, Jim. They encounter trouble at every turn, from floods and gunfights to armed bandits and the long arm of the law. Through it all the friends stick together but can Huck and Tom free Jim from slavery once and for all?With an inspirational introduction by Darren Shan, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the twelve wonderful classic stories being relaunched in Puffin Classics in March 2008.

  • von Mark Twain
    28,00 - 39,00 €

  • von Mark Twain
    23,00 €

  • von Mark Twain
    12,00 €

    Toms eventyr, der fortælles i denne bog, er for størstedelen virkeligt oplevet, enkelte af mig selv, de øvrige af mine skolekammerater. Huck Finn er grebet lige ud af livet, Tom Sawyer ligeledes, dog med den forskel, at karakteregenskaberne hos tre drenge, som jeg kendte, er blevet forenet i fremstillingen af ham. De mærkelige overtroiske forestillinger, der berøres, var alle udbredte blandt børn og slaver i vesten i den periode, hvori denne fortælling foregår - det vil sige for 30-40 år siden. Selv om min bog især er tænkt som underholdning for drenge og piger, håber jeg ikke, at mænd og kvinder af den grund vil gå uden om den, for det har været en del af min plan på en behagelig måde at minde de voksne om det, de selv engang har været, og om hvordan de følte og tænkte og talte, og hvad for underlige gøremål de undertiden var beskæftiget med. - Mark Twain

  • von Mark Twain
    17,00 €

    Huckleberry Finn (på engelsk The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, også Huck Finn) er en roman fra 1884 af den amerikanske forfatter Mark Twain. Den regnes som hans mesterværk. Romanen handler om Huckleberry Finn og den bortløbne negerslave Jims rejse ned ad Mississippi til Cairo i Illinois i tiden før den amerikanske borgerkrig. Romanen er kaldt «den store amerikanske roman», «den amerikanske Odyssé» og «den amerikanske saga». «Al amerikansk litteratur stammer fra en bog af Mark Twain, som hedder Huckleberry Finn», har Ernest Hemingway sagt.

  • von Mark Twain
    28,00 - 33,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Mark Twain
    6,00 €

    Begleiten Sie Twains Helden Henry Adams, den ärmsten Milionär der Welt, auf seinen abenteuerlichen Wegen durch die Weltmetropole London im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert...

  • von Mark Twain
    17,00 €

    Mark Twain "The Curious Republic of Gondour and Other Whimsical Sketches" is a compilation of brief memories and essays that feature his trademark wit and humor. Twain's writing skills emerges in this compilation, when you consider that he is recognised for his astute insights on society and human nature. The title article, "The Curious Republic of Gondour," is anticipated to be a satirical investigation of a hypothetical civilization, imparting readers a hilarious and concept-upsetting mirrored image at the absurdities of political and social establishments. Twain's capability to combine satire and leisure makes this a fun examine. Throughout the book, readers may expect an extensive range of quirky sketches that touch on numerous facets of existence, regularly revealing the writer's talent for storytelling and his unique view at the human condition. Twain's sharp feel of sarcasm and command of language are likely to be present in every article, ensuing in a compilation that is both interesting and intellectually exciting. "The Curious Republic of Gondour and Other Whimsical Sketches" promises to take readers on a captivating voyage via Mark Twain's imaginitive and a laugh universe, demonstrating his everlasting ability to fascinate and entertain audiences together with his literary prowess.

  • von Mark Twain
    24,00 €

    "When one writes a novel about grown people, he knows exactly where to stop - that is, with a marriage; but when he writes about juveniles, he must stop where he best can." ¿ Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) by Mark Twain is an American classic that takes you on an exciting journey of Tom Sawyer in Southern America before the abolition of slavery in America. The novel depicts the youthful adventures of the young protagonist who embodies the ideal of American youth during the Frontier Era that preceded Industrialization. Tom, a bright mischievous kid, goes on various escapades with his friends amidst murders and robberies. Commenting on the American society of those times, this remarkable book offers an engrossing experience for the readers where they will shudder with Tom, laugh with him and also grow with him as individuals.

