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Bücher von Matthew N. O. Sadiku

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  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    74,00 €

    Agriculture is the practice of cultivating natural resources to sustain human life. It is a key economic sector of any nation. It is a big business that plays an essential role in world economy. It provides us with indispensable resources such as food, medicine, fiber, and energy. Agriculture is critically important for the future of our modern society.The agricultural industry is constantly evolving, and advancements in technology continue to reshape the way we approach farming. The industry is under pressure to tackle some challenges and meet world population's increasing food demand. To achieve this goal, new technologies and solutions are being applied in agriculture, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, Internet of things, big data, cloud computing, soft computing, business computing, 3D printing, wearables, 5G, cybersecurity, social media, gamification, virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain. This book examines seventeen emerging technologies and their impact on agriculture. It is a comprehensive introductory text on the issues, ideas, theories, and problems of emerging technologies in agriculture.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    53,00 €

    Les jeux sont largement populaires et divertissants. Ils sont devenus l'activité de divertissement préférée de nombreuses personnes dans le monde. C'est pourquoi l'industrie des jeux est l'une des plus lucratives en raison des ventes de jeux numériques qui se chiffrent en milliards de dollars. La gamification est la transformation d'un objet en jeu. Il s'agit essentiellement d'adapter les éléments de conception d'un jeu (amusement, jeu, transparence, récompense, incitation, compétition et défi) et la pensée du jeu à des contextes non ludiques tels que l'éducation, les soins de santé, les affaires, la guerre et les achats. Il s'agit du processus d'application de la science et de la psychologie des jeux numériques (tels que les éléments des jeux vidéo) dans un environnement non ludique. Il s'agit d'un terme générique désignant l'utilisation d'éléments de jeux vidéo dans des plateformes non ludiques dans le but d'améliorer l'expérience et l'engagement de l'utilisateur.Les techniques de gamification sont utilisées dans un large éventail d'applications pour atteindre divers objectifs. Elles ont été largement appliquées dans des domaines tels que l'éducation, les affaires, les soins de santé, le divertissement éducatif, les études d'information, l'interaction homme-machine, les services financiers et d'autres domaines. Ce livre est un guide facile à lire sur la gamification et ses diverses applications pour les professionnels et les chercheurs.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    53,00 €

    I giochi sono molto popolari e divertenti. Sono diventati l'attività di intrattenimento preferita da molte persone in tutto il mondo. Per questo motivo l'industria dei giochi è una delle più redditizie, grazie alle vendite miliardarie dei giochi digitali. La gamification è la trasformazione di qualcosa in un gioco. Si tratta fondamentalmente di adattare gli elementi di game-design (divertimento, gioco, trasparenza, ricompensa, incentivo, competizione e sfida) e il pensiero ludico a contesti non ludici come l'istruzione, la sanità, gli affari, la guerra e lo shopping. È il processo di applicazione della scienza e della psicologia del gioco digitale (come gli elementi dei videogiochi) in un ambiente non ludico. È un termine generico che indica l'utilizzo di elementi di gioco in piattaforme non di gioco con l'obiettivo di migliorare l'esperienza e il coinvolgimento degli utenti.Le tecniche di gamification vengono utilizzate in un'ampia gamma di applicazioni per raggiungere diversi obiettivi. Sono state ampiamente applicate in settori quali l'istruzione, l'economia, la sanità, l'edutainment, gli studi sull'informazione, l'interazione uomo-computer, i servizi finanziari e altre aree. Questo libro fornisce una guida di facile lettura sulla gamification e sulle sue varie applicazioni per professionisti e ricercatori.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    53,00 €

