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Bücher von Morusu Sivasankar

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  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    59,00 €

    YSR Congress party coined a slogan ¿Raavali Jagan, Kaavali Jagan¿ (Jagan should come. We want Jagan) for the foot march that took to him across 125 Assembly segments in 13 districts of the state in 430 days. This Yatra was started on November 6, 2017 and ended at January 9, 2019.Padayatra (Sanskrit, lit. journey by foot) is a journey undertaken by a politician or prominent citizens to interact more closely with different parts of society, educate about issues concerning them, and galvanize his or her supporters. Pada Yatras or 'Foot pilgrimages' are also Hindu religious pilgrimages undertaken towards sacred shrines or pilgrimage sites Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy, did a three-month-long padyatra covering 1475 kilometres, meeting people across several districts of Andhra Pradesh.He led his party to victory in the following general elections held in 2004 to become Chief Minister Of Andhra Pradesh, which included Telengana also. Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy, Leader of the Opposition in Assembly and YSR Congress Party president launched his 3,600-km-long walkathon named PrajaSankalpaYatra on November 6th,2017

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    48,00 €

    The Garuda Purana is one of 18 Mah¿pur¿¿ of texts in Hinduism. It is a part of Vaishnavism literature corpus, primarily centering around Hindu god Vishnu praises all gods. Composed in Sanskrit, the earliest version of the text may have been composed in the first millennium BCE but it was likely expanded and changed over a long period of time. The Garuda Purana text is known in many versions, contains 16000 verses. Its chapters encyclopedically deal with a highly diverse collection of topics. The text contains cosmology, mythology, relationship between gods, ethics, good versus evil, various schools of Hindu philosophies, the theory of Yoga, the theory of "heaven and hell" with "karma and rebirth", ancestral rites and soteriology, rivers and geography, types of minerals and stones, testing methods for gems for their quality, listing of plants and herbs, various diseases and their symptoms, various medicines, aphrodisiacs, prophylactics, Hindu calendar and its basis, astronomy, moon, planets, astrology, architecture, building home, essential features of a Hindu temple, rites of passage, charity and gift making, economy, thrift, duties of a king, politics.

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    68,00 €

    Lord Vishnu incarnated as Sri Rama in the Treta Yuga. During his life in the jungle, Ravan, the Asura King who ruled Lanka kidnapped Sita- wife of Sri Rama. To get her back and free the people of Lanka from the demon king, Rama reached the seashore(India and Lanka is separated by the sea) with the Vanaras(Army of monkeys) under the leadership of Sugreeva. This place is now the city of Rameswaram in the state of Tamil Nadu in India.¿How can I cross the ocean? How can I defear Ravan?¿ SriRam thought.Suddenly, he felt thirsty. The vanaras brought sweet water to Ram. He had a vision of Lord Shiva while he was drinking happily.He put down the bowl of water and started doing Poojas for Lord Shiva. His stotras made Lord Shiva contented. He appeared before Ram.SriRama spoke with devotion.¿The Ever Great Maheswara! You are my Master and I am your servant. I can succeed only by your blessings. Ravan is ruthless yet he is your devotee as well. He is undefeatable because of the boon you granted him. His ego and pride made him confident even to conquer the three worlds. I can never be successful defeating him without your help.¿SriRama bowed down to Shiva after saying this. ¿Jai Shankara! Jai

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    55,00 €

    Vivekananda's prayer to Kali at Dakshineswar (1884) is the event in which Narendranath Datta (the pre-monastic name of Vivekananda), following the suggestion of Ramakrishna, went to the Kali temple of Dakshineswar with the intention to pray for financial welfare, but ultimately prayed for pure knowledge, devotion and renunciation. This event has been a subject of scholarly studies and is considered as a significant event in the life of Vivekananda, who initially revolted against idol-worship but now accepted and prayed before an idol of Kali. According to B. R. Kishore, "this incident added a new dimension to Narendra's devotion and knowledge".After making three attempts to seek a blessing to remove his financial problems from mother goddess Kali, he came out with the divine statement: ¿Mother, I Want Nothing But Knowledge and Devotion!One day Narendra requested Ramakrishna to pray to goddess Kali, the Divine Mother, for some financial welfare, which was the immediate need of his family. Ramakrishna listened to his request and told him that day was a Tuesday, an "auspicious day", asked him to go to the temple in the evening and pray it himselfRamarkishna also told Narendra