  • von Mark Twain
    9,99 €

    Entdecken Sie die Welt der Fremdsprachen auf eine ganz neue Weise mit der Lesemethode von Ilya Frank, perfekt für alle ab dem Sprachniveau A2. Diese innovative Methode kombiniert Originaltexte mit klaren, direkten Übersetzungen und bietet zusätzliche Erläuterungen direkt im Lesefluss, um ein tiefes Verständnis und schnelles Lernen zu fördern. Ob Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse verbessern oder in eine neue Sprache eintauchen möchten, diese Methode bietet ein einzigartiges und effektives Leseerlebnis. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.Lesemethode von Ilya Frank ist ideal für alle, die ihre Sprachkenntnisse effektiv erweitern wollen, ohne den natürlichen Lesefluss zu unterbrechen.Entdecken Sie die zeitlose Magie und den Charme von "Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany", einem entzückenden Meisterwerk, das Sie in eine Welt voller Wunder und Weisheit entführt. In diesem kleinen, von den Turbulenzen der Geschichte unberührten Königreich, wo die Zeit stillzustehen scheint, beginnt die Geschichte mit dem einfachen Leben und den unschuldigen Menschen von Sagenfeld. Als der junge König Hubert den Thron besteigt, wird sein Reich von einer Prophezeiung überschattet, die das Schicksal des Königreichs an die Wahl des süßesten Sängers im Tierreich knüpft.Mit einer Mischung aus Spannung und Zärtlichkeit entfaltet sich die Erzählung, als König Hubert vor die Herausforderung gestellt wird, zwischen den betörenden Melodien der Vögel und der unerwarteten, herzlichen Stimme eines einfachen Esels zu wählen. Diese Wahl birgt das Geheimnis des Überlebens und Wohlstands seines Reiches. "Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany" ist nicht nur eine Geschichte über die Macht der Musik und die Unschuld der Natur, sondern auch ein tiefgründiges Werk über die Erkenntnis, dass wahre Weisheit oft in den bescheidensten Gestalten zu finden ist.Tauchen Sie ein in eine Erzählung, die mit ihrer Einfachheit verzaubert und gleichzeitig tiefgründige Wahrheiten über Führung, Glauben und die unerwartete Bedeutung der kleinsten Kreaturen in unserem Leben offenbart. Dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an die Kraft der Demut und die unerwartete Weisheit, die oft in den leisesten Stimmen zu finden ist. Es ist ein Muss für jeden, der sich nach einer Geschichte sehnt, die das Herz erwärmt und gleichzeitig zum Nachdenken anregt.Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch.Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank: Leseprobe:

  • von Mark Twain
    33,00 €

    ""What Is Man? And Other Essays"" is a collection of essays by the American author Mark Twain. The book was first published in 1906 and includes a total of six essays. The title essay, ""What Is Man?"", is a philosophical exploration of human nature and the concept of free will. In this essay, Twain argues that humans are not truly free and that our actions are determined by our environment and upbringing.The other essays in the collection cover a range of topics, including politics, religion, and social commentary. ""The Death of Jean"" is a poignant reflection on the death of Twain's daughter, while ""The War Prayer"" is a scathing critique of war and the hypocrisy of those who pray for victory. ""The United States of Lyncherdom"" is a condemnation of the practice of lynching in the American South, while ""The Czar's Soliloquy"" is a satirical piece in which the Russian ruler reflects on his power and his people.Overall, ""What Is Man? And Other Essays"" is a thought-provoking collection of essays that showcases Twain's wit, humor, and keen insight into the human condition. It is a must-read for fans of Twain's work and anyone interested in American literature and philosophy.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von Mark Twain
    18,00 €

    ""Extract From Captain Stormfield's Visit To Heaven"" is a short story by the renowned American author Mark Twain. The story is set in the afterlife and follows the adventures of Captain Stormfield, a seasoned sailor who has just arrived in heaven. As he explores this new world, he encounters various characters and learns about the nature of heaven and the afterlife.Throughout the story, Twain uses his signature wit and humor to poke fun at the traditional ideas of heaven and the afterlife. He presents a vision of heaven that is both familiar and strange, with angels and saints behaving in unexpected ways. The story also touches on deeper themes, such as the nature of faith, the meaning of life, and the human desire for immortality.Despite its humorous tone, ""Extract From Captain Stormfield's Visit To Heaven"" is a thought-provoking work that challenges readers to consider their own beliefs about the afterlife. It is a classic example of Twain's unique style and his ability to use satire to comment on the human condition.Then I fainted. I don't know how long I was insensible, but it must have been a good while, for, when I came to, the darkness was all gone and there was the loveliest sunshine and the balmiest, fragrantest air in its place. And there was such a marvellous world spread out before me - such a glowing, beautiful, bewitching country.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von Mark Twain
    35,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Mark Twain
    32,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • - With Other Essays And Stories (1903)
    von Mark Twain
    45,00 €

  • von Mark Twain
    41,00 €

  • von Mark Twain
    22,90 - 40,90 €

  • von Mark Twain
    10,00 €

    Im Rahmen einer Europareise lebte Mark Twain mit seiner Familie von November 1891 bis März 1892 in Berlin. Dieser Band versammelt fünf Texte, in denen der große amerikanische Humorist seine Erlebnisse in der deutschen Hauptstadt schildert: "Wie man in Berlin eine Wohnung mietet", "Gedanken zum deutschen Kachelofen", "Der Postdienst", "Fragment Preußischer Geschichte: Wilhelmine, Markgräfin von Bayreuth" und "Berlin - das Chicago Europas".