    Los juegos son muy populares y entretenidos. Se han convertido en la actividad de entretenimiento favorita de muchas personas en todo el mundo. Por eso la industria de los juegos es una de las más lucrativas, debido a las ventas multimillonarias de juegos digitales. La gamificación es la transformación de algo en un juego. Básicamente consiste en adaptar los elementos del diseño de juegos (diversión, juego, transparencia, recompensa, incentivo, competición y desafío) y el pensamiento lúdico a contextos no lúdicos como la educación, la sanidad, los negocios, la guerra y las compras. Es el proceso de aplicar la ciencia y la psicología del juego digital (elementos de videojuegos) en un entorno no lúdico. Es un término genérico para el uso de elementos de videojuegos en plataformas no lúdicas con el objetivo de mejorar la experiencia y el compromiso del usuario.Las técnicas de gamificación se utilizan en una amplia gama de aplicaciones para lograr diversos objetivos. Se ha aplicado ampliamente en áreas como la educación, los negocios, la sanidad, el edu-entretenimiento, los estudios de información, la interacción persona-ordenador, los servicios financieros y otras áreas. Este libro ofrece una guía de fácil lectura sobre la gamificación y sus diversas aplicaciones para profesionales e investigadores.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    68,90 €

    Spiele sind sehr beliebt und unterhaltsam. Sie sind für viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zur beliebtesten Unterhaltungsaktivität geworden. Aus diesem Grund ist die Spieleindustrie eine der lukrativsten Branchen, da der Umsatz mit digitalen Spielen Milliardenbeträge erreicht. Gamification ist die Umwandlung von etwas in ein Spiel. Dabei werden Elemente des Spieldesigns (Spaß, Spiel, Transparenz, Belohnung, Anreiz, Wettbewerb und Herausforderung) und der Spielgedanke auf andere Bereiche als Spiele übertragen, z. B. Bildung, Gesundheitswesen, Wirtschaft, Krieg und Einkaufen. Es handelt sich um den Prozess der Anwendung der Wissenschaft und Psychologie digitaler Spiele (wie z. B. Videospiel-Elemente) in einer nicht spielerischen Umgebung. Es ist ein Oberbegriff für die Verwendung von Videospiel-Elementen in Nicht-Spiel-Plattformen mit dem Ziel, die Benutzererfahrung und das Engagement zu verbessern.Gamification-Techniken werden in einem breiten Spektrum von Anwendungen eingesetzt, um eine Vielzahl von Zielen zu erreichen. Sie finden breite Anwendung in Bereichen wie Bildung, Wirtschaft, Gesundheitswesen, Edutainment, Informationsstudien, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Finanzdienstleistungen und anderen Bereichen. Dieses Buch bietet Fachleuten und Forschern einen leicht verständlichen Leitfaden über Gamification und ihre verschiedenen Anwendungen.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    53,00 €

    Os jogos são muito populares e divertidos. Tornaram-se a atividade de entretenimento preferida de muitas pessoas em todo o mundo. É por isso que a indústria dos jogos é uma das indústrias mais lucrativas devido às vendas de biliões de dólares de jogos digitais. A gamificação é a transformação de algo num jogo. Basicamente, é a adaptação de elementos de design de jogos (diversão, jogo, transparência, recompensa, incentivo, competição e desafio) e do pensamento de jogo a contextos que não são de jogo, como a educação, os cuidados de saúde, os negócios, a guerra e as compras. É o processo de aplicação da ciência e da psicologia dos jogos digitais (tais como elementos de jogos de vídeo) num ambiente que não seja de jogo. É um termo genérico para a utilização de elementos de jogos de vídeo em plataformas que não são de jogos, com o objetivo de melhorar a experiência e o envolvimento do utilizador.As técnicas de gamificação estão a ser utilizadas numa vasta gama de aplicações para atingir uma variedade de objectivos. Tem sido amplamente aplicada em áreas como a educação, negócios, cuidados de saúde, edutainment, estudos de informação, interação homem-computador, serviços financeiros e outras áreas. Este livro fornece um guia de fácil leitura sobre a gamificação e as suas várias aplicações para profissionais e investigadores.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    74,00 €

