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Bücher von Michael Haas

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  • von Sammlung Anna & Michael Haas
    28,00 €

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""Das menschliche Gesicht: Es spiegelt die Persönlichkeit, verrät Emotionen und Seelenzustände - manchmal gibt es auch Dinge preis, die man lieber verbergen möchte. Schminke oder Masken verfremden es, gestalten es um. In diesem Spannungsfeld von Zeigen, Verstecken und Verwandeln bewegen sich die zusammengetragenen Gemälde, Grafiken, Skulpturen und kunsthandwerklichen Objekte aus dem 14. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Im Fokus stehen Werke internationaler Künstler und Künstlerinnen, die den menschlichen Kopf und das Gesicht erfassen, bearbeiten oder verformen. Alle haben eins gemeinsam: Sie sind Zeugen ihrer Zeit und zugleich zeitlos - das macht sie aktuell und berührend.Die Hintergründe dieser besonderen thematischen Ausrichtung der Privatsammlung stellt Christine Litz in ihrem Essay dar. Die unterschiedlichsten Facetten rund um Identität und Verfremdung werden in Form von Kurzinterviews mit dem Sammlerpaar Anna und Michael Haas ergänzt. Beide geben Einblicke in ihre Sammlertätigkeit sowie spannende Geschichten zu einzelnen Werken. Der Ursprung ihrer Faszination für die Köpfe und Masken liegt vor allem in der Elzacher Fasnet, zu deren Historie Bernd Fackler schreibt.

  • - Transformation of Operational Code Analysis
    von Michael Haas
    108,00 €

    This book identifies why presidents, prime ministers, and other leaders of countries often make blunders in foreign policy. Blunders have been recognized within the study of foreign policy, but no central methodology or theory has developed to provide a way to avoid future disasters. Options are often presented to leaders of countries by advisers who do not always assess which policies will best serve national interests. Presidents, prime ministers, and other leaders of countries then have their legacy judged accordingly. Therefore, the book reviews existing efforts at developing theories of foreign policy to determine why they have failed. Instead of allowing a discipline with a lot of competing theories to continue to flounder, the book consolidates all approaches and develops a new professional format that will serve to professionalize foreign policy decision-making so that fewer key decisions are ever again considered blunders.

  • von Michael Haas
    69,00 - 227,00 €

  • von Michael Haas
    102,95 €

    Donald Trump, as president, sought to undermine fundamental norms and principles of American government, institutionalizing bigotry, and therefore damaged American society. Details are provided on how he carried out a racist and sexist agenda, endangered the lives of LGBQTs, terrorized immigrants, allowed exploitation of the environment, endangered public health and the lives of seniors, and tried to abolish the social safety net, while trying to construct an economic oligarchy around him and building a personal praetorian guard. To explain what he did, the book provides a unique window into how agencies of federal government work, their programs, and what he did to reverse decades of social development of the American people. "This richly detailed and accessible book is a report card on the Trump presidential era, and the grades are not good. Covering ten major areas from homophobia to immigration, this thoughtful report gives a dismal assessment of how society was shaken up, and casts a dark cloud on Trumpism¿s continuing influence. This is must reading for any concerned citizen in assessing the damage that has been done and preparing for the social battles to come."¿Mark Juergensmeyer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Global Studies and Founding Director, Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara; Author of Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the Secular State (2009) "This is a study of both how Donald Trump attempted to impose his will on domestic policy and also a broader story of how and why presidents are so often frustrated in achieving their domestic goals. It is a joy to read a master scholar at the top of his game, and with this book, Michael Haas provides us with a valuable, readable and important lens into both Donald Trump and the American political process. This book may not be the last book on Donald Trump¿s domestic policy, but it is likely to be the most important, and the most lasting."¿Michael A. Genovese, President, Global Policy Institute, and Loyola Chair of Leadership, Loyola Marymount University; Author of The Modern Presidency: Six Debates That Define the Institution (2022) and How Trump Governs (2017)

  • - Has the United States Become a Pseudo-Democracy?
    von Michael Haas
    99,15 €

    Democracy is only sustainable if ten conditions are present. As these are in serious jeopardy today, the US has become a pseudo democracy. This book presents detailed analysis of how the pillars have fallen due to defects of the Constitution, socioeconomic inequality, voter ignorance and suppression, and six other conditions that are almost beyond remedy.

