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Bücher von Mohammad Asadujjaman

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  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    37,90 €

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    47,00 €

    Asthma is a serious global health problem affecting all age groups. Its prevalence is increasing in many countries, especially among children. Although some countries have seen a decline in hospitalizations and deaths from asthma, asthma still imposes an unacceptable burden on health care systems, and on society through loss of productivity in the workplace and, especially for pediatric asthma, disruption to the family. In 1993, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute collaborated with the World Health Organization to convene a workshop that led to a Workshop Report: Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention.This was followed by the establishment of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a network of individuals, organizations, and public health officials to disseminate information about the care of patients with asthma, and to provide a mechanism to translate scientific evidence into improved asthma care.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    39,00 €

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    39,00 €

    Oddziä lub s¿u¿ba w szpitalu, która jest pod kierunkiem profesjonalnie kompetentnego, prawnie wykwalifikowanego farmaceuty, z której wszystkie leki dostarczane s¿ do piel¿gniarstwa i innych placówek, gdzie wypisywane s¿ specjalne recepty dla pacjentów w szpitalu, w którym realizowane s¿ recepty dla pacjentów ambulatoryjnych i ambulatoryjnych, gdzie farmaceutyki s¿ produkowane luzem, gdzie wydawane s¿ leki odurzaj¿ce i inne leki na recept¿, gdzie przechowywane i wydawane s¿ leki biologiczne, gdzie preparaty do wstrzykiwä powinny by¿ przygotowywane i sterylizowane oraz gdzie cz¿sto dost¿pne s¿ profesjonalne zapasy Obecno¿¿ odpowiedniego personelu farmaceutycznego w wielu szpitalach przynios¿a korzy¿ci zarówno pacjentom, jak i cz¿onkom personelu, poniewä szpitalna produkcja ró¿nych produktów farmaceutycznych, a tak¿e roztworów produktów do podawania pozajelitowego zmniejszy¿a koszty leków. Cz¿onek personelu do przepisywania mieszanin wymagaj¿cych umiej¿tno¿ci sporz¿dzania mieszanek. Farmaceuci szpitalni zaangäowali si¿ równie¿ w przygotowywanie produktów hiperalimentacyjnych, p¿ynów dializacyjnych, do¿ylnych programów dodatków, opakowä jednostkowych i dawek jednostkowych.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    39,00 €

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    49,00 €

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    23,00 €

    Szybko¿¿, z jak¿ lek uwalnia si¿ z ¿ywicy, zale¿y od wielu czynników. W wielu przypadkach tempo uwalniania jest na tyle powolne, ¿e jego skutkiem jest przed¿u¿one lub d¿ugotrwäe uwalnianie przez wiele godzin.Dalsze modyfikacje mo¿na osi¿gn¿¿ poprzez zastosowanie pow¿ok ograniczaj¿cych uwalnianie lub kontroluj¿cych miejsce uwalniania.Przyk¿ady leków, w których obecnie stosuje si¿ t¿ technik¿ to dekstrometorfan(powlekany), diklofenak i nikotyna. ¿ywica jest ciäem stäym, o w¿äciwo¿ciach podobnych do oryginalnego proszku ¿ywicy jonowymiennej i jako takie mog¿ by¿ sformu¿owane w jednej z tradycyjnych form stäego dozowania.Time Release Technology znany równie¿ jako trwäe uwolnienie (SR), przed¿u¿one uwolnienie (ER, XR lub XL), uwolnienie w czasie lub timed-release, controlled-release (CR), lub ci¿g¿e uwolnienie (CR lub Contin) pigu¿ki s¿ tabletki lub kapsu¿ki sformu¿owane tak, aby rozpu¿ci¿ si¿ powoli i uwolni¿ lek w czasie. Zalety tabletek lub kapsu¿ek o przed¿u¿onym uwalnianiu polegaj¿ na tym, ¿e cz¿sto mo¿na je przyjmowä rzadziej ni¿ preparaty o natychmiastowym uwalnianiu tego samego leku, oraz na tym, ¿e utrzymuj¿ one stäy poziom leku we krwi.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    39,00 €

    Bangladesh Pharma market is getting competitive day by day. Emergence of new pharmaceutical companies, aggressive promotional approach of the leading companies, successive launching of new products, multifarious needs of the customers altogether have turned this arena a highly placeof competition for the marketers. Most of the companies are trying to snatch share from each other through formulation and implementation of different promotional strategies. Therefore an accurate understanding of the competitor¿s promotional acceptance among the physicians is essential to set out the future strategies of our pharmaceutical companies.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman, Dr Monirul Islam, MD Hossain & usw.
    39,00 €

    Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar Periwinkle) is a species of Catharanthus native and endemic to Madagascar. Synonyms include Vinca rosea (the basionym), Ammocallis rosea, and Lochnera rosea; other English names occasionally used include Cape Periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle, Rosy Periwinkle,and "Old-maid".In an in vitro analysis, Catharanthus was the most potent antioxidant herb analyzed among many others, including Thymus, Salvia and Rosmarinus.Catharanthus roseus L (C. roseus) has been used to treat a wide assortment of diseases including diabetes.The leaves of Catharanthus roseus constitute the only source of the well known indolomonoterpenic alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine.Increased wound contraction and tensile strength, augmented hydroxyproline content along with antimicrobial activity support the use of C. roseus in the topical management of wound healing.