    Robotics technology has developed rapidly and has brought significant socioeconomic impacts to human lives in recent decades. It has touched almost all aspects of life, either for leisure or critical applications. As robotic machines play an ever-increasing role in carrying out many tasks that were previously only possible by skilled human labor, there is a growing public awareness on how these developments are influencing almost all areas of our lives, our societies, and our economies. Interest in robotics has exploded over the last decades. Today, several applications such as automation, manufacturing, industry, health-monitoring, education, efficient logistics, disaster management, rehabilitation, agriculture, and aerospace benefit from robots.This book is a comprehensive introductory text on the issues, ideas, theories, and problems on robotics. It covers various types of robots. It provides an overview on each application of robotics so that beginners can understand robots, their increasing importance, and their applications. It is a must-read book for anyone who wants to learn about robotics, which is undoubtedly one of the most exciting fields of technology today.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    97,00 - 105,00 €

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    61,00 €

    Este livro fornece uma cartilha sobre cibersegurança. O ato de proteger os sistemas de informação é conhecido como cibersegurança. A cibersegurança refere-se a um conjunto de tecnologias e práticas concebidas para proteger redes e informações contra danos ou acesso não autorizado. É a prática de proteger sistemas críticos e informações sensíveis contra ataques, danos ou acesso não autorizado. Está a tornar-se cada vez mais importante à medida que mais informações são disponibilizadas nas redes informáticas. O sistema desprotegido ligado à Internet fica comprometido em poucos segundos. Como dependemos cada vez mais da tecnologia e da Internet para fins comerciais, de comunicação e pessoais, a importância da cibersegurança tornou-se mais evidente do que nunca. Os criminosos estão cada vez mais a visar as informações armazenadas por empresas e organizações. Este livro é um texto introdutório abrangente sobre as questões, ideias, teorias e problemas da cibersegurança. Fornece uma visão geral de cada uma das suas aplicações para que os principiantes possam compreender a cibersegurança, a sua importância crescente e as suas aplicações. É um livro de leitura obrigatória para quem quer aprender sobre cibersegurança.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    61,00 €

    Cet ouvrage présente une introduction à la cybersécurité. La protection des systèmes d'information est connue sous le nom de cybersécurité. La cybersécurité désigne un ensemble de technologies et de pratiques destinées à protéger les réseaux et les informations contre les dommages ou les accès non autorisés. Il s'agit de protéger les systèmes critiques et les informations sensibles contre les attaques, les dommages ou les accès non autorisés. Elle devient de plus en plus importante à mesure que de plus en plus d'informations sont mises à disposition sur les réseaux informatiques. Un système non protégé connecté à l'internet est compromis en quelques secondes. Alors que nous dépendons de plus en plus de la technologie et de l'internet pour les affaires, la communication et l'usage personnel, l'importance de la cybersécurité est devenue plus évidente que jamais. Les criminels s'attaquent de plus en plus aux informations stockées par les entreprises et les organisations. Cet ouvrage est une introduction complète aux questions, idées, théories et problèmes liés à la cybersécurité. Il donne un aperçu de chacune de ses applications afin que les débutants puissent comprendre la cybersécurité, son importance croissante et ses applications. Il s'agit d'un ouvrage incontournable pour toute personne souhaitant s'informer sur la cybersécurité.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    61,00 €

    Questo libro fornisce un'introduzione alla cybersecurity. L'atto di proteggere i sistemi informatici è noto come cybersecurity. La cybersecurity si riferisce a un insieme di tecnologie e pratiche volte a proteggere le reti e le informazioni da danni o accessi non autorizzati. È la pratica di proteggere i sistemi critici e le informazioni sensibili da attacchi, danni o accessi non autorizzati. Sta diventando sempre più importante, dato che sempre più informazioni vengono rese disponibili sulle reti informatiche. Un sistema non protetto collegato a Internet viene compromesso in pochi secondi. Poiché ci affidiamo sempre più alla tecnologia e a Internet per gli affari, la comunicazione e l'uso personale, l'importanza della sicurezza informatica è diventata più evidente che mai. I criminali prendono sempre più di mira le informazioni conservate da aziende e organizzazioni. Questo libro è un testo introduttivo completo su temi, idee, teorie e problemi della sicurezza informatica. Fornisce una panoramica su ciascuna delle sue applicazioni in modo che i principianti possano comprendere la sicurezza informatica, la sua crescente importanza e le sue applicazioni. È un libro imperdibile per chiunque voglia conoscere la cybersecurity.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    29,00 €