  • - The Trump Administration and the Coronavirus
    von Michael Haas
    94,30 €

    Why did Washington fail in handling the coronavirus pandemic, from the Trump White House and federal government to the role of state governments, and the severe impact upon the American people? This book examines the critical importance of the clash between politicians and scientists in failing to adequately address the encroaching pandemic.

  • - The Case of Hawaii
    von Michael Haas
    105,00 €

    This study describes how and why institutional racism arose in Hawai'i, what kept it going and how it can be dismantled. It focuses on racial problems in relation to education, employment, health care delivery and public accommodation.

  • - Remedying Mass Society Politics
    von Michael Haas
    117,00 €

    The book demonstrates how mass society politics operates, with intermediate institutions of civil society (media, pressure groups, political parties) no longer transmitting the will of the people to government but instead are concerned with corporate interests and have developed oligarchical mindsets.

  • - Explaining Failure and Success
    von Michael Haas
    107,65 €

    Dr. Michael Haas' book United States Diplomacy with North Korea and Vietnam aims to explain a significant, beguiling discrepancy in U.S. foreign relations: How has American diplomacy with Vietnam proved so successful when compared with its efforts to negotiate with North Korea?

  • - Remedying Mass Society Politics
    von Michael Haas
    117,00 €

    The book demonstrates how mass society politics operates, with intermediate institutions of civil society (media, pressure groups, political parties) no longer transmitting the will of the people to government but instead are concerned with corporate interests and have developed oligarchical mindsets.

  • - Regional Cooperation in the South Pacific
    von Michael Haas
    116,00 €

    This insightful book shows how the cultural affinity among the island nations of the South Pacific, known as the Pacific Way, has led to unique regional intergovernmental organizations.

  • - The Mobile Internet in Japan and Europe
    von Michael Haas
    80,00 €

    Motivation and Research Questions This work seeks to further our understanding on the management of innovations in network industries. Although the economics of network markets like telecommuni- tions, Internet, email, media, computer, and service operations in banking, legal and airline industries have become a major field of economic research; knowledge about how to manage innovation within these markets is less advanced et al. 2000: 793; 2003: 198). The goods and services of these industries regularly manifest themselves as complex system products, which are composed of multiple mutually dependent components and often supplied by different industries 1998: 691; TIDD 1995: 308). Innovation processes associated with complex systems products, therefore, display a systemic character and the issue of how to coordinate the diverse but nevertheless complementary inputs poses a major challenge for innovation management. The issue of how to organise complex innovation projects, however, is still open for debate: A broad range of organisational forms--e. g, vertical integration and TEECE (1996: 68), TEECE (1996: 205), and (2001: 227); decentralised networks--BRESNAHAN and (1999: 13-14); (1999: 162) and (1992: 310); proje- organisationsmHOBDAV (2000: 892) has not only been theoretically derived, but is reported as well in practical use.

  • von Michael Haas
    118,00 €

    This text examines why Singapore's democratic practices have declined as its prosperity has increased. It explores both sides, for and against Singapore's government, and suggests reasons for the situation.

  • - The Bush Administration's Liability for 269 War Crimes
    von Michael Haas
    117,00 €

    Identifies and documents 269 specific war crimes under US and international law for which President Bush, senior officials and staff in his administration, and military officers under his command are liable to be prosecuted.

  • von Michael Haas
    116,00 €

    The first comprehensive statistical analysis of human rights attainments and improvements over time, this book seeks to answer the question, Why do some countries better observe human rights than others, and what can be done to advance the cause of human rights around the world?

  • - The Faustian Pact
    von Michael Haas
    145,00 €

    This provocative analysis of U.S. relations with Cambodia from the 1950s to the present illuminates foreign policy issues that remain especially pertinent in the aftermath of the Cold War, as we attempt to formulate new approaches to a changed but still threatening international situation.

  • - Cambodian Pawn on a Superpower Chessboard
    von Michael Haas
    118,00 €

    Challenging the conventional view of Vietnam as the aggressor, this volume vindicates Vietnam's role in the Cambodian conflict, while at the same time revealing the treachery of U.S. foreign policy toward Cambodia.

  • - A Story of Regional Cooperation
    von Michael Haas
    118,00 €

    The Asian Way is a flourishing operational code of diplomacy, which has united disparate countries in order to achieve economic and political objectives. This volume, based on 20 years of research, defines and explains the Asian Way.

  • - Alternative Pathways
    von Michael Haas
    94,00 €

    A collection of original papers by distinguished scholars, this volume explores a variety of strategies for the reunification of North and South Korea, based on alternative theoretical approaches.

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