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Bücher von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien

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  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    259,00 €

    This book comprehensively reviews the phytochemistry, functional properties, and health-promoting effects of bioactive compounds found in oil processing by-products, and it also explores the food and non-food applications of these by-products. Several oilseeds, vegetables, and fruits are cultivated for their oils and fats, wherein the oil extraction industry generates a huge amount of waste (meal or cake). The valorisation of this waste would be very beneficial not only from the economic and environmental perspectives, but also for the potential applications in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, in which phytochemicals derived from vegetable oil and oilseed processing by-products play an important role in, for instance, extending the shelf life of several products and providing added-value properties with their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.In this work, expert contributors discuss about the added-value of biowaste from common and non-traditional vegetable oils and oilseeds processing, as well as fruit oils processing, and offer an extensive overview of the different bioactive compounds found in extracts from oil processing by-products and their chemical composition. The book also collects several examples in which oil processing by-products are integrated into industrial activities such as food production, livestock production and in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Professionals and scholars alike interested in the recycling of agro-industrial wastes derived from vegetable oil and oilseed processing by-products will find this book a handy reference tool.

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    41,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    41,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    41,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    41,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    41,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    41,00 €

    Rafinacja oliwy z oliwek o wysokiej kwasowo¿ci. ¿wiatowa produkcja oliwy z oliwek si¿ga 2.800.000 ton, a 98% tej produkcji znajduje si¿ w basenie Morza ¿ródziemnego, gdzie ten system rolniczy rozwija si¿ od tysi¿cy lat, charakteryzuj¿c si¿ dostosowaniem do ¿rodowiska i empiryzmem. Oliwa z oliwek z pierwszego t¿oczenia jest spo¿ywana w postaci nierafinowanej, chociä znaczna cz¿¿¿ produkowanej oliwy z oliwek musi by¿ poddawana rafinacji, aby nadä jej w¿äciwo¿ci u¿ytkowe. Proces rafinacji jest konieczny w celu usuni¿cia lub zmniejszenia zawarto¿ci drobnych substancji, które mog¿ mie¿ wp¿yw na jako¿¿ oliwy, takich jak fosfolipidy, FFA, pigmenty, nadtlenki, ¿lady metali, herbicydy i sk¿adniki lotne. Zwi¿zki fenolowe nale¿¿ do substancji eliminowanych podczas ró¿nych etapów rafinacji. Obecnie do rafinacji przeznaczone s¿ trzy rodzaje oliwy z oliwek: oliwa z oliwek typu lampante, oliwa z wyt¿oczyn z oliwek i oliwa z oliwek z drugiego wirowania. Oliwa z oliwek lampante jest otrzymywana z owoców za pomoc¿ ¿rodków mechanicznych, ale posiada niepo¿¿dane cechy organoleptyczne i chemiczne, które czyni¿ j¿ niezdatn¿ do spo¿ycia. Celem niniejszej pracy by¿a poprawa jako¿ci oliwy z oliwek o wysokiej zawarto¿ci wolnych kwasów t¿uszczowych (HFFAO).

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien
    49,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien & Nesma Ali Hassan
    49,00 €

  • von Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien & Ahmed Samy
    41,00 €

    Refining High Acid Olive Oil. The world production of olive oil reach 2,800,000 ton and 98% of this production is to be found in the Mediterranean Basin, where this agricultural system has been developing for thousands of years, characterized by its adaptation to the environment and its empiricism. Virgin olive oil is consumed unrefined, although a great proportion of the olive oil produced has to be refined to render it edible. Refining treatments are needed to remove or reduce the content of minor substances that may affect oil quality, such as phospholipids, FFA, pigments, peroxides, traces of metals, herbicides and volatile components. Phenolic compounds are among the substances eliminated during the different refining steps. At present, three types of olive oils are intended for refining: lampante olive oil, olive pomace oil and second centrifugation olive oil. Lampante olive oil is obtained from fruits by mechanical means, but it has undesirable organoleptic or chemical characteristics that make it unfit for consumption. The objective of the present work was to improve the quality of high-free fatty acid olive (HFFAO) oil.

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