    V ätoj knige daetsq nachal'nyj kurs po kiberbezopasnosti. Dejstwiq po zaschite informacionnyh sistem nazywaütsq kiberbezopasnost'ü. Pod kiberbezopasnost'ü ponimaetsq nabor tehnologij i metodow, prednaznachennyh dlq zaschity setej i informacii ot powrezhdeniq ili nesankcionirowannogo dostupa. Jeto praktika zaschity kriticheski wazhnyh sistem i konfidencial'noj informacii ot atak, powrezhdenij ili nesankcionirowannogo dostupa. Ona priobretaet wse bol'shee znachenie po mere togo, kak wse bol'she informacii stanowitsq dostupnoj w komp'üternyh setqh. Nezaschischennaq sistema, podklüchennaq k Internetu, okazywaetsq skomprometirowannoj w techenie neskol'kih sekund. Poskol'ku my wse bol'she polagaemsq na tehnologii i Internet dlq biznesa, obscheniq i lichnogo pol'zowaniq, wazhnost' kiberbezopasnosti stanowitsq kak nikogda ochewidnoj. Prestupniki wse chasche wybiraüt w kachestwe misheni informaciü, hranqschuüsq na predpriqtiqh i w organizaciqh. Dannaq kniga predstawlqet soboj komplexnyj wwodnyj text, poswqschennyj woprosam, ideqm, teoriqm i problemam kiberbezopasnosti. V nej daetsq obzor kazhdogo iz ee prilozhenij, chtoby nachinaüschie specialisty mogli ponqt' sut' kiberbezopasnosti, ee rastuschee znachenie i oblasti primeneniq. Jeta kniga obqzatel'na k prochteniü dlq wseh, kto hochet uznat' o kiberbezopasnosti.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    61,00 €

    Este libro ofrece una introducción a la ciberseguridad. El acto de proteger los sistemas de información se conoce como ciberseguridad. La ciberseguridad se refiere a un conjunto de tecnologías y prácticas diseñadas para proteger las redes y la información de daños o accesos no autorizados. Es la práctica de proteger los sistemas críticos y la información sensible de ataques, daños o accesos no autorizados. Es cada vez más importante a medida que se dispone de más información en las redes informáticas. Un sistema desprotegido conectado a Internet se ve comprometido en pocos segundos. Como cada vez dependemos más de la tecnología y de Internet para los negocios, la comunicación y el uso personal, la importancia de la ciberseguridad se ha hecho más evidente que nunca. Los delincuentes tienen cada vez más en el punto de mira la información almacenada por empresas y organizaciones. Este libro es un texto introductorio completo sobre las cuestiones, ideas, teorías y problemas de la ciberseguridad. Ofrece una visión general de cada una de sus aplicaciones para que los principiantes puedan comprender la ciberseguridad, su creciente importancia y sus aplicaciones. Es un libro de lectura obligada para cualquiera que desee aprender sobre ciberseguridad.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    79,90 €

    Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Cybersicherheit. Der Schutz von Informationssystemen wird als Cybersicherheit bezeichnet. Cybersicherheit bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von Technologien und Praktiken zum Schutz von Netzwerken und Informationen vor Schäden oder unberechtigtem Zugriff. Es geht darum, kritische Systeme und sensible Informationen vor Angriffen, Schäden oder unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen. Sie wird immer wichtiger, da immer mehr Informationen über Computernetzwerke zugänglich gemacht werden. Ein ungeschütztes System, das mit dem Internet verbunden ist, ist innerhalb weniger Sekunden gefährdet. Da wir uns im geschäftlichen, kommunikativen und privaten Bereich zunehmend auf Technologie und das Internet verlassen, ist die Bedeutung der Cybersicherheit deutlicher denn je geworden. Kriminelle haben es zunehmend auf die von Unternehmen und Organisationen gespeicherten Informationen abgesehen. Dieses Buch ist ein umfassender Einführungstext zu den Themen, Ideen, Theorien und Problemen der Cybersicherheit. Es bietet einen Überblick über die einzelnen Anwendungen, so dass auch Anfänger die Cybersicherheit, ihre zunehmende Bedeutung und ihre Anwendungen verstehen können. Das Buch ist ein Muss für jeden, der etwas über Cybersicherheit lernen möchte.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    61,00 €

    This book provides a primer on cybersecurity. The act of protecting information systems is known as cybersecurity. Cybersecurity refers to a set of technologies and practices designed to protect networks and information from damage or unauthorized access. It is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from attacks, damage or unauthorized access. It is becoming more and more important as more information is being made available on computer networks. The unprotected system connected to the Internet is compromised within a few seconds. As we increasingly rely on technology and the Internet for business, communication, and personal use, the importance of cybersecurity has become more apparent than ever. Criminals are increasingly targeting the information stored by businesses and organizations. This book is a comprehensive introductory text on the issues, ideas, theories, and problems on cybersecurity. It provides an overview of each of its applications so that beginners can understand cybersecurity, its increasing importance, and its applications. It is a must-read book for anyone who wants to learn about cybersecurity.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku & Janet O. Sadiku
    44,00 - 47,00 €

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    53,00 €

    This textbook presents computer networks to electrical and computer engineering students in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other texts. All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step manner. As much as possible, the authors avoid wordiness and giving too much detail that could hide concepts and impede overall understanding of the material. Ten review questions in the form of multiple-choice objective items are provided at the end of each chapter with answers. The review questions are intended to cover the little ¿tricks¿ which the examples and end-of-chapter problems may not cover. They serve as a self-test device and help students determine how well they have mastered the chapter.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    53,00 €

    Games are widely popular and entertaining. They have become favorite entertainment activity for many people worldwide. This is why the games industry is one of the most lucrative industries due to the billion-dollar sales of digital games. Gamification is a transformation of something into a game. It is basically adapting game-design elements (fun, play, transparency, reward, incentive, competition, and challenge) and game thinking to non-game contexts like education, healthcare, business, warfare, and shopping. It is the process of applying the science and psychology of digital gaming (such video game elements) in a non-game environment. It is an umbrella term for using video game elements in non-gaming platforms with the goal of improving user experience and engagement. Gamification techniques are being used across a broad range of applications to achieve a variety of goals. It has been widely applied in areas such as education, business, healthcare, edutainment, information studies, human¿computer interaction, financial services and other areas. This book provides an easy-to-read guide on gamification and its various applications for professionals and researchers.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    79,00 €

    Digital is the language of today. Digital technologies are changing the way we think and live. Digital devices such as cell phones, tablets, gaming consoles, laptop and desktop computers have become indispensable part of the modern society. Digital technologies include artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of things, cloud computing, augmented reality, robotics, 3D printing, nanotechnology, mobile phones, e-commerce, GPS systems, and blockchain. These technologies are dramatically transforming everything, resulting in digital music, digital religion, digital workplace, etc. This book is volume three of a set of three volumes. This book is intended to present digital technologies and their applications in a manner that is clear, interesting, and easy to understand. It is a must-read book for anyone who wants to learn about digitalization.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    44,00 - 52,00 €