  • von Mahmud Tareq Ibn Morshed, Mohammad Asadujjaman & MD Badrul Alam
    39,00 €

    Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion family Alliaceae. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and rakkyo. Garlic has been used throughout history for both culinary and medicinal purposes.The antidiabetic effect of garlic ethanolic extract (Allium sativum L.) was investigated in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. It is concluded that the plant must be considered as excellent candidate for future studies on diabetes mellitus.Garlic is a broad spectrum antibiotic, killing a wide variety of bacteria.The present results showed that garlic and onion juices exerted antioxidant and antihyperglycemic effects and consequently may alleviate liver and renal damage caused by alloxan induced diabetes.It has been shown that garlic (Allium sativum) extract modulates immune responses.Macrophage activation is required to establish control of the intracellular infection and progressivedisease of leishmaniasis.A study was designed to elucidate the antihypertensive effect of garlic in the two-kidney¿one-clip (2K-1C)Goldblatt model.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman, Dr Monirul Islam & MD Sarowar Hossain
    39,00 €

    Brassica oleracea or wild cabbage is a species of Brassica native to coastal southern and western Europe,where its tolerance of salt and lime and its intolerance of competition from other plants typically restrict its natural occurrence to limestone sea cliffs,like the chalk cliffs on both sides of the English Channel.Wild B.oleracea is a tall biennial plant,forming a stout rosette of large leaves in the first year,the leaves being fleshier and thicker than those of other species of Brassica, adaptations to store water and nutrients in its difficult growing environment. Plant medicines (phytotherapies) have a long history as treatment for diabetes,inflammation,cancer,heart disease.They have the antioxidant,antitumour and anti candida species activity.Brassica oleracea also produce the methionene in the SMM cycle.With a disturbing rise in the prevalence of this metabolic disease like diabetes and associated healthcare costs, interest in alternative or complementary therapies has grown.Over the last 10-20 years data from controlled investigations in animal models and patients have validated the therapeutic values of numerous phytotherapies for diabetes and other diseases.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    39,00 €

    The word¿nano''is derived from Latin word, which means dwarf.Nano size refers to one thousand millionth of a particular unit thus nanometer is one thousand millionth of a metre.Nanotechnology is the science that deals with the processes that occur at molecular level and of nanolength scale size.There are numerous examples from nature like DNA,water molecules,virus,red blood corpuscles (RBC) etc. which are of nanodimensions;even our history has numerous examples which prove that we have exploited the advantages of technology in one or other form.The term nanotechnology has been most commonly used in other fields of science like electronic, physics and engineering since many decades. Nanotechnology has shown tremendous progress in these fields.However, biomedical and pharmaceutical fields remain yet to be explored.Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field, convergence of basic sciences and applied disciplines like biophysics, molecular biology,and bioengineering.It has created powerful impact in various fields of medicine including cardiology,ophthalmology,endocrinology, oncology,immunology,gene delivery, brain targeting,tumor targeting, and oral vaccine formulations.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman, Salman Bin Hosain & Dr Prof Maruf Ahmed
    39,00 €

    The rate at which a drug is released from a resinate is dependent on many factors. In many cases the rate is sufficiently slow that the resulting effect is an extended or sustained release over many hours.Further modification can be achieved by the use of coatings that restrict the release, or control the site of release.Examples of drugs where this technique is currently used include dextromethorphan(coated),diclofenac, and nicotine. The resinate will be a solid, with similar characteristics to the original ion exchange resin powder and, as such, can be formulated into any of the traditional solid dosage forms.Time Release Technology also known as Sustained-release (SR), extended-release (ER, XR, or XL), time-release or timed-release, controlled-release (CR), or continuous-release (CR or Contin) pills are tablets or capsules formulated to dissolve slowly and release a drug over time. The advantages of sustained-release tablets or capsules are that they can often be taken less frequently than instant-release formulations of the same drug, and that they keep steadier levels of the drug in the bloodstream

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman, Maruf Ahmed & Asm Anisuzzaman
    39,00 €

    The diabetic population has reached the 100 million mark.Decreased physical activity, increasing obesity, stress, and changes in food consumption are responsible for the increasing prevalence in the past two decades. As the incidence continues to grow, diabetes is being projected to be the world''s primary killer in the next 25 years. In the recent years there has been marked interest in the use of plants for the treatment of diabetes. Various plants are found in many countries which have been indicated as having antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effect. The plants Brassica oleracea and Allium sativum are used as folk medicine in the villages to treat diabetes. Accordingly, the different extracts of Brassica oleracea and Allium sativum showed antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects on normal, glucose induced and alloxan induced diabetic rats. Petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and chloroform were used for fractionation from rectified spirit extract of Brassica olercea and methanolic extract of Allium sativum.

  • von Mohammad Asadujjaman
    39,00 €

    The department or service in a hospital which is under the direction of a professionally competent , legally qualified pharmacist , and from which all medications are supplied to the nursing and other services, where special prescriptions are filled for patients in the hospital, where prescriptions are filled for ambulatory patients, and out-patients, where pharmaceuticals are manufactured in bulk, where narcotic and other prescribed drugs are dispensed , where biologicals are stored and dispensed, where inject able preparation s should be prepared and sterilized ,and where professional supplies are often stocked and dispensed.The presence of adequate pharmaceutical personnel in many hospitals has benefited both patient and staff members, for hospital manufacture of various pharmaceutical products as well as parenteral product solution has reduce the cost of medication. The member of the staff to prescribe mixtures which require compounding skill. Also hospitals pharmacist have become involved in the preparation of hyperalimentation products, dialysis fluids, intravenous additive programs, unit dose packaging and unit dose dispensing .

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