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    59,00 €

    Murugan, also known as Kartikeya (Kaa-rrttih-Keh-Yuw), is the son of Lord Shiva and the Goddess Pavathi. His brother is the infamous deity, Ganesha. Murugan is popularly worshipped in Southern India, especially in the Indian State of Tamilnadu. He is often referred to as Tamil Kadavul, which means The Lord of the Tamil people. He is considered to be the primary deity of the Kaumaram sect of Hinduism. Although this sect is primarily located in the Tamil region, there are also members in Sri Lanka and Malaysia.The handsome Kartikeya is the commander of the army of Devas (Indian deities) and he is represented with six heads, enabling him to see in all directions at once. This means he can see any oncoming attack of war. He also has 12 hands and rides a peacock.Newlyweds Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi lived together at Mount Gandhamadana. His vehicle is a peacock, a pious bird that grips with its feet a serpent, which symbolizes Ego and desires of people. Peacock represents destroyer of harmful habits and conqueror of sensual desires. Kartikeya are being worshipped along and during Durga Puja. Lord Kartik is primarily worshipped among those who intend to have a son.

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    61,00 €

    A great Bhakta (Hanuman) once said when asked what day of the month it was, "God is my eternal date, no other date I care for." As on the one hand Hanuman represent the ideal of service, so on the other hand he represents leonine courage, striking the whole world with awe. He has not the least hesitation in sacrificing his life for the good of Rama. A supreme indifference to everything except the service of Rama, even to the attainment of the status of Brahma and Shiva, the great World - gods! Only the carrying out of Shri Rama's best is the one vow of this life! Such whole - hearted devotion is wanted. Eka-Nishtha or devotion to one ideal is absolutely necessary for the beginner in the practice of religious devotion. He must say with Hanuman in the Râmâyana, "Though I know that the Lord of Shri and the Lord of Jânaki are both manifestations of the same Supreme Being, yet my all in all is the lotus-eyed Râma." Hanuman, the best of the monkeys, became the most faithful servant of Rama and helped him in rescuing Sita. Hanuman, the devotee of Rama, summed up his philosophy in these words: When I identify myself with the body, O Lord, I am Thy creature, eternally separate from Thee.

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    59,00 €

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    55,00 €

    Gita uwäa ¿wiat za przemijaj¿cy, wszystkie ciäa i materia za nietrwäe. Wszystko, co stanowi prakriti (natura, materia) jest nap¿dzane procesem i ma sko¿czon¿ egzystencj¿. Rodzi si¿, ro¿nie, dojrzewa, rozpada si¿ i umiera. Uwäa t¿ przemijaj¿c¿ rzeczywisto¿¿ za May¿. Podobnie jak Upanishady, Gita skupia si¿ na tym, co uwäa za Realne w tym ¿wiecie zmian, nietrwäo¿ci i niesko¿czono¿ci. Aby zbudowä swoje teologiczne ramy na temat ¿wiata, tekst opiera si¿ na teoriach znalezionych w hinduistycznych szko¿ach Samkhya i Vedanty. Upanishadowie rozwin¿li równanie "Atman = Brahman", stwierdza Fowler, i to przekonanie jest centralne dla Gita. Równanie to jest jednak na wiele sposobów interpretowane przez ró¿ne podszkole Vedanty. W Gicie dusza kädego cz¿owieka jest uwäana za identyczn¿ z kädym innym cz¿owiekiem i wszystkimi istotami, ale wed¿ug Fowlera "nie podtrzymuje ona to¿samo¿ci z Brahmanem". Gita uczy boskiemu kilka duchowych ¿cie¿ek - jnana, bhakti i karma. Jednak¿e, stwierdza Fowler, "nie podnosi ¿adnej z nich do stanu, który wyklucza pozostäe".