  • von Mark Twain
    26,90 €

    "Embark on a literary circumnavigation of the globe with the indomitable Mark Twain in 'A Journey Around the World.' This travelogue chronicles Twain's adventures as he traverses diverse landscapes and cultures, providing a humorous and insightful commentary on the global tapestry of the late 19th century. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene landscapes of the Far East, Twain's narrative takes readers on a whirlwind tour filled with wit, curiosity, and cultural exploration. 'A Journey Around the World' is not just a travel memoir; it's a testament to Twain's keen observations and his ability to find humor in the most unexpected places. Join Twain on this literary expedition, where each page unfolds a new vista, and every anecdote unveils the human comedy inherent in the shared experience of our global journey."

  • von Mark Twain
    22,90 €

    Dive into the heart of America's iconic river with Mark Twain's classic, "Life on the Mississippi." Twain, a master storyteller, invites readers on a nostalgic and humorous journey along the mighty Mississippi River, blending memoir, travelogue, and social commentary.As Twain recounts his experiences as a steamboat pilot in the 19th century, the narrative unfolds with wit, insight, and a touch of the author's trademark humor. The river becomes a character itself, shaping the lives of those who navigate its waters and reflecting the cultural tapestry of the time.Twain's keen observations of the people, landscapes, and ever-changing riverbanks provide readers with a vivid snapshot of a bygone era. From the bustling river traffic to the colorful characters encountered along the way, "Life on the Mississippi" captures the essence of a nation in transition.The author's narrative prowess transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, offering readers an intimate glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of life on the river. Whether you're fascinated by history, drawn to the charm of the South, or simply seeking a literary adventure, Twain's timeless work promises an unforgettable voyage through the currents of the Mississippi.

  • von Mark Twain
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von Mark Twain
    69,90 - 89,90 €

  • von Mark Twain
    33,00 €

    In the field of botany, the study of medicinal plants holds a significant place. The exploration of the therapeutic properties of plants has been a subject of fascination for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern times, medicinal botany has played a crucial role in the development of medicine. For students pursuing a career in botany, understanding the role of medicinal plants in their practice is essential.Medicinal botany involves the study of plants and their active compounds that have medicinal properties. These plants have been used for centuries to treat various ailments and are an integral part of traditional medicine systems around the world. By delving into this field, students gain a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between plants and human health.One of the key benefits of studying medicinal botany is the opportunity to discover new sources of medicine. With the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant pathogens and the side effects associated with synthetic drugs, the search for natural remedies has become more crucial than ever. Students can contribute to this search by identifying and studying plants that possess medicinal potential. Their research and findings may help in the development of new drugs or alternative treatments.Furthermore, studying medicinal botany equips students with invaluable knowledge about plant identification and taxonomy. Identifying plants accurately is vital, as different species may have different therapeutic properties. By learning about plant morphology, taxonomy, and identification techniques, students can confidently identify and utilize medicinal plants in their practice.Additionally, medicinal botany provides students with a holistic approach to healthcare. By understanding the medicinal properties of plants, students can explore natural therapies that may complement conventional treatments. This integrative approach can offer patients a wider range of treatment options and potentially reduce reliance on synthetic drugs.Moreover, exploring medicinal botany enhances students' understanding of the importance of biodiversity conservation. Many medicinal plants are endangered or at risk due to deforestation, habitat destruction, and unsustainable harvesting. By studying medicinal botany, students become advocates for the preservation and sustainable use of these plant species, contributing to the conservation of natural resources.

  • von Mark Twain
    49,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Mark Twain
    25,00 €

    Roughing It, Part 3, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of Language and Literatures American and Canadian literature

  • von Mark Twain
    26,00 €

    Roughing It, Part 4, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of Language and Literatures American and Canadian literature

  • von Mark Twain
    25,00 €

    Roughing It, Part 1, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of Language and Literatures American and Canadian literature

  • von Mark Twain
    27,00 €

    Roughing It, Part 2, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of Language and Literatures American and Canadian literature

  • von Mark Twain
    28,00 €

    Plus fort que Sherlock Holmès, est un livre classique et rare, qui a été considéré comme important tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, et pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, chez Alpha Editions, nous avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. . Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et repensé. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur ¿uvre originale et leur texte est donc clair et lisible. Ce volume remarquable s'inscrit dans les genres de Language and Literatures American and Canadian literature

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