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Bücher von Matthew McKay

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  • - ACT to End Painful Relationship Patterns
    von Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning
    24,00 €

    The Interpersonal Problems Workbook combines research and evidence-based techniques for strengthening relationships in all areas in life-whether it's at home , at work, with a significant other, a parent, or a child.

  • von Matthew McKay
    59,00 €

    The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook broke new ground in self-help resources when it was released more than ten years ago, offering readers unprecedented access to the core skills of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Now fully revised and updated, this second edition continues to offer straightforward, step-by-step exercises that will bring core DBT skills to thousands who need it.

  • von Matthew McKay
    43,00 €

    For readers struggling with painful and overwhelming emotions such as anxiety, depression, shame, anger, and self-blame, Healing Emotional Pain Workbook offers powerful and customizable tools grounded in process-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for finding balance and improving well-being. With this proven-effective workbook, readers will learn to target the root cause of their emotional pain, and discover personalized skills for living a vital and values-based life.

  • von Matthew McKay
    29,00 €

    Written by a dream team of mental health experts and grounded in the most effective evidence-based therapies, The Anger Toolkit offers powerful tools for managing anger in the moment, when readers need it most. With this quick-relief guide, readers will find fast-acting tips, tricks, and skills to cool their temper, find calm in triggering situations, and stop letting anger run their lives.

  • von Matthew McKay
    28,00 €

    In today's increasingly uncertain and difficult world, it's natural to feel anxious, scared, sad, lonely, angry, worried, or hopeless. Based on the self-help classic, Thoughts and Feelings, this take-anywhere guide offers proven-effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to help readers challenge the negative thinking that leads to anxiety and depression, balance their emotions, and start engaging in activities that bring them meaning and purpose.

  • von Matthew McKay
    26,00 €

    In Pocket Therapy for Emotional Balance, three clinical psychologists and authors of The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook offer quick, evidence-based tips and tools for managing intense emotions in the moment. Using this handy, take-anywhere guide, readers will find freedom from overwhelming thoughts and feelings, find a sense of calm, and live a more balanced life.

  • von Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning & Michael Jason Greenberg
    37,00 €

  • von Matthew McKay
    22,00 €

    "Dies ist das erste Buch, das eine Brücke schlägt zwischen dem kognitiven Ansatz der Schematherapie und neueren behavioralen Therapien, in denen Achtsamkeit und Akzeptieren zentrale Rollen spielen, so wie es in der Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapie der Fall ist. ... Allen Klinikern und Helfern, denen klar ist, wie schwerwiegend die sozialen und interpersonalen Probleme der ihnen Anvertrauten sind, sollte das Buch als Pflichtlektüre anempfohlen werden." - John P. FORSYTH, Ph.D., Professor für Psychologie an der University at Albany, Mitautor mehrerer sehr erfolgreicher BücherDas Buch "ACT und Schematherapie" stellt ein Behandlungsprotokoll für die Arbeit mit Klienten vor, die in ihren Beziehungen zu Freunden, Familienangehörigen, Arbeitskollegen und Liebespartnern ständig in dysfunktionale Verhaltensmuster zurückfallen. Die Betroffenen beschuldigen oft andere, neigen zum Rückzug, sobald sie sich bedroht fühlen, reagieren in Konflikten defensiv oder hegen ein tief verwurzeltes Mißtrauen. All dies sind interpersonale Probleme, die Beziehungen schädigen und viel Leid verursachen.Die Autoren beschreiben eine Variante der Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapie (ACT), die mit Hilfe des schemabasierten Ansatzes Klienten zu helfen versucht, ihre dysfunktionalen interpersonalen Verhaltensweisen zu überwinden. Zunächst werden die Klienten darüber aufgeklärt, wie auf dem Prinzip der Schema-Vermeidung basierende Verhaltensweisen ihre Beziehungen schädigen. Anschließend werden sie mit "kreativer Hoffnungslosigkeit" konfrontiert, und sie üben sich darin, Achtsamkeit zu entwickeln. Danach untersuchen die Klienten, was ihnen an ihren Beziehungen besonders wichtig ist und was sie sich von diesen versprechen. Sie übersetzen dabei ihre Werte in die klare Absicht, sich in Zukunft anders zu verhalten. Und schließlich setzen sich die Klienten mit den kognitiven und emotionalen Barrieren auseinander, die zwischen ihnen und wertebasiertem Verhalten in ihren Beziehungen stehen. Wenn sie lernen, im Sinne ihrer Werte zu handeln, statt in schemabedingte Muster zu verfallen, gelingt es ihnen letztlich, die bisher so hinderlichen interpersonalen Probleme zu überwinden.

  • von Matthew McKay
    40,00 - 50,00 €

  • von Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman
    50,00 €

    The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook broke new ground when it was first published forty years ago, detailing easy, step-by-step techniques for calming the body and mind in an increasingly overstimulated world. Now in its seventh edition and with more than one million copies sold, this fully revised and updated workbook-highly regarded by therapists and their clients-remains the go-to resource for stress reduction strategies that can be incorporated into even the busiest lives.

  • - The Communications Skills Book (16pt Large Print Edition)
    von Matthew McKay
    44,00 €

    This classic, best-selling communication skills book has already helped thousands of people cultivate better relationships with friends, family members, coworkers, and partners. Now fully revised and updated, this long-awaited fourth edition of Messages teaches readers to become active listeners, read body language, identify communication styles, practice conflict resolution, improve public speaking skills, and much more. In addition, the book features a new, crucial chapter on digital communication to help readers thrive in the modern world.

  • von Matthew McKay
    28,00 €

    Since its publication in 1987, Self-Esteem by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning has set the standard for self-help books that seek to improve self-esteem. With more than 600,000 copies sold through its three editions, Self-Esteem has helped hundreds of thousands of readers learn to think more positively about themselves, bringing them greater happiness, success, and peace of mind. But Self-Esteem is more than just one book. The Self-Esteem Companion, published in 1999, distilled the best techniques of the original book into sixty simple exercises that readers could learn and use when and wherever they went. Now, the people who brought you Self-Esteem and The Self-Esteem Companion have once again adapted the inspiring techniques from the original book into a new and exciting project. This book uses a technique known as guided journaling to help readers teach themselves to vocalize their feelings, conquer self-doubt, discover their strengths-and generally change the way they think and feel about themselves for the better. The Self-Esteem Guided Journal offers you a ten-week program of writing exercises that will help you shift your focus from the things wrong with your life to the things that are right. The book begins with a week of journaling about non-judgment-regarding everything from people in the news to your own behavior. Weeks two and three guide you to discover your strengths and redefine your weaknesses. The exercises in weeks five and six help you review your past to see how formative events have affected your self-esteem. Week seven focuses on the impact of thoughts, while week eight works to help you learn how to hold to your own truths and stand up for yourself. In week nine, you'll directly explore your experiences with your own self-esteem Achilles heel, and finally, week ten helps you create daily opportunities to experience your personal worth and serves as a launching pad for future journaling activities.

  • - The Communications Skills Book
    von Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning
    26,00 €

    This classic, best-selling communication skills book has already helped thousands of people cultivate better relationships with friends, family members, coworkers, and partners.

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