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    55,00 €

    La Gita considère que le monde est éphémère, tous les corps et la matière comme impermanents. Tout ce qui constitue la prakriti (nature, matière) est déterminé par un processus et a une existence finie. Il naît, grandit, mûrit, se décompose et meurt. Il considère cette réalité transitoire comme Maya. Comme les Upanishads, la Gita se concentre sur ce qu'elle considère comme Réel dans ce monde de changement, d'impermanence et d'infinitude. Pour construire son cadre théologique sur le monde, le texte s'appuie sur les théories des écoles Samkhya et Vedanta de l'hindouisme. Les Upanishads ont développé l'équation " Atman = Brahman ", déclare Fowler, et cette croyance est au c¿ur de la Gita. Cette équation est cependant interprétée de plusieurs manières par différentes sous-écoles du Vedanta. Dans la Gita, l'âme de chaque être humain est considérée comme identique à tous les autres êtres humains et à tous les êtres, mais elle " ne soutient pas une identité avec le Brahmane ", selon Fowler. La Gita enseigne plusieurs voies spirituelles - jnana, bhakti et karma - au divin. L'intelligence artificielle a été utilisée pour traduire ce livre.

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    31,00 €

    Uttara Kanda jest ostatni¿ ksi¿¿k¿ Ramayany. Ona przedstawiä Ram's królowanie Ayodhya, narodziny Luv i Kush, the Ashvamedha yajna i ostatni dzie¿ Rama. Przy the wygäni¿cie jego termin wygnanie, Rama wracä Ayodhya z Sita, Lakshmana i Hanuman, dok¿d the koronacja wykonywä. Na pro¿b¿ o udowodnienie swojego przywi¿zania do Ramy, Hanuman rozdziera jego klatk¿ piersiow¿ i ku zaskoczeniu wszystkich, wewn¿trz jego klatki piersiowej znajduje si¿ wizerunek Ramy i Sity. Rama rz¿dzi Ajodhj¿, a panowanie nazywa si¿ "Ram-rajja" (miejsce, gdzie zwykli ludzie s¿ szcz¿¿liwi, spe¿nieni i zadowoleni). Ale w miar¿ up¿ywu czasu, szpiedzy zaczynaj¿ dostawä pog¿oski, ¿e ludzie kwestionuj¿ czysto¿¿ Sity, jak ona zostäa w domu innego cz¿owieka przez rok bez m¿¿a. Zwykli ludzie zaczynaj¿ plotkowä o Sicie i kwestionowä decyzj¿ Rama, aby uczyni¿ j¿ królow¿. Rama jest bardzo zrozpaczony s¿ysz¿c wiadomo¿ci, ale w ko¿cu mówi Lakshmanie, ¿e "Czysto¿¿ Królowej Ajodhyi musi by¿ ponad wszelkie plotki i pog¿oski". Zabierz Sit¿ do lasu poza Ayodhya i zostaw j¿ tam. Powiedz jej te¿, aby nie podawäa si¿ za Królow¿ Ayodhyi, gdy¿ by¿oby to obraz¿ dla naszych przodków". Lakshmana niech¿tnie wrzuca Sita w lesie dla innego uchod¿cy.

  • von Morusu Sivasankar
    31,00 €

    Uttara Kanda est le dernier livre du Ramayana. Il décrit le règne d'Ayodhya de Ram, la naissance de Luv et Kush, le yajna d'Ashvamedha et les derniers jours de Rama. À l'expiration de son exil, Rama retourne à Ayodhya avec Sita, Lakshmana et Hanuman, où se déroule le couronnement. Lorsqu'on lui demande de prouver sa dévotion à Rama, Hanuman s'ouvre la poitrine et, à la surprise de tous, il y a une image de Rama et de Sita à l'intérieur de sa poitrine. Rama règne sur Ayodhya et le règne est appelé "Ram-rajya" (un endroit où les gens du commun sont heureux, comblés et satisfaits). Mais au fil du temps, les espions commencent à entendre des rumeurs selon lesquelles les gens remettent en question la pureté de Sita, qui est restée chez un autre homme pendant un an sans son mari. Les gens du commun commencent à faire des commérages sur Sita et remettent en question la décision de Ram de faire d'elle une reine. Rama est extrêmement désemparé en apprenant la nouvelle, mais finit par dire à Lakshmana que "la pureté de la reine d'Ayodhya doit être au-dessus de tout ragot et de toute rumeur". Emmenez Sita dans une forêt à l'extérieur d'Ayodhya et laissez-la là-bas. Dites-lui aussi de ne pas s'identifier comme la reine d'Ayodhya, car ce serait une insulte à nos ancêtres". Lakshmana dépose à contrec¿ur Sita dans une forêt pour un nouvel exil.

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