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    79,00 €

    Digital is the language of today. Digital technologies are changing the way we think and live. We are influenced by them directly or indirectly. It is difficult to imagine life today without digital devices such as cell phones, tablets, gaming consoles, laptop, and desktop computers. Digital technologies include artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of things, cloud computing, augmented reality, robotics, sensors, 3D printing, ubiquitous connectivity, digital twins, nanotechnology, email, file sharing, mobile phones, online gaming, e-commerce, GPS systems, and blockchain. These technologies are dramatically transforming everything. This book is volume two of a set of three volumes. This book is intended to present digital technologies and their applications in a manner that is clear, interesting, and easy to understand. The book fills an essential niche for digitalization in that it covers several applications of digital technologies in one place. It is a comprehensive, free introductory text on the issues, ideas, theories, and problems of digitalization. It is a must-read book for anyone who wants to learn about digitalization.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    47,00 €

    This book is essentially an exposition of Ephesians 5:1, which says, ¿Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children¿ (NLT). Imitating God is to reproduce His attributes in us. It is to follow His character. But can finite humans imitate infinite God? We must understand that God has two kinds of attributes: incommunicable and communicable. The incommunicable attributes are those that belong to God alone (such as omnipotence, omnipresence, immortality, etc.), while the communicable attributes of God are those that we can also possess (such as faithfulness, forgiveness, love, etc.). Ephesians 5:1 is asking us to imitate God¿s communicable attributes as His dear children.In this book, we cover fourteen attributes of God. Each chapter discusses an attribute of God and addresses three issues: (1) How God demonstrates the attribute, (2) How man is supposed to imitate God by demonstrating the attribute, (3) What happens when man does not demonstrate the attribute. As Christians, we are God¿s representatives here on earth and we should strive to live lives imitating His character.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Philip O. Adebo & Abayomi J. Ajayi-Majebi
    87,00 €

    The manufacturing industry is a cornerstone of national economy and people¿s livelihood. It is the way of transforming resources into products or goods which are required to cater to the needs of the society. Traditional manufacturing companies currently face several challenges such as rapid technological changes, inventory problem, shortened innovation, short product life cycles, volatile demand, low prices, highly customized products, and ability to compete in the global markets. Modern manufacturing is highly competitive due to globalization and fast changes in the global market. This book reviews emerging technologies in manufacturing. These technologies include artificial intelligence, smart manufacturing, lean manufacturing, robotics, automation, 3D printing, nanotechnology, industrial Internet of things, and augmented reality. The use of these technologies will have a profound impact on the manufacturing industry. The book consists of 19 chapters. Each chapter addresses a single emerging technology in depth and describes how manufacturing organizations are adopting the technology. The book fills an important niche for manufacturing. It is a comprehensive, jargon-free introductory text on the issues, ideas, theories, and problems on emerging technologies in manufacturing. It is a must-read book for beginners or anyone who wants to be updated about emerging technologies.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    79,00 €

    Today, we live in the cyber world where everything is digital, and data is king. The world, using digital technologies, is gradually being transformed into a place where everything will be controlled, monitored, and analyzed digitally. This development has led to digital education, digital business, digital home, digital medicine, digital ethics, digital food, digital family, digital government, digital homes, and digital everything. Digital technology is the future, but some individuals and countries are left behind. Digital technologies include artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of things, cloud computing, augmented reality, robotics, sensors, 3D printing, ubiquitous connectivity, digital twins, nanotechnology, email, file sharing, mobile phones, online gaming, e-commerce, GPS systems, and blockchain. These technologies are dramatically transforming everything. This book is volume one of a set of three volumes. This book is intended to present digital technologies and their applications in a manner that is clear, interesting, and easy to understand.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    70,00 €

    This textbook presents computer networks to electrical and computer engineering students in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other texts.  All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step manner. As much as possible, the authors avoid wordiness and giving too much detail that could hide concepts and impede overall understanding of the material. Ten review questions in the form of multiple-choice objective items are provided at the end of each chapter with answers. The review questions are intended to cover the little "e;tricks"e; which the examples and end-of-chapter problems may not cover. They serve as a self-test device and help students determine how well they have mastered the chapter.

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku & Janet O. Sadiku
    83,00 - 93,00 €

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    73,00 - 84,00 €

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    62,00 €

  • von Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    63,00 - 72,00